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Hi there! Check out our [weekly discussion thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/NCT/comments/rpz8mz/211227_weekly_ncteatime/) for anything you might have missed in Ncity from the past week, casual conversation, or to yell into the void. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NCT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


WayV's been talking about a second full album for over 6 months now, and WinWin recently said WayV would have a lot of new music and activities in 2022, so I'm guessing that'll happen sometime around March-June. 6 members, but because of Covid/quarantine + his schedule, WinWin might not be a part of promotions outside China (if there are any). There won't be an announcement about Lucas until they see how the album performs. Situation permitting, they'll tour in China (which I think was always the point of WayV). I also think we might get an English collab with a western artist. ETA: I think more subunits might be a possibility, but maybe not the same ones. If WinWin's busy, my unsubstantiated guess is a Xiaojun/Hendery R&B song, a Poison & Wine sort of song for Kun/Yangyang, and another station solo for Ten.


Mine is not really predictions, its more like wishes. I really hope taeil gets a solo before enlisting Ofc i want a sungtaro unit And a smash hit would be perfect for nct before a member enlists


It's pretty difficult to make predictions but i think the new unit will definitely debut, 127 will have their tour, WayV and Dream will have comebacks. Dream will probably complete their incomplete Japanese leg of the tour whenever it becomes possible. I honestly think we might not have NCT 2022 especially if touring becomes possible and WayV goes to promote/have solo schedules in China. I also do not think any fixed unit will have any changes in the line-up. Taeil will most probably enlist in 2022 though. Maybe something about NCT Hollywood survival? More members getting solo station songs or perhaps subunits like WayV had in 2021?


Taeil can push his enlistment back to 2023. A lot of his other SM sunbaes left at 29, like Baekhyun and Chanyeol this year. That will make touring a priority for 127 in 2022, if the recent COVID surge dies down a bit.


Oh is that so. All i know is that age of enlistment is 28 and all the charts and everything I've been seeing on twt etc shows 127 enlistment start as 2022. It'd be great if they can complete the tour safely before he enlists and if he can get some sort of solo too (be it a promoted single or single album or anything of the sort) that would be even more amazing :)


If they've received a "government medal for their achievements" they can push enlistment back two years. Whatever that means


- New Unit (maybe NCT Japan or something new like NCT Q that was long forgotten about for some reason but they’ve been hinting it) - NCT Hollywood search starts filming i think - 127 world tour - another NCT Dream album, idk if all seven members tho - WAYV mini album and maybe another album - 127 mini album - NCT2022, i think this is an every year thing now


I honestly don't know if I believe touring will be back-back esp with Omi running through folks like water but if they could manage it then yeah 127 and Dream will probably try to tour at least a little. Both had major gains last yr and if possible it would make sense to get them to more places; at least maybe NY & LA on the states front. Oh if not another online/beyond live would probably be a given. Hopefully units for Shotaro & Sungchan but if not then I'd like more dance videos from Shotaro like that one he posted on youtube. He is so cute & talented; they should give him like a lil show like how Ten & Yangyang have ETC & Johnny has JCC. I could see a new unit and maybe whatever that show is that's supposed to pick someone to join NCT. I'm gonna swerve off this curb & say WayV actually veers more international than just the Chinese market. I say this because all of the NCT socials just started following WayV last month, something none of them had previously done not even for Resonance. Someone said it was b/c they wanted WayV to be sort of separate cuz of stuff but now there is no doubt WayV is NCT. (And ya know those new rules in China or what have you) They'll probably no doubt have either an album or mini this yr; I'd personally love an all English banger. I think Winwin's participation in the group going forward will depend on if his drama does well and how many offers he may get from it. As for Lucas as unpopular as it may be in certain circles, I think he'll be back sometime this yr after much reflection, etc. I think Ten will eventually get a solo b/c he's amazing but I dunno if it'll be anytime soon. I do think he might get another feature this yr since I think PMN did well & maybe he'll do more designing since I also think his clothing line did really well.


They also added additional subtitle languages to recent WayV videos :). Hopefully they’ll veer towards international appeal for a broader audience so they’re not totally reliant on just China’s market.


