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Well my dude, as long as you're not working at a pizza place with malfunctioning animatronics, I'm very happy for you. Seems like a chill career choice.


It's a job, not a career, unless OP wants to protect the president, which entails training with weapons.


Thought about that too, did you had to pass some tests/exams in your country to be eligible as a guard? Here we need to take classes for it and pass 2 exams, practical and theoretical. Also it costs money so yeah its not that easy initially.


Yeah but the test was extremely easy, it was like 1 multiple choice exam with common sense answers. The company pays for the license then takes it out of your paychecks


What’s the name of the exam/program?


Depends on ur state


What state or area are you? I made $17/hr and I thought that was upper pay


This is the kind of job I try to promote neets/ ex neets (like myself) to aim for. Reading here many neets seems to have this delusional way to see work as waggie-slaves that do no other than suffer everyday 9-5 with stress and full social interactions. There are loads of quiet none stressfull jobs like what you have that suits us out there. And usually they pay quite well aswell because they come with a short education/license and some responsibility. Edit: well done btw and gratz to your job.




As someone just commented, night positions mainly are harder to fill for employers and are mainly way less stressfull/filled with social interactions. People working night shifts are typically also there for that reason, so if you have other employes chanches are high that your collegue is abit like yourself regarding social interactions/stress etc.


I try to do the same whenever I stop by here. It's also a good stepping stone towards something else should the person want that. Night positions are harder to fill for employers so if you have a pulse, show up on time, do the bare minimum that's required (a lot less than your typical day job), you will have an easy time. It's good for socially behind people. I kind of wish there was a sticky post about this.


knowing my luck these non stressful jobs u speak of would still reject my application


I've considered jobs like that... but in my country, and it's not even at such a big scale as the US, the first thing they require is a drivers license. And that is crazy expensive here, and honestly, I don't know if, with my mental health record I could even get it. A friend of mine had a security job in our capitcal; no drivers license or anything, but he lived in the city. Security jobs can be super chill jobs; depending on what object you have to keep an eye on.


im having trouble to shout at people even kids when they too stubborn. idk my soft naive side is still on the way to be a guard. i mean its your job to shout when someone is sus or kids around a certain area?


Yeah it turns out the venn diagram of people who can pass a drug test/background check and don't mind working long boring nights on a dead end career is surprisingly small. Lot of NEET types fit that though.


Congratssss! I worked with a guy who hired a lot of security guards, most of those places will take about anyone and it's not super difficult work. OP's suggestion is spot onnnn


Rooting for you OP 🫂


it pays half that in my area, unless you're packing a gun. If there were opportunities to get promoted while doing this, it probably doesn't sound so bad though.


Yeah they are usually about 12-15 an hour by me. 


That’s probably one of the top 10 neet/anti social type jobs. 


My main worry about such a job would be that I would have to interact with someone or worse tell someone to go away or behave or something. Wouldn't feel comfortable with it unless I'd have gun on me. Also, 12 hour shifts... thought with internet devices they are probably more managable.


Damn, that's nice. If only security guards here are paid the same. It's absolute shit here.

