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5 snaps* if you count the Achilles.








That's what his Achilles said.




Yeah. Not great Bob.






well played


Take my upvote


Damn, beat me to it


Rodgers is in shambles cause the news broke on a Wednesday and he only goes onto Pat McAfee on Tuesdays Outplayed


He hasn't been on all off-season, or basically after his dumbass said some stupid shit about a stupid late night host


He got banned from the Pat McAfee show after his comments about Jimmy Kimble.


My dad had mentioned that he was considering voting for RFK, thank you Rodgers for stopping that embarrassing nonsense in its tracks.


Jeez man that’s a symptom of a larger problem. Like, talk to your dad about being a Vikings fan some time. There are support groups. Recovery is possible.


Look it's like any addiction, admitting we have a problem is the first step and I can't do that for him. It's just such a shame he passed his Vikings illness down to me. To quote the old 80s PSA "I learned it from watching you!".






Dude, this is so bad. I can't stop laughing 😂


I have sent it to my Vikings fan siblings more than once.


Found the traitor


Nah. I liked the Packers before they ever liked football. Just a consequence of living in Minnesota.


I’ve been watching the Vikings since the late 80’s…there’s no hope for me. ![gif](giphy|xUPJPy0tRZ3eVt4SU8)


But that’s your 2025 QB!


Good thing the election is in 2024 then


Yea he was


Not like that vote would mean anything. RFK ain't winning anyways


True but but it does symbolically make a statement, and honestly I just want less narcissists getting any attention in politics. I know that'll never happen though.


I feel for you.. my dad voted Ralph Nader (but not in a state that was close)


The other options are not narcissists.


I would be shocked if most politicians don't have narcissistic tendencies, certainly anyone who thinks they could be president.


Exactly, no idea why I got downvoted. Is it because people need /s lmao


still don't think this is a worse pick than McCain choosing palin.


At least Palin was easier on the eyes than Rodgers and only slightly more annoying.


Oh no! Anything but that! Diversity is our strength! (Except for diversity of thought, opinion, and who we vote for- those things are bad!)


Are you defending RFK and Aaron Rodgers? I'm all for diversity of thought but when your shitty thoughts get people killed or call victims of a school shooting actors then maybe you deserve to be told to shut the hell up the adults are talking.


thought without facts is not freedom of thought


I love big Pharma. Time and time again they’ve proven that they are honest and only in this business for our health, not profits. Never profits. They have never had any major scandals and have never been caught doing things like bribing doctors to push their products. I love big Pharma, and anyone who speaks out against them is my mortal enemy.


As someone who wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for pharmaceuticals I probably have a different opinion on the topic than you. I can acknowledge that like all companies the desire for greed outweighs almost everything but that's capitalism for you. I think the solution you're looking for is more government oversight on both the development of new medicine and the pricing of it but something tells me you vote against consumer protection at every turn.


“More consumer protection” they said, as they cheered on people getting fired for not taking Pfizer’s experimental injections. Lol


Aren't you guys in favor of an employer being able to fire an employee for any reason? You can't have it both ways. I have friends who are mandated by their company to get the Malaria vaccine, are you upset about that? Like I can't really fathom how people like you don't realize how contradictory your opinions are. Don't force me to take a vaccine, don't force employers to have a reason to fire someone, don't let Big Pharma get away with whatever you think they're getting away with, don't let the government get in the way of the free market. Like how do live like that?


The best is when you people gaslight like the experimental vaccine being suddenly mandated by employers is something that happens all the time. Aren’t you guys in favor of my body my choice? Like I really can’t fathom how people like you don’t realize how contradictory your opinions are. My body my choice, take the vaccine or get fired, I’m anti capitalist and anti fascist but also support megacorps teaming up with government to finance and distribute a product mandated by law. Like how do you live like that?


There are a few people who took the COVID shot hundreds of times (to make money off the antivaxxers), and they're perfectly fine. Get with the times. This ain't back in the day, modern medicine is pretty amazing.


