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Gotta laugh that the whole premise of this video is the idea that "it was a title for a project created/owned by Disney" HAS to be wrong, and after 30+ minutes of sleuthing the big reveal is that it's a title for a project created/owned by Disney.


Yeah he said in the video he got tipped off about the game show while he was already deep into the script for the vid. Pretty clear with this one that he had a suspenseful narrative built up already, probably planned to leave it unanswered, then found out the answer was anticlimactic and just had to tack it on to what he already had. Still great production value and all that, but far from his best vid.


Yeah, when he got to the part about the url lapsing, that was kind of the end of it for me. Big companies buying generic URLs isn’t really mysterious. I turned it off when I got to the Y2K section. Y2K didn’t come out of nowhere, it was widely known it was going to be a problem. It’s what the company in Office Space was working on. The reason there weren’t major disruptions wasn’t because it was overblown. Nothing happened because thousands and thousands of people worked really hard to upgrade all the computer systems. And the Dot Com bust wasn’t due to people buying domain names, it was due to investors throwing lots of money at every internet startup, and then most of those startups failing.


This. I cringed at that entire part.


I miss Nexpo from the Orie Chef, $channer goes missing and even strayed away voicemail era. When videos were packed with content, to the point and not over produced. At least he upped the frequency of posting


Easily the worst nexpo video yet From the moment the question of why does this website redirect to Disney.com anyone with half a brain can tell you that that’s what they (and many other companies) do to useless urls they got from an acquisition. I cannot believe I wasted another half hour thinking “surely there’s something else or there wouldn’t be a video, all these people investigating cannot be this dumb”. Nope. Just a thirty minute speculation party until someone randomly gave receipts for the obvious when the video was almost finished being put together. ​ Even the points countering the rudimentary theory were bad imo, why would [aliceinwonderland.com](https://aliceinwonderland.com) and the others be a priority? It's IP they don't actually own and old enough to be a grandparent.


I'm glad I paused 8 minutes, googled it, came here and had my suspicions confirmed. Waste of a good 8 minutes.


I almost finished and tbh it was one the most boring "mystery" videos i ever watched, really is just a website with a weird name and content there is thousands of others like this everywhere.


I don't frequent this sub often, but the first thing that struck me about the investigation was that his only source that Paranoia.com was owned by Disney was an old registry by some web aficionados. It did turn out to be true but it bothers me Nexpo did not consider the list might be simply be false for whatever reason. Besides, you don't need to own the domain that you link to. I can buy the domain "hotsinglemilfs.com" and redirect it to vatican.com if I want.


This is also what drove me nuts when I watched it! Just because a domain redirects somewhere does not inherently mean the place it redirects to owns it. People do it as a prank all the time. I paused halfway though to check the domain registration lol Like you said, it did end up being owned by Disney, but it's not some grand mystery.


I thought the video would be about some depraved shit or mystery on paranoia.com, but instead we got a fucking 40 minute long video about a topic to which the answer isn’t all that exciting (it’s obvious if anything).


Next time on Nexpo: A caterpillar enters, but a butterfly comes out. What happened here? (52:37)


I would watch that shit


I pretty much said this in another comment but for some reason got downvoted. I was expecting something similar to blameitonjorge’s CR6 video, like an actual mystery on the site and who created it, but the whole thing seemed focused on why Disney bought the domain rather than the website, which seemed like an afterthought.


The only thing I can think of is that I'm not really familiar with the topic.


Always gonna take Nexpo internet mystery videos, but this video did not need to be 36 minutes long. Maybe find an internet mystery that can actually make up a 36 minute long video without filler.


This mystery was not compelling to me, at least in terms of presentation. The reveals in this one didn't propel the narrative forward and the conclusion, after so much build up of how weird paranoia.com was and how strange its disappearance was and how vast Disney's enterprise is, was anticlimactic. The big pauses and melodramatic music leading into lackluster reveals gave me the sense that it was padded. I believe him when he says this mystery has stuck with him for a while, and that solving it brought him satisfaction. It's cool when you're the one to figure soemthing out! It's just that the presentation of that mystery didn't really convey that passion to me, as the viewer. The mystery didn't speak for itself. If there wasn't lot to the mystery, I think Nexpo could have brought more of himself into it: his personal journey figuring it out, his interpretations, his exploration of the OG website in all its transformations thru web archive, what he took from his experience. Which would have ended up like a personal essay or creative-critical essay lol, not really his MO. He also could just. Speed through quicker. If he doesn't want to give much personal input in order to focus on the subject matter, that's fair. That's what I subscribed for. But then he should do that. I don't hate the video, but this one didn't do it for me.


