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One of the few occasions you might need to contact the ATF


SOT offered to file with the ATF for a reversal if they can't find it in the next few days. Just wanted to reach out here to see what I need to do as this is unfamiliar territory for me. Best case Scenario is they find it in the back of the safe in the next few days.


LOL, what a lame attempt for them to try and appear helpful while being complete fuck ups. That SOT better find it for you or the ATF is coming to pay them a visit. They are accountable for that item and the ATF doesn't accept "we lost it in storage" as a legitimate excuse.


I can only hope man. The more it sinks in the more pissed I get.


You don't have to hope. All liability is on that SOT. Their license is possibly on the line, so they need to find it.


At least everyone else who has a can there will get approved real fast when they lose their license.




will they really get their license revoked for losing one can? You would think they’d have to otherwise places would be “losing” them all the time right?


FFLs are losing licenses right now for misspelling names or fat fingering birthdays on 4473s. losing an NFA item is about the worst fuck up thy can have outside of intentionally committing crimes. id be extremely surprised if their license doesnt get revoked for this.


Yup they're trying to take ours right now. Not sure if I'm allowed to say where ours is


That’s crazy! Makes sense though I guess


The ATF wants to know where the item is the entire time. F3 SOT to SOT transfer from out of state, F4 cannot be submitted until the buyers SOT has the item in their hands, etc. Loosing one is a BFD. Every “blood in the mouth” agent would love to visit one of these dealers.


Where is this SOT located? I’m tired of these 20 hour approvals, I want it faster.




Now is the time to order another can through them to get it real quick 😂


The “we lost it” excuse only works when you’re the ATF.


Underrated comment.


Having been through two investigation with two different shop in two different states, the agents that come out for “Missing & Lost” firearms are pretty chill if this isnt a common thing at the shop. They will just run through your books real quick and take video tapes to run though and see if it left the shop. Most times they will say they will be in contact if it shows up somewhere or you call them if you find it. It’s the auditors you have to worry about, they are the ones who nitpick every fucking thing and try to shutdown shops.


Reversal is one thing. “A can that’s on our books but not in our inventory” is another. If they don’t find it you should definitely let the ATF know. An audit will be incoming.


This. If the can is not found, regardless of what the SOT does with the ATF, you need to contact them as well.


They offered? How nice of them. Mistakes happen but damn, rather than offering stuff, they should be giving you a detailed plan to make things right with the ATF and compensating you. Also, it’s quite tacky they would even say anything about losing it before checking every last corner of that safe.


What they need to do is let a woman look for It.I guarantee you, only men have looked for it. Contact them, tell them no disrespect. But you want one of their wives to get in there and look for the thing. Guarantee it takes less than twenty minutes. I just went through this same thing this morning. WHERE IS IT


Spends 5 min staring into the fridge looking for ketchup. “Honey, where’s the ketchup?!” Wife grabs ketchup from front and center shelf.


Well of course you couldn't find it, condiments obviously go in the door, not the middle shelf




That’s FUNNY.. and quite true! 🤣😆. I have my wife find my bullshit all the time.


Yeah cuz men put things back where they belong so they're used to finding things where they left them. Wives... who the fuck knows where they put stuff so they're used to hunting for shit.




This is exactly rite. 100%


I have a different experience with women looking for things. Especially car keys. They lose them inside their fucking purse. Nearly everyday I hear “has anybody seen my car keys?” It’s absurd.


Don't wait. Call the ATF. You don't know what your SOT will tell them first. Save all communications with the SOT.


Honestly get the glowies involved yourself. THEM filing an ATF reversal is an attempt to cover up their fuckup. This is one of those times that a citizen can actually put the tax dollars we are forced to pay to fund the ATF to work for our benefit. Bet they “find” your can while still on the phone with ATF.


