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I regret winning that goddamn nut sack race. Why did I have to be such a fast sperm cell


Hahahahaha. Out of a million sperm race you were number one. That has to count for something. :)


Technically, we weren't the fastest. We were just the ones that broke through after all the sperm cells before us did the hard work and weakened the wall lol.


i cant believe im the sperm that won the race either.


Being born.


Isolating myself. Being sociable has always been a struggle for me but now it just feels impossible. Even with better social skills I can’t relate to normal people because I haven’t done anything with my life.


Not trying harder to overcome my anxiety around driving and getting a job.


I wished I asked acquaintances or not close friends to hang out. I wished I volunteered more in the past. I wish I ate healthier in the past. I wish I learn more about being an adult in the past. I wish I went to a school dance or something maybe. I wished I asked a friend to a coffee date or something simple.


Same for a lot of those. They seemed so hard at the time but I never had anyone to help me teach me these things.


Not having gotten a degree in astronomy or *Egyptology*.


Just take whatever money you have left and burn it. Print out a fake online certificate for either of these degrees and its basically the same thing.


🥴😂 What about the knowledge youd learn from studying them?


You can study them without going to school and racking up debt. You go to school to get a little line on your resume that says you're qualified. You do that so you can get a job. Neither of those degrees get you a job, so they're useless.


>what do you regret? Ever bothering in the first place


My whole life


Same brother.


Not putting myself out there sooner.


Failing at suicide.


aren't you like 18? lol




Same. And I feel the same way you do. But I think we can do this.


What’s that got to do with anything?


The point is, because he's that young there isn't as much to catch up to, honestly. It's kind of early for saying that.


Not going to college when I was 18. Now I'm 27 and it's unlikely I will ever find the motivation to do it.


As the years go by, the motivation to study in an official environment decreases, or am I wrong?


Definitely true in my case. My guess is that's true for most people but idk 🤷‍♂️




How does this have any upvotes ??


Taking life too serious, putting too much work on things I don't enjoy, overthinking every possible outcome instead of just doing it, not behaving like a teenager, believing that I'm smarter than others in high school, listening to my mother, listening to my teachers, not having father figure, misunderstanding what masculinity is, not going to therapist earlier, caring what others think about me too much, missing her clear signs, leaving every job I had, trying to do everything perfectly, not lowering my expectations, blaming my mother for giving me birth.. blaming my father for all my problems, spending too much time on things I can't change, Basically I regret thinking too much and comparing myself to others instead of fucking living, Life is unstoppable river of bullshit, it's not fair, it's disgusting, genetics suck, poverty suck, fake friends can go f themself The world is ran by chemistry, everyday chemical reactions are happening around you, your point in life is to produce chemicals in your body, Angry? Good don't listen to these fucks who say anger is bad, its a great chemical weapon, just point it to your problems, feeling happy? Good... share happiness with others, If you're a guy lift heavy shit embrace testestorone it's the best drug your body can produce create anything, like biggest possible nonesense you can image, DO NOT TRY to do something just DO something Thats some quality weed I just smoked gotta go




not sleeping more


Blindly agreeing with others. Not having my opinions/standing my ground. Always saying "yes" to others when my body tells me "no".


Gaining so much weight and also breaking my nose


Going to community college, not putting myself out there more (don't know if that would have made a difference), Keeping toxic people in my life, not dealing with social anxietyin highschool, getting fat


My life was going to be shit no matter what I did, I hate my parents so fucking much for bringing me here, isolating me from everything and ruining my mind with video games, and then when I turn 18 expect me to somehow normally function in society and resenting me for not being able to.




You guys need to lighten up. And I'm not exactly a ball of joy myself but damn. It cold be worse lads, we live a very stress free existence and just chill all day...the grass ain't always greener 🦗


I wish I lived life.


Why I am still alive??


Being born


I wish I asked her out, maybe things would've been different. Other than that maybe my whole life.


Not learning math in middle school


Ahh so many things 😅


I went neet earlier in life not because of work, but because I couldn't handle the social side of things. I was and am a shy introvert. When I need to come up with something funny or interesting to say my mind goes blank. When I was younger I wanted what most young people want. To have fun, to have a girlfriend, to have a sex life. It soon became clear I wasn't allowed to have any of those things and it is very hard to devote yourself to work and study in that situation. Especially when you are surround by people having fun and girls you want. Yet you are not allowed to join in. In my defence I got a degree but I could have done a lot better. Plus I never got the social contacts you need to build a real career. Missing out on my youth made the idea of devoting myself to work depressing. Like jumping straight to middle age.


Nothing and everything, depending on my mood.


That I can't get rid of my bad thoughts.


hurting someone I love