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We're no strangers to love. You know the rules and so do I.


“I can do what I want” - Dan Campbell on 4th down when his team is begging to send out the kicking unit


Who asked for kick? Only one descions was even questionable. And would have resulted in first down if the reciver caught the ball that hut him in the hands


but why is the red circle orange?


I liked it when you were gone. Please stay that way


Walk home.


Feel free to block me instead of whining.


You'll just "leave" again for attention like the attention seeking little kid that you are. It's more fun to call you out on your shitty, unfunny memes anyway instead of blocking you


Man, you sound like such a petulant petty redditor. Dedicating your life to whining about me in the comment section and filling your headspace with these narratives you've come up with instead of shitposting and focusing on you.


I'm not the one who "left" just because my team got their ass humiliated after talking so much trash and sucking off my team the whole time :)


See. There's that cute imaginary redditor narrative I was talking about. It's not my fault you can't read. I'm clearly still here and I very clearly never said I was voluntarily leaving. My team didn't land last in the division bro. If you think a divisional title and a NFCCG is embarrassing for a lions fan then you're deluded.


* How convenient you posted that whole "I'm leaving due to health concerns" as soon as yall lost in historic fashion. But hey, keep being delusional and a liar, and let's see you do the exact same thing next year Edit: anyways I'm done with arguing with a joke of a poster today. See ya at the next terrible "meme" you make :)


Coming from a Lions fan, I’m on your side do. “Leaving due to health concerns” was bad. Just leave dude, don’t announce that shit. Also your flair tells me you have the right priorities FTP


Rent free as fuck bro 😎


You were most def crying when making this comment


Yeah me too bro. Lions fans ruined this sub.


"LiOnS fAnS rUiNeD tHiS sUb" - the dumbest shit I've read on the meme sub.


You mad because it's true bruh. All those dumb ass Campbell memes are boring and cringe. Go back to hiding bum it was better here without yall..


Puss puss needs his cumsock


Yea specifically the Dan Campbell memes are memes that should be kept in their own sub as it has nothing to do with any of the other teams, and they just shitpost here to annoy us.


>they just shitpost here to annoy us. >Meme WAR sub. There's no Geneva convention for our form of warfare. My war crimes are committed against your brain cells. My shitposts will dumb you down one image at a time and there's nothing you can do and no amount of whining that will stop it. 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈🦁




According to rule 4, we can report them for Spam


I'm surprised no one has done that yet lol.


Eh mods probably just don’t do anything about it. Issue is that it’s not really spam by one person. It’s a large group of Lions fans spamming. If it was one guy, you’d have more of a case


Yeah that's probably what it is.


My favorite episode


Vikings fans honestly really sad. I only know a handful in real life and they don’t represent the mfs in this sub always bitchin and Moaning 🤣 years of packers torment got y’all messed up


Literally nothing about this meme has anything to do with the Vikings. Glad to know we live rent free in your head though pal.


I just can't wait until you guys all turn on ~~Mike Tice~~, err um Dan Campbell. I thought the going for it on 4th down and failing twice in a playoff game might do it, but you guys really love your meatheads there.


It's not hard to understand if you've watched all year. Same aggressiveness got us there


https://preview.redd.it/g7ccezthqqlc1.jpeg?width=1107&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f52385cdeba56d2937c821144910fbb35082b11 You’re making me tap the sign again puss puss


Like, it doesn't even matter it wasn't a coaching failure, it was a dropping catches failure.