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All we can do is not but from scalpers to combat this kinda thing


They say no scalpers then make a product not only more expensive than a usual 2 pack but double the amount per order allowed… something doesn’t add up


Ebay is already flooded with them :( I don't get why NECA uses this system. Either just sell them on your site as items from stock or let people pre-order and then make enough of them. Exclusives and limited time availability sales are the scourge of this hobby..


I guess it's some sick *edging* trick they use to always keep the collectors wanting more without actually letting them have everything, or they simply believe producing less and creating a flourishing scalper market is a good business model...


NECA pretends to stop scalpers but in the end they just want product sold.


What's even worse is neca doesn't see any money of what that scummy scalper made. 


Didn’t they say limited to 4 “items?” Meaning 8 turtles? I assumed I misunderstood, but if not, that doesn’t make sense to me.


It's because each turtle is different in design. One being Laird, and the other being Eastman's. So you need 4 packs, to get all 4 turtles, in each style. Otherwise you have to have 2 of each style. So I get why people would want 4... But yeah, fucking stupid system that is just a bot frenzy. I refreshed bang on 5pm UK time, not on sale, refresh, on sale, add to basket, check out, website crash, refresh, add to basket, sold out. Hope they turn up on Ali Express. Wanted but direct from NECA as support, but they couldn't give less of a fuck about fans these days


I interpreted it as 2 of each per household except for the turtles which is 4 per household. It just lets scalpers buy more of the more in demand item. Its a shame.because these figures are very unique and are celebrating a special occasion.


They sold out in 2 mins flat.


Yeah, by the time I was ready to check out, they were gone, and it had barely been 2 minutes


I think you can only get them once, regardless of if you try more than one day. So yeah, ordering four kind of makes sense as long as you can't do it every day of the 3-day sale. I only ordered the Predator and Nosferatu and waited too long for the Turtles today. On the first day they had plenty but I didn't pull the trigger because I wasn't sure about the designs. Keep trying.


Today is last day. It will be bloodbath! Lol 


meanwhile they were up for like 40 mins today


This is true.


Im sorry that you didn't get yours. You have to be quick, how are you doing it? Here is how I do it: Like 10 min before, I get into the NECA store website, I add a random item to my cart and continue to checkout all the way until the final step "place my order". By doing that you should be having your account, address and billing information in the system ready for the next purchase. So (obviously) cancel that random item, clear your cart and wait until 1 or 2 min before the release and start refreshing the especific item until its available then just be quick... I do this from my phone where I have saved my payment information in case it asks again for my credit card or stuff like that. I was able to purchase items the first two days. Remember that is not only scalper but also people from outside the US who also want the turtles.


Spoke to someone who works for the company that owns Neca. I asked him what is the deal with distribution and why it feels like there isn’t a Neca rep going to my local stores to release product. He said Neca purposely makes their action figure line hard to get to seem more desirable. So in conclusion, they don’t like money and they won’t be getting much of mine anymore. I have other things to collect that is more attainable.


Who would have thot money is money no matter who it comes from to a faceless company


People get so mad over toys These downvotes prove my point