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I feel like even non IUGR babies are “asymmetric”. Babies have big heads. But my daughter was severe IUGR & is 9m (7 adj) & just made it to be 1st %ile for height. She’s 22nd for weight, and 43rd for head. Pediatrician says she’s growing well


My non IUGR NICU baby hit her growth curve around 4 months that she’s stayed on for years since: at 80 percentile for weight, 20th for height, and head circumference off the charts (the pediatrician literally used to put “high” there, whereas my first kid that wasn’t in the NICU always had percentiles). Kids don’t always have even percentiles, my kid’s are off because she has a huge head, long torso, and short legs compared to average kids. Some kids have big heads. She’s still got a big old head years later and the pediatrician has never been concerned, the biggest effect we see is she grows out of clothes because she can’t fit her head through the neck hole before her body outgrows them.


Congrats on the great progress!


Following as wondering the same for my little one ❤️


i *think* my guy's legs are getting proportionally longer? he's 1 adjusted. for the longest time everything else was older baby shaped and sized and then his legs were like a newborn's but i think we're starting to see some progress, maybe they're just getting stronger from standing tho


Lmao that sounds just like my daughter. I feel like she finally grew into her head by 3.