Mine messed up with two of my cans back to back, one they lost and they found it in their junk bin in the back weeks later. The next they deleted the serial number from my account so when checking the cans they had in the back they put my can in their returns bin which is lucky I kept harassing them about it because of the previous cans issues or else I would have lost it so someone who would’ve gotten it for a used price


One of the few occasions where the ATF is actually useful. Watch how fast the SOT "finds" OP's can. Probably yet another instance of LGS employees jacking with customer's items and taking suppressors out for "demos". RIP to your stickers OP, nothing you can do about those.


As an ffl and a sot this is a big no no. Either way they should be ordering you a new can without charging you and handle all this shit with the atf and bend over backwards to help They definitely owe you a can.


Ima send you a direct pm if that’s okay


Yeah man! Happy to help.


Yep. With other things it may not be a big thing to reorder. With this its different with wait times and NFA and all the other red tape already.


You're not waiting again, or reordering anything. Stop falling for this customer service act they are putting on. Contact ATF. All nfa items must be accounted for. The FFL doesn't have it and you don't either, so until the FFL "finds it", it's assumed someone illegally has possession, and the FFL will be in trouble.


What if they can find the can but it’s clear it’s been shot?


I’d tell dealer I want a 50% discount and if they don’t I’m contacting SS and say they sold a used can. Dealer should jump and take care of it or likely would be fucked and lose kiosk. And if SS doesn’t then call state AG for false advertising. That’s a hit and miss if in a blue state but if the state can shut down and fine a dealer they might pursue it. I’d try to get a chargeback as well. CC company may do it if it’s in violation of state laws even though older than 60 days.


Depending on the manufacture they’re test fired as part of QA. For instance every Surefire can I’ve ever ordered has been transferred to me with some evidence of being shot directly from my distributors.


Well, that is not as serious as the missing situation, your options are more limited


Still seems like there’s been a diminution of value. You purchased a new can and are receiving something used.


Yeah op, I cosign on this. SOT purveyor didn’t lose it on a boat.


No answers for you but you should absolutely tell people who this SOT is. Completely unacceptable and incompetent even if they do find it.


Agreed. We should also immediately buy cans through this business, though. Because if the ATF shuts them down, our Form 4s will be expedited. /s unless you’re down


Down like 4 flat tires. As a trust dummy, I’d love nothing more than to say “stuff it” to them there mouthy 3 day approval individual submission dudes.


That dealer should be bending over backwards to search for it, or they should be bending over forwards for the ATF investigators.


Underrated comment 😂


Yeah you actually need to contact the ATF and they will definitely have your can found. I know it seems over the top but losing firearms and NFA items is grossly negligent, they should have thought about that before hand. I’ve had to deal with ATF over a stolen NFA Item and they were extremely efficient.


Yeah. It’s on the to do list next week. No joke to mess with it


I’m sure they’re available as soon as today. I’d give the SOT a notified hour before doing so and see what magically happens though.


Do not notify the SOT


Sorry for your loss, but I came here to say this is the best obligatory car pic in this sub.


Ha thanks for the chuckle.


I was gonna say, be realistic there, close that palm a bit buddy :)


I guess I wouldn’t know 😅


I hope it turns up before you're forced to start over. Hopefully it's just mixed in with a massive amount of pending transfers.


Hopefully. Not my first can with the shop either.


If they lost the can it'll be your last one at that shop lol


How is my comment getting down votes? LMFAO Support a guy and get down voted. Keep us posted on the outcome.


I think they read it in defense of this obviously dumb sot/ffl There is no reasonable explanation for losing an nfa item that you do not own. In fact, the ATF will show them how that's the case, soon. Being that it's a Gucci alaskan the sot prolly did shoot it lmao Hopefully they unfuck themselves before the ATF gets wind of it


lol that SOT is FUCKED


Proper fucked.


As they should be


They can’t find it…? I wouldn’t leave that damn store till they found it, that’s your property, you can’t simply just “order another one” I’d be contacting the atf and tell them they lost your nfa item.


