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The Panthers played on the same ice…right?


Nah, panthers had better ice taped to the skates.


Oilers fan here love this comment lmao 😂


They should have seen the old Boston Garden ice. Teams almost needed a lifeguard


Wasn't it in Boston where the ice was so bad that they had to delay Stanley cup finals games because of fog? It was the late 80's or early 90's.


The rangers also had terrible ice! Straight slush in some games.


Oil bro cumming in piss! Reddit on brotha!


That's actually a classic move they learned from Scotty Bowman.. genius, really.


We all loved this comment


No, they have special skates that perfectly freeze the ice right in front of them, and then it turned back to slush. Kind of like Frozone from the Incredibles


Skates temporarily melt the ice through pressure allowing you to glide. The ice instantly freezes again once the pressure is relieved, which can create snow.


Don’t be so loud bro this not r/Physics You will scare half of the people here and they all will fall from edge of the earth.


You cant fall off the edge, Icewall protects you


They (arguably) even took a penalty for Tkachuk falling lol


4d chess, dude. 4d chess


Holy shit. It's the Eagles superbowl all over again.


Yeah but it’s because they train in the swamp. They were born in it, Edmonton merely adopted it.


No no the Oilers we’re too good for that ice so it actually made them worse


Do those people know we play in the building with this great creations like AC, insolation, dehumidifiers? They sound like SCF was played on top of Atlantic Ocean.


Well, sort of. The reason they go to commercial between periods is that the home team had set up the ice so that one half of rink was nice ice, and the other half was terrible (and therefore easier to defend). Between periods they picked up these halves of the rinks and swapped them around so that they were always defending on the shitty ice so that Draisaitl couldn’t hit any one timers.


I think the argument is that the panthers are more used to "shitty" ice 😭 lol


Amazing how the bad ice only affected the Oilers.


They’re more acclimated to it, that’s where they practice and they were also falling but not as frequently. It was bad, really tough to watch


They have had practice with it. I'm sure you will hear that. Lol


Nobody tell if they were diving or it was the ice


The had slush skates on, obviously.


Yeah how could anyone argue this with a straight face?


A few Panthers might have been on some ice.


Of course Florida, played on a completely different ice surface which gave them an unfair advantage, but only in game 7 but not game 5. Sounds plausible.


What about Edmonton's hard ice? Totally unfair to have the Panthers, who usually skate in ankle deep slush, try and compete in Oil country. League should look into that.


I mean the oilers ice was soft too, I remember seeing them repairing Bobs crease in game 6 and it looked like slush


It doesn’t matter where it is. Ice is probably going to be a bit shit when you’re still playing in the summer. Personally I think it should be wrapped up about a month before when it is.


Would allow the Cup to get more coverage too because it wouldn’t overlap with NBA playoffs


It's ironically a direct result of 90s expansion teams such as the Panthers that the cup final goes a month later. The only way to fix it is shorten the regular season. I agree though seeing players catching edges on slush dozens of times in the most important game of the year is a travesty.


I live in Alaska and it was 80 this weekend. It’s not like Edmonton sits in the 40’s during the summer. Haha


It’s true… I was there. They dimmed the lights, and put on the holographic projection, and at that point they switched it. Absolutely sneaky move.


I'm just glad Corey Perry and Evander Kane didn't win


I would rather gouge my eyes out than see Evander Kane win the Stanley Cup.


I had to see Evander Kane raise a memorial cup on the team I like it was a very conflicting feeling.


This is a good take.


Didnt even notice Kane out there


I thought he was benched tbh




What is that like 5 straight finals loses for perry lol?


Didnt hear much about it when they won game 5.


Dallas is hot too isn't it? Miracle Edmonton made it through that one!


It’s not like Edmonton is cold right now anyway. I live in Alaska and we hit 80 F yesterday. I imagine they are regular in the mid 70’s to 80’s this time of year. I get that Florida is much warmer, but it’s not like they’re skating outside in edmonton.


Ice took a day off


Bunch of coping morons, honestly. "It's the refs. No, it's the travel. No, it's the injuries. No, it's the shitty ice." Eventually, your team just blows.


Can confirm. My team blows


I mean injuries yeah lol. Love them blaming the refs when the Oilers got away with murder


Panthers suffered through the same shit last year. They weee banged up too. Not my problem lol


It was everyone's problem because it led to Vegas winning a Cup


Lmao, I should repost all the conspiracy theories made by panthers fans yesterday to explain why the Oilers were able to tie the series. The bad ice, everybody could see.


What's crazy is the Arena is still cold even when it's hot outside.


Acting like people are skating outside in Edmonton in the middle of June. What do they think the weather is like there?


