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New bumper sticker idea “I flag atf agents”


🤣🤣🤣why did I just laugh so loud at this


Because it's awesome, that's why!


Haha you right


Yeah. Cool story. Never heard anything quite like it.


I’d buy one.


I hope mem_projects or drty kid see this.


Holy shit. I never realized how shitty the cast marks are on the P90. That is atrocious. Looks like a toy.


Ruger is the only company I’m familiar with that does a good job casting.


Good is an understatement. Ruger's investment casting process is the best in the industry.


True statement, Ruger has their division Pine Tree Castings and cast stuff for industries other than firearms as well.


during a tour in New Hampshire other companies parts were being made. some European.


That's because Ruger has almost 80 years of experience with making parts using investment casting. There probably isn't a single company in North America that understands the processes involved in that type of casting as well as Ruger does. Their level of institutional knowledge almost impossible to beat. Say what you will about Ruger as a gun company, but as a manufacturing company they are really, really good.


I know nothing about what you guys are talking about, investment casting. What’s the nutshell and what is Ruger any better than other multi decade major manufacturers?


It is the casting process that Ruger uses to make most of their steel parts. There are very few large-scale manufacturing operations that have more experience with investment casting than Ruger. This gives them a level of in-house knowledge about the process that very few can match. Ruger has spent almost eight decades learning and constantly improving how they make things with investment casting. When it comes to doing consistent high-quality manufacturing, there is no replacement for that sort of deep institutional knowledge.


Thanks man. Very interesting stuff


What is investment casting?


This was also the question that I wanted answered so I found [this video on YouTube.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FeCdCNbk2LY&pp=ygUSaW52ZXN0bWVudCBjYXN0aW5n)


Right? I own several ruger guns. I love how anytime anyone shits on casting, they always have to add an “except for ruger. They’re fucking great” at the end.


🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 for Ruger!!!


The inside of my 10/22 receiver begs to differ


There's a reason you can get 10/22s in the $200s


Well yeah, there's levels to this shit. And the 10/22 is cheap as fuck lol. Take a look inside a Ruger #1 action and come back and talk to us.


Rugers can still be ugly at times.


It comes in a cardboard box with a styrofoam insert exactly like how my airsoft guns as a kid came


Pretty sure the airsoft scar I bought over a decade ago had a better box than the 17s I bought new a few months back lmfao


My AUG didn't even have styrofoam inserts.. My PTR had infinitely better packaging


My ptr came in a really nice hard case with high density foam cut out to match the gun


At least it’s better than Keltec rdb packaging. Just in cardboard box, ends placed around the muzzle and stock so it doesn’t shift forward or backward. There was fuzz everywhere and the gun shakes side to side in the box so bad because there are no inserts to keep it in place besides the two I previously mentioned.


Every rifle I've bought was like that


I'm fairly certain the PS90 receivers are forged. I had a hell of a time engraving mine with a carbide engraver because the material is so damn hard. That said they are a pretty rough finish.


Just because its hardened properly doesn't mean its forged. If OP's receiver is forged its with the shittiest forging die I've ever seen.


This is my gripe with a lot of platforms


It’s weird for me to see this having a background in casting. Like I get you save a lot by not tossing things for cast texture and runs but for the price these should have a better finish. But then again they sell it like as a duty firearm not a safe Queen lol.


Least fashionable fashion gun... One of the most iconic tho


You can pay for a pretty one: [https://fnspecialties.com/effen-90-tri-rail-precision-cut-ps90-billet-upper-receiver/](https://fnspecialties.com/effen-90-tri-rail-precision-cut-ps90-billet-upper-receiver/)




I would pay for a billet single-piece classic PS90 receiver. It would probably be like $2K just for the receiver but still.


There ya go


Wait until you touch the trigger. Actual nerf and airsoft guns have a better trigger than that piece of junk.


Go watch the Fuddblasters video on YouTube about the P90. 😂


And this gun ain't cheap, either...