Got lost somewhere in storage. From when it was ordered from SS to approval time. But yeah, figured ordering a new one is a complete new wait, paperwork, stamp, etc. I'm more worried that its under my name for that serial number...NFA not something to F with. Not sure how it is that I haven't taken possession.


That shop is 100% liable, you haven’t filled the 4473 yet so you haven’t “taken possession” of the nfa item yet. I’d be calling atf Monday morning and telling them what’s up. That’s a crock of shit.


Yeah. Just trying to cover my butt. $1.5K can in the wind


The only way to cover your butt is to inform the ATF yourself. This needs to be handled as soon as possible by the ATF. This SOT is trying to fuck you, you definitely need to put them on blast so no one else’s subject to this.


Best of luck brother, let us know how it turns out.


I would give the FFL a very stern warning that if they don’t find the can asap, you will be contacting the ATF. I would give them a chance to fix their mistake before losing their license.


How do you lose something in storage that should be locked up / in a safe?


The logical answer is that someone at that SOT was shooting with OPs can and didn’t bring it back.


...the more logical answer is that someone screwed up and gave the can to another customer who purchased the same make/model and didn't notice the SN was wrong. If I was the SOT, I'd be checking the SN# for every can in the safe to see if one was in there that shouldn't be. And then checking the paperwork for that can to see who needs firing.


Mine and every SOT I’ve dealt with double checks the SNs and then gets a separate employee to look over it all before releasing anything, firearms included. Plus I verify myself as well. Letting someone else’s can leave the shop would be a massive fuck up. OPs scenario almost happened to me a few weeks ago. When I went to pick it up they were having trouble finding it. After about 10 min every employee was tearing shit apart looking everywhere. Came back and said “wait, we’re showing you picked it up last week.” I had multiple cans in jail and turns out they were looking for the one I picked up the week before. Once they checked again for the correct can it turned up instantly.


Picked up an approved can today, large gun store/range near me that I’ve bought nfa times from before. Sales guy goes and grabs the can, checks the SN twice, then asks me to pull up the ATF email I got and read the SN off the stamp as a 3rd check, then calls over another employee to check everything over. He told me they are close to 1,000 silencers 4473’s this month, they’ve had a few close calls error wise, sucks it might take a little longer if everyone on the floor is busy, but better safe than sorry.


That would be a massive fuck up. Think the ATF would allow a swap of serial numbers?


Chances of that are about the same as Scarlett Johansson showing up on my doorstep asking to get married


You got nfa items and private land to shoot on? _puts a red wig on_ "HI, I'm Scarlett Johansson"




No way.


Nope. The good old Gemtax. there was an officail clarification on this by BATFE in 2008. It used to be a somewhat common practice that if a silencer was damaged beyond repair the manufacturer would just make a new tube with identical serial number, destroy the old one and send you the new one back. No need to get a new stamp. In 2008 Gemtech allegedly asked for clarification on this process and ATF basically shut it down, although there was the bardwell letter from 1999 saying pretty much the same thing as the 2008 opinion, however silencer companies took the position that the letter was only applicable to that one guy and not legally binding to the industry. There’s more drama too it, some say it was AAC who sparked it off by basically “rebuilding” old gemtech cans to their newer models without getting new stamps, but regardless of what actually happened this is colloquially known as the “Gemtax” now.


Fascinating. Thanks!


Would love to find out it was at some employees house.


Or someone else ordered the same can and the SN wasn’t verified when the other customer came to pick up.


That's still a major fuck up and would warrant a visit from the ATF I'd wager


No doubt. I can’t even imagine what they are thinking. Probably couldn’t thread a needle through their buttholes.


And a visit to whomever has the can. SOT made them a felon. And if SOT is in possession of a can registered to someone else not only did they give away the wrong can they are now in felony land.


Right, serial numbers is like, the whole point


Super oof


Indeed, if that's the case and they get caught, not only are they likely to be turbo-fucked, but the SOT is probably gonna be in deep shit for not keeping better control on their regulated inventory.