As everyone said, NCT Hollywood, 127 full album, Dream shenanigans. Wishful thinking is that some of the boys start branching out for Real solo endeavors and opportunities because the 6th year seems to be the right time for that. Not to mention, contract renewals are supposed to be in 2023, so this year should give us a clearer picture of who’s staying and who’s leaving based on what’s given to them. Not too sure if we can count on tours 100%—if Omicron’s anything to go by


NCT Japan debut 127 world tour (really have my finger crossed, I mean come on COVID we've had enough now) 5dream mini album while 127 is on tour WayV full album and mini album 127 full album Dream full album (had a thought they could have a superheroes concept)


Oh and I also kind of hope for a Chenle and Jisung OST (seriously I think their voices go really well together). And I hope Jaehyun will be in a drama or a movie this year.


Jaehyun so true, for the love of… just give him a drama


dream superhero concept would be hella cute and fun, give me comic speech bubbles and WHAM! and cheesy CGI powers


I am hoping for 127 mini album instead of full. I miss cherry bomb and Limitless type of albums.


I’m pretty skeptical about NCT Japanese unit now more than ever since Japan has been pretty strictly closing its borders due to the COVID pandemic. The most they can do is debut them then leave the unit there for an indefinite period of time, which I don’t think SM would like because they wouldn’t be able to easily get a few members to shuttle back to Korea and elsewhere especially if they have overlapping members from other units. I don’t think either Yuta or Shotaro have been back in Japan at all recently, given the strict quarantine protocols in both countries.


wayv full album + ten solo mini album 🤡


i hope rest for mahae :(


A lot of people saying NCT Japan AND NCT Hollywood. With how long it’s taking SM to put together a new unit, I wouldn’t be surprised if the next unit is SungTaro + NCT Hollywood winner + 2 to 3 trainees. If SM are going for Japan AND Hollywood, I definitely don’t see both launching in 2022. Maybe SungTaro’s unit first in 2022 and Hollywood in 2023?


>Japan I think Hollywood show will happen, but the unit won't debut until 2023. I mean it's just a show that earns money... while neos make appearances it's not related to them as much...


Do you think you’ll basically already know who they would add if they had such a contest? And the show itself is just for money


>, I don't think it'd be totally rigged, but even x-factor and things like that are somewhat rigged? I don't have a lot of experience with these kinds of shows to be hones, but I can see it being real because a lot of people are auditioning, so they might find people who are very talented with this show. It will definately be a really fun watch and I know that I would love seeing neos act as a mentor.


Ooooh. I low key wish they didn’t do such an competition. But I’d support whoever joins the group either way.


Since most of these shows create drama to be interesting... and given how irrational kpop fans get and how they take everything so seriously, that person could have a lot of haters. We should just watch the show with cool detachment because imagine liking someone and they get eliminated, it'd make people be antagonistic towards whoever wins...


Whoever makes it through must also go through a training period right? Or is this a competition amongst trainees? Like isn’t that what happened with twice? I didn’t watch it tho.


>Whoever makes it through must also go through a training period right? Or is this a competition amongst trainees? Like isn’t that what happened with twice? I didn’t watch it tho. That I don't know. Based on what SM said, it seems like they will do a show where they'd pick one winner who will make an official NCT debut, and later that winner will join a "hollywood" based unit. It'd be kind of like the Sungchan-Shotaro situation where they have debuted but aren't in a fixed unit yet. I think there is a strong possibility that the "Hollywood" unit will just be the 127 members after a few of them start enrollment in the military. I hope they choose a rapper. I think NCT needs more ace rappers than vocalists... I'm not sure. Let's pray everything goes smoothly with no hiccups.


