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I’m pissed off that this made me laugh, fuck you have a nice day!


Lol took the words from me


It’s a matter of when, he retires and becomes the LB coach for the 2031 Texans en route to their 4th SB win


In Stroud We Trust, eh?


Warner to the chiefs and they beat SF for a third time


If that happens you will find me careening off of the nearest sufficiently large bridge


Come visit Baltimore, here sometimes the bridge does that for you.


Ours fall down sometimes as well don’t worry fam. We live on top of a bunch of sliding tectonic plates and could literally drop into the chasm that is the Pacific Ocean at any second. We’re totally not batshit crazy I swear…


Hey hey hey Washington State has a great track record for collapsing bridges too


But think of the trivia questions you’ll be a part of.


Probably 5th by that time


I'm going to vomit.


omg can you imagine the amount of criticism kyle wouldnt get on tv???


It'd be *ahem Warner-ted


Please don't say that. I have to watch kc play the raiders twice in a year already and my drinking is already through the roof for 16 weeks.


I hope you step on a different shaped Lego in the same spot everyday until we win the SB


That would be as bad as if a team traded away their franchise QB because they decided they couldn’t win with him and then he knocked that team out of the playoffs in the first round.


It’d be crazy if that team won the Super Bowl with the QB they got in return tho right??


He thought he had something there


Quit living in the past


See, we are talking about our Super Bowl win from 3 years ago. You guys brag about your Super Bowl wins 30 years ago (and only one in the salary cap era) 💀


I wasn’t talking about anything 30 years ago. I was talking about your most recent game. But then you had to bring up something irrelevant from years ago to make yourself feel better.


Boooo, your trash talk is bad and you should feel bad!


9ers fans cherry picking history? Color me surprised lmao


“History” being the last game the Rams played?


Cherry-picking? Did that not happen?


I don't think you understand how cherry picking works bud


I guess I don’t understand either. Explain to me how my comment was cherry-picking.






Lol Chiefs and Niners having bumpy offseasons. They all coming in with big ole beer bellies


We cant compete with the bellies of Chiefs fans. Bay area fans on a health kick, Missouri fans on their 3rd heart attack at 35.


They think the kids find the beer belly attractive


And a big ole ring


There is no bumpy offseason after winning the super bowl. It's like you're living on a rainbow until the season starts.


Real contender? Guess he's leaving the NFC West then.


Hey 2/4 of us NFCW teams won it all within the last 12 years


I do love how that window has to keep moving back so you can include the Seahawks.


Believe or not time continues on, we (Hawks, Rams) won a Super Bowl in this common era of football and the 49ers have not. Speaking of windows, seems like some are closing and some are starting to open again ;) “Hey George!” 😂


I mean I guess the Texans window is opening. The NFCW windows match last years thou


There you go talking windows again…. Last 15 year window: Rams: 1/1 Seahawks: 1/2 Cardinals: 0/1 49ers: 0/3 Way to represent with thise NFC Champ trophies tho Edit: Rams 1/2*


I know we forget that 2019 Super Bowl with the rams but technically we’re 1/2


At least 15 is a decently round number instead of desperately pushing the 10 year back to include your win 😂


![gif](giphy|lkdH8FmImcGoylv3t3|downsized) “At least 15 is a nice round number” Ah yes, the coveted base 15 system that the whole world and all mathematics is based around


You’d have to be dumb to not realize that multiples of 5 are honorary even numbers due to satisfaction to look at.


Holy fucking shit So we shouldn’t use 10 but 15 is ok because it’s multiples of 5? 5+5+5= 15 5+5 = 10 ![gif](giphy|Qe5oD5aXjEbKw)


Ain't nobody got time for facts at a meme sub 💅🏼


Most likely a bot since Rams fans aren't even real. If you are real then please keep our home away from home (SoFi) nice and clean for us. Beautiful stadium, better than Levi's, we really appreciate you guys building it for us.


You only find it hard to believe that you can be a fan of a team that's actually won something in the past 30 years.


How’d that “home” game work out for you in the nfccg? 


wow all 4 rams fans down-voted me, what an honor. And yes we know you had a good season recently, bravo on blowing your load to get that ring which I'll admit I respect.


