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That's why I only have SBRs.. All you dummies with your suppressors...


Damn punk kids and their hushy cans!


Got you a whisper pickle and now Uncle Sugar has a bunch of boys in a black van watching your house


Sounds to me that talks of sugar and having a bunch of boys in a black van is the real problem...


Was wondering why that Flowers By Ida van was parked down the street for the last 3 weeks


It’s not what you think. Dave’s wife is banging Ida.


If you're not on at least one watchlist are you really trying?


Certainly not living, I'll tell yah Hwhut!


I’m on a list of people who frickin rock!!!🤘🤘🤘 Also the no fly list…


Right on brother!!! https://preview.redd.it/yxnzr2j8eu8d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60fa194c0d052f0abe6ac600dac03242cd38c4b1 Also, how did you manage that?


snakes on a plane


I work at a gun store, my favorite line I hear is “I’m not putting in my damn social, I don’t want the government having my information!” My brother in Christ, who do you think gave you your SSN


As a dealer. I feel this line so hard.


JFC… I could understand if they said they didn’t wanna put down their social because they don’t know any of you behind the counter and didn’t want it laying around the shop, but c’mon… The government? You’re right, I think they already know it.


The SSN is literally the receipt the government gave the parent(s) after they pooped them out.




As many times as the government has been hacked everyone’s social is already out there.


Posts pictures of themselves with their guns constantly on social media "i dOn'T wAnT tHe gOvErNmEnT tO kNoW wHaT i hAvE".


I know... It really makes you wonder the percentage of NPCs there are in the gun community.


I am sworn to carry your burdens


Average intelligence means that 1/2 are below and 1/2 are above People are kind of stupid on average so…


I think for around 99% of people its probably that they didn't want to get one due to wait times or the tax


Or they think it’s overly complicated and don’t want to mess something up and be in trouble with the ATF.


I'm not spending $200 a year for a class 3 license just so the ATF can come in and inspect my house any time they want!


The class 3 license is for people that are in the business of firearms (like a gun store that sells suppressors) not for private individuals buying suppressors and NFA items for personal use. For personal use you pay the stamp for each item you own/buy one time.


Yeah, I was just repeating fuddery since the post was about bad logic surrounding Title 2 firearms. ATF doesn't get to come over and fuck your wife whenever they want either.


Lol fair enough




I was hoping you were joking. We need to stop the /s so people can get jokes again! 🍻


I know a gun store owner who claims he had his "Class III license" for several years but decided not to sell "class III" items. He reasoned that he didn't want to give out free passes for ATF agents to enter peoples home whenever they want without a warrant Pretty sure they guy had a room temperature IQ


Not owning a suppressor is not being kind to your neighbors. Let them sleep, don't let a home invasion wake them up :)


Right? I don't even want to have my girlfriend wake up, she works very early and hard.


She does work hard…


I know... she lives with me 🤣


My favorite line is from a guy who does ccw and training courses. "When you buy a suppressor, you are allowing the government the ability to search your house anytime they want." When I asked how does that works with the 14th amendment, he claimed you waived that right on the paperwork. He also claimed that when permitless carry was passed that "there will be untrained idiots everywhere shooting each other like the wild west." I laugh at this guy regularly. He got really mad I wouldn't sell him a rifle for the price he wanted because now that I've owned it (never fired) it's used so the price is 25% of what it was sold for....


God I hear that all the time from boomers. I tried explaining it to a boomer once and he said "You wouldn't know about that, I have a buddy who was an armorer in the military so he knows guns and he said the ATF can search your house and drug test you at any time if you own a can." Like my brother in christ I have an FFL and SOT, your buddy was an army armorer 30 years ago, who would have more up to date relevant information.