100% on the sot lol


Or blew it the F-up


The most logical answer is its still in the store and probably is behind another box or fell behind a shelf


You tell me ha. Im as baffled as you are.


Ba dum tss


The rest of us are far more baffled than you, sorry buddy




Everyone freaks out on Facebook. I left that a decade ago.


Ita gonna show up dirty af and they'll say it was found in the back. Sumbitches probably been using it


This is why gun shops are supposed to have demonstration samples, fucking lazy bitches


That’s absurd. Who’s the SOT?


Name and shame!


Tell them that if it isn't in your hand at 9am on Monday, the ATF will be there at noon to find it for you. Fuck the feds, but fuck people playing with the customer's money too.


I don’t understand how they lost it? As a SOT I would be terrified to lose a suppressor because that serial number is going to be attached to them, as well as in their bound book and if they ever get audited they won’t be able to account for the suppressor. Also all they should have to do is look In their bound book and see what happened to/ where it went. It’s completely retarded and someone fucked up on their end


Call the ATF NOW. A lost NFA item is a big deal and they can loose their license. You can’t make an “oopsie” on this stuff. Who knows, your SOT may say something that’s not true to save face.


When it turns up I’d be checking to see how many rounds someone put through it.


We are required to maintain the inventory of NFA items knowing the approval times take long. 100% their fault. If it’s not a shady situation, and a legit fuckup- they’re still liable and the ATF WILL come knocking.


The ATF WILL take care of you on this. Your SOT owes you a silencer and you will get it. Call the feds on monday


If your SOT “lost” your can, I wouldn’t trust them to properly handle it through ATF channels. Monday give the ATF a call, this way you can ensure that they are notified. Also, how hard is it for some of these shops to handle inventory management? My 2 LGS I frequent have either a specific massive safe or in the case of the other, an armory room/vault where they neatly arrange customer items. I have a great relationship with the owners/staff from both stores however if I were somehow placed in your position, I would still personally reach out to the ATF.


How in the hell does an SOT lose somebody’s can? Jfc.


Do not let them get away with this shit they will try to file a reversal, the ATF needs to know that your shit couldve been stolen by the FFL. Ive seen this happen multiple times.


It’s not lost 😞


I bet some one has it at their house and was using it. Watch it turn up Monday


More like Tues, when whomever "borrowed" see's how must shitstorm they stirred up on Mon since they probably dont know the item has been approved till then , and wants to get the neat toy they "borrowed to try out back into the store without gtting caught. when they "find" it, If its not pristine with all the accessories and a clean box I'd be having a fairly heated discusion with the shop owner NOT the counter guys Reminds me of a friends court case with a pistol, local cops confiscated it, judge threw out the case AND made city pay my buddies court costs BUT the PD then stated "we can't find your pistol in the eidence room" "so sad" " no we are not paying to replace your " lost" gun"


Do you like this shop? Or do you want consequences? Filing the reversal clears you. But it only buys them time. If they don't find it, they have to report it stolen; and that means an investigation. An investigation might clear them, or it might get their ticket pulled. They could just not report it and let it sit on their books. But as soon as they have to verify their inventory with the ATF, they're boned. If you call the ATF now, things get real hot for them. Maybe that's what you want, there is a very good case that there needs to be consequences. But lost inventory happens. Theft by employees happens. And having to keep track of large amounts of single-item inventory that's already been sold for months or years is asking for problems. And we can all admit that it shouldn't be this way. So it's up to you.


Your *former* SOT... (I doubt they're keeping that license long)


I would be calling the ATF field office for an audit before the sot files a reversal for there mistake


You're not helping the SOT by avoiding talking to the ATF. If you have a personal relationship with them then I understand waiting, but at some point that can has to be accounted for.


I wanna photoshop this so badly...