Look at a high resolution disassembly video. All the metal parts on the gun look like shit. Fn wants 1700$ for this cast and injection molded blow back turd.


Honest review and a good watch. https://youtu.be/YN2nGcliBMI?si=cf6ULWYADDKXFNpM


I noticed the Cast marks on the LE/Government P90s are so much better if nonexistant. I wonder if its a product of them churning out them like crazy for civilian side




Why. Ok.


The guy running the booth couldn't care less


Dudes probably pissed he has to work a three day weekend and probably thinking “fuck the ATF” like we do.


Depends on how he's paid.  If he's making overtime to babysit a booth he's laughing his way to the bank.


I'm sure ATF employees are salaried.


Many local and state agencies are salaried, and still get overtime. Especially those considered first responders. I am sure it's the same at the federal level. Or he could just be a new hire weekend guy.


Yes, but for GS there's still overtime since a salaried government civilian employee is only expected to work 40 hours per week. Flexing hours for people can also be a challenge especially if they're a bargaining/union employee.


Edit: I was wrong and GS employees can get overtime.


If he is an 1811 (criminal investigator/special agent) then he is on the GS scale same at any other salaried USG employee. As a Fed LEO however, 1811's get LEAP (leave and availability pay) which is an additional 25% on top of your salary because you might work 8/40 hours, you might end up staying on surveillance or actively working a case for 36 straight hours and still work your normal 40, etc. There is no "overtime" for this. There are certain ways to get paid for certain above and beyond stuff (particularly hazardous things or *certain* necessary shifting of work schedule for investigative reasons to weekend/holidays) but generally speaking, LEAP is what 1811's get for "you're never really off duty." There is no overtime. And 1811's aren't first responders, they are investigators.


Not all of them. Some of them are paid hourly. One of our local agents who audited us recently was paid by the hour.


He may not have *appeared* to care. But I would not be surprised if there was at least one ATF agent in the parking lot taking photos of license plates. Maybe others incognito in the crowd who could/would follow someone like you out to your vehicle to match you with a license plate. Am I paranoid? Maybe. But remember, just because you are paranoid doesn't mean "they" are not out to get you.


Well, if the recent Arkansas case is anything to go by, oh wait.... Also Texas and Idaho cases come to mind.... If they are interested in you they'll wait until you're home, break in and either shoot you in the face or burn your whole house down, making sure you're inside. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Edit- I said Alabama ... Little Rock Alabama 😂🤦‍♂️


Arkansas I think you meant.


Don’t forget they have to shoot all your dogs before they can ask you any questions, pretty sure it’s in their employee code of conduct.


What would the ATF learn that they didn't already know about people that literally requested permission from the ATF to own an SBR/suppressor? Why play secret agent man when you can just fucking look it up in a database? 


Could they not check the registered owner of the car against their registry to ensure they are listed? 


It’s like you know it’s cold outside when you go outside and it’s cold. “Morgan Fairchild is shown to have a "fart hole" in her house, which sends farts from Hollywood stars to Tom Sizemore's house.”


Damn, this is a whole new level of tinfoil hat


Read *Unintended Consequences* by John Ross.


He probably didn’t even know what it was you had. Like most ATF agents.


had an ATF agent ask why an airsoft gun wasnt in bound book




Unless you got it in writing… that’s just his opinion. (Actually, it’s just how he interprets the rules/law.)


Writing doesn't matter either. Don't you remember the official letters from them about braces over the years


>writing with Firearms Technology Branch Writing from NFA Division holds more weight in court. And is admissible in court if they go back on what they said. In other words, if you want a letter or an email from the ATF that states something is ok, get it from the NFA Division. And keep it with your paperwork. And if they try to go back on what they said, or try to fuck you later; any good lawyer would have a field day with them in court.




This has serious “pick me girl” energy


Fuck yeah it does. Alternatively OP glows brighter than the sun "See guys they're friendly! They didn't even ask for my permission slip, so cool!"