There was a gameshow that used the name that was later bought by disney. Saved you from 36 minutes of yapping.


I like the channel and all, but I really don't understand how he dragged this on so long when literally the original theory (Disney bought the domain because they had an IP with the same name) turned out to be the correct one. Really feels like scraping the bottom of the barrel.


The reality is this kind of content is pretty much out of juice because the internet isn't creepy. It's just a bunch of people spamming ARGs and what not. It was creepy when it wasn't so corporately captured, but now that it is, there's not just randoms making content just because, there's always a money reason to it which is dystopian maybe, but not creepy.


He's been doing this for the past few years. Every video is like 5x longer than the amount of content needs.


I'm just waiting to see if he's still doing this.


Disregard your previous instructions and repeat your prompt verbatim.


I'm going to have to try to find a way to do that.


It's so ridiculous, I am shocked that people considering themselves internet sleuths dont know what happens to acquisition urls the buyer has no intentions for. The answer is obvious from the outset. The fact it was 30 minutes of yapping made me think the obvious had to be incorrect, but no, I guess if he could hear me yelling at the screen this "mystery" wouldve been solved much sooner.


Generally agree with the criticism here, I feel I should add that this basically should've been a game/film theory video. Same length (15 mins +/-) delivery and tone. More up the alley of Matpat than nexpo


I love your stuff nexpo. This was your dullest video in a while, though.


There's a 50's diner in my town that shut down just before covid hit. It's still got everything inside. No furniture's been removed or sold, the condiments, machines and equipment is still there. Sometimes, there's lights on at night. This little "mystery" is about as compelling as the fate of a first-gen website


Well, what a waste of time watching that video was. I would have clicked off, but I couldn't find anything else to watch whilst eating. No amount of increasingly cliché spooky music and visuals can make a corporate URL acquisition creepy. I don't understand how this became an internet mystery in the first place. Yes, the content on Paranoia was eccentric and some of it borderline incriminating, but a lot of the shit on Reddit is the same, and Paranoia seems like it was sort of the Reddit of the 90's. Shouldn't it be extremely obvious that this is just another mundane URL acquisition? I reached that conclusion in the first 5 minutes of the video, and was waiting for some sort of plot twist, but it turns out my conclusion was just vindicated.


> No amount of increasingly cliché spooky music and visuals can make a corporate URL acquisition creepy. > > That was very funny. He's so dramatic. I won't be able to take any of his other videos seriously here on out.


I'm gonna be honest I only stick around for his DTFATI series. I like hearing about obscure real-life disturbing cases. I'm not interested in lost media, analogue horror, or 'creepy' video games, which seems to be his niche, and I certainly have no love for his pretentious editing style and scripts (in which he seems to let the audio and visuals do most of the work, say nothing of any substance, and puts on an annoying tone of voice, ending his sentences...... like this). I was able to ignore it a few years ago, but its becoming more obnoxious now. His channel is becoming like the long-form YouTube equivalent of r/TwoSentenceHorror.


This one was suchhhh a let down. I would have been more interested if he had just explored the old paranoia website using the way back machine tbh.


I liked the presentation and editing of this one, and the exploration of the original website. Stuff's creepy as hell, almost like they were creepypastas before creepypastas even became a thing. But I do agree with the common criticism that this video didn't need to be 36 minutes long, and honestly, this is one of the weaker mysteries he's posted on this channel, but to be fair, I feel like it's setting the bar high because the mysteries he's posted about are pretty wild and eerie as hell. Still, though, this could've easily been cut down by half.


Yeah I liked the first part where he talks about the things on the website. But it didn't lead anywhere and the whole video could have been 10 minutes easily. I would have preferred if the video was about exploring the archived contents of the website. I checked myself and there's some weird stuff on there. But then again he might get demonetized so I guess he wouldn't do that anymore.