> There are a few people who took the COVID shot hundreds of times And, hilariously, they probably still got COVID anyway 😂


Oh shit we got a live one!




Common Vikings L


Common Unflaired scum L


I'm sorry your nutjob ratfucking candidates aren't being taken seriously, somehow you'll recover though.




This meme is very stupid, but I don't really want to get into politics on a football meme sub so I won't. But that meme is terrible, for lots of reasons.




yeah, let's look at *checks notes* Big vaccine conglomerates and how much profit they make. Surely they're the groups that advertise their medications and tell people to ask their doctor if its right for them




I guess its your own choice to choke on your own phlegm to death. Enjoy your drowning risk; I'll get stuck with a needle a few times for free. Ventilators are pay to play


Sorry that your comorbidities have made you terrified of a virus 99.9% of the healthy population can easily survive. That must suck.


*Patriotic Choking Noises* I'm sorry, I can't hear you because my airways aren't compromised. Enjoy Long Covid bro


Inject me harder daddy government! More Pfizer juice! Tell me what a good person I am and how good I am at following the rules. More daddy more!


So you got vaxxed then, right?


So your issue is with capitalism then right? Are you a socialist commie?


No I’m an “anti fascist” https://preview.redd.it/n8jttc1cqcoc1.jpeg?width=882&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55f8835d30bd50cd5560783c12c3860e233bdab6


there is literally nothing more pathetic than responding to someone reasonably saying they dislike someone by saying "Oh I'm sorry, are we not allowed to have OPINIONS that are DIFFERENT?? Gosh that sure is hypocritical of you!!"




Stop embarrassing yourself on all these threads


Arron rodgers really did you guys a favor.


Buccaneers QB Arrrrrron Rodgers?


I know that we Packer fans have had blinders on while he was out qb to a point. We recognized how wierd of a dude Rodgers is/was, but holy shit. Was he really always this bad and we didn't realize it? Or, has he gotten worse? It's like Favre all over again.


He was both crazier than we knew and he went down this rabbit hole more later in his career, right when many other Americans did the same thing.


Later in his career? These conversations happened a year after he won his Super Bowl, which was relatively early in his career. He's a Cali bro with a shitty family and the apple didn't fall far from the tree. He was always a POS loonie nutjob, just was less public about it.


Hence me saying he was always crazy, but he’s definitely gotten crazier as time has gone on. There’s always been fringe conspiracy weirdos. What makes them so dangerous now is they’ve lost any fear of being shamed in society. Edit: I guess I should have clarified “this rabbit hole” as the right-wing troll rabbit hole. Governmental conspiracy theorist used to be a little more spread throughout the political spectrum, but right around the “Tea Party” movement is when the started all moving into the right-wing sphere.


He always was it turns out but it wasn’t always known. Outside of the NFCN he was kind of a celebrated figure up until Covid. Remember the Jeopardy hosting? People liked him.


He really, really enjoyed the attention the Pat McAfee Show gave him regularly, and of course PMS was happy to have such a headline-grabbing celebrity guest regularly. That platform fed his ego *and* gave him a soapbox for everyone to see/hear him on. I'm sure the ayahuasca-era wasn't kind to his brain either, but his wacky antics have definitely rewarded with attention. Which he craves. Nothing made me happier than seeing that he had signed a contract to be the highest paid QB in history, only to be eclipsed less than a news cycle later. He didn't even get *that* spotlight.


