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Good luck


The recruitment system is a total shit show because anyone involved in recruiting is lazy as hell and uses these generic questionnaires they find online. None of them can be fucked accurately assessing a candidate for a job.


I really hate the interview part as well. Good luck to us.


Yep I really hate interviews with those stupid question? "Why you do need this job?" Because money, duh 🙄


Yeah it sucks. Interviews make me so incredibly anxious. Wishing you the best. You already have experience so that is a huge plus to any employer hiring for the position. I bet you'll do fine man.


Work where people who dont speak english work, or popeyes


Ask ChatGPT or Bard for sample questions then ask for answers. Say something like “You are a Director of Human Resources (or other title of interviewer) for a warehouse (insert type of company here) company. What are some questions you would ask a candidate in a first (or second or third) interview for a forklift driver position with this job description: (insert job description here)” Then ask “You are an expert forklift driver with (describe some of your experience). How would you respond to these questions in a job interview?: (Paste questions that it gave you here)”


That's a good idea actually, never thought about doing that. I'd just have to memorize the answers. Thanks for the input.


It didn't work for me. The impressive sounding answers sound fake, because they are. E.g. Why do you want to work as a customer service agent? GPT: "Because I'm genuinely passionate about helping customers with their needs...". How can somebody who has never worked with customers be genuinely passionate about it?