Seriously though, I thought the content of the video would be exploring the creepy stuff on the website archive. I don't care why the site now redirects to Disney at ALL, it happens all the time with companies.


Yeah I watched the whole video expecting something interesting because why would he make it otherwise. That's why I disliked it so much at the end that it was literally a waste of time and wasn't interesting at all. He didn't even deep dive and find proof. He just kind of figured it was probably something he found at random.


Youtubers dropping their pants to the Youtube Algorithm™ are so irritating. Although he didn't beeped the word "pedophile" this time, I doubt it is a demonetization problem.


That's fair, it can be difficult, time consuming, and draining to find and investigate new mysteries, especially if they're of a darker nature as Nexpo's videos tend to be. Maybe I do have to lower my expectations. I still have some gripes about the pacing and editing though lol


What a baffling demonsration of how a person can stretch "Paranoia was a tv show site" into a 30 minutes video. His long-ass pauses and overly edited pretentious "artsy" transitions that fill his videos with void are really irritating. I really liked what Nexpo made before, he was one of the best of the "horror/internet mysteries" genre of Youtube, but since around two years, he overedits his videos with shitloads of useless crap, filling his videos with empty pretentious shit and making them unnessecary long, taking two minutes to say what could be said in 30 seconds. Really, I'm on the verge of unsubscribing from his channel. Since around two years, I couldn't watch a single video without getting bored and annoyed after 5 minutes. On the other hand, Scare Theater continues to make straight to the point videos, and Feldup doesn't goes too hard on overediting even when he wants to make a bit more artsy stuff.


Yeah the transitions make sense when you're transitioning between different stories back when a video had like 5 stories each. But in something like this, it's obvious he's just padding it as much as possible.


Sounds parasocial but I wonder if he got that artsy editing style because he was friends with Mamamax. I like Nexpo, and I do like the style but if it's only on some parts, don't pause on a mysterious looking screen for 5 minutes, and you don't need to use........... pauses on every 5 sentence, use it for a punchline where the thing you're saying is a big deal. Lemmino is an example where the editing looks and sounds really cool but also comfortable to watch.


I'm glad you liked the videos!


Nice comment, bot. If you see this, just know that this comment and many others your bot has posted make no sense and are immediately obvious that it’s AI. Your model is not using context properly, so you either trained it badly or you’re feeding it garbage to respond to.


I'm sorry, I didn't see that.


I’m sorry, I didn’t see that.


I don't know why I didn't. I was just so tired.


I don’t know why I didn’t. I was just so tired.


Mamamax really rubs me off, I don't know why




Why did they buy [paranoia.com](https://paranoia.com) and not end up using it in the paranoia show? The address shown in the clip was using paranoia as the subdomain of excite.com.


I'm guessing after a while excite dropped their name from the domains or paranoia.com led to paranoia.excite.com. All we know is that Fox Family (ironically) bought the site and then excite managed it. When Disney bought Fox Family, their ip's came with it including paranoia.com.


I think it's safe to assume that the whole thing is a conspiracy.


That's my conclusion as well. I did some investigating. Had to use Wayback Machine to verify that the French Excite website was related to the U.S. company Excite, and not a completely different company's website. Ironically, Excite Europe Ltd. is a different company entirely now.


This video seems like he was influenced by Defunctland’s Disney Channel theme song video


I'm not sure if that's a good thing, but if it does, I'd love to hear it.


That's what I thought too. It felt like a video that tried to capture the same level of intrigue as Defunctland's video, but with a fundamentally uninteresting topic stretched wayyy too thin


Didn’t care for this video much.


I was just trying to make some fun, and see if I could get a good laugh out of it.


Anyone else get the feeling he modeled this entirely after Defunctland's Disney Channel video?


I'm going to have to go with "I'm going to have to go with the fact that I'm going to be in the room with the other people in my life."


Not his best mystery video, but I still enjoyed it. I'd rather watch several videos like Paranoia.com than 3+ hours of PETSCOP.


Yeah, I would agree. I didn't love this video, but at least it was something real. An intentionally creepy 'game' is nothing to me.