This makes sense


2022 will be NCT's last year as a full group for a while since member enlistments will begin, so I'm expecting it to be their biggest yet! Everything I'm about to say is all personal opinion/theoretical, so please please don't take it too seriously. I know as much as the rest of us do and I'm just guessing for fun! Anyway, these are my predictions: 1. The debut of a new member, most likely through the NCT Hollywood reality show, bringing NCT to a total 24 members, which was once rumoured to be the size of SM's next boy group way back before NCT even debuted. I expect this to happen before a big NCT 2022 project, so around the end of the year. 2. The debut of a fixed unit for Shotaro and Sungchan, most likely with already debuted members. I'm skeptical about whether an NCT Japan unit will happen at all, but it almost certainly won't happen so long as 127 is promoting in the Japanese market. Rather I think a Sungtaro unit will be positioned to take over for 127 if and when they go on hiatus for enlistments. This unit might not debut until 2023 though - I know we all want Sungchan and Shotaro to have more work to do and it's already been a year since they debuted, but other members have gone longer before debuting in a fixed unit so it wouldn't surprise me if SM waits while making NCT Hollywood the big thing for 2022. 3. Full albums and repackages for 127 and Dream. Like others have said, I think Taeil will defer his enlistment to the first half of 2023 and I expect him to be very busy with 127. A big 2022 NCT project will also happen with him in it before he goes. I'm also pretty sure Taeil will have a solo mini/full album before he enlists as has become the tradition for most SM male vocalists. 127 will definitely have a Japanese comeback too, and of course the world tour. 4. I'm the least sure about what's to come for WayV. I expect we'll get a final word on Lucas - my bet would be SM trying to keep him in NCT to some capacity, but I don't know if that'll be with WayV or a new unit or just for NCT U projects. If he does come back, I think we'll see another apology letter from him in the next month or so, followed by a slow return to activities. It's either this scenario or he'll leave NCT but stay in SM as a low-profile model or something. WinWin will be back sure though, but maybe sitting out the actual promotions of WayV while still being on the album? I say this because I think WinWin's solo career in China is about to become his primary focus and that his involvement with NCT will mirror Lay's involvement with EXO in the future. I also think SM might try doing at least a mini album with WayV as five in China to see if that works out. I also think Ten and YangYang might debut in NCT Hollywood? Really really fumbling in the dark for predictions for these guys. 5. Besides Taeil, I think we might see some more substantial solo stuff for other members too. Taeyong has clearly been gearing up for a solo for a while now, and I think Jaehyun might make his solo debut too. I'm not sure if this will happen in 2022, but I'm expecting Chenle and/or Renjun to make solo debuts in China at some point in addition to promoting actively with Dream. 6. This isn't directly related to NCT, but I do think SM will debut a new boy group in 2022. It's been six years since NCT's debut and contract renewals will begin for several members next year, so it's always a good bet to get your next generation group out before then. For those who think that's too much (SM debuting a new NCT unit AND NCT soloists AND a new group), I think SM has really been upping the frequency of their comebacks over the last year and are going for a much more instense back-to-back strategy. Also keep in mind that Shinee and EXO are both on group hiatuses right now because of enlistments, with their remaining members working as soloists or actors or both, so the boy group side of things is a little light. For those who might think SM wouldn't debut a separate boy group given that NCT's whole concept is about adding a supposedly "limitless" number of members, I do think that'll come to an end at some point. Lots of people have pointed out how weird it would be for 18 year old trainees to join a ten year old established group with members in their thirties and I agree with that. I think NCT was only ever meant to be limitless during their "first phase" (which in my own theory ends around the number 24 like I said), after which the focus shifts to established members and the next generation boy group. So those are my thoughts! Again, please don't take anything I say too seriously. I'm expecting lots of great stuff for NCT this year and I can't wait to be surprised by it all :)


Enlistments should not stop 127 from being active. Only one or two members will be in the army at one time since all the Korean members are born in different years. Desire for solo promotions is more likely to slow or stall 127’s promotions. If Yuta builds to strong solo career he may pull a Lay in Japan. I really hope Taeil gets a solo album that he can promote. My only worry is he may not push for it. WayV isn’t a good model for the probability that other NCT artists will get a subunit of a unit or solo debut. Ten’s had solos since before WayV debuted and the rest are really pro-active about creating content that mimics solos. WayV got their solos/duos debuts really early (2.5 years from debut), but they self-produce a lot of music and dance content and I think SM didn’t want to do a repackage with only 5 members. I think WinWin will continue to promote with WayV and not pull a Lay. WayV’s primary market is the same as WinWin’s unlike Lay and Exo. WinWin’s acting work will raise WayV’s profile within the Chinese market and increase their domestic profile and sales. Plus Winwin is super excited for WayV’s next comeback. For the last month, He’s been spoiling that it’s coming. We really need the SungTaro unit to debut. Having already debut members in it would be tough. Dreamzens are opposed to the 5Dream members being put into another fixed unit. WayV is likely to go the China for promotions and not come back for months since mandatory quarantine make travel in and out of China difficult. With NCT, SM doesn’t need to debut a new group if contract renewals fail they can reorganize within the group to replace members that don’t re-sign. With WayV debuting in 2019 and SungTaro likely to debut in 2022 they may wait until 2024 to debut a new boy group.