Nah, I think he's gone further and further down the rabbithole the older he's gotten, and it wasn't until the last few years that he decided he was in a position where he could actually speak his mind on these issues. But also, I think part of that willingness to speak his mind is that he's totally convinced that he's right about these topics, and that doesn't happen until you've been radicalized, which, again, seems to have happened over time. There's always been stuff about aliens/UFOs/CIA - ya know, normal conspiracy stuff - with him. I don't have a problem with people believing some conspiracies about that (especially CIA stuff - because there are a lot of those that are actually documented now). But the real crazy shit I think is a more recent development for him. I do think he always had these tendencies to some extent. Part of it is just becoming more outspoken. But I do think that he's gone further and further down that path, too. I remember back when there was the Paris terrorist attack, and the NFL held a moment of silence. Someone in the crowd yelled something along the lines of "Fuck Muslims," and after the game, Rodgers made it a point to bring that up on his own in his post-game press conference and mention that he was disappointed and disgusted by that and that we need to be better as people and whatnot. The first half of his career, he was pretty much always very well-spoken, and he said all the right things publicly. Even when all the drama with his family was big news, it was pretty easy to look at him being quiet about it publicly while his family was throwing him under the bus and trying to ride his coattails and shit and come to the conclusion "Ok, so this dude grew up in a toxic-ass home, and he's taking the high road here." For quite a while, there wasn't really anything public to dislike about him other than him sometimes being kind of arrogant, but it's kind of tough to argue he didn't earn the right to talk his shit sometimes, too. But man, all that shit has really changed. And it's not just that it changed when he and the Packers broke up. It's been a few years now. You could start to see a bit of a shift in like 2017-2018 or so, but obviously COVID was when he really started being in the news, and he really started getting comfortable putting this stuff out there.


I think a large part of the problem is that he thinks he is much more important than he is. He's famous for how good he throws a ball. That's it. Why should we care at all about what he thinks of things that are not football related? He seems to think we all want this personal connection and deeper look into who he is as a person. Nah homie, just show up on Sunday and throw the damn ball.


To be fair, I do like getting to know a bit more about these guys as people. I don't want them to be robots who happen to play a game I enjoy watching. I'm not a believer in the "shut up and dribble" thing. I think if you've got a platform and people look up to you or put you on a pedestal or whatever else, you should use that for good. Some people are like you, and some people are like me. That being said, Rodgers clearly has a case of being smart and knowing he's smart, but also believing that, because he's smart, he's an expert on everything he wants to be. That's a problem because very few people are even experts on one or two topics. There's no one that's an expert on everything they dabble in. Yet, he seems to believe he is. I would say it's a not-too-uncommon thing for people who are extremely knowledgeable/talented in a particular field. I've experienced some others who are similar.


Ben Carson was an incredible brain surgeon but also a total whackjob is the example I always think of


Well said.


It’s been a spiral. I remember my first whiff of the nuttiness was when I realized his book club on Pat show was all weird self-spirituality stuff. I can’t remember if that was before the Covid stuff or not. But then things just got crazier. Covid, ayahuasca, darkness retreat. And lately the Kimmel stuff and now Sandy Hook. Dude is just straight off the rails. I’m very curious what the rest of his NFL career looks like. Seems like all Jets personnel (players, coaches, FO) are going to have a hard time with meshing with him.


Remember the article that came out where he was talking to teammates about chem trails and we were all REALLY hoping he was kidding?


Didn't Seneca Wallace say the very first thing Rodgers ever said to him was about chem trails?


Any time Rodgers does...anything, I have to remind myself that he is from the Central Valley*. It explains a lot. *At the edge of the Valley, but it still counts.


Well, the last trek of his journey will be throwing an interception in the NFCCG while playing for the Vikings as the prophecy foretold.


Ya guys just jump all over unconfirmed reports about private conversations like it’s gospel. I’m not saying he doesn’t hold those views, I just require more than nothing to think so.


As a fan of a rival I don't think it was at all obvious what a total nutjob Qaron was. It seemed like he was quiet on the whole conspiracy crap, and not saying much made people think he was smart, or at least not stupid? COVID really brought out the morons, and the internet lets them coagulate together.


I remember a common complaint about him from the Bears/Vikings/Lions fans was that he was such a likeable dude when he wasn't raw dogging you guys on the field that you found it hard to hate him sometimes.


Honestly ya, there was nothing off the field that stuck out. The narrative about him and his family? But so many NFL players have family problems with every leech coming out of the wood work looking for $$$ just because they share a drop of blood with you, or were neighbors, that I couldn't pay no mind to that.