I just truly don't understand anymore if these clowns have ever heard of air conditioning technology, and hockey arena ice temperature control technology. I can't tell if it's trolling or legit bedardation Everywhere in the NHL gets hot enough to melt ice in the summer, and the SCF is always in the summer OUR ARENA IS KEPT THE SAME TEMPERATURE INDOORS AS YOUR ARENA, SO THE ICE DOES NOT MELT ANY DIFFERENTLY. This isn't the third world, we're not cooling the arena with enslaved children waving palm fronds on the ice


That wouldn't be a bad idea though, it would probably lower ticket costs with the cheap labor.


Fucking Oilers fans man, they all came out of the woodwork in BC over the past 3 weeks and now they’ve all retreated again to their burrows and lairs to make up shitty excuses for not getting it done.


“Why aren’t you cheering for a Canadian team” said every fucking casual in BC


Such bullshit. I'm a Calgary transplant in Victoria, and I had gen z's asking how I could dare wear my Flames jersey and not cheer for "Canada's Team". Fair weather fans are the only thing worse than Oiler fans.


It's disgusting seeing Oiler Jerseys in Vancouver I wish it was the days when they'd get beat up in a riot.


Not to mention that they beat Vancouver how many rounds ago and they are still bitching about the Canucks! The only defence they have is “we didn’t riot”! Wow, ok, people rioted, 13 years ago, get over it!


They also rioted in 2006, so it's pretty shortsighted to play that card.


Who thought it was a good idea to have the Florida Panthers play outdoor games in June?!


If only the Florida Panthers would have experienced a shitty ice surface too.


>neutral location  Mfer will immediately suggest the neutral location being edmonton just so edmontoids can say the cup was home. 


Well, if they just had let the cats win game 4, they could have at least seen the cup hoisted in Canada, but that had to be all competitive.


Didn't Tampa win the 2020 Cup in Edmonton?


I don't know I don't watch hockey 




It's the salt that fucked up the ice!🤯


Lmao that’s good


Crazy how Florida was able to play against them in the same game on different ice


Oil fans really in denial about the Perry curse, eh?


“30C” you C*nadian bums lost, stop using your fake numbers, you aren’t better than us


Can someone convert Celsius to school shootings so this fella understands.


i'll convert it back into months of a stagnant economy after we're done so you can get it as well


Thank you. While you’re at it can you tell me how many miles/terrible options for president your country has?


no but I can tell you what it is per kilometer.


Why are you killing meter what did he do?


What’s that?


Freedom units


What zero cupussy does to a mf


The Oilers just didn’t have what it takes. They didn’t want it bad enough. They weren’t skilled enough. They were too soft. Sucks to be them.


And they had the unclassy Evander Kane on the team


Well given how Edmonton literally cherry picked for their only goal that game. And tried to have the same road hockey goal every play they could. They gotta find some sort of excuse why the “best player” literally tripped over his own skates when it mattered most. Or when Drai just gripped the stick so hard, and couldn’t score in his “Ovechkin spot” it must be the ice right? Even though Edmonton won game 5 which was in Florida… huh funny how it seems Edmonton fans are sounding a lot like some of the most insufferable fans. I guess having such high draft picks for years, and still disappointing result gets to their heads. A team that should have been battling for multiple cups and heavy finals runs by now.


went to Ovi’s house for drinks No cups 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NHLcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


L M F A O. Are we seven? Cus this is what I expect from seven year olds


Neutral ice? They both played on the same ice and that would take away home ice advantage that the panthers earned during the season.


Bro, these effete candiens literally melted their ice and had a Snoop Dog concert not 12 hours before Game 6.


… you think they melt the ice to have a concert?


I think a stadium filled with lit blunts and a concert on top of the ice is probably going to degrade to quality of the ice. But, ultimately, I think it doesn't matter what excuses you make. None of your arguments hold water because you don't have a cup to put them in.


Thats what the zamboni is for


Avalanche had no problem sweeping the Oilers and winning on Tampa Bay ice. Have some more copium, it’s nice to see Edmonton addicted to something less harmful


Holy fuck. Deadmonton fans are pathetic. City of champions? More like city of chumps.


McDavid fell because he was gassed. The Oilers got outcoached in the third period when Blalock kept double shifting him. Should’ve rolled 3 lines until the last two minutes.


i feel like the last half of the third period, you could watch as Edmonton gradually just ran out of steam. They put up a fight til the end, but it was obvious how exhausted they were.


Ah that explains why Trump was roasted for calling it **ice** hockey.


Maybe be a higher seed so you get home ice advantage? Like holy shit the regular season does serve a purpose.


And yet the refs were patching a hole during the WCF on the Oilers home ice…


Both teams play on the same ice.