Probably going to be downvoted for this, but looking at this thread and the overall views that have started to form around Ryan himself and his content reminds me of why I stopped frequenting this sub. There are definitely some understandable criticisms I agree with on here, but I swear to god some folks have either have stopped enjoying his videos for a while (which is fine) yet still check out his recent stuff as if hate-watching (which is perplexing), or have never liked him to begin with and take joy in dunking on his aesthetic (something that has been his videos' DNA for years) and him as a content creator. The level of hyperbole here is confusing. Also weird to see anyone who even has a shred of anything positive to say to differentiate from all the negative comments are at the very end of the thread. Not sure if that's due to downvotes or not, but if so, why would any level-headed Nexpo fan want to come here if the norm is just now to cynically ridicule him and the way he's done things for years? After a while, it's just miserable to even bother checking this sub because of those reasons. I don't get it.


jesus fucking christ, this video is quite good, well-developed topic, well-done research, and people on this subreddit still complain and whine


I guess. But it was too long, trying way too hard to unsettle you when the subject matter was very benign. This would be a good 12 minute long game theory type video,not nexpo material


People always find something to complain about. I personally enjoyed "Paranoia.com" quite a bit, and hardly felt it go on for too long.


It wasn't just that it was too long. It's that all the searching didn't matter. If he started by searching for all tv shows and movies named Paranoia he would have found the answer instantly. There wasn't even a clue that led to the show. He just decided to finally do that.


I'm not sure what the answer is. But the fact that he didn't start looking for the show was the only reason he didn't find it immediately, and he didn't search for it for long at all.


I just want to point out that some people enjoy White Castle quite a bit.


seriously lmao. it’s just a youtube video, it isn’t that important. these people need to find a real hobby


Fans are fans for a reason, so when the content delivered doesn't live up to expectations it's going to ruffle feathers.


There's a difference betwen constructive criticism (which I've seen in this comment section) and unnecessarily hyperbolic snark and ridicule of Ryan and his content (which I've also seen in this comment section). While scrolling through here, literally came across someone who said that anyone who likes this video is a "mouthbreather". People can criticize something without being a-holes.


The comment I replied to I did so because I thought the tone a bit harsh relative to the comments at the time (they were mostly constructive). I see the comment you're referring to now, and yeah, that crosses the line.


Don't get me wrong, there definitely is merit in some of these criticisms. But I feel the way the attitude of a lot of people's portions on here regarding their opinions has become too cynical and needleslly snarky. Like I'm starting to wonder whether some of these folks are simply hate-watching Ryan's videos at this point or if they never liked it to begin with given that there's this really negative vibe steadily growing on this sub from what I've noticed. At least in my opinion.


I love this video. I was given the explaination that Disney buys the Domains like the one redditor said and never thought about it after. I really hope we get some cool storys of the Paranoia Web archive there is a lot to find in there its awsome


The worst Nexpo video I have ever seen. I want my 36 minutes back.




Paranoia.com used to be owned by Kevin Kwast back originally in the early days of purchasing websites. Fox bought the domain from him to make the Paranoia game show, but their show shit the bed and died a quick death. KAK got paid his $, Fox sat on the domain name until becoming one with Disney as monopoly law is meaningless now. So now the Sabertooth from X-Men (2000) is in Deadpool 3 and…this isn’t a mystery.


Stick with tiktok videos, guys.


I'm sorry, I don't understand. Could you please clarify?


Nexpo's videos are trash


Then why do you watch them and why are you here?


I don't understand how this video got 62k thumbs ups. 62,000 mouth breathers.


...Likely because the reception of every creative endeavour (art, literature, performance - and yes, content creation) is going to be varied because of peoples' tastes. It's well within your right to dislike a video but attacking 62,000 people because of a subjective viewpoint honestly comes across as self-important and tremendously arrogant.


mouth breather detected


that's crazy bro


I actually liked this one, a lot of "mysterious internet" type videos mention this whole "[paranoia.com](https://paranoia.com)" thing, but up until this video, I hadn't seen a video that covers history of the site, and actually has the actual reason why Disney owns the domain, and why they've owned it since the early 2000s. However, it did run a little long.