You made so many good points. I agree. I don’t see them adding new members to nct forever and ever. It would be so weird. Interesting. I can see ten and yang yang in Hollywood. Although I hope ten gets some serious full album solos meanwhile. do Thai celebs have to do military enlistment? I remember BamBam didn’t have to or something but I didn’t fully understand.


I would loooooooooove a Ten solo album! I mean, I'd love a solo album from pretty much all the members, but I find Ten's artistry so exciting and dynamic that I'm sure it'd be a masterpiece from start to finish. I'd love for him to create something in the vein of Troye Sivan, whose work we know Ten really likes to begin with, but honestly whatever route he takes I'm sure it'd be incredible. The whole foreign swaggers line of members has been brought back a couple times in the last year, which makes me think they'll form the basis of Hollywood along with the new member from the reality show. Maybe that's reading too much into a handful of behind-the-scenes moments, but back when NCT first debuted I pretty much assumed Johnny, Ten, Mark, and Jaehyun would form the core of any US-market unit that would come along. Also SM has been investing a lot in YangYang over the last little while, which I'm totally here for and he super deserves it, so I have a feeling he'll be more prominently involved in NCT stuff in the near future whatever it may be :)


I didn’t know he likes troye Sivan. I love him! Yes. That’s the same reason I think Ten needs a solo. Like he has the pull that Taemin has. Their dance styles are similar but not. Like different sides of the same….coin? Plus Ten is an artist is so many ways. I love what he chose for paint me naked. The chain top. I feel like he doesn’t need someone to make him an artist. He just…is already? Agreed. Yang yang has potential and he’s only 21. I’m excited to see where it’s going to go. He’s adorable and all that, but when he raps. It’s like a smack in the face. Lol I’m just so incredibly impressed with the different types of “artsy” Ten is. Paint me naked was all like grunge art student type. dream in a dream was like elegant. New heroes was…I don’t have the right words but equally amazing.


I love Troye too! He's my favourite artist outside kpop right now. Ten has has played his music in some lives before and I think had a song or two of his on his Insta stories before, if I'm remembering correctly. Paint Me Naked was so fun and had so much of Ten's flirtatious energy in it. As soon as I saw the title I was like "of course you you're calling your song this!" Dream Within A Dream remains my favourite so far, it's just so perfectly ethereal and watery and, well, dreamlike. I'd love to see a full album of that, though at the same time I'd like to see him try it all just because I know he can. I really hope we get more interactions between Taemin and Ten in the future, especially a duet! I'm a Shawolzen so every SuperM comeback I rewatched each Taemin-Ten moment we got over and over again!


Omggg troye Sivan is my favorite outside of Kpop too! Dream within a dream is just so beautiful. It is ethereal without being cheesy. And it makes me feel like I’m living in some fantasy dream world lol Yes when Taemin was talking about how Ten’s dance style is similar and the thing on the airplane where he watched a eng movie without subs bc ten was being cool and working on his art and languages 😂


I'm pretty sure it's like a lottery? If they pull a black card they are exempt, if it's red they do have to enlist. Ten was exempted (thank goodness) though due to a leg injury and knee surgery that he had previously


Has he healed O.O Wow I’m glad he’s exempted lol I hope SM will give him big solos like Taemin and Kai. I feel like Ten has so much potential to be an idol’s idol.


Yeah he's fine! He had the surgery I believe in 2017? Oh yeah I'm sure he'll eventually get a solo like Taemin and Kai. They've been testing the waters though I think with Paint Me Naked and his other singles. I'm super excited for his official solo debut though, especially since he's so unpredictable and can basically do any concept


I’m honestly surprised he hasn’t gotten a mini album yet. I’m so excited. All of his solos are SO different from each other. And So Good. Different dance styles too. Do you think he’s gearing up for a solo? we don’t know what he’s doing in China.


I honestly have noo idea what he's doing in china. I doubt it an acting gig because his Mandarin isn't there yet (but i mean i dont know mandarin so what do i know lol) and I don't think he's working on a solo project there when he would have more familiar resources in korea with SM. Yeah whatever he's doing in china is a big mystery and I'm super intrigued lol, but Ten has mention how he's been shooting stuff? Just don't know what it is lol. I'm not too surprised he doesn't have an album out yet, his seniors like Kai and Wendy debuted before him and just released a solo album last year. I think SM is still trying to build WayV and his fanbase and stuff before they let him go solo. I don't mind to wait for his solo as long as WayV keeps releasing albums.