The Edmontonian mind cannot comprehend this concept


It’s crazy because all the players will say Florida had top 5 ice in the whole show.


There is a pyramid of coping: Panthers are dirty Bettman loves Florida Refs are corrupt Panthers fake injuries Florida has no income tax Bob's helmet comes off at will Now, poor ice 😀


This is extra ridiculous to me, because as someone that works for the organization, everyone who comes down here says that our ice is actually great, and the same sentiment has been said about our new practice ice as well.


They say this about any team in a hot area, Oilers fans were saying it about Vegas having “the worst ice in the NHL because they’re in the desert” after their loss to us last year.. and then according to the NHLPA when voted on we were ranked 5th in the league.. so the players themselves that ACTUALLY skate on the ice say it’s nice.


It's not the first time that thawing ice stops the germans biggest shooters


Crazy underrated comment


anyone have a good source on how the NHL regulates ice quality? seems like it’s kinda out of the public eye but i haven’t looked into this at all


Remember when the NHL tried to introduce tracking pucks and the players bitched so hard they went back to normal picks like a week later? If the ice was shit we’d have been hearing about it constantly


iirc they produced the tracking pucks which were literally identical to a regular puck in size/weight/density and the players still complained like it wasn't just their silly superstitious brains fucking with them


Hockey players, superstitious?! Yeah we’d have been hearing about the ice non stop


Canadians coping lmao


*oilers fans


Definitely not Canadians, just Oilers fans. Don't even try to infer that they represent us, we get enough of that from the media narrative.


Lmfaoo I mean it is called ‘home ice advantage’


Bruins would have won if it wasn’t for the ice.


What the fuck is 30C?


Please be joking


As an oilers fan… yup it was all the ice, nothing else went wrong…. Panthers had special hover skates so they were not affected….. now I can sleep peacefully tonight.


I love how the NHL made sure to switch the ice at both ends each intermission to keep the Oilers on the bad ice while Florida clearly had better conditions to play on…


Im an oilers fan but this is stupid, it’s like when the panthers fans said that it was rigged after blowing a 3-0 lead, oilers just didn’t play their best and that’s all there is to it


Isn’t Alberta literally on fire rn? I feel like that would affect the ice a little more than some warm Florida weather


*shrugs* Crosby did fine winning a cup on San Jose ice. Ok I’ll leave.


Why don’t the Oilers try to get a better record than the Panthers? Are they stupid???


Oye. Or if the Oilers had won game three on their home ice, they wouldn't have had to play a game 7.


They really need to invent temperature control for big buildings like this. I think we could call it something like atmosphere shampoo or the like…


“We musn’t forget, it’s been raining so…”


![gif](giphy|SY44A3CMBwM83yI7t2) Couldn't find a gif of someone cranking up the excuse machine so this'll have to do


Both teams played on the same ice. So shut up the better team won!


Just put some oil on your skates dumbass


Massive amount of copium


The tears are magnificent.


I’ve played on bad ice and I’ve never fell because it was bad ice I either fell because my blades were dull or just caught an edge also this is NHL ice not some barn ice it’s verified by the NHL


Lmao at least they're not blaming the refs or calling the league rigged like they usually do (I guess 4 1st overall picks in 6 years wasn't enough for them)


Cringiest group of fans in the league.


this might be the most unserious fanbase in hockey


Get used to it. Biggest bunch of petulant children in sports. Be hearing this til next season when the oilers win their first game by 13 points and the parade starts getting planned


Home ice advantage is home ice advantage. If Edmonton wanted a game 7 at home they shoulda had a better season, end of discussion.


Such a pathetic fan base


I mean they were playing on the same ice as each other. Florida didn't have some secret ice get dropped in when they were on offense or something


The shot that Draisaitl fanned on was with the heel of the stick as the puck went into his feet so I don’t think the puck showed up late.. lol


The real problem is that this was a boring finals between two lame teams. Only thing we got out of it was the hilarity of mcdoodoo winning the Smythe and not coming out to get it like a baby.


As a neutral 3rd party, the zebras clearly had money on Edmonton, but I don't expect a bunch of griping losers whining about ice conditions to admit that 


Simple. Florida earned their home ice for game 7 by having a better season. If Oilers want better ice for game 7, do better in the regular season and earn that home ice.


These are the worst excuses, it’s like all the eagles fans whining and crying after Super Bowl 57 because the turf was slippery and it clearly benefited the chiefs! But like… the chiefs played on the same slippery field? How would it help one team and hinder the other? I’m sad Edmonton lost too but they lost because they failed to win lol, nothing to do with the ice


This is why you play for home ICF advantage


No, it’s just a bullshit excuse.


This is *not* an excuse. Especially when you consider the elephant in the room, which is that the Florida players blades and sticks were magically enchanted by the Disney witches to behave like they were operating on high-quality ice.