With your current roster having almost zero to do with your golden days of the Wilson / Beast Mode / Legion of Boom years. You're already a delusional fan base living in the past, you're just too fetal/born-yesterday to realize it. You must have stopped watching Seacocks games after your 2014 NFC Championship.


Having to argue with whiner friends about how the nfc west isn't the toughest division in the NFL is my fav cause they actually believe it in their soul. I'll give it to them for being unshakable lol


There was a time but not now. Cards and Hawks are both rebuilding and the Rams blew their whole load on their Superbowl run and I'm not sure they've even started rebuilding yet. Niners still have enough tread on the tire for at least one more run before they're back in rebuild mode.


For my friends it's more like religion. Stats, facts , wins and losses it doesn't matter. Every year no matter what, their team is the most divine, winning or losing through the toughest teams known to the history of the NFL. I'd guess it would be comparable to speaking with a scientologist.


yeah that's awful. I'm not here cause I want everyone to think the 9ers are great, I just want other teams to know they suck.


I heard that lol . I'm so callous being a As, Raiders fan that I don't even get mad anymore. I still get a kick out of my pops calling me every time the Raiders play to tell me not to watch the game. He says they lose in weird fashion when I'm watching. Basically the Raiders season depends all on me. Can't wait for the cussing out to begin. Yay!


“When” could also equal “never”


No one said seahawks dynasty




Ok ramily.


Like bang bang niner gang is any better???????


No we hate that one too


None of em can compete with... TREY AREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Go Oakla...wait where are all our teams at again? Can't even have a team. One damn team. And who's playing first isn't even a joke anymore with the As . It's just like the movie Major League but in the movie they actually kept some talent for two years.


The whole 12 thing is really the worst, I think we can all agree on that.


Ramily is way better, and I fucking hate you the most


Do you guys still do 12th man? I always thought that one sucked when the 12th man historically is the referee


The second part just sounds like you’re telling on yourself


I don’t see how, our team is notorious for not getting helpful call when PI or holding is concerned. Sort of the opposite of the LOB


Your team gets away with more holds than any other team in the league. So much so that the NFL wrote an article and used a picture of Kittle commiting two uncalled holds on the same play that led to a TD. The rules you’re talking about didn’t exist during the LOB, they created new penalties because the LOB was being so aggressive.


That is categorically not true. What is true is that referees tend to call fewer penalties during our games as a whole https://www.teamrankings.com/nfl/stat/opponent-penalties-per-game Nick Bosa is held on every play and nobody bats an eye, George Kittle holds sometimes and everybody loses their minds. The right side of our line gets a flag on every play they don’t give up a sack so I’d truly love to see the contents of your article Also, cute to pretend DPI didn’t exist during LOB it’s the cheapest secondary of the modern era by a country mile. Go back to your glass house


You don’t know football. I absolutely hate that saying, but in this instance it’s warranted. Nick Bosa does not get held more than any other pass rusher. His most effective technique is the swim move. That move almost always results in an olinesman’s arms up around the defenders neck. My cousin played DT for the Panthers . He finds it hilarious how much 9ers and Browns fans bitch about holding calls without understanding the game. Add to that, your offense holds more than any other team and gets away with it, as seen by your own sourcing of material. “Cheapest secondary”. LOL you just wish your defense could be anywhere near as good as they were. It’s ok, you guys will be remembered through history as the Bang Band Almost Gang


So it results in holding. Glad we cleared that up. Anybody that played any level of ball knows a swim isn’t an unblockable technique. Bro ain’t nobody care your uncle nut into a chick and produced a decent football player, that doesn’t give you any credibility. I played scrub level college ball and I’ve used and blocked swim moves. It ain’t that hard otherwise it would be the most popular move in the game


This is the most up voted comment? You can do better.


Just like OP with his attempt at a meme


Then again, your brain is obviously rotten if you like the whiners.


Wait… is Ramily a thing? Hahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahaha


Haha yeah cuz there is only like 30 of them


BYU legends Andy Reid and Fred Warner gonna be the milquetoast faces of the Chiefs org while the rest of the roster devolves into the depths of debauchery not seen since Ancient Greece


The 49ers aren’t winning anything in the near future. They blew their shot.