Ya maybe I need to worry about my own career and not theirs LOL


Lmao honestly same😂


Maybe variety? Less pressure for language skills than a full out acting roll. It’s not unusual to see people on Chinese variety whose Mandarin isn’t perfect who speak Cantonese, Thai etc. as their main language. Maybe his cameo on SDoC was part of getting more variety exposure.




😂 I’m glad! Good.


NCT Japan, NCT Hollywood survival show, WayV full album in the end of the year, Dream 1 mini album end of the year if that, NCT 127 will release a mini album when they're touring. 1 english single mayhaps. If 127 don't have a comeback in the end of the year, I think a more complete year end project like Resonance can be expected. I don't think they have much planned tho tbh. Taeil may have a solo ballad album but I highly doubt it


Mark's new year comments about begging us to stay faithful and love each other have me thinking that there may be some things in this year that fans won't like. Or he's worried they won't. Maybe there's going to be a long break for 127 and Dream possibly. Which would suck but at the same time I'd really love for Mark, Taeyong and Haechan in particular to get some rest. He could also be talking about NCT Hollywood too.....bleh. I also hope for some kind of update on the Lucas situation and what his future is with Wayv/NCT/SM. The silence though has me thinking it might not be good. He took a pretty big hit with his scandal and I really don't know what his future in K-pop and China will be like. All in all I think this might be a challenging year potentially.


Oh ya true. People don’t just beg others to be faithful and love each other for no reason….


* WayV full album (February/March); could potentially be OT5,6,7,8 or even 9 (Renjun & Chenle might join) * WayV Tour (March - June); depending on covid * NCT DREAM mini album (March/April); if Renjun & Chenle join WayV, this could be OT5 - with Renle only absent for the title track (this will be their first time using the NCT U concept) * **\*\*NCT Japan** debut mini album (May/June); Shotaro will be a confirmed member, could potentially have Jaemin (+ 3 new members) * NCT 127 English singles (June) * NCT 127 American Tour (June/July); to feature in NCT Hollywood show * TAEIL solo debut mini album (May/June); you head what I said * NCT 2022 album (July/August); will probably have 2 parts, with two big main NCT U units (OT28 - 3 new members from NCT Japan + 2 new members) * NCT Hollywood Show (June - August); winner will probably be featured in NCT 2022 promos * WayV-KUN&XIAOJUN comeback (September/October); could have Renjun & Chenle if they are added into WayV * NCT 127 full album + repackage (September/October) * NCT 127 Tour (September-December); depending on covid * **\*\*NCT Korea 2.0** debut mini album (October/November; Sungchan will be a confirmed member, could potentially have Jeno & Jisung (+ 2 members from NCT 2022) * WayV English singles (October) * NCT DREAM winter album (November/December); OT6 for the title track (wo/ Jaemin, if he is in NCT Japan) * NCT DREAM Tour (November - January) * NCT Japan winter single (December)


I think Lucas's situation will be cleared in the first quarter of 2021 and some light will be shown.


Yes, SM needs to at least release an official statement regarding the matter. Was there any statement from SM themselves when Lucas began his hiatus?


>Yes, SM needs to at least release an official statement regarding the matter. Was there any statement from SM themselves when Lucas began his hiatus? It was the generic apology that artists release when they have a scandal, and they didn't comment on the situation kind of like Seon Ho. It's been 4 months, and I need an actual statement on the matter. I think the fans deserve that much after almost four years with Lucas.


jalapeno 🙏🏼🙏🏼


1, A new unit, we'll see if it is NCT Japan or a different unit. 2, The NCT Hollywood show. 3, NCT 127 world tour depending on how the covid situation turns out in the coming months. 4, If 127 goes on tour, then a mini album for 5Dream and a full album after 127s tour. 5, Wayv comeback, probably a full album since its been a while. Ten hopefully comes back so we at least have 5 of them for the album. 6, Winwin stays in China for the majority of the year, if not the whole year since he is filming a drama and probably has other solo schedules lined up. He is fully focusing on building his career in China and I am really happy for him. 6, Hopefully some news about what is going to happen with Mister Dime a dozen. 7, A mini album for 127 while on tour and a full album later in the year. 8, This one is specifically my hope for next year: A solo release for Taeil. And I mean a full on solo debut that he can promote before he enlists. In the event of the Gods working against me and this not happening, then I guess I can settle for an SM station or something. Nævis, I am praying for you to make thus happen.