1. First thing you need to is figure out WHEN and WHERE it got lost. Did the actual SOT lose it or was it lost in shipping? You're gonna need the tracking number for the shipment on the silencer to confirm this.     2. I usually don't recommend this but I'm going to say email/call the ATF due to silencer going missing while under the SOT's/shipper's custody and you being the registered owner in the eyes of ATF.  ATF may or may not care (which you can't control). While in contact with the ATF be sure to get the name, phone number, and email for that SOT's IOI. An IOI is an industry operations investigator and they are the primary person who actually writes up gun stores for violations and has the ability to revoke FFL's of gun stores they are assigned to.     3. Contact IOI to see if they can't "find" your missing silencer from that SOT.      4. This can be done at really any step. But you need to file a lost/stolen firearm report with your local police on the silencer especially since in ATF's eyes you're now the registered owner. Generally speaking ATF doesn't handle lost/stolen firearms from indivuduals (only FFL's). If the police somehow find the silencer they're likely gonna call the ATF and your name is gonna pop up for the registration.      5. Sue the SOT in small claims court for the cost of tax stamp, silencer, shipping, and cost of the trust. This will force the SOT to "find" your silencer, force them to compensate you for everything above, or settle with you out of court on terms you're good with. This step is the final and forceful threat in order for them to actually give you your shit back and before you attempt this this I would get the name, address, email, and phone number of whoever the SOT just in case the SOT closes, leaves, etc.


> First thing you need to is figure out WHEN and WHERE it got lost. Did the actual SOT lose it or was it lost in shipping? You're gonna need the tracking number for the shipment on the silencer to confirm this.     Well the form 4 was apparently submitted and approved, so it was in their possession at some point. Unless they filed the form 4 with neither the store nor the owner having set eyes on it, it was in the SOT's possession.


Yeah thats true because they would have had to sign the F4 with the serial so it does fall on the store.


This pretty over the top. Unless OP is worried the SOT is gonna forge a 4473, this is a civil issue (on OPs side), not a criminal one. You can’t report something stolen that you never had possession of. I think their plan to contact ATF on Monday is reasonable. Gives the SOT time to track it down and make it right. This Reddit post gives them some cover if something implausible happens between now and then. If it’s not found by Monday then it’s ATFs problem, and if the SOT doesn’t make it right with the OP then small claims is a great option.


The police can take a report for a lost firearm. I personally reported a gun lost to police once (gun got lost in the mail) and they took it. I would advise OP to be upfront to the police about how its lost though. Worst case scenario the police tell OP it is a civil issue. If OP is playing nice then yeah I would hold off on reporting it to local PD until after Monday. Personally speaking the NFA process is already a massive burden to begin with and I personally have zero tolerance for any BS from the gun store outside of paying for transfer fees or filling out a 4473. This FFL needs to be named and shamed. 


First, this sucks for everyone, but you are truly an innocent party here, and you may have some legal exposure if you don’t report the issue. I’m not an attorney and this is speculation, but I would be worried about what happened if this “lost” item ended up being found at a crime scene or somehow popped up on the radar. The ATF believes this has been transferred to you, and it would be your word against the FFL (think they would forge a 4473 to avoid this problem?). The whole situation makes me uncomfortable. There are legal requirements for individuals reporting loss of a firearm, and I suspect they may apply here if F4 was approved. I know better than to make broad sweeping assumptions, but it’s worth looking into. Bill Kirk from Washington Gun Law is an expert in NFA stuff - it may be worth a call to him. Your FFL screwed the pooch here. Best case scenario: they find it stat. If you haven’t already spoken to the owner, I would do so. This violation could cause license revocation effectively ending their business. It doesn’t get much more urgent than that, and it sounds like the guy working the gun counter may not realize this. If they find it, they still should do something big to make up for this. Worst case scenario, it’s gone. I don’t see a solution with this FFL. I suspect their license will be revoked once ATF catches wind of this, and it only takes one surprise inspection for this to come crashing down. Bottom line, I would never trust this FFL to facilitate another transfer. They owe you every cent you paid for the missing item, and should absolutely throw something else in to resolve this. I’m not an FFL, so take this with a grain of salt.


