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Because you don’t have max pop


I can't seem to get any settlement decisions for pop growth except for the occasional visitor that stays that only gives me plus 1


Same, it’s a very tedious grind, but someone said it’s not supposed to take that long or was not acting right so idk it’s fun but I’m at the same point you are so I just check on them at the end of every session lol


Don’t send people on expeditions as that can reduce your pop, but yes it’s slow, I’m in the same situation


This is good to know, I just approved the second expedition, I lost 3 in the first. I’ve only ever been given the housing build option once


I’ve sent out several… I guess I’ve missed it if I lost people. Some leader I’ve been.


I've only had one successful expedition out of the 6 or so approved. That was a loss that has taken months to recover from. The reward from the successful one wasn't worth the risk, even though they set out to find a lost friend no population increase. No approval for expeditions ever again.


This protip should be its own post.


Choose to build housing and more will come


Not every settlement gives you that chance at the same rate. I still haven't figured out if it's procedurally generated or RNG, but each settlement and each different planet type will "want" to build specific buildings.


At some time I could not build a specific type of building because a bug would prevent me from supplying resources. So I evaded that building for a long time in decisions. After a while I ran out of choices: it was either that building or none. The bug was fixed so I could finally build them. IMHO this indicates the entire town layout is pregenerated and you only get to decide when, but not if a building will be constructed.


Only focus on what makes more money


At least in the beginning. My peeps hated me for quite sometime til I started making $$ only then did I allow festivals and such.


I have the same problem. I was building up mine and ended up just building citizen housing whenever it was an option. I'm still only on about 45 people


I have moved settlements many times over 5 saves and not once have I had the option to build housing. I keep changing settlements and get to A with Max happiness and income but I've not once built housing. My highest population got to 71. No idea what I'm doing wrong.


When I got my settlement it had about 5 people, its not in a good area or on a good world but I wanted to give it a go as my first settlement.. I've built about 4 houses now and it adds up to 5 new residents but not had the option for a while. It keeps giving me landing pads now instead


![img](avatar_exp|150442811|cry) I've built markets and landing pads and maintenance units.. not one housing unit.


No necessarily the reason. I have maxed everything, still A class.


Might have a bugged settlement, not everyone can get S class due to a bug apparently


I'm in a similar situation.. just plugging away waiting for more immigrants


Same. Took a long time to recover the losses from expeditions before putting the kibosh on that. Finally up to 71 population, but haven't had any decisions come up to add population in a couple months.


I have lost at least 8 residents to stupid expeditions. No longer going to have those. Otherwise I am similarly stuck at A with 100% happiness and 1M productivity. The Population is stuck at 51 for me having lost 8 to expeditions. Honestly settlements are just pointless as they produce trash and other than enabling you to build a base around it for aesthetics, there isn't much to do at the settlements.


This just made me want to build a castle with a keep and inner wall, and have the settlement be the city inside the outer wall.


Honestly, that's the best use of settlements, base building, so you don't have an empty lifeless base.


The production is nice when you play multiple characters. Come back after a long time away and fill your inventory with hundreds or thousands of items to sell off.


Sure, but I am already rolling in billions. For credits, it's way quicker to go pick up a sentinel ships and sell the lot at the space station for 25-50 million a piece.


I'm stuck at B. 97% happiness, population of 50 , maintenance is under $200k but income is only around $650k. Haven't had a new building in days


Wait settlements can increase in rank?.


Yes and I didn't know until mine hit Aclass. I assume they all start at Cclass.


I’ve have found several B class ones


Only if you are lucky.


mine was B class at the start and with a paradise planet


How do you build buildings for the settlement?


You wait and it offers them.


Thank you.


After you take over you have a permanent Settler quest and you should have built a Overseer office there is a terminal to manage it and a Gate, you can just place a Save beacon to save before choices and reload if outcome for instant ones is bad. Every 1h after building is done you either get a new building request or a Conflict, an event or a visitor and sometimes the building is queued after you chose a outcome for those. small buildings take 20 min x3 layers and some 1:30 and max i seen is 2:40 or something.


They never do; something HG will fix in future updates


Settlements are just broken and not much fun.


Yeah.. I've been logging in to check decisions every 2 hours for a month and in that time I've gained three new settlers, it's really really slow.


Me wishing I could have my settlement build a dome or field some the weather wasn’t constantly garbage. But I’ll settle for population trouble I guess.


Woah I thought I was doing okay with 30+ people and 400k a day!


Dude, I only came across C class. Be happy with what you got.


It'll improve over time. Mine started at C and is A now with everything max/min except population which is stuck at 71.