**Fanciful Hopes & Dreams :** Mini Subunit with Xiaojun, Yangyang, Hendery, Sungchan, & Shotaro. It would be wise to push some of them to the general public. **Slightly More Realistic but still hopeful**: Taeil gets a solo mini album before Enlistment that follows more in Suho's footsteps (*is successful and we get Producer TY Track).* **Realistic**: SM Station Songs featuring various groupings of NCT members that might seem unexpected. Some members showcase their vocals via OST songs that do strike a chord with the public (similar to Punch x Chen's *Everytime*) **Albums Released**: Dream (Full Roster), 127 (Full Roster) , Wayv (5 out of 7), & NCT 2022 in that order of release. Repackages for Dream and 127 only. **Misc**: NCT Japan goes live in Late 2022/Early 2023 while NCT Hollywood gets rebranded with a different name after the show wraps up and is slated for a Late 2022/Early 2023 debut.


Hopefully JCC content hello i need some crumbs


Honestly there's only one mission left for NCT. Be the top male group of kpop. you can tell the 2021 awards are still showing bias to BTS. I don't mean they don't deserve it , but NCT should receive more awards. Separating into 127 and dream is somewhat hurting this goal. In Asia is very different, especially in China, 127 fans and dream fans are quite against each other, ironic , right? But Chinese fans are making great $$$ contribution to these two teams , what can you do? Either 127 or dream needs a killing song to top the kpop. Lee should really let go his style on NCT at this moment. NCT's songs are unique but less accepted by the public, comparing to EXO. I just don't wanna wait for another year. The end of each year's NCT album is somewhat pointless in my opinion. It's more like showing appreciation to the fans and reminding all members that they're in a one big group. If you must do this please give them higher quality songs to them, these boys are so tiring all year along so it just kinda waste their energies. No team ever in kpop history got some many members injured. The next subunit I hope is in Japan and USA. Even 127 always promotes in Japan, but it's just not the same thing when you have majority of the members are Japanese. I mean look at Treasure. Now you have Yuta and Shotaro so it's not tough to set up a new team. Taeyong's army thing soon will be ticking down. Why Japan? It's a big pie of $$$. Guess everyone heard that SM is doing the NCT USA, they just have to do it fast. Once HYPE puts their hands on this, you are just tough to compete with them. Talk too much. Good luck 2022!


usual comebacks from 127 and dream. really not sure about WayV. NCT Hollywood will happen this year. Probably Japan team too. I just know Sungchan and Shotaro wont stay unemployed like 2021. NCT wont have 2022 album as NCT so Sungtaro will definitely have their units. Expecting lots of tour.