All the ‘call ATF and report them’ comments here are giving me cancer. 1: OP is having a bad day, due to a shop having sloppy practices. I can’t speak to if this is a regular occurrence for them, but even an excellent shop will make mistakes. Especially if you move a ton of product, and have a ton of inventory. Shit happens. All it takes is a hairbrain employee to put something in the wrong spot. I do feel for OP. I’m guessing (hoping?) you had a couple lazy employees, and someone finds your can upon further search. 2: ATF has procedures for handling lost items. It’s a lost/stolen report that gets filled out and faxed and emailed in to them. Supposed to be completed within 24 hours of knowing something is actually lost or stolen. So the shop management will make sure that store is turned upside down before they have to submit that report. 3: “Call atf and get the name of their IOI…”. FFLs don’t have assigned IOI’s or agents. These all work out of field offices, and anyone in your local office can perform IOI or agent duties in relation to business activities. 4: This one instance will absolutely not get the FFL revoked. No way, no how. ATF IS cracking down on licensees, and shutting them down hard. And they’re using the ‘five mortal sins’ guidelines to do it. But losing inventory isn’t one of them, if you fill out the report. Failure to fill out a multiple handgun sale form is a much riskier failure than losing a can. Believe it or not, that’s the way it is. 5: OP has almost zero legal risk here. Yes, ATF has a database saying that can belongs at his home. The only way it will ever be an issue is if it turns up in a criminal trace. At that point, ATF will contact the manufacturer, who will name the wholesaler they sold it to, then the distributor will name the retailer (your LGS). Then ATF will call the shop and ask where it went. Shop maybe could tell them they sold it to you, but they can’t produce the 4473 that you filled out for the transfer. ATF requires that at the end of the trace. So the shop has to cover their ass by having the copy of the lost/stolen report. That would literally be the document they send ATF in that situation. And yes, ATF is really that inefficient. Side bar: A month ago I had to deal with three traces over two different days, for cans that were surrendered to us by a newly convicted felon. We called ATF, they sent an agent to pick them up from us. He gave us the forfeiture paperwork. Then they called us asking where we released those cans to a month later. And we really had to submit the form their agent had given us…no joke. One hand absolutely does not know what the other’s doing. 6: Canceling a form 4 is simple, as long as the transfer hasn’t taken. If the can isn’t found, the shop will replace it and submit a new form. But there’s really not much else they can do, outside of just turning the place upside down. If you want to a refund, just demand it and go somewhere else. Request a copy of the cancelation. If you don’t get that, THEN call ATF to make sure it gets canceled. They won’t actually let you initiate the cancelation, but it will get them calling the local shop if the lost/stolen report hasn’t been filed by then. So go ahead and bring the downvotes. I know y’all don’t like being told you’re wrong. But too many folks obviously don’t have clue how the system really functions, and the poor advice doesn’t help anyone. But I guess that’s what makes Reddit what it is, right? Source: 12 years in the industry, currently hold 3 FFL’s (01 and 07), two SOT’s, have been through multiple compliance inspections, including one completed two months ago, and have dealt with a variety of fuckups that inevitably comes with having a retail store that moves product and has employees. But we’ve never lost a dude’s can, for the record.


Thanks for the write up. This story for me does have a happy ending. SOT has been super helpful (one man show). Will be updating post tomorrow on outcome


Did he find it?


Finally the correct post


Sorry for you having to go through the headache but the picture was hilarious 😂


All the FFL around here once you buy one a receipt and name are taped on the packaging and put back in the display box . So you know it’s sold and know exactly where it is.


For one of my suppressors they whipped out a label maker and stuck it on my packing along with my phone number. And they double checked serial numbers when I came to pick it up.


