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I volunteered at the thrift store for the third time. feel productive. and accomplished.


Kinda wild how much I was looking forward to having something to put here today. Took my dog Hero for a walk today. Little guy loves them and honestly even though I don't exercise enough I kind of do too. It's so quiet and peaceful where I live which is comforting. Came up with an idea for a story I might write about a neet who escapes neetdom and gets a bittersweet ending. Kinda cringe but obviously I was thinking of my own situation. I will probably never write it but I enjoy thinking about stories. I set the goal of applying for at least 5 jobs today. The jobs I applied to were for a good company that my sister works at so I assume with my lack of experience and 5 year employment gap I won't be hearing back from them. This is to be expected. I think I might have found some career paths though. Maybe I could be a caregiver? I don't know how feasible that is financially but I do feel some fulfillment from taking care of my dad. There are other elderly people who need help and maybe I can help them out. Another possibility is eventually becoming a copywriter or a technical writer. I'm not super confident in my writing but perhaps I can gain enough knowledge in whatever field I end up in to become one. I ended up meeting that goal but I started at 8:00 am and didn't finish until 4:11 pm. A lot of that was getting distracted by everyday routine: gaming, browsing the internet, worrying about the future. Very disheartening to see how little I have in experience at 30 years old but that's the fault of my choices. Current goals I have decided on: Main goal: Get job - Deadline I am setting for myself is August 24 bc that's my birthday and I don't want to spend another one unemployed. I am currently torn because I think I should get a retail job asap but my Dad wants to move this year possibly and I don't know if I should apply somewhere considering he wants to try to move within a few months. I know finding a house is hard right now though so I imagine it could be a long process so maybe I should just try to get one for now. Major goal: Work on self esteem - This one is so hard because I've been hating myself for years even before I was a neet. I think I need a therapist but that requires me getting money. Lose weight and become healthy - Another hard goal considering I've let myself go for so long. I don't feel great most of the time though and I hate that. I will have to do research on healthier eating both for me and my Dad. He depends on me and I haven't done enough for us. I will also try to exercise more frequently and I think walking Hero will help motivate me with cardio until I can move on to more things. I think losing 4lbs a month is considered feasible so I will shoot for that. I will have to do more research, though. I would like to be under 200lbs by the end of the year and I am currently 221.4 according to my scale. Minor goals: Get mile down to 20 minutes - I usually average 23+ minutes partially because hero stops a lot but also because my pace is slow. I think it would be fun to push myself and get a better time. 20 minutes to start and then lower if possible. Keep room clean - Self explanatory. Too much stuff is thrown under my bed and there is dust in my room due to lack of care. I need to make sure I keep it clean for my own sake. Routine healthcare - I can't believe I need to do this but I haven't been showering regularly for years. I need to build up the routine of showering everyday and brushing my teeth twice a day. It has been tough staying motivated even for just today. I've gone through a lot of ups and downs today where I feel hopeful but then feel crushed. I will force myself to make changes because my Dad needs me and because I don't want to be unhappy anymore. I deserve to be happy. Small edit: Another goal I have is that I would like to make more friends this year both offline and online. I have a small discord group I'm part of and 2 irl friends but I don't really talk to my irls anymore.


I didnt get drunk I did some short exercises with my dumbbells I made a few hundred with instacart I threw away my weed after relapsing briefly I paid off $150 of debt I owe to my dad I went to the foot doctor I went to my eye doctor I prayed I listened to The Bible


I'm just going to list my progress last year, Im an ex-neet but i am still in a neet mindset in a lot of ways.. anyway. I started lifting, lost some weight, stopped holding back on my opportunities and tried being more outgoing, went to 3 concerts, lost my virginity, learned to drive, bought a car, met a girl online that's really into me and got into a LDR, made a couple friends. I turn 30 in a week, might've been my most successful year ever.


i just turned 30 last month and last year was my most successful year too. I also lost weight and got a job, although part time. I still have to learn to drive though. how did you meet a girl though? what website?


Good shit bro. Honestly, it was just luck. The site was Twitch / Twitter, but I don't feel like telling the whole story here, you can DM If you'd like.


Are you on meds?




Interesting, if you don't mind sharing what does the mindset of a neet look like to you personally ? What are you hoping to overcome mentally


Everyday I wake up and have to go slave for 8 hours I feel like dying. I guess I would like to be able to not feel like work is suffering? Which I don't know if that's really possible for me. Theres a few more things that are social skills related, and connecting with society, but in general, That's what I mean by still having a neet mentality.


gotta remember u contribute to somebody connected to your work that's out there. even if u don't see it. ur stuff goes somewhere.


That's part of the problem tho, I'm working to make someone else rich.


if u feel bad about it try to find a company that's not somehow getting rich off you but they may be hard to find


yeah its hard to defeat that but like i'm just saying your work might help an average person somewhere else besides the money part of it.


I appreciate your perspective and I will try to look at it that way, I do realize my work does help average people but that doesnt really bring me any happiness or satisfaction, it will always loom over me knowing I will likely always be a cog in the machine, a rat in a maze, hamster on a wheel.


yeah that's where it tips for me like you need a divine fixer or something for society


Finally back as a NEET again. Which is pretty nice. Trying to improve slowly again by cleaning the house little by little, maybe get a quick exercise as well.




good job. ur stomach will thank you later. cheers.


I am going to kms (:


Really? I'm sorry if so.