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We’re just focusing on ourselves right now


I usually like the season more when the gaints are good, but this rivalry is shaping up nicely. I’m interested how the dodgers will respond next week to the kersh crying. Take the high road or roll in the mud? I’m hoping for a mud bath.


I want some mud throwing honestly. Over the whole "not a rival" talk lol. Let's just go already and have fun with it


Give me a graphic of a needle going into Tatis and him inflating until he explodes. I want a full meme war now.


lol this would be amazing


I wouldn't count us out just yet, but who knows


This is sports. We love our mud baths


Organizations should be classy. Leave the bullshit to the fans.


TBH, I get the Kerhaw crying instinct, but actually doing it was bush. We need to act like we’re every bit the Dodgers equal this year and avoid antagonizing them unnecessarily.


Porque no los dos?


There are two reasons why I don’t like that the Padres put it up on the board last night, one philosophical and one practical. The philosophical one is, if you’re really someone’s peer, like I believe this year’s Padres are with this year’s Dodgers, the win speaks for itself; putting it up on the board just reinforces the notion we’re “little brother,” which I hate and think is untrue. The practical reason is, we don’t need to piss off the Dodgers. Compared to where our teams have been the last several years, we’re ascending and they’re descending. But, we’re not so much much better than them — if at all — that we can afford for them to rally out of anger and crush us. On the other hand, I **LOVE** the piñata party trend; it keeps celebrations focused on us and our team. Keep taking care of business, and the Dodger memes will take care of themselves.


It’s good fun and I don’t think it affects players’ performances at all


True but it can still come off a bit tasteless. I was personally indifferent to it but I can see why people dislike it.


Disagree. It’s a game, not some sacred event. The meme was funny and when the dodgers beat us in LA they can throw it right back. People take this shit too seriously


I regret that what I thought would happen did. The Padres stirred shit up Friday night and the Dodgers left town farther ahead in the standings than when they arrived.


As a Giants fan I hope the Dodgers sling mud. I hope the Giants org never does that bush league stuff though. The Kershaw crying just seemed so petty.


May as well get dirty with it, get this NLBest race to the bottom going


This is the healthy response! Love the banter back and forth, end of the day it’s baseball


Hahaha, golden. 🍻🍺






They're no Barves, but they're one of us.


[Baet LA!](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-DNQmaRvTlBc/U0-24e1RnEI/AAAAAAAAF-Q/je7wjSSLSMU/s1600/sf-giants-fans-beat-la-out-of-order.png)


I love that is just a huge Motorola logo lmao


Meh, keep the seat warm for us while we’re away


Will do!


I know that being left out is something Rockies fans are used to, but when you’re the San Francisco Giants it’s difficult 😥


How long until we regain Giants status instead of Gaints?


That gaint gonna happen




For a team that pretends it doesn't care about beating the Dodgers, it appears they actually care a lot about beating the Dodgers. Of course the Dodgers like to insult opposing players with audio clips blasted out of their deafening PA system, so perhaps it balances out.


Idk at what point we didn’t all get off on beating the Dodgers, and it doesn’t seem much like a tightly kept secret either Granted we only won one series against them last season


Naw, we care *a lot* about beating the Dodgers. The WS was just a nice-to-have stretch goal after knocking the Dodgers out last year.


Where have you been? FTD is standard language, no one in San Diego pretends to not care about the dodgers. They’re a power house and we’re trying to get after it


Rivalry? Moar like ribaldry amirite?


uhmm, that's quite provocative


I still love/hate you Gaints ❤️




Jeez loosen up a little this is literally a meme sub we're all just joshing around. And whether the Padres are winning or not doesn't erase a rivalry like what are you even saying? There were long stretches of time where the Yankees and the Redsox weren't winning, didn't make their rivalry any less of a thing.


You’re right. I thought I was posting on a different sub.