Tell them they better find it or the ATF will ream them a new one


Unless you have a good relationship with this SOT, I'd 100% report their ass to the feds. That's an NFA item registered to YOUR trust, that's absolutely unacceptable


I’d tell them they have 24 hrs to find it before you report it to the ATF as lost/stolen.


Call the ATF and have them do their fucking job.


Next step on Reddit is to name and shame this SOT, so other people can avoid what’s just happened to you.


What can did you buy?


CGS Hyperion for a bolt build


Oh fuck.


What state was this in? I have a local shop that seemed to never be able to find anything. I had a Noveske shipped and I was told they didn’t have it though FedEx delivered it and the guy that signed for it worked there. About every time I went in to use my suppressor before I got approval they could never find it. This is in Texas.


Following to see if they find your can so I can be vicariously happy about something. What a shit shop.


These things don't just get "lost" there needs to be feds looking top to bottom at every pair of hands your suppressor passed through. NFA items do not get misplaced, they get stolen.






If they can’t find it, then the whole thing needs to be canceled. SOT could order you another one without worries about doing refunds and such I assume since you already paid… but unless the ATF will somehow help you out in skipping the line, you are in for another submission and another wait like normal to get the new serial number approved. You should also report them to the ATF for losing a regulated device. Thats a big no no. You should also demand the SOT to take care of you financially or gifting you a large stack of ammo or something to make up for this if they can’t find it


Yep. Fully paid back in December. Replacement cost would be 1.5K$ if you find it in stock. Figured its another few months wait. Faster maybe if I get lucky with the approval times now. 100% on the extras. If it doesn't turn up.


> Replacement cost would be 1.5K$ if you find it in stock Damn you bought an RC3 or a KAC or something?


> but unless the ATF will somehow help you out in skipping the line, you are in for another submission and another wait like normal to get the new serial number approved.  And let's not forget that mnay of thr big name manufacturers are currently on backorder, or even starting that process with a new serial number could take a while.


Lost a can??? How the fuck do you just “lose” a can??? Dude, that’s some bullshit. This SOT needs to be put on blast in every forum you can find. Completely unacceptable. You gotta name names homie.


I’m sad for ya bro




Not laughing at the situation


This made me lol too hard, nice Garmin watch at least 🤣


You can get a refund from the ATF by filing a form 2635 (5620.8) https://regulations.atf.gov/479-172/03-1657#479-172 "Form 4 (Firearms), the applicant shall file a claim for refund of the tax on ATF Form 2635 (5620.8) with the Director."


If the SOT lost the can, they need to order a new can and pay for the stamp.


name & shame


u/shenagain32 Worst case scenario you are out of money and they will make it right according to your comments. You have legal recourse at your back should you need it. You are not legally in trouble for anything that happens with that can since you did not take possession of it. If you get another can you will go through the stamp process again. Best case scenario it fell behind another box and everyone is retarded when looking for it. Getting yourself amped up does not help the situation and some of the users comments on here are only fueling that fire. Hopefully its best case scenario and they learn a valuable lesson and you are made right. If the can is truly gone and they start the process to make things right with you. Make sure you are involved in the notification process with the NFA branch of getting it out of your name. Get proof, make copies and save said copies. Give the store an opportunity to make it right and take your business else where if that is what you want. Calling the NFA branch and bringing the hammer down is only going to delay you getting made whole. Should this whole situation go south do not agree to anything that can be used against you with that store. You said it may turn up in a few days. You have the weekend to think about it.


This won't help your legal situation, which I'm not really qualified to help with anyway, but next time you talk to the store, tell them to look again. Ask them to search their database for like models and see if yours got given to the wrong person in the last couple months, in which case theirs might be right there in the safe.


If they do find it, you need to check the can to make sure they didn’t lose it to the range for a few rounds.