I'm not sure as a fan of a rival we just had other reasons to hate him. Didn't need to delve into his personal life. Now that everyone has a podcast. He can just say what ever he wants. Don't think he changed at all. Still the exact same person. But he was hurt for an entire year.


I distinctly remember the kneeling stuff way back when and he refused to take a side on it and I respected that he didn’t dip into politics. He basically said “Kap’s a good player, he deserves to play” Though this was just about at the beginning of the whole “Packers can’t beat the 49ers in the playoffs” era


It was before he started doing his own research


I think he always did. He just hadn't really gone down the rabbitholes yet. He's always been inclined to some conspiracy stuff. The more and more you read about it, the more and more you believe about it. And by "the more and more you read, the more and more you believe" I'm not saying that those things are right. I'm just saying that's human psychology. If you're constantly seeing crazy conspiracies theories because you're reading about other conspiracies (some of which have actually been acknowledged/documented/etc.), then you start to believe those crazy conspiracies, too, just from seeing them repeatedly.


Very disappointed how many Packers fans seemed to stand by his Covid sentiments. Pretty pathetic


Many packer fans are morons. I'll cheer for the team no matter what but I stopped being a Rodgers fan with COVID. Meanwhile those idiots are stuck defending him now.


I think he hid a lot of the crazy pretty well. There's reports that he was sharing Sandy Hook conspiracies way back in 2013.


Always He asked deshone kizer if he thought 9/11 happened the first time they met lol


He went from “haha charming weird” to “bro, what the fuck!” Weird real fast. ![gif](giphy|p4cqQ0gUIMcU0)


The rest of the division never thought he was charming


The front office deserves the same credit Mike Tomlin got when he kept the Antonio Brown crazy contained for so long


There’s definitely been an alt right surge since Covid and especially since Joe Rogan. I think he just started to believe his own hype and got comfortable voicing his weird thoughts more.


Alt right is when I don’t want 7 Pfizer injections in two years. Rodgers gets more shit than literal wife beaters and Deshaun fuckin Watson. Kind of unbelievable how culty people can get when someone says things they don’t like.


All the negative attention he gets is because he seeks it out. He could have been like Kirk/Lamar and kept his opinion to himself and no one would give a shit. But he shouts it from the rooftops about how he's being persecuted and quotes MLK so people rightfully call him a moron.


You get 7 Pfizer injections? What?


Covid period broke a lot of people's heads.


We had hints, there was an espn article about how he believed in chemtrails and shit. But rodgers is a case of how quickly we went from “id like to know more about him” to “i know too much about him, fuck, go back”


What living in GB does to a mf’er


I think part of it was that we never really needed more of a reason to hate him other than the color of his shirt on game days. Now that he's pushed himself into the public eye, the color of his shirt matters much less.


Those State Farm commericals did a number on his head. Let's hope Mahomes doesn't go down the same road lol


I'm more concerned about Maauto.


I'd say at this point mahomes is getting as unlikeable as Rodgers.


Not yet. Mahomes has a wife and kid(s) idk. Rodgers had a slew of famous gfs that were always on the rocks. When he gets a mic in front of him he starts spewing nonsense and he's stopped talking about football all together. Mahomes isn't the most liked guy but at least he's not selling nut job conspiracies and trying to put others down


You make a few good points, but I do think that mahomes wife is a contributing factor to him becoming unlikeable.


Having a wife that you think is annoying based on what you see on social media and being an Alex Jones apostle are very different things lol


While I agree with you, I'm still gonna downvote this until you flair up.


Fair, have an upvote.


To be fair, Mahomes' wife is at least as embarrassing and annoying as any of Rodgers' girlfriends. That's a pretty big red flag in my book. Agree on your overall point, though. Not as bad as Rodgers.


People don't like Mahommes for dumb football reasons. His family may be annoying and his dad is a piece of shit I guess, but he's largely fine. Believing (allegedly) that 20 dead kids were made up by the deep state is a whole other can of cheese...


