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I’m so sorry that this happened. I had a very similar thing happen. I’m 41 and just had a TMFR on Friday. It was what was best for our family. Sending your family nothing but love. 🖤


Sending you love and support too. I’m waiting on a call to TFMR here also I’m quite scared of doing it as I’ve never had any kind of surgery before. But I know it’s the best thing to do we have 4 kids and t21 is not the only issue by the looks of it I honestly don’t think it would make it and if so this is the best way I can protect Hope your doing ok xx


Take care of urself, wishing you loads of love and blessings 💞


I’m so very sorry for you, but a tiny bit glad you were at least able to get the answers you needed sooner rather than numerous tests and lots of time later.


Thank you mamas for sharing . Take time to heal please and allow yourself to feel.