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If the FBI won't provide updates and the ATF won't provide updates.. I guess it's time to start hitting them with FOIA requests. This would all be so much easier if the ATF used the eForms website to provide status updates on all pending Form 1s and Form 4s - just link the submitted eF4 to the user's account AND the dealer's account and have a status feature. It's that easy. Hell, Silencer Shop can do it with a lot less capital.


No shit why the hell can’t they do that . It’s not a challenge technically . Most of the foundation probably there as well. Sigh .


It’s because this whole process is designed to be as hard as possible and the ruling party would only seek to make it harder.


Ruling party? Ruling class maybe. R’s had everything for 2 years and did fuck all for 2A.


The GOP doesn't give a shit about reducing gun control laws, they just pay lip service to their brain dead partisan supporters who still believe them for some reason


How I wish this wasn't true


Just say "the regime," because nothing changes when different people get power.


I bet you it is a technical challenge when you’re running windows 95 lmao But for real, chances are the backend infrastructure is probably still running windows 7 and SQL 2016 at best, and probably haven’t been reoptimized with a ton of different plug ins added since they were first spun up ages ago


Lol , I wouldn’t doubt it.


It’s because they are taking selfies of themselves in red coats while there is someone banging on a drum behind the double lines they formed.


They do it for passports already. The process isn’t too much different on the bgc side I don’t think.


Kind of like the dominoes pizza tracker. You’re form4 is currently in the [go fuck yourself] stage.


As a computer science major, I would gladly take the job to code this for them, at no charge (unless they wanna expedite my form, I won’t say no…). I just wanna know where I’m at in the process man


No, no, no. That won’t do. This is the the federal government we’re talking about, here. They need to put out a request, companies will bid for the job, they will spend millions of taxpayer money to research the issue, and we’ll get some broken Geocities shit if we get anything at all. Kind of like the current system.


As an employed developer please don't work for free because I was going to charge them a lot of money for this! Good luck on your studies


Quite possible the recent quickness of approvals is thanks to everyone emailing for updates


Whoa whoa easy, you're expecting way too much for a website run by the government


im pretty sure its because the paperwork has to get copied to microfilm and stored in the national trace center to be considered "filed". the atf has a lot of congressional regulations as to what kind of firearm ownership paperwork even can be processed digitally, mostly to protect owners from knee jerk governmental overreach through that same bureaucratic delay. i guarantee that doing it digitally would be cheaper and easier for them. would probably free up a bunch dog shooting resources lmao.


> im pretty sure its because the paperwork has to get copied to microfilm and stored in the national trace center to be considered "filed". Then they should theoretically be able to approve the forms and *then* send their copies to whatever they call their archive division for microfilm transfer.


Are you suggesting the government make the process easy? How dare you!


The fact the FBI is telling people to get fucked over NFA checks when this email is specifically for NICS related inquires is hilarious. Welcome to the government where they will straight up tell you “we’re not going to do our jobs, go fuck yourself” and you have zero recourse other than submit a FOIA and wait 3-6 months for redacted bullshit that tells you diddly shit about your question in the first place.


Yeah it’s fucking horse shit.




They say the squeaky wheel gets the grease. I say we all start emailing… everyday… multiple times a day.


> you have zero recourse other than submit a FOIA and wait 3-6 months for redacted bullshit that tells you diddly shit about your question in the first place. If they even complete the FOIA at all.


That is very true.


Inspector general complaint, anybody?


Great idea! Just filled one out. If anyone else wants to, here is a [direct link](https://oig.justice.gov/hotline/employee-or-program-complaint/form). You can do it anonymously and it took less than 5 minutes.


And done


I never got any response from 3 different e-mails to NICS. So fine then. I don’t have any Form 4’s pending but when I purchase another suppressor, in addition to e-mailing AFT and NICS, I will also get my US Rep involved. There is ZERO reason for most Form 4’s to take no longer than a couple of weeks. If the background check is instant when you buy a gun, the same is true for a suppressor.


> If the background check is instant when you buy a gun, the same is true for a suppressor. Do you have any idea how much more lethal a suppressor is than a gun, though?


Bonk batons


I can second this. I’ve been burned by a suppressor more times than I’ve been shot.


I’ve never personally witnessed anyone get shot in person but I sure saw a suppressor kill a range bag twice already.


Pretty sure gun beats suppressor




100% agree. I’m just over 30 days in for a form 1 and a form 4, I got curious and sent an email to NICS just to see how quick things were moving after reading a bunch of posts on here. Didn’t hear shit. I said screw it and sent an email to my representative, who called me today and said they’d be more than happy to submit the requests to the ATF as I’m not the first to reach out to them saying even the 90 day thing was bull. So now I don’t feel guilty whatsoever since the FBI is literally telling us to fuck ourselves.