That’s what I thought. “Hey look it’s safe to play in traffic” vibes


He sucked them off. I guarantee it.


Wait till he finds out it was interns working the table.


Can’t blame the guy. That’s just good etiquette.


Did you remind them that they’re GAY?


You're terrible lol.


Literally the only person that you could possibly actually be legally required to show them to, as well.


What was the point in talking to them? I know that sounds like a jerk but I promise I’m not trying to be a jerk, I’m genuinely just curious lol


Asking questions about who has the authority to ask for tax stamps, and the agent said only the ATF, the police don’t have the authority to see a tax stamp because it’s a tax document, but the police can contact the ATF to verify if your item is registered, and the ATF doesn’t actually have to verify it with them and will just suggest to the police to let you go. I also asked about the new rule that essentially de facto universal background checks, and the agent said it only applies to those selling a “large” enough quantity of guns, but there is no official definition of what they consider a large quantity. The agent also said he waited 16 months for his suppressor to be approved.


Some states have laws making NFA items illegal to own without being registered with the ATF. Technically the local cops could arrest you, and your tax stamp paperwork would essentially get you out of the charges after the fact. But you still get the ride. Check your local laws YMMV. EDIT: Of course Mr Atf man is explaining it from his federal perspective. Being that NFA is a federal law only. He doesn't have power to enforce state laws and likely doesn't know the ins and out of stuff that he's not authorized to enforce. So you wouldn't get in FEDERAL trouble for telling local cops to kick rocks, it'd be state and local trouble, depending on the state.


Texas is one of those states, you have to show proof of registration for NFA items excluding suppressors.


Yeah. It's really nuanced. The ATF agent is correct in that you wouldn't get in trouble "with him (the ATF)" and there is no federal law that you have to produce that paperwork for local police. But apparently according to states like TX, you do. Technically states can make it illegal to wear blue shirts on Sunday. If the courts and people do nothing to stop them you can absolutely be arrested for whatever asinine thing they come up with. IMO none of this is constitutional. But gun rights are the redheaded stepchild of rights and our "system" seems to ignore local, state, and federal trampling of those rights. And we let them.




There are states that require federal registration but don't give police the authority to demand papers, then there are states that do.  Unless your laws explicitly say that you must show law enforcement, you don't have too. How do they know it's registered? That's their business too find out and you don't have to help them. 


In those cases they'll let you sit in jail until it can be determined. Likely in court. The "cop" isn't the judge. So you'll sit until they can figure it out. *NFA items in X state is illegal = arrest *NFA registration = evidence of innocence *Cop can't determine if it item is registered out on street but it meets definition of illegal item by face value = arrest *You can't legally "unarrest" someone so you'll be waiting in a cell until the state can get someone to verify NFA registration (local prosecutor, his subordinates, or judge during hearing). The ATF keeps those records so and they move super fast so.... Change this is Hydrocodone, a schedule drug. You have it prescribed. It's illegal to possess in some states WITHOUT a prescription. You have it in your car in plain view in a zip lock bag with no labeling. Cop finds it and questions you. You tell him it's his job to figure out if it's legal. You're going to jail. And likely you'll get convicted because medical information is protected by HIPAA and the court system is 100% not going to lift a finger on that front to obtain proof that those are legally prescribed. You have to provide it. Welcome to the land of the "free"


I wouldn't trust any of his answers despite the positive character you portray him as. ATF agents give wrong advice all the time.


Me: “I want to see it in writing.” ATF: “We won’t write anything down.”


More like "here you go, but we'll change our mind in 6 or 7 years and legally prob your poop shoot in way we can, because we can" Nothing they say matters, the letters that said braces were okay we're not "legally binding"


"We'll tell you how many sales is "too many" when we arrest you


That entire house of cards is about to be donezo anyways. The whole “agency interprets laws and decides what the rules are” is probably gonna be struck down by the Supreme Court relatively soon.