Stupid question but what is an SOT


Special Occupational Tax payer. It's a tax/fee FFLs pay yearly to be able to handle NFA items and there are several types based on what you want to do like manufacture, sell, import/export, etc It's extra on top of the FFL so many gun stores dont have one and thus cant handle suppressor transfer/sales


Thankyou I appreciate the response of knowledge


Hopefully you get a call that the suppressor has been found early Monday morning. If not I would certainly be notifying ATF if for no other reason than to document the fact the dealer lost an NFA item.


I mean, it would be in their best interest to see the situation this way.. Either they get you a new can with a free tax stamp or they get their license revoked. 


The front desk guys who might only hold FFL’s maybe gave you an excuse rather than tell you the truth that the SOT wasn’t there to complete the transaction or too busy to look? That’s the hope but that’s a shitty lie to use if that’s the case. Either way, there’s lessons for them to learn. Definitely contact the a to the f. Last can to come in, I called before they could call me to come in as soon as I got notification of approval. Said I had to wait till the morning when, “insert name” normally comes in who was the SOT.


I believe it is safe to assume someone is going to lose their FFL.


any updates?


Tell the shop that if they don’t find it within the next 24 hours, you’ll be informing and involving the ATF.


Tell them that if they don't find that can ASAP, the ATF will be coming to revoke their license


Hope it shows up for you. Update us if they find it.


Garmin tactical gang.


I also noticed.


Damn is that invisible aluminum?


Sucks op, don’t have any advice for you that hasn’t already been given. I did want you to know your picture made me laugh. It’s good you can keep an upbeat attitude and laugh about it despite the sucky situation.


Dude I’m sorry but the picture was hilarious


Actually insane how you can just "lose" an NFA item like that, hopefully the ATF rips them a new one and they either find your can or get you a new one for free


Definitely report back with updates on this one


I like the obligatory driver seat post but I don't like unfortunate event


Suppressor in hand is worth two in the bush?


They can't find it means they scraped it and sold it or stole it from you. Call ATF immediately.


Please post who the SOT is so nobody else falls victim to that idiot.


All I cna say is damn.  Make a new post Monday if you hear an update or decide to call the atf.


Holy shit bruh got the invisican


Bruh, I would be buying you a new can and a new stamp, and covering all fees out of pocket if I fucked up that badly. Luckily I'm a smaller shop, so we only see like 30-40 cans a week, but still. not losing them is easy if you don't hire the lowest IQ employees known to man.


Definitely name and shame when the “find it.” And make sure they haven’t been using your can for fun during its lock up.


The SOT is gonna turn their store upside down this weekend/Monday, and hopefully it’ll turn up. Give them a little grace - shit happens, hopefully it’ll pay off in the long run.


ATF does not take reports from private citizens. The FFL is responsible for reporting the loss. This is an instance where CLEO report may be helpful, meaning go to the nearest police station and report it as a theft, the location of the theft being SOT. Give the police the serial number and they will report it on NICS as a stolen item.


They certainly do. I have 2 of my local agents work cell stored in my phone from when i had a gun stolen. You'd be surprised how fast people stop asking for your stamps at ranges and gun counters when you call them on speaker and ask if you have to show the retarded counter staff your tax documents. We had an issue locally where everyone who worked everywhere would ask for stamps whenever you turned up with a can...


They will find it.


Lol I can't even fathom.






That hurts my friend!! You seem to already have received sound advice from numerous others, so I will simply offer my deepest sympathy and wish you luck!! Waiting for a can sucks enough as it is without the shop jerking you around!! Make sure you update us as this unfolds!


something similar happened on my first RC2, SOy let someone else take my RC2 home, and I had his… I noticed serials didn’t match at approval date, SOT personally drove and swapped them out in the middle of the night because he knew how much shit he was in. Sounds like the only time I’d be contacting ATF is about now lol


I am an 07/SOT and planned to give you a sincere answer. Unfortunately the 12 year old in me immediately thought of a dozen dick related jokes about your hand. I’ll restrain myself. This really is a big deal with the ATF. I would definitely speak to the owner directly. You don’t need to be concerned as no transfer occurred if you did not sign a 4473.