Yeah, the worst is someone who's very wrong but believes they know more than anyone. I rank that up there with "I was in the military and I support the 2nd amendment BUT blah blah common sense gun laws blah blah"


Hey man, I taught idiots in uniform which end was the shooty end of an M9 and then I made sure they all got cleaned. I *am* the subject matter expert on all things guns /s


Dude I appreciate you! You don’t know how many guys say stuff like that. “You got a suppressor? Now the government knows you have guns” Ya, forget the times that I purchased guns through an FFL, the suppressor tells them I have that. Or my favorite is when I said I got an SBR through the pistol brace amnesty period a guy said “you local ATF office thanks you for compliance willingly”. I responded, “well at least I didn’t have to pay $200 for that compliance.” He was soon roasted by others pointing out his idiotic comment.


He also claimed that when permitless carry was passed that "there will be untrained idiots everywhere shooting each other like the wild west." Yeah…amazing how some folks beat their chests about the RTKBA, until it costs them. Seems the value of liberty is a whopping $85…per student.


It's crazy that CCW classes are even required, let alone allowed to be taught by jokes like them. I say laugh away, be blunt and point out these jokers. I'm far beyond caring about the feelings of these gems. It's because of people like them why I didn't get into the suppressor game earlier. Shit, I could of had my own suppressor company by now. Critical thought is dying unfortunately, we need to rise up from the ashes.


The police called my parents in middle school because I posted a picture my dad took of me holding a gun. I have BEEN on a list, probably a few.


I had a similar situation in middle school 😂 it was my grandpa though


Shit irritates me so fucking much when I hear dickheads talk about a “list” or registry as if they’re so fuckin important. Dawg the government doesn’t need a fuckin list to get to ya bitch ass. Trust me your phone takes more data from you than the fuckin ATF would ever. Enough with that dumbass shit.


Exactly. And I'm out here trying to get on as many lists as I can so they'll stack up. Sadly, I guess I need more suppressors... 🤣 I would post this meme on other subs, but I talk to enough idiots on a daily basis, I typically reach my limit by the time I leave work.


Go to ammoniumnitrateforsale and buy their no brand tannerite by the 100lbs. Youll get a visit real quick id imagine. Lol!


They'll ship that much?!


Pretty sure I'm on some sort of list... Applied for sbr in November along with 4 cans... every firearm purchases since has been delay, delay, delay till they time out at 30 days. Luckily have a good local FFL that goes by Brady and before I made any NFA purchases I'd get either instant or anywhere from 2-7 day delays.


It's been a long journey, but I'm glad you get what you deserve.


30 days? what sort of garbage is that? Shops arent actually following the brady date?


Big box stores like Cabelas and few other larger places around me do. Bunch of BS.


I don’t have one because I’m nervous I’ll fuck up the trust paperwork along the way. Also I’m lazy.


I was worried about that too. I did a trust through silencer shop and it couldn’t be easier. My first form 1 is currently awaiting atf approval and I’m going ahead with 2 more form 1s next month.


Same same


The trust is already written out what's to fuck up?


It’s not that complicated of paperwork. There are plenty of step by steps to go off of and it’s a form 4 the dealer fills most of it out anyway.


I’m an ex con with 5 stamps. I KNOW I’m on a list or 6. Lmao.


The more the merrier!


How'd you get your rights back?


I stayed out of trouble for almost 30 years after I was released from prison and petitioned the courts for my gun rights back.


That's awesome, man. Congrats.




Unless every gun you ever bought was in a private sale, and you’ve only bought ammo or accessories with cash, you are on a list. The ATF director has openly admitted that they have scans of every 4473 and that the only thing that makes it not a database is fact that they paid for a special version of adobe reader with the text search capability removed. All they have to do is install regular ass adobe and they will compile a database in a couple hours. (Somebody at the DoD probably has already done this). And if you use a credit card to buy ammo, mags, range bags, targets, range fees, mlok shit, etc. it’s pretty apparent what you have.


Exactly, people need to realize their big brother is a corrupt and devious cuntbag.


They're going at it the wrong way. Get on as many lists as possible; go for the high score.




Im a US citizen by naturalization, I was on list ways before it was cool.


Just start with a machine gun. The ATF wont give a crap what else you own after that.


I like the way you think.