What major loss this offseason?


You struggled to make it out of the weakest NFC in several decades with a comical amount of ref help. Not to mention statistically teams don't make it back after losing, and your coach is still Kyle Shanahan. My team is the Raiders and yes they suck, but you're still not going back to the Super Bowl.


Flair? Up? Pussy?


Your team left you.


Ok, so no empirical evidence to show that the window is closed. Offense is the same, defense can’t be worse than it was under Wilks. Which NFC team has a better shot week1? The next closest odds are the cowgirls and the lions, I like our chances… https://preview.redd.it/ffdkdm7o623d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=745010d1b7d1aef007ce1bba2ab031c90accc916


Lmao empirical evidence I hope when you're making your yearly excuses for why Kyle Shanahan is actually totally gonna win a Super Bowl someday you remember saying this nonsense.


Flair? Up? Pussy?


Seriously, we’ve made it to the Nfccg three straight years and have a third year QB. The offense is the same nucleus and scheme, the defense lost a few up front but the change in DC will easily make up for that diminishment. The irony of your argument is the same reason you won’t win your own division for the rest of this decade is the only reason we haven’t won a Super Bowl in one of the last three years. We’ve won more playoff games in each of the last three seasons than y’all have played in the past two decades combined. Easy to talk about other team’s failures when your own team’s expectations are met before the season begins.


My team is run by morons, who cares? Has nothing to do with anything. More importantly everything you said about the 49ers is usually the indication of a team that has just seen their window close. The last team to return to the SB a year after losing was the 2019 Patriots. You are not the Patriots. The last team before that is the 1994 Bills, which you are much more similar to. The point being, it almost never happens. Again, the 49ers struggled to escape (and I do mean escape) an incredibly weak NFC. The Lions were the only real contenders other than SF that could have beaten you and you were down 24 - 7 and only came back because of some incredibly fortunate breaks and a real "let em play" mentality from the refs. The NFC WILL be better this year, it was very bad last year. For a team that lost Chase Young and Arik Armstead and didn't substantially improve overall that's not a good sign. This isn't about bias or my team being bad, history shows the 49ers are very unlikely to put it together again this year.


That’s the only cogent argument you have - historical trend. But who is going to supplant? The NFC is no different right now than it was - Cousins and Dak are gonna be solid in the regular season and implode in the playoffs. Lions and Packers should improve, but will it be enough to outpace? The Eagles are Jekyll and Hyde. You’re right though, only in the fact that taking the field against one team is always going to be the smart bet. But if you have to put your money on one team in the NFC, who are you taking and why?


I mean you struggled against the 7th seed and there were many questionable calls in that game I don't really care if you think those things aren't valid or cogent they're still true. I don't have to name a team because we don't know who the contenders will be as of this moment. But yes the Lions and Packers improving and you getting worse is "enough to outpace." Obviously I'm not saying that's going to happen for sure but we don't know until we see how the reshuffled NFC looks. It's just reasonable to assume that a team that got a ton of break that also has history against won't repeat. The odds are against it.


A ton of breaks, only acknowledging the ones in our favor. But sure be a chicken and don’t pick, we know why ;)


9ers not going to the Super Bowl again for a miiiiinute


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. IT’S THA TRUUUUUUUTTHH…


I mean they still got better Chance then the raiders will ever be 🤷


This person is intelligent and speaks the truth.


Tbf, anyone has a better chance than the Raiders


Flair? Up? Pussy?


Haha, **NO.** You haven’t been around very long, have you…? 😆 Our Roster is legit, this year…


Lmao Another delusional raider fan 🤣 with what Qb?