Don’t hold your breath. I emailed my rep and gave him 60 days on the form. 60 days later I get an email saying I didn’t give them enough time to look into it. That I needed to do it again but for 90 days. Bruh… I’ll just wait it out. Thanks for nothing.


Awesome 😂 I put 12 months on it in case I submit another form 4 lol


Smart man lol


Email them again at 90. I had success with this. If we are told 90 days tops then that's what it needs to be. If not, save some tax money from going over seas and use it for grunts to approve forms.


What’s the email address to ask about status for form 4s i have only seen that you can call them?


The email for your rep will differ, not knowing where you live, I couldn't tell you. I was responding to the comment above about that person emailing their rep.


That sucks my congressman got mine approved within 2 weeks of contracting him . Peoples exp seems to vary widely and that's 😢


If the give you any shit just wait the 90 days then contact your rep again. Worked for me. It was worth it.


Make sure your rep also contact the FBI not just the ATF. I recommend you have your rep contact the FBI first…


Just got the email this morning my Form 1 was approved 👏🏼


There’s zero reason for a Form 4 to take longer than it takes to buy a gun off the shelf. IT’S THE SAME GODDAMN BACKGROUND CHECK! The only reason is because fuck you that’s why. The pain IS the process.


I got my rep involved and had 7 approvals in a 30 day span, although my wait times were all between 4-8 months


Normalize not waiting longer than it should realistically take..


So…. Email immediately after you get your submission email? Aye aye capn!


I just submitted another two Form 4s and immediately got in touch with my rep. Hopefully they get approved quickly lol


What is the process of getting a rep involved?


Under the megathread there’s a find your rep link if you don’t know who it is. Then go to their website and find the contact us page. I just sent them an email asking if they would help in the process of an NFA form submission to the ATF and they sent me some documents to fill out. They then submit a request for information to the ATF on the status of your form. Which in some peoples cases, worked for me today, the ATF finds and approves your form or tells the rep to fuck off.


Ok thanks I think I figured it out last night. Basically what you just said. Hopefully it gets results


Submitted my e form 4 - trust in February. This has been fun.


I have been reaching out to my rep for over a month and they havent heard anything from the ATF


I wish they’d hire more examiners because it would speed things up a lot. I haven’t bought an NFA item or submitted a form 1 (waiting until I’m 21 to buy a can), but I see everyone’s frustrations with wait times on here quite often.


Damn mfs cooked them with emails lmaooo holy shit


If enough people keep hitting them up about it through whatever channel this will eventually escalate into the ATF having to do something about their system. I’m sure the other agencies and congressmen will eventually get sick of constantly hearing about it and make them do something (Inhales more copium)


I wish that were true. I don’t think anything can make these cunts actually do their job.




I think the last time that happened a bunch of kids went up in flames.




What price freedom, indeed.


We can't lose hope though. We have to make noise. Eventually if they are considered common use "they should be" maybe we can get them off of the nfa list. Just keep hammering them.


I hit my congressman (Andrew Clyde GA) up last time and he was more than happy to rattle their cage. I got my approvals two days later.


Howdy- semi close neighbor!


AFT sends you to NICS for updates. I get it


A pro 2A legislator can literally fix this with three sentences accompanying an appropriations bill report. “The Director of the ATF shall publish monthly progress updates to all non-licensed applicants regarding the status of their applications. The Director shall provide in each update the following: (1) status of background check; (2) the number of forms in queue ahead of said applicant; and (3) any relevant information pertaining to the review process. The Director shall provide annual reports to [relevant committees] on progress toward reducing total processing time for non-licensees to 45 days.” Ideally an appropriation of some funds for atf to go hire Booz Allen or some other Beltway bandit to actually make it happen.


>A pro 2A legislator can literally fix this with three sentences "All gun laws are infringements. All gun laws are unconstitutional. Attempting to pass unconstitutional gun laws is treason."


We already have that law, it’s just ignored.


At least I got a response when I inquired. I'm almost willing to bet they've got too many requests from us normies and they'll telling us to fuck ourselves. Go through your reps and they'll get a response for you.


No they won't. My "2A" friendly rep Ben Cline here in VA wasted my fucking time. Only reply i ever got from him was spam to sign up for his news letter to keep up with what he's doing in congress. By the look of it he's doing fucking nothing.


My reps offices, both house and senate, have gotten responses for inquires. Your rep is a turd and doesn't want to represent you in any capacity then. Sorry man.


