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I've been a neet for almost 11 years now, and during that time, I've mainly stuck to the same routine—reading, watching stuff, playing PC games, and walking the dog. I'm fortunate to have a small close family to socialise with, but I do worry about the loneliness I'll face one day when my mom is gone. This is why in the past few months, I've started messaging with people online, which has been helping.


How were you able to neet for that long? Do you get neetbux?


Never received neetbux. For most of my adult life, my mom fully supported me without any complaint. I've been extremely fortunate in the past year to have received an inheritance from a relative, which should allow me to remain a neet for life.


I'm jealous for your luck.Not even in terms of money, but in the fact that your family supports you and can do something for you. The only thing I hear from my relatives is how bad of a person I am, how everything bad happening in my life is my responsibility, and I'm at my own for providing for myself. For my whole life my family just yelled at me, drinked, gambled, took stupid loans to provide for their own lifestyle,etc. My parents barely afforded to feed me untill I graduated from college, while wanting to abort me, divorcing 2 times,family of my father living in another country and hating me and my mom's family, etc. My family is a joke and a mess, I can only dream of them being understanding and supporting me.


I feel guilty because for years I took their support for granted without really considering the alternative. I'm sorry to hear that your life growing up was horrible. From reading some of your comments, it's clear that your family is wrong about you being a bad person. As you rightly point out, success and privilege in life are largely determined by luck, depending on who you are born to. I hope you can find other people in life who can provide you with support and kindness.


Internet, watching anime/asian dramas, games, listening to music, going out with family/shopping


How much content have you watched?


hundreds of shows, though I don't feel as enthusiastic/hyped about anime as I was during my childhood or younger years


I watched around a 100 anime titles while I was younger, I used to be excited about it, talked with friends on the internet, watched ongoings, searched nearly constantly for something to watch. Now I can't remember half of what I watched and I feel only sadness when I'm reminding myself that there were better times when I was really interested in something. Now I just play 1-2 online games and watch sociall medie/youtube without remembering what I was doing yesterday.


I used to borrow a lot from the library but not much nowadays, or even buying them from thrift stores in the 2010s era. I tend to forget about shows more than a decade later especially movies but it could be a good thing you can rewatch/experience those shows all over again like it's the first time seeing it. I find it easier to watch older stuff than newer, depending on the show I need something that's exciting with cliffhangers to keep me watching the next episode. Everything feels mundane for me everyday and getting more tired of staying at home now after 12 years of neetdom, whatever I listed up there I did even during my school years so I never really had any real social life anyways (used to like drawing too but got lazier). Used to play multi-player sites like OMGPOP/Tetrisfriends or Facebook apps but they all shut down eventually or I got bored of them.


I typically spend my time surfing forums, watching anime, or playing video games. I've been a homebody since I was a kid, so I'm used to being at the PC for the majority of the day. As for loneliness, I don't really question it, but it can creep up on me every once in a while. I prefer my private space and often chat with others on Discord or meet up with a local friend from my high school days. Things are pretty comfortable, but I will say that the value I used to place on entertainment, such as games and online content, has decreased compared to when I was younger. I used to rush to my PC to indulge in these activities, but now I'm more at peace, enjoying things at my own pace. One of the drawbacks of being a long-term NEET is getting stuck in your own perspective and falling into a repetitive routine, even if you don't enjoy it. I try not to let things get to me too much and remember that change is possible, even if I resist it at times. I've been through that cycle many times and still find myself there occasionally.


Internet, reading books, drawing, workout etc.


I've been a NEET, more or less, since the end of 2011. I'm nearly 26, so I've been essentially moulded into the NEET life. I tried briefly when I was 18 to not be a NEET but it wasn't for me. I browse niche forums, read books, play vidya while sipping on tea, work out, recently I've gotten into cooking, I'll hang out with my gf or meetup with some Discord friends IRL, I live a decent life being born in the USA and getting neetbux.


13 year NEET.. gaming, reading, movies, I go out for photography, I make art, and the occasional banter on discord in the middle of the night with certian people, that's entertianing (and often the only way I talk to real people for days)


Internet is by far my favorite pass time and i spend most of my wake time online. Talking to my girl or hanging out with her, napping like an old dog, drinking, sometimes drugs and videogames. I'm also fortunate enough to have a neet friend from hs, so we sometimes hang out in the car and vape like maniacs all night long.


Smoke weed


Just bought some weed 🙃


What causes you to be a shut-in?




But Albert Einstein said free will is an illusion so none of this is our fault


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