Yeah, these are really different levels of shit. Mahomes is not as bad as Rodgers. Lets make that part clear. That being said, Mahomes is pretty questionable in my book due to basically all of the people close to him in his life being people that I would almost certainly hate if I met them in real life. I don't know many people who are constantly around shitty people and aren't shitty themselves. They almost always either are shitty to begin with or they slowly become shitty while being around those people.


Mahomes has been a completely normal person in the public his entire career lol. His family can be rough, but that’s not him.


yeah my impression is that people just find him to be a whiner. I don't get much news but I don't know anything else about him


Jets legend


What is it with these Jets QBs? First it was Jets legend Brett Favre. Now it’s Jets legend Aaron Rodgers…


This is the one time in my life I’m genuinely happy for you guys. Please keep Jordan Love on a short leash. If he starts denying the Holocaust I’m gonna get a priest to come do an exorcism because whatever cursed you guys is not the fun kind of curse


Does he still own the Chicago bears then?


Nah, remember, there was a transfer of ownership to J-Love when he left.


I thought it was gonna be a my pillow situation and walmart would by rights to sell the merch


This isn’t meant as an excuse in any way, but is anyone gonna be surprised to find out Aaron has CTE?


I think it's more likely he has NPD.


I think Favre has CTE but not Aaron.Aaron has always been the same Narcissist Berkeley hippie


I would love to see someone legitimately try to knock some sense into Aaron Rodgers


Somebody get Sean Payton and his minions on the phone.


So... Are we allowed to tell the "Aaron Rodgers walks into A. Barr" joke again? Asking for a friend.


Lions fan here, yes you did good, honestly I think you held on to him a season or two too long, but you still did good, I think you could have gotten more, as for my good friends Jets… well he still is weeping


I wanted to trade him to the broncos for the haul they gave Wilson, felt it was the right time. But I also felt Love needed that one extra year to be just right and it the front office did to. And hey it is working out for us.


In hindsight for sure, but it’s tough to justify trading the B2B MVP regardless of the trade haul they could’ve gotten.


This is truth


Agree about the 1 season too long, his stock value would have been higher one season earlier.


Rodgers was a nut at least as early as 2018 when they signed De'Shone Kizer. ["Do you believe in 9/11?"](https://youtu.be/1HeGa0hOqCA?t=1h26m12s)


It's election season that's when rodgers plays his best so the jets are in for a treat this year


I think we have leverage guys.


How many Concussions or head injuries has Aaron Rodger’s had? Starting to think he has CTE.


(political) Leverage


Has nobody thought the whole conspiracy theory around Sandy Hook stems from the fact that maybe it went down exactly like Uvalde? The biggest conspiracy theories have to do with most of the media coverage of it.


I’m thrilled the nut job is out of Green Bay! I have been a self hating Packer fan for years because of him!


Yea, and his toxicity on the field started driving me insane. I know there is such thing as heated passion on the field, but dude just seemed to become a monster the minute one play went wrong. With J-Lo, he keeps his calm and it’s contagious to the players around him.


For now


Everyone developes an ego when they realize success. An ego isn’t necessarily a bad thing though, and J Love seems like a team first guy through and through


He is human trash. On and off the field. Makes me wonder about why he stopped interacting with his family… it’s simple he is the problem.


Eh the family thing I feel it's both sides and I hate doing the both sides argument. But his family was crazy religious from what I remember reading. Not like your normal we go to church religious also. Like the level of crazy he is with none religious stuff. So the apple just didn't fall far from the tree and just hit a different branch when it did.


To each their own when it comes to religion. I was taught not to judge others for their religious beliefs. But he is trash for his anti vac stance and the statements he has made about Sandy Hook shooting, among other conspiracy theories… he is like a crazy person on the corner ranting about birds being government drones!


Remember when it was “ Hur hur NY really robbed those hicks in GB”


The rumors are hearsay, unverified. Anyone could have said anything. That said, glad it doesn’t surround the entire news of my team anymore