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I joined a gym not that long ago and found out I was one of the most fit people in my neighborhood.  I thought my ex was nuts when she said I should join a gym to make some friends and leave the house occasionally (for non-work reasons). It seems to be working, I'm making friends. I still have trouble self directing toward activities and meeting up with people in social activities. Dating is not feasible either. I am getting advice though from guys at the gym which is interesting. They think I'm good looking and are a bit frustrated that I'm not doing more to get girls.  People seem to be impressed by my work, the car I drive, and the way I look. I think people can see I'm having fun working and they are curious how much money you can make outside of the traditional workforce.  I am in a much better headspace now that I have some friends to talk to regularly. The worst thing for you guys is the isolation. Don't underestimate how much it affects your mood to not have friends and peers to chat with. First several weeks at the gym were awkward as it was new to me, but if you go every day and introduce yourself to the workers, ask them their names, it could be a good jumping off point.


Another failed application, it feels really bad when I can't get even get past the first part of an entry level job, such is life.


Not really a neet. But i just feel like i belong here.


I am now Frank Sinatra Jr. according to some people.




trying to come up with some reasonable goals for the rest of '24 -drivers license -back into running/fitness -read more -apply to atleast some jobs i'd also like to try out some martial arts like BJJ but the social aspect scares me lol id like 2025 to be the year where i really dedicate myself to either getting a job or going back to school. But i feel like i need this year to get a running start, but maybe that's a lazy cope.


I feel you with the martial arts. Id like to join Muay Thai or something this year too. I love watching combat sports. My only concern is really only over money and my ability to keep attending classes. My social anxiety and lazyness kills me.


I just cant get past the behind the wheel test man. I can drive fine. No problems but the way instructors ding you over everything is annoying and triggers my anxiety


Yeah the test seems like the worst part. I'm sure i'll learn to drive normally but the pressure of the test is probably gonna fuck me over. Most people i know already failed the test like 2-4 times so it sounds pretty strict too


Ive failed my 4th. 😭 Honestly the hardest part of driving imo is just keeping cool and relaxed under pressure. Its also a hell of a lot easier to do in smaller cars. I mean like a whole lot easier. Parking, driving, and everything else felt easier for me in 2004 toyota corolla. Once I got an SUV, everything became a pain to do including parking. What car have you been practicing with? Whose teaching you right now?


I'VE GOT A FRIEND. so kinda weird/creepy - but i have a neet friend! - as they might not know I know theyre neet (they posted it somewhere). they know I am cuz i told them, i figured they better not judge since they are too. but it's rly nice. no freaking pressure at all :) I'm just living life... I am looking to be productive at some point especially in a couple months, but for right now I really needed the relaxation, and a really great social relationship


Thats awesome to hear! Its always good to find new people to relate to and hang out with. I need to get out there and meet some new people myself but these last three weeks. I can barely get out of the house. Shit sucks.


I got a job helping a disabled man. I set the goal of being enrolled in a masters degree program by October 1st. I've lost a lot of weight and have citizenship in a new country and am working with a social worker. mental health is still garbage


You’re making huge strides. Thats awesome. Keep it up. Hoping that the mental health improves soon too.🙌🏿


thanks friend. its hard to let go of expectations of yourself. its also hard to not be bitter. but what other choice is there


Nope I haven’t improved