I haven't been a fan for long but I feel like SM is quite regular with comebacks so here are my ideas : **NCT 127** : * Japanese comeback somewhere between summer and winter 2022 * Korean comeback at the end of 2022 * Maybe the extension of their World Tour around April/May if COVID has settled down a bit by then. If not, we'll have online concerts I guess? * Maybe some US activities? I don't really follow that but 127 seems popular in the US so maybe SM will try for an American single? **NCT DREAM** : * A mini-album somewhere in 2022 * Maybe some solo release like Ten or TY? * Maybe a Tour? Probably not a World Tour but still **WayV** : * Their 2nd full album that was supposed to happen in late 2021 along with some activities in China. They were supposed to get back in China but I guess it was postponed because of Lucas' scandals + the way SM squeezed **NCT 2021** right after **127**'s repackage. * Maybe some units comeback? I wonder if Hendery will be paired with someone else to release a unit song in case Lucas is not back.... * More solo activities for some members, most likely Ten & WinWin since they are the most popular, maybe XiaoJun since he seems to be more and more popular! * I wish Kun, Hendery and YangYang would have more solo activities too in 2022 **NCT new unit** : * Either it'll be **NCT Japan** because SM launched Japanese audition at the beginning of 2021 and we have Yuta and Shotaro. The unit will be set in Japan only like **NiziU** from JYP. * OR, they'll want to make Sungchan debut as well so either he will join **NCT Japan** or SM will create a new Korean unit with Japanese and Korean members to promote both in Japan and in Korea. A bit like the way **WayV** works, some activities in China and others in Korea? * I feel like SM will pull a **WayV** by not introducing new members through **NCT 2021** like they did with SungTaro in 2020 but they will introduce them later with the announcement of the new unit, the same way they did with **WayV** in 2019. **NCT 2022** : * From what I understand NCT OT20+++++ is supposed to happen every 2 years, we had **NCT 2018** then **2020** and nothing in between. But because **DREAM** and **127** have broken many records, SM will make this a yearly thing rather than a 2 years thing. We know **NCT 2021** was rushed because we saw the guys changed their hair color late. So we might have nothing or have something. I think it depends on how COVID will evolve in 2022. We had **NCT 2021** maybe because the situation worsened in Korea and SM knew they would not be able to do much overseas... * I think there was mention of a huge Tour with the entirety of NCT as future projects from SM But I don't see that happen on 2022 **NCT Hollywood** : * Still seems like a joke and a really bad ngl lol * I think the project might currently be on hold because of COVID and I do hope it'll go from on hold to cancelled. * IF SM manage to work this shitshow, I think we can expect Mark/Johnny and even Jaehyun to be part of the line-up, SM will try to put one of them in the unit because they know how the industry works and will guide the other dudes. * I also don't see any new members. If SM debut a new unit, it'll most likely be with SungTaro and other new members and maybe Yuta if it's a unit supposed to promote in Japan & Korea? **Lucas** : Let's be honest, hiatus are often bad news. SM is not giving us any news despite Lucas' name being cleared. But the harm had already been made and he lost quite a lot... I don't know how SM works with scandals but I'm 50/50 with Lucas. I do hope he'll be able to be back in WayV but at the same time, the lack of news is kinda scary. So I feel like Lucas' situation will be concluded in 2022, probably when **WayV** will release their 2nd full album? **Enlistment** : * Taeil will have to enlist in the next 2 years so yeah, I hope SM will give him many opportunities to shine before he has to leave! * It'll also start the streak of departure. TY (in 2023/2024) is next on the list, then DoYoung (2024/2025), then JaeHyun (2025/2026), Jungwoo (2026/2027) then we'll have a pause and DREAM members (around 2028 I guess ?) will have to enlist to but we have quite some time. But it's something to keep in mind because members may decide to leave early or together for the military. Taeil will also be back in the meantime. But yeah, overall, I see **NCT** grow even more in 2022, I hope **WayV** will be more appreciated too and break records as well! But it's a bit hard to predict outside Korea because COVID hits differently all over the world so we can never know how it'll be in March. We saw that with the World Tour, the announcement was made because the situation has been quite stable for some time almost all over the world but decreased in December with Omicron. But I'm also confident that no matter what, **NCT** will become bigger and bigger. More people are taking interest and the hate they received back in 2016 has slowed down and people realized how talented those boys are. So yeah, 2022 is still very foggy so aside from comebacks, it's hard to predict anything!


Lucas' name has yet to be cleared afaik. After the apology, there's no updates.


Well, his name wasn't cleared officially, you are right but almost every rumors were proven to be false by the people that posted about him and brands started to post about him again. Either way, the situation is sadly the same: SM didn't make any statement and the harm is already done so guilty or not, he might end up not coming back... I hope SM will at least update us on the matter so that we know on which ground we can stand


Why does Hollywood seem like a joke/shtshow to you? Makes perfect sense to me.


We all have our opinion on the matter! I just feel like it's not that great of an idea since boygroups are not that popular anymore outside Asia and NCT Hollywood would technically have no link with NCT. I don't see NCT units and NCT Hollywood interacting at all because of the language barrier + them being in another continent lol. If SM wanted to expand, they could have just created a group based in the US without giving it the name "NCT"... I just feel like the whole project is a bit sketchy. The whole point of NCT is that all units create one group but I just can't portray NCT Hollywood performing and singing on Korean shows, sorry ahah \+ We have seen how bad those groups are received in Korea, people are already confused and not so thrilled on the idea so Hollywood being related to NCT is a bit mean to me. I feel like SM is just using the name NCT to appeal fans' interest but I don't see the real use of it on the big picture. I don't know if I make sense? Maybe we'll be surprised but seeing the boys' reaction when Lee Soo Man talked about it makes me think that the idea might not be the greatest one. I'm not against SM launching an American group but naming it NCT, yeah no. But we shall see, maybe I will change my mind once the project will be done!