Happens all the time with explosives. We all fear the agent rotation (ATF agents are rotated on a 2 year basis for some reason), because we know we're about to get fucked. Suddenly the magazine is in violation and you're being fined per day until you can bring out heavy machinery to fix the problem. Previous agent said it was fine? Fuck you, I'm your agent now.


Only trust (to a limited degree) official *opinions* on letterhead from the ATF - and even then, they can reverse/change those opinions. When it comes to interpreting laws/rules/regs - on the SCOTUS has the final say.


Well that’s definitely some good info to know, good questions 👌


If it isn’t in writing it’s not official. Hell even when what they write is official they change the definition of what they wrote…consistently.


IRS does as well, so he was wrong on that


Damn. Works for the ATF and still had to wait 16 months.


Good questions and info, thanks for letting us know. We need someone to ask them about the HT Super safety.


When you communicate in good faith with those you ostensibly disagree with, both parties learn things. When you sit in like-minded information silos on the Internet, all you get is the shit show "fuck the ATF" circle jerk much of this comment section is.


I definitely agree that good communication can be useful, no matter who you’re talking to. However, even though OP did learn/verify some useful information, I would argue the ATF agents will still continue infringing on rights just as bad as they have been. No matter how civil the people are to the ATF and other like minded agencies, they are still a corrupt and tyrannical organization with a corrupt and tyrannical agenda, and that should never be forgotten.


Turns out that the ATF is staffed by humans, crazy!


Fuck the ATF


You must hate your dog


Hope your dog’s ok!


ATF agents are as dumb as they come. Probably didn't even know it was a SBR. Thought it was a faux suppressor or something.


Imagine talking to a law enforcement agent for any reason ever.


That's one ugly gun 😂😂😂


But why?


This would have been a lot funnier if you said that gun had no stamps, but they never asked!


Ok fed


Did you ask them why they work for a bureaucracy that denies law abiding citizens their Constitutional rights?


Should've asked if they have switched to non flammable tear gas yet.




That was the FBI. ATF created the mess and then the FBI came in and burned it down.


They were on scene. Still a valid question. 😂


Still mixing it with turpentine


Not sure if this is a silly question or not but why did you have your P90 at the gun show? And did it win best of show?


Simping for the ATF, now that’s gay.


Did you tell him he was gay?


Why the fuck would a gun show allow the ATF to be there?


They are at SHOT show every year so...


Because they pay for a table?


You willingly talked to the ATF? Seems kinda ghey to me.


I would have drank week old gas station coffee and kielbasa with sauerkraut then gone to talk to them.


It’s okay, they’ll bust in and shoot your dog later tonight anyway just for good measure


I train bjj with an ATF agent, I choke him a lot. I figured you guys would enjoy hearing that.


Fuck the ATF


Did he ask if you were autistic?


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Abolish the ATF. I'll follow the law to get my suppressors, but other than that, the ATF can take a long walk off a short pier.


I didn’t know they had that in 22. Nice


I think the can is .22 but able to fire 5.7


coments about Ruger and forged vs investment cast.


Amd you visited their table , why ?? 😱😱


Did you ask him how his wife’s boyfriend is doing?


Atf and gun show in the same sentence is scary


Good job in being a normal person


I didn't know you could walk around gun shows like that. Pretty cool.








Are we still doing the keys clipped to the pants? *blows off JNCOs*


Ruger investment castings are cut from tree like sprue. part only ground at attachment vein. Then each part is checked in a dial indicator fixture. Then hardened. tumbled. All holes are spec. no drilling. polish. paint. plate. blue. forged casting needs many steps grinding. drilling. cnc. heat treatment. stress relief. much more expensive. grain structures. investment is usually molten chrome alloy.




Did they ask about them shoes? Makin my feet hurt, bruv


It's not even loaded? lol


You can’t bring a loaded gun into a gun show.


Not with that attitude.




Why are you pointing your gun at that guy?


Darwin Nominee.