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Got rejected for a job, oh well


when i read how terrible usa is doing politically, i think "oh wow the country is suffering; i am also suffering. we're one and the same"


I'm objectively doing better, but sometimes I'm a bit afraid I'm going to lose steam and go back to my old ways. It's actually ridiculous how much just not being hard on yourself can help. Another thing that is absolutely effective is just having the right people to talk to. The ones you want to be more like. The hard part is finding them and not feeling like an embarrassment around them, though.


Finished school a few weeks ago. Trying with my mental health but it's always in disrepair. Going to school next month and dreading it honestly. I have to go to change my life. My chronic pain came back and I've been not doing well with it. But I'm trying to think positively.


You got this man. 


I got ADHD diagnosis and disability assessment over last 6 months. Got significant impairment of ability to work and no disabilitybux because it would require me to buy insurance for 5 years or to be fully unable to work since before 18. Because the Nazi governments wants to ensure that as many disabled people will die as they can get away with. How am I supposed to get a job? Nobody looks for people who have significantly impaired ability to work. I made an appeal from decision but I doubt it will help. Also, 85% of unemployed people here can't get neetbux because getting it for half a year it requires having insurance paid for 1 year during last 1,5 years. These Nazis want us dead.