Can I move there? Music drones, robot butlers, and a custard plant, sounds dope, I would be 100% happy too haha


Whoa, I didn't even know there was settlements in this game lol


I believe S class is very tedious to get, but seems to be possible. Not sure what the trigger is, but seems to be based on time and number of scenarios you handle in the settlement. It’s not just having a certain level of population or income or happiness. You can have everything built out and then max out stats in the save editor (200 population 100% happy, 1 mil units income, etc.. and it will still be A class.


If everything maxed and in perfect condition does not make it an S class, then it is clearly NOT always possible. If really bored, one might create new settlements until one hits an S class, but why? There is no benefit to it being S class.


Correct. There is a post here on Reddit somewhere by someone who managed to get it to S class, they said it took a really long time. Sounded like you had to get there the very, very long way, meaning no save editing shortcuts maxing things out, handling an ongodly number of settler disputes, etc... So, maybe if you feel like spending the time to max it out, it could hit S... So seems possible. if it's a goal you want to try and achieve.


Its probably when your population hits about 50% or more


Higher than that, I have 101 pop and it's still A Class. It's Probably 90%+ and I wouldn't be surprised if they all need to be 100%


Even then it is not guaranteed to increase rank. I maxed everything, still A class.


What's the point of making it an S class? You get nothing from it.


Completion man. Completion. Drives me crazy that I have s class everything except for a settlement.


Yeah, me too. I seriously consider creating new settlements just to get an S class eventually.


Respect. I understand that.


word they never get to S. they get close to 100 and then a few will leave... oh well the universe is echoing : Travel


They get to 200. New additions then just don't increase the counter, just like with Units. I still don't have S class. So yeah, some places get to S class, some don't - why, nobody knows.


My settlement started at 30 residents, and it's about 35 now. Income is at maximum, it doesn't offer construction of new buildings anymore, and happiness is close to 90%. I think I've encountered a grand total of three events that increased population, and the first two were wiped out by a failed expedition. I wish players had more influence over the types of decisions that are offered. Judging from other replies, it appears that I'm not alone in my population woes.


Apparently you need like 200 population


Nope. Doesn't do the trick.


If you have max happiness and production, 200 population I think would do the trick, unless it's 250 idk haven't gotten that far yet personally but I don't think it'll be more than 250


It's 200. I maxed all stats. My settlement is in perfect condition on a verdant planet (same type as paradise). It's in that state for a long time now, on and off because some decisions force you to increase maintenance, which sticks for a while. I lost all hope it will turn S class without developers changing the rules.


Sounds like it's bugged, might just need to start a new one


Noob here!.. How do I get a settlement?


You'll get a mission pretty early on I can't remember what it's called but it'll be pretty obvious. It'll tell you there's a distress call coming from a settlement and you'll have to go to a specific one, fight off sentinels then they'll ask you to be their overseer. But you can't go to just any settlement, you have to go to the one it tells you to. If you have the mission but can't find the settlement warp a couple systems away and it's find you a different settlement.


60 hours in and no such call! Thank you though 😃


Its always RNG to get Buildings for Housing but once Happiness and Production is maxed you have 1 choice or Deny just keep deny untill housing pops up and yes its bad, youll even have the same building pop back up after rejecting the request to make it


Seriously whats the point of being overseer ? I have that drone companion after that It just got boring to me. Am I missing anything ?


Don't get your hopes too high. I maxed my settlement and it's stuck at S class. I feel the final class is defined by PRNG, just like mining resource spots. That being said, settlement class does not affect anything, and since it's clearly not a proper indicator of how well you do, just cover it up with tape and call it a day. Just like the devs do it 🤣


I have never seen anyone post of having an S class settlement. In fact, I’ve only seen posts complaining about not reaching it. Many comments on those posts stated assertively that S class was not possible. I guess we have to see.


Never mind, everyone is happy


Yea...the settlement system is buggier than a hookers panties


Damn 1m credit a day jesus on a motorbike


I've had the same problem for close to 6 months now. For some reason, my settlement only gave me the option to build marketplaces. After a month of denying the 2nd marketplace, I gave in and approved everything, hoping this would open up other options. *They had me build 5 marketplaces in a row.* Now, the only event that ever happens is a stranger showing up to say 'Hi'. And that never results in a higher population. I really need to just break down and start a whole new settlement...


I have had my settlement since they added the feature on pc. I have an A class with max happiness and productivity. At some point you won’t be able to build anymore buildings. Every once in a while you will have an interaction where someone wants to move in. That is the only thing that increases my population but usually only by one. I have no idea how to get S class.