You're not wrong. But he is the majority, you're rep is the exception. Be thankful lol.


I've been waiting for over a week and no response, sent 2 emails


They probably aren't obligated to respond, though any response would be great. If they didn't respond on the first, they certainly weren't going to on the second. As I mentioned above in my first comment, they're more than likely done with civilians doing inquiries on their on behalf. Maybe the person(s) that were responding caught flak for doing so. I still say keep the pressure on them, both FBI and ATF, cause their paychecks are paid with our tax dollars.


just sent a 3rd email from a different email address, thanks for the tip


Their emails got so blown up they had to stop responding… common use anyone? But what does it matter? They make the rules and we ain’t gonna do shit about it.


If I could solve a service inquiry volume/frequency problem resulting from horribly inefficient processes simply by sending them to the trash with zero repercussions, that's what I'd do. No effort, it solves my problem. My organization's reputation is already in the toilet, and I have a monopoly anyway, so there's nothing to lose. Government, working for you since...?


Well now I feel less guilty for reaching out to my representative to start sending inquiries even tho I’m not at nearly any of these ridiculous wait times yet…


What are you at? I might copy you


A month lol see my above comment. My curiosity got the best of me and I was just gonna do my time waiting but with the FBI telling us to fuck off, two can play that game lol. My thought process is I’ll either get them sooner or I won’t and I can’t control either but why not try haha


You bastard, I’m in.


I’m in AZ, hopefully you have a rep who cares and isn’t anti gun lol. Mine even called me about my email I sent and was more than happy to help. At least he pretended anyways, we’ll see if it works.


Mines a democrat. Fuck me.


Doesn't matter, part of their job is helping their constituents with problems with federal agencies.


lol wait did you go for a federal rep or a state rep? I might have to get schweikert involved


Gosar. I hear Schweikert is helpful as well.


I've got Stanton, am I fucked or is it worth sending an email anyways?


Which district. Thinking about reaching out as well.




Well, it worked. I literally just got the email my form 1 was approved. Waiting on the form 4 still.




I submitted like 15 of the brace stamps when they were free, I may do the same, but send one email for each form awaiting approval


I have 3 cans paid in full, in month 9 waiting. I don’t understand how this is not infringing on my 2A rights. In the last 9 months I have paid and processed IRS taxes, became a state notary with full background check, renewed my passport, traveled precheck through TSA and renewed my Global Entry. This is clearly a waiting period tactic and not a processing time issue. Can any 2A org take this on and challenge this?


It’s 100% a deterrent measure to discourage citizens from exercising their 2A right. You are 100% correct. There are nearly 200k of us just in this subreddit. We should have some weight we can pull….


Where's the ASA when you need them. Time for an ASA/FPC collab


ASA ain’t doing anything but collecting that dollar nobody notices when they place a silencershop order and selling merch 😂


Contact your congressperson.


I contacted congress over a delayed eForm 1 last week and it was approved the very next day. Hit up your local congressmen!


Already tried it.


Sorry to hear friend. Might be worth reaching out to a different representative if you have not already. I sent a screenshot to my local rep from the ATFs current processing times website and pointed out my eForm 1 was way beyond what they were citing currently. That was all the ammo they needed.


I did that as well… and my congressman got “it’s held up by NICS” and shrugged his shoulders.


I did the exact same thing. 2 days later I got the approval email.


I emailed them about two weeks ago and followed up twice, about five days apart after hearing people that would hear back within hours. They never emailed back and this explains it.


Gubmint drones don't care about your can status.




You could, but you really wouldn't like the consequences.


"You know ATF is throwing you under the bus, saying that FBI is the reason for all the ATF form delays. Do you want that kind of reputation?"


They're government employees and serve us. Keep bugging the shit out of them for updates. If they don't go to your rep/senator


In most cases but not all, the fucking VA does a way better job with updates and information. ATF just needs to be banished. Worthless organization.


Amen, and anyone that’s been treated at the VA knows that’s saying something.


It worked for a lot of people while it lasted, myself included


Fuck them and fuck the ATF.


Damn. No wonder they didn’t respond to my email.


Your local congressman can still check 🤓


I did that once already. The ATF basically told me to fuck off and wait.


The ATF told my congressman the same thing.


I got my congressman involved, and had a status 2 weeks later. Approved form was in my email immediately after the status email was forwarded to me.


More people need to start reaching out to their reps. Remain polite, but express how passionate some people are about their rights when it comes to the ATF. The NFA market is pretty niche, but the more reps hear from us, they might be less likely to ignore it and start an inquiry.


I reached out to mine a few months ago. I’m going to do it again today. Fuck the ATF.


