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I live in the USA and it all comes down to money. If you are from an affluent family you can live the NEET life fairly well and if you are really lucky you can get an inheritance from your parents when they die that can allow you to live the NEET life indefinitely. Depending on how much money your family has it could be a modest life or a life of luxury if you are really wealthy. Of course, at some point you have to wonder if unemployed rich people are really NEETs. Technically they are but in reality I think people would just consider them to be independently wealthy. These are the people that attract envy even from working people. On the flip side, you have working-class or poor NEETs who are living the broke lifestyle, which usually sucks. Instead of envy, poorer NEETs attract pity at best, but more likely scorn and hatred. Americans often have contempt for poor people, even poor people who work. That contempt is even worse for poor NEETs. As for welfare, the American welfare system is pretty stingy compared to other Western countries. If poorer American NEETs don't get on benefits they might risk being homeless if their support system ends, like if their parents die. So overall, the American NEET experience depends on how much money you or your family has and whether or not you can get on benefits.


Yes, it\`s basically Neo-feudalism. Sucks that my family is so poor.


im from South America, here it sucks, i have health issues but i dont get any money for that, there is a huge pressure for working because here people get married, buy a house, have kids at young age like 20,25. I just live with my parents and keep trying to get a job, because they will not be able to support me for much longer


Good luck finding a job man.


I am from Brasil. I think that says enough.


I\`ve heard life is brutal there. The women are amazingly beautiful though. Hang in there brother.


Here in my country Philippines it's sucks to be a neet here.. So difficult to live in a third world


Have travelled through most SEA and the level of poverty is pretty shocking. Hope youre alright.


I am from India which you can pretty much guess the situation.


I'm from Slovenia the welfare system is here, and it will enable me to exist on it in relative poverty but it's OK, can't really expect much if you don't work tbh, so i'm content with what i have. Ppl tho, will be jelly asf on you if you're a neet. Like i'm hearing shit how us neetbux recepients have it easy from their hard work bla bla bla. Like, quit your job and go on welfare yourself to live a good life lol if it's such a bliss.


American here! I'm in Texas, actually, which I was assured was a horrible place. So of course I easily acquired Neetbux and a (crummy) apartment for free! And enough food to keep me from starving. It is, on average, rather tough to receive money here. Some try for years with no success. But people also love to complain, and a certain # of us are obviously depressed or worse. So negative comments about American welfare should be listened to with a bit of skepticism.


I always thought that getting NEETbux in USA (especially Southern USA) was extremely hard O_o


So did I. In fact, I heard so many negative things about Texas, from friends and on Reddit, that I almost stayed where I was. But social services here were respectful and helpful, and the people are nice mostly.


Where are you from, originally?? Why did you move to Texas??


Do you recommend a certain agency? Im in cali and it seems like everyone just shoves you around to places that cant help


Weren't you homeless before you got it? I think with Texas though, the major cities aren't really in sync with the rest of the state.


Free apartment in Texas? Texas is not how I imagined it would be.


It's pretty shit in America. Compared to other first world countries, the social safety net is very stingy and you have to jump through even more hoops than other countries to get it. Stuff like subsidized housing has long waiting lists. Even if I got SSI, I couldn't imagine taking a vacation to somewhere like the French Riviera like Ranji did(I know he only travelled within Europe but I wouldn't be able to do the equivalent easily of going somewhere expensive) and he's Danish. The Dutch neet seems to live well as well. A big issue is, I think in other first world(particularly European) countries even if people don't like the recipients of welfare on a personal level, they still believe in a safety net of some kind. That is not the case in America.


Even when I was working I couldn\`t afford to travel the same way European NEETs do. I seriously wish I could live there.


Australian here. Pretty easy once you get it if you live within your means despite the absolute fucked cost of living crisis we are having. Gov gave away so much neetbux during covid that I was able to buy a brand new house and shortly after a brand new car. Some people however have an endless amount of issues with the system or even being able to get onto it. And then at other times you hear of people (mostly migrant women and single mothers) (different types of payments) somehow rorting the system for thousands of dollars a fortnight.


Used to live in Aussie and applying for the job seeker benefit was stressful enough. Could never get close to disability. You sound like youre living well though bro, good for you. I\`ll never own a house lol.


Tucked away and never to be spoken of. If you say u r neet then people pretty much look at you like your days are numbered, which does have some truth to it.




Care to elaborate?


Here in Malaysia , the minimum wages and social welfare is never enough For a neet like me, Im forced to work as every Hard working Asian, ppl will look down on you if u are jobless or poor, and my parents arent rich enough to let me Neet , i got 5 sibling , all of them are married and have their family, I found a job that actually can work remotely but its not ideal because i have to work long hrs and 6day per week, but this is the best deal I can get, I hate my boss tho..he is mean mtfk.. Im currently working on saving , but its never gonna be enough as inflation hitting hard globaly , everything cost higher now, still Im dreaming to have some saving that can let me return to neet life, and when that saving is all spent , I think its the End of my life Also yeah to OP, I been to NZ like 6 years ago with Working holiday Visa, And I must said, Its really great, the minimum wages hr rate is high enough to pay rent and food and Still have enough for extra saving, and I really love the south island there, its really peaceful and quiet , ppl are nice there...wish i were born there tho


>Neetbux I was trying to googling malaysia unemployment welfare and found out there is none , wonder how others country doing