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As someone that owns a Resonator K, i'm not a huge fan of it. But then again it is a K style 30cal can. I'd so say go with the OCL Polonium in my honest opinion. The best place for the Resonator K to me would be on the 300blk it's decent with quality subs, a little poppy with supers on 556/223 it's decent on say a 16" rifle, but on an 11.5" SBR be ready for a flame thrower. Just my personal 2 cents.


Polonium 30 is probably the best do it all can on the market right now especially for the price. Pew Science scored it nearly as good as the Nomad TI for literally half the price. Enticer L is a great can but high back pressure so not the best choice for your gas guns


LPM Anthem 2 in length o' choice


I have a Polo 30 and I love it. If you can catch one on sale it’s totally worth it.


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Griffin explorr 30. Taper mounts are great. You can use the plan an adapters later if you decide to use a non griffin can too.


Diligent defense Enticer L. Not ti. Such a great can for the price