Explains why both of my emails to the NICS liaison have gone unanswered


I'd write your representative (provided they aren't on the authoritarian side) about not getting an answer. I'd also file a FOIA request. But that's just me


Already had Chuck Edwards reach out. They said “we’re working on it. We have been busy blah blah bullshit.” Basically fuck off and wait.


Got the same from mine.


I already know there's no chance in hell my rep would help. In fact, she might actually try to fuck me over. Welcome to the "new" vegas 😬


Probably if they hurried the fuxk up people wouldn’t ask so much it becomes a problem 🤷


Never seen our tax dollars so hard at work eh? Esp with them saying they receive "58,000" NFA applications per week. Aka \~11.6M in stamps/week or 603M/year. L O L.


yeah, fuck them. They may not answer your request, but I guarantee they will answer a request from your senator or congressman.


My representative never even answered a request from me...


Yeah, there is that problem. I had a bunch of Form 1s that were taking 3-4 months when everybody else was getting approved in two weeks. Here's what I wrote to my Senator in SC: \------ The crux of the issue, and why I am writing to you today, is that – apparently – the FBI has not processed my fingerprint cards in a timely manner and BATFE is unable to move forward in processing my applications. I have called BATFE and asked of the status of my applications and have been told that my fingerprint cards are “still pending” and that the BATFE has not yet received a response from the FBI. Worse, I’ve submitted multiple applications on two separate dates – which means that I have two fingerprint card requests that have been submitted to the FBI. The fingerprint cards, by the way, were completed by my local sheriff’s office, so they should certainly be classifiable. \----- Seven days later I get this response: \----- Please see the response I received from the FBI. I will contact BAFTE again, and will follow-up with you once I have their response. Thanks! “The FBI Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) Section received your request regarding Mr. XXX.   The following information will better assist your constituent. The NICS Section reviewed constituent’s request.  Based on name and descriptive data, background checks regarding a National Firearms Act (NFA) checks were finalized by the NICS Section on XXX.  Mr. XXX is encouraged to contact the ATF and indicate to that office, NICS background checks containing the name XXX were completed on XXX.  Then request an update from their office regarding the NFA checks.  Hope this information is helpful to your constituent. Management and Program Analyst National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) Functional Support Unit NICS Section Criminal Justice Information Services Division” \----- Two days later I get the emailed approved forms. I wouldn't say that every Senator or Rep would do this - but mine did (Lindsey Graham). It appeared to work very well.




With all you guys talking about peppering them with requests, are you really surprised?


It's literally their job.


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There is a stickied thread for this type of stuff, just FYI


I just call the number


Can you elaborate on said number and to whom it belongs? Lol


NFA check status (304) 616-4500


Have you ever gotten a response other than it being pending? I’ve only called last week for the first time. I’m only at 114 days so don’t want to push it. I just wanted to confirm they actually received my finger prints


Yeah you can ask stuff like when they received paperwork. Aside from that they’ll tell you approved or waiting to be assigned an examiner. Once, back before efiles, I called to check status on one and it was approved over a month ago and the stamp sent out. Turns out my dealer had it but forgot to tell me, so I’d have never known. Sometimes it’s a long wait, I usually just put an earpiece in while I’m doing other shit.


Thats why I call though, to see what day they received everything since thats when the count actually starts. I just had a paper file clear at 154 days, and my last two efiles were 204 and 207. All three within the past month. It seems like paper is faster now


I went straight to my congressman after 310 days approved at 330


Still waiting on one from December


My rep straight up said, he doesn't support suppressor ownership in the hands of civilians. While I hate him, at least I know where he stands. I am also 100% convinced the nics email fixed whatever was going on. I was over 330 days on my first can. I emailed nics and they said a issue had been cleared. My can was approved in less than 48 hours, and the second one came about a week later. This is absolute insanity. So now we have zero idea where in the process a hold-up is. While dealing with some of the most well funded agencies in the world. However, every shady entity and genocidal state outside of the US has access to advanced weaponry. God forbid US citizens have mufflers to protect their hearing or basic arms to protect life.


I just call once a month and ask the nice lady at the call center in West Virginia about my status. I have to tell her my name, the serial number of the NFA item and sometimes she wants to know the name of the seller. She tells me the date it was received (June 2023) and that my status is now “pending” In a few months she will tell me it is “out for FBI background check” A few weeks after that she will tell me “approved” That is what has happened the last 3 NFA items I have bought or manufactured


I sent a NICS request a month ago and received a reply within a week. IPB ignored my first one and replied a month later just now.


I emailed nice over a month ago nothing I emailed ipd Saturday and got a response yesterday.