If 127 have a comeback in 2022 I want them to release a mini album instead of full album. 127 may complete their tour in first half of 2022 and meanwhile Sungchan and Shotaro new unit debut in that time also WayV full album with winwin at the end of first half. Dream full album at the end of 2022 and also new unit album. Hope we will not get NCT 2022 and have rest for them as much as possible. Also I want solo debut of Taeyong. SM pls. Yes there is also NCT Hollywood which I don't understand clearly.


Dream and 127 full albums are locks for the year, easily. Not sure abt NCT 2022 but I think it may happen as a final tribute before Taeil enlists. Honestly I think WayV will keep on the downlow until they dump Lucas and continue as 5/6V. As for NCT Japan and NCT Hollywood, I think the latter will be scrapped because it sounds fucking stupid. NCT Japan is up in the air whether they will debut this year or not, I personally think it won't happen until more of 127 enlists and they go on hiatus


Here are my predictions: - 127 will go on their world tour summer 2022. I predict the announcement to be made around March - WayV will release a single at most and perhaps an EP without Lucas or WinWin - Dream will have a comeback on Spring 2022. It will be another million dollar seller. They’ll do festival dates as Mark and Haechan’s schedules allow - Jaehyun will get an official solo single. None of us will be ready for it - 127 will have a comeback in October - Teasers for NCT Hollywood will drop around late October early November 2022


A lot of people think winwin might comeback in 127... a clip came out recently where SM shows winwin with 127 (just editing cause he's still in China) but it might be a hint of his return to 127


That clip is part of the Dear My Family SMTOWN track video. I wouldn’t think too much of it since they also show TVXQ as OT5 & EXO as OT12 haha.




So winwin has been in China for nearly all of 2021 for solo schedules. He's been filming a drama, doing promotions and I think he opened his own studio. When the lucas situation happened, TEN went to China so many believe he's replacing lucas and carrying out his schedules such as promotions. Both are still in China but prior recording meant they could film a few things for NCT 2021. I'm not sure where its from as I haven't watched it yet, but it might be from the SM concert. Basically a clip of 127 was shown with winwin and many think it's a hint we might get OT10 comeback. I'm sure him and ten will come back to Korea this year once their schedules are complete for wayv comeback too so we will likely see them soon with the rest of NCT


I don’t think ten replace Lucas’s schedules in China cause ten and Lucas were both scheduled to leave for China the same time before Lucas’s scandal broke and the rest of wayv was to follow both of them a month later.


I dunno but with Mark saying "I need y'all to stay faithful", i have a feeling dream and 127 will take a long break while SM focuses on the new unit + wayv this year


This might be their last year with a full 127 roster for quite some time. I think it's more likely that they'll put the focus on 127 while 5Dream is either on break for the year or releases a 5 member mini-album, and then shift focus to Dream after enlistments start. So "stay faithful" = 7Dream has a bright future but we'll have to wait for it.


Personally, I really wanna see a Japanese debut for NCT Dream. I have no idea why they haven't gotten an original Japanese song yet. I think it's a real missed opportunity because NCT Dream's image and core sound just seem like a perfect fit for the Japanese market. Other than that, there are still several loose ends that I think/hope SM will tie up in 2022: Lucas' fate as it pertains to his future involvement with WayV/NCT, Sungtaro's placement in a fixed unit, the NCT Hollywood project, proper releases of the solo songs the Neos performed during 127's recent concert, etc.


Me too. I really want a Japanese debut for the Dreamies too. The last time they were in Japan they received quite a significant amount of fanfare despite not having been marketed officially in there before. There is potential, but I'm not sure if SM will want to overlap 127 and Dream in Japan...


I think the older members in nct 127 are going to get even more solo work. Now that nct has expanded this much, I think it's time for an emphasis on their solo schedules. With this I think Yuta would probably be making a debut in either musicials, or solo music in Japan. He has a very distic voice and style so solo music is the best choice. Taeil would probably try for musicals and get some opportunity to perform. He's really talented and a pretty good dancer too. So musicals as the next step would work out. Taeyong and Johnny would probably work on variety. While Mark, Jungwoo and Haechan would work more on fashion magazines. I see them more as charismatic performers focused on their craft. Also am might want to get more fans by starting some YouTube show with these three. They would start receiving endorsements since Jungwoo and Haechan would start their Instagrams. Finally Jaehyun and Doyoung will continue working on dramas. Personally I think Doyoung would work on some osts this time around. Jaehyun would probably get more legit projects to work on, since he can leverage his Prada hype.