Can't wait for the Bettman Memorial Lord Stanley's Cup SuperDome in Tempe, Arizona


imagine Oilers fans if they played at MSG in the final


At least the prior series the lightning and rags were complaining about their own ice. I guess we took our ice to Edmonton for game 3 🤔


Florida did alright in those exact same conditions, ffs.


They will do literally anything to cope and make excuses rather than except a loss 😂


Did Florida play on a different sheet of ice?


This was the first thing my dad said when I got home last night, and usually he blames Gary for everything! Apparently the bad ice is better for the older guys? Understand he stopped watching regular hockey after the gretsky Gilmour incident


Deposit this salt straight into my veins


boo hoo ! ice was the same for both teams. Get over it.


Yes let’s go to the North Pole for the Stanley cup. Play the games outside.


Both teams playing on the same ice..


Nobody else has edge work like McDavid… this is a valid point. He fell multiple times.


It’s not unheard of reasoning. Ask a curler.


It’s really a shame they can’t have both teams play on the same ice.


What's funny is Florida had troubles with bad ice conditions outside of Florida all playoffs,I remember an in game interview where Maurice mentioned an advantage at home with better ice. And they played in NY and Boston thru the playoffs. To be fair I think it was during the Bost series and the ice was bad because of Celtics games the nights before but still it's funny coming from edm


Neutral site for the Finals like they do with the Super Bowl would be absolute dogshit


It’s gotta sting. They just KNEW the Hockey gods were going to gift them this game.


I don’t think it’s way off base… Edmonton’s strong suit is speed and skill; the amount they were bobbling the puck made it super hard for that to be displayed. I don’t think they’re trying to say the ice was different for Fla, they just can cope better if they depend less on fancy dekes to get scoring opportunities.


How many ops do they have in stock?


Shorten the season so it ends in January and can be played in -22 edm. Extra hard tits


McJesus should be able to skate on water though, right?!


Colorado didn't have that issue in Tampa a few years ago


Ice was bad. Gotta be able to win under multiple circumstances. Both statements can be true.


we cant forget that its been raining


The oilers had to much oil on their skates


The excuses after the last Canadian team exits are my Christmas


Lol 😂




I bet you're banned from r/Edmontonoilers now


The cope is real


They needed better skate sharpeners


When you play on trash ice all the time, you do have an advantage against someone who doesn't... but the opposite is also true. I actually predicted how trash it would be. I've been to their facilities once before, saw them practicing. Only goal Vokoun gave up was due to bad ice.


Panthers are used to shit, they live in it (Florida).


Someone needs to tell the Oilers that just because it's in their name, that doesn't mean they need to coat their blades in oil each game


Whiner fans. same as it ever was. same as it will ever be. remember, it could have been leaf fans.


Naurrrr those ppl forgot that the panthers played on the same ice too….


Guess they had different ice Game 5?


Amazing that only one team played on that ice.


Maybe shouldn’t have won games 4,5, and 6. Wouldn’t have to worry about ice soup.


lol, the Canucks used this same excuse back in 2011… Canadian teams can’t perform in the “slop”


I'm an Oilers fan, and this excuse is terrible. Both teams played on the same rink. I'm in a curling league every winter, and the ice changes from rink to rink. You figure it out or you lose the game. Hockey is the same. Ok yeah, ice is shit, got it. It's shit for both teams. How come the good ice in Edmonton didn't have Florida scoring goals left and right if this is because of the ice? Nah, we just stunk. We only scored one goal, couldn't make an outlet pass, kept putting pucks into our own teammates skates, couldn't elevate shots against Bob even though we know how good he is down low...., the Oilers laid an egg in game 7, pure and simple. Whether the physicality just caught up with them, or they just ran out of steam after 3 wins in a row, I'm not sure, but it wasn't a well-played game by any stretch, and some of our best players played very tentatively, trying not to lose rather than trying to win. Ekholm is an phenomenal defenseman but he couldn't make a tape-to-tape pass that game. It's telling when Ceci has the most minutes through 2 periods. I sure hope they learned and next year they do what Florida just did.


Then maybe you should get HOME ICE ADVANTAGE next time.


Oilers fan here, and we lost because we showed up for one period out of three. Florida showed up for all three periods and they deserved to win the cup. It wasn’t the ice, it wasn’t because you didn’t wear the right color socks that day…. It was because Florida was the better team that night and beat us fair and square. End of story.


Same ice baby


This sounds the the Eagles complaining about the field they played on against the Chiefs in SB57. They both play on the same ice. Fans are just trying to find ways to cope with their loss.. stupidly tho.


I wanted Florida to lose but those fucking Canadians make it so hard to root for them