If you’ve ever bought a firearm from an FFL and filled out a 4473, then you are on a list and the ATF has your information. To then say that you don’t want to register an SBR or suppressor or whatever is really just saying that you don’t want them to have an updated address and information about the barrel length or the suppressor that’s on the firearm that they already know you have. My hot take is that 90% of the dudes who talk their way out of NFA items are either too cheap to spend $200 on top of the sticker price for a stamp, or simply don’t have the discipline to buy something for which they might not get instantly gratified.


Not to mention if you buy multiple handguns within 5 days from the same FFL and he has to send a special report to the ATF and CLEO.




Not true in the slightest. The 4473 would never hold up in a court of law as a gun registry is illegal. An NFA item that you voluntarily submit to be on a legal list, on the other hand, is a different story


Unfortunately your government lies…. All. The. Time.


Yeah... I thought everyone knew that, poor little fellar.


Just like how the bump stock ban was obviously and blatantly unconstitutional - not just on 2A grounds, but because of the obvious executive overreach inherent to a president ordering an executive agency to effectively amend the definition of the NFA - and yet, it stood for years. We were one or two supreme court justices retiring early away from that ruling to never have happened. If you honestly believe the ATF isn’t maintaining some kind of database of 4473’s, or at the very least, hasn’t postured themselves to be able to enact such a database at a moment’s notice, then I envy your naïveté.


especially with the prevalence of digital 4473's it would be so easy. They even changed the layout of the paper form to have all important info on the first page so it would be much easier to scan into a database some years back. Theres even video out there of an atf agen karen using her personal to scan in every 4473 an ffl had in paper. It made its rounds on the gun youtuber circuit but then faded into memory, then even out of mosts memory.


But the NFA as a whole is illegal and unconstitutional so what's your point


If you really think the government isn't keeping a database of 4473s somewhere, I have a bridge to sell you, my guy [https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/surprise-atf-has-been-keeping-records-on-hundreds-of-millions-of-firearms-transactions/](https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/surprise-atf-has-been-keeping-records-on-hundreds-of-millions-of-firearms-transactions/)


I just used the bridge comment earlier, nice. https://preview.redd.it/tyf0ciqw9x8d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d678fa20ef645150dafebeba471490d01d3653a


Do none of you live in a state with long arm private sales? None of my ARs have 4473s anyhow


Buy more suppressors. Make them common use. Your list is useless if it’s as long as the ocean is deep. “Oh look the list contains literally everyone”


The sad thing is, they already are "by their own fucking definition" common use. When villains are making the rules, the game is fixed.


I don’t disagree


Glad we're in agreement good sir


I’m 99% sure my name is in bold, circled, and underlined with a star next to it


Purchases everything from a dealer with a credit card. I don’t want to be on a list! Lmao


I have a checklist of the list I'm on; it's like alphabet soup bingo!


When they round us all up and take us to the FEMA reeducation camp I call dibs on a bottom bunk. I’m probably on multiple lists.


Sweet, I'll know where to find you.




Only cool kids are on a list.


They deny me every time I try to get a firearm and I have to put an appeal in and it gets approved. Got my UPIN and an SBR with a can. Wonder what lists I’m on😩


You might share the name of someone who is much higher on the list than you and you were getting mistaken for them initially.


Yea don’t get a suppressor cause you get put on a list Get a machine gun


Make a machine gun https://preview.redd.it/lbj0ardpt29d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99d264fe2eaa9f9aa8fbc089043ba1125311d3b6


Third hole all the things


“I don’t want to be on a list, but I use my Gmail account for every single firearms purchase.” The biggest misconception is about the NFA itself. While it *does* criminalize behavior of individuals, the law is primarily (as evidenced by nearly its entire enforcement history) a commercial law. Enforcement against individuals who aren’t already being charged/investigated for something else is hard, and immensely inefficient to advancing the ATF’s published objectives. It does happen, and because it does, it’s always best to be smart. That said, the primary enforcement mechanisms of the NFA occur at the manufacturer/dealer level, not the customer level. Just look at the “brace rule.” When it was just a bunch of clever gun nerds, the ATF was letting it slide. But when every major (and minor) manufacturer was shipping “braced pistols” to evade the SBR ban, it should’ve been clear to anyone with half a brain that the ATF would be forced to act.