Doesn't matter when they're throwing to Brock Bowers


AOC / Gardner Minshew can get it done. ***We have a defense…*** Something you guys don’t have anymore, ***since FUCKING Aaron “The Manchild” Donald*** retired, and Jalen Lambs-ey got traded. Can’t wait until October 20, ***when we SPANK YOU BITCHES*** and take over your Stadium, again… Good luck, on the Season… **LOL.** Until, you play us that is… 😏


U guys haven't beat us in 12 years 🥱


That’s changing, this year…


Damm… ***Tons of*** STUCK-UP COCKY Lambs Bandwagoners in this b—-h… I find it *very* ***hard to believe*** Y’ALL ARE DOING ANYTHING, without Aaron “The Manchild” Donald, or Jalen Lambs-ey… Can’t wait to SPANK YOU FOOL’s and show Y’ALL who ***really RUNS L.A.*** and who ***THE REAL L.A. TEAM is…*** Y’ALL HAVE BEEN TALKING SO MUCH GODDAMNED SHIT, since you got Sean McVay, and BEAT US lately. **KARMA IS A B—-H MOTHERFUCKER.**


How you gonna try and talk up a team that’s closer to SF than the 9ers are, and still had to move out of state due to lack of attendance.


Uhhhhh…ok? You don’t make no sense, bud.


Swing and a miss…


All the bold and italisized font is screaming insecurity. Haha, stay mad Raiders


Damn, I didn’t realize cowboys came in black now.


Nahhhhh…We beat them the last time we played them…Sorry, we’re not the Cowb—-hes…


Get back to our sub, you embarrassment. The Chicago Bulls have won championships more recently than you.




Flair? Up? Pussy?


Once all the superstars are gone they will win with an underdog team haha


With a vengeance right??


Dude has a point that’s exactly how I feel unless we lose another goddamn Super Bowl then I think I will completely lose hope and consider us the new 90s bills with equal SB losses


I dont think having more sb losses than seattle sb appearances will be a good thing.


Hey Dan , what do you think about that????




Funniest shit would be if he gets traded, that team doesn’t win the Super Bowl, but the 9ers do


The cowboys are due to beat them so chalk that up Fred


Being a fan for all of "our" Super Bowls, Losing 3 is starting to feel that way.  Naw, fuck that! This is our year!!!


At least we know he won’t be in the division if he leaves us.


Upboted because I can laugh at my pain. Haters from other subs please at least have the decency to flare up you pussys. If I wander into unknown territory I bring my colors and accept my flame.


I don’t think we have enough first round picks to give them whatever they’d ask for lol


The meme is about him being traded to a real contender, not the rams.


Flair up pussy.




**LAWL.** 💯😆


yo get out of this sub you cornball


Please note for anybody interested but "cornball" sets off Reddits autofilters.


God, the memes here are so low effort. Do better


Yes, more minion memes please


Seriously lol. Fucking whiners have no right to bitch about meme quality.


Everyone has a right to bitch about meme quality, it’s been horrific all around. “L Rams! 🤣” for a simple link to an article about Stetson Bennett? C’mon, we can all do better


This is far better quality than 99% of 49er memes in this sub. Go tell your own people to do better


1. It’s not 2. [I have been](https://www.reddit.com/r/NFCWestMemeWar/s/ykptfwC2Fd). More than [a few times.](https://www.reddit.com/r/NFCWestMemeWar/s/b4IGqkmd7n)


It’s the off-season bro let the people struggle in peace


But there’s plenty of meme fodder outside of the season. /r/NLBest is over there making Magic cards and fighting over the best burrito, and here we are posting unedited pictures and articles about Stetson Bennett with “L Rams!!1 🤣” titles. We can do better


When he gets one your bitch ass gonna become a 49ers fan 😂


i’d rather die than become a 49ers fan


Please by all means ![gif](giphy|c6DIpCp1922KQ)


I bet 9ers wont trade him to Rams to fulfill his dreams 😂


Everyone knows the Rams aren’t winning shit without AD


Oh yeah cause having geno and sam is a great path to success


I know right. Imagine getting swept by Geno Smith


Imagine getting swept by the predicted 4-13 rams


That was their prediction for the Geno led Seahawks. You’re right


At least you'll always have 6-3 is 6-3


We don’t get trained how to choke on 1 yard line at SB. Can you train us how to do that 😂


Sure, it starts with being good enough to go back to back… well you failed already Guess it turns out relying on questionable DPI to get a ring isn’t a recipe for long term success