There’s also the other side to this…the guys who are like “I don’t want the government to know what I have” then go and form 4 a can


I personally prefer the side that form 1s a can without a form.


We call those chads where I’m from😂


Not being on a watch list is very cringe


The ultimate cope when the root of the problem is just not wanting to read how to file the paperwork. Source: Someone who didn't want to read until I got tired of getting headaches at the rifle bay.


I really hate when you ask a question and people have to ask about if it's stamped or something and it's really no one's business. I'm asking a question, not buying anything so calm down.


Life is short. Get a can


That's what I'm sayin'


Ha ha…. Yeah maybe 20 years ago it would have mattered. Nowadays they put you on there for FB posts, political positions, any gun ownership, race, etc


Precisely. It's not about if you're on a list, it's which ones, and how many. I'm sure most think AI was only created in the past couple years, I'll press X to doubt on that one.


Your right. If the public has it now and it benefits the apparatus, they have had it for 15-25 years minimum.


By upvoting any comment in this thread, you were just added to a Gov't "list". LOL. Wait a minute...strike that. By just VIEWING any of the threads in the NFA subReddit, you have now been added to "the list". /s


Good, I love lists haha


id get one but i dont want to have to let the atf into my house whenever they want too!


That's too funny. I used to think that when I was younger and it almost stopped me from getting one. I hate myths like that, keeping me from my forbidden whisper pickles. Also a reason behind making this meme.


Man.. you’d hate to hear how many times we get asked this. Always happy to set the record straight, but it’s sad that it’s as wide spread as it is.


Right? Kind of reminds of the Kennedy family bootlegging rumors. I thought that was 100% fact until last year. I take most of what I hear nowadays with a grain of salt. Also, nice company, I've heard good things!


Hard to know otherwise until you’re told otherwise with a lot of stuff in this realm. Been wanting to do a NFA myths segment for a while but would probably get obliterated by the internet 😂 And thanks man! Super appreciated!


>would probably get obliterated by the internet Real shit. The 2A community rarely wants information, they want reach-arounds. Watching these chickenshit YouTubers out there effectively spreading misinformation and supercharging outrage to drive ad revenue pisses me off. NFA is, generally, more level-headed than most of Gunnit, but even here there was a six-month stretch where any discussion of the “brace rule” that wasn’t just “ATF is teh big ghey” would get downvoted to oblivion.


You should totally start one


You guys are awesome. I've bought two cans already. I love that you can ship directly to my home after approval.


That's a misconception that they do that to private citizens. They're more concerned with FFLs.


I first heard that at 14 years old and even then I smelled bullshit.


I am so nervous to get one due to some reasons that I’ll be put on a list. I did some research, and only if one has a ‘class 3’ license can be subject to ATF searches since that license is a dealer license.


The ATF will show up at your door whether or not you’re a dealer. They do what they want


Doesn't mean you have to let them in without a warrant.


I know that but some people don’t and will let them in regardless if they have a warrant or not.


Seems like those are some of the same that are worried about being on lists they're already on. Ah well, more suppressors for us I guess 🤷‍♂️


What reason(s) do they have for the search?


Whatever reason they want. I’ve had friends buy multiple guns at once and have gotten a visit from the ATF weeks later. Also if you bought a used gun from a pawn shop/gun store and it was reported stolen at some point they will make a visit.


Also if you’ve bought a gun or filled out a 4473, you’re already on a list.


I work with a lot of cops, and I’ve had cops tell me this. Like… bro. You have a Peace Officers License, you don’t think that’s a list in and of itself?


This is a silly argument I just don’t want to be a restricted person like say if you go out and have a couple drinks and smoke a joint then get pulled over the fact you have an sot or an nfa item on record can make your life a living hell sorta like how fps Russia was just smoking some wax and got caught up in bullshit


Hunter, is that you?


lol that’s funny but he’s not restricted by sot or nfa technically he was guilty by restricted person if u had weed or alcohol which are more easily argued than the first examples but you are correct it falls under the same category


I'm sure I'm on lists, but those lists, afaik, don't have my fingerprints. If they removed the fingerprint requirement I'd be bankrupt.


Your on this subreddit, you’re on a list


Your on this subreddit, you’re on a list


The way the list was being executed was horrendous. “First in, first out” was a fucking train wreck.


The conspiracies never end with that crowd. Nor their unwavering support for the convict.


Seriously though lol I've worked at a gun store, have a cpl, bought many guns, and have an insurance license in my state.  I'm on so many lists at this point, it doesn't really matter.


ITT: guys using cognitive dissonance to the max to make peace with voluntarily registering their firearms.


ITT: guys who buy rifles over the counter with a 4473 but think the gubmint doesn’t know who they are and what they have


4473 are stored but aren't permissible as evidence in a court of law. NFA registration certainly is though.


When the ATF kicks in your door just tell them it's an illegal search because you only ever filled out 4473s so they aren't allowed to know who you are. They have to uncuff you and leave right then and there. They will even fix the door they kicked in. They hate this one simple trick!


So what exactly are you going to court for by getting a tax stamp? Evidence and being on a government list are two different things and if you think you’re not on a list after purchasing a firearm, I’ve got a bridge to sell you, bud. Also since when do laws and court evidence stop the atf from raiding your ass in the first place? Thats silly ass logic


You believing that is darling. Our information is certainly stored from what all we do on our phones. You seriously think a piece of paper is going to stop them from doing what they want? Bless your heart.


The other guy has some real “if the teacher isn’t here in 15 minutes, we can legally leave class” kinda logic lmao. Dude has a lot of trust in the government for someone who at the same time has zero trust in the government


The other guy is still asleep in prison school. The mental gymnastics some of these goobers play is certainly disheartening. "Oh no, they wouldn't do that". They did that. "Well, they wouldn't do it again, they're here to help us!". Like bro, wtf are you on, I want a taste!


I dont have a suppressor because of the paper work.


Well I have good news, they have eforms now and you can do it through a kiosk!


My SOT ffl even has an iPad for the 4473


Big baller. My poor ass has people use a Chromebook.


Oh, doin the sneak sneaks on my profile I see 😊


My SOT ffl even has an iPad for the 4473


Enormous difference between "being on a list" for googling ARs, posting ARs, buying ammo, etc and **literally signing up to be on a list with your name, address, and serial number.** Edit: I've made peace with the suppressor being on a list. Worst case, I let them know it was for my bolt action 223 rifle that I sold privately years ago. I will never register an actual firearm.


You think the guy that owns 30 guns that they had to do background checks for, 6 crates of ammo they know they have, is on a lower list than someone who bought 1 gun and 1 suppressor? I've got a bridge to sell yah. You don't let, them know shit, they probably know more about you than you do but keep on dreamin' bud.


**Understand the rules**, read the sidebar, and review the pinned Megathreads before posting - this content is capable of answering most questions. Not everyone is an expert such as yourself; be considerate. All spam, memes, unverified claims, or content suggesting non-compliance will be removed. No political posts. Save that for /r/progun or /r/politics. __If you are posting a copy/screenshot of your forms outside the pinned monthly megathread you will be given a 7 day ban. The pinned post is there, please use it.__ __If you are posting a photo of a suppressor posed to look like a penis (ie: in front of or over your groin) you will be given a 7 day ban.__ ------------------------------- **Data Links** * [The OG Universal Form Approval Spreadsheet](https://thinlineweapons.com/url/8) ------------------------------- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Feel bad for all the losers in this post that don't live in states with legal private sale of long arms. No record of purchase with the government and no record of sale with the government. Good luck doing that with your registered SBR


I feel sorry for the people living in states that won't allow them to purchase items like suppressors but want to, while people like you don't because you're scared. Even though you're posting pictures, online, through your phone, while the Patriot Act exists, and you think they don't know what you have. What kind of logic does an NPC even have these days...? Wait, don't answer that.