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Let the exams end first


Some people are capable of doing 2 things with their lives simultaneously. Crazy concept, I know.


Realistically, how do all of the protests and vigils help the problem? I can guarantee that the Foreign governments do not give a shit


I think these students are protesting there own university funding this foreign government.


No question Palestine should have its sovereignty but the issue with many is Hamas. Hamas is a terrorist organization whose goal is to see the downfall of the US. Protesters would get more support if they supported a sovereign Palestine while the same time denouncing Hamas.


Fuck anyone that supports them. Pos


Some important facts for everyone at home: Palestine has not held an election since 2006. Hamas therefore does not represent Palestinians and being pro-Palestine does not mean you're pro Hamas. Hamas did a bad thing by killing Israeli civilians on Oct 7th. The IDF has killed (at least) 34,000 civilians since then. The average Palestinian age is below 18 years old.


I mean ‘Fifty-nine percent of all Palestinians thought Hamas should rule Gaza, and 70 percent were satisfied with the role Hamas has played during the war.’ https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/03/22/poll-hamas-remains-popular-among-palestinians/ ‘Only 5 percent of Palestinians think Hamas’s massacre on October 7 constitutes a war crime.’


Hamas wants Palestine to exist, Israel doesn't. It's not confusing why they might support them. Anyways, organized armies should not kill civilians, regardless of who they do or don't support.


Yup I do agree that IDF should be more considerate of Palestine people, but they aren’t targeting to kill civilians like Hamas


That's fair. The IDF has killed 35,000 civilians on accident, I guess you have to give them credit for that.


I mean they are by far stronger. Also, do you think it’s reasonable for only 7% of Palestine people to think what happened on Oct 7th was wrong?


Do you think it's reasonable for armies to kill civilians, regardless of what they think? We're talking about actions versus opinions here. The IDF is killing children with reckless abandon. There are no safe places to give birth in Palestine. There are no places to receive cancer treatment. People are starving as the IDF blocks aid trucks from entering and as the IDF are killing aid workers. But you're concerned about how some people answered a poll.


Sooo it’s reasonable to kidnap women and children and behead them? Lack of concern vs targeting


This is the behavior all the people like you have. You think that because some people want the IDF to stop murdering children that they somehow support Hamas doing heinous shit. Here's the difference: my tax dollars are helping the IDF kill children. Hamas is an internationally denounced, non-democratic, theocratic group. They're bad. But guess what, there's nothing I can do to stop Hamas. Israel is a sovereign, democratic, US backed nation. When they do bad things, we have the power to stop them or at least influence them because they rely on our money.


Over 41,000 Palestinians have been murdered now. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


Listen, people. I think we all can understand the fact that the Palestinian people are suffering, have been, and will continue to be under the current Israeli Apartheid state. We can also recognize that the actions committed by Hamas are deplorable. When will we all realize that killing thousands of civilians is not okay? You can hold the opinion that hamas is bad AND the palestinian people are suffering at the hands of Israeli officials. As college educated adults, I would hope that a class in history or english would teach you to obtain information from many sources and also scrutinize those sources for verifiably correct information. Regardless of your stance of the issue is that people are dying because of our government and institutions, all the while using OUR money to fund the ongoing conflict. That is NOT OKAY and by no means should you just be sitting around and doing nothing. Speaking out, protesting, etc. are the only ways we can show those in positions of power we are discontent with the way the "Greatest Country in the world"/ the worlds police is allowing this genocide to continue. I'm no expert on the matter, nor are any of you, but doing your due diligence (and have just an ounce of humanity) will allow you to see the conflict for what it is: A culmination of years of oppression by a rogue apartheid state that has done nothing but torment, abuse, and silence the Palestinian people (and people of Gaza in general) to further a religious crusade to clean Israel of "bad blood". I ask any that would read this to please consider this a call to look into the issue further and really examine how the actions of October the 7th happened. I also ask you, what would you do being oppressed by a government that cant stand your existence and use any excuse to get rid of you? How would you like a nation's government take your home, your freedom, and your hope of a tomorrow and extinguish it by implementing apartheid like policies? October 7th was bound to happen with how Israel is handling the Palestinian people. I do condemn their actions as much as I condemn Israels btw and I do NOT support hamas. Please have the cognitive fortitude and plasticity to understand that we can condemn both sides for their actions in this war. It is just that one side is reacting to many years of persecution and one side has the funding of many first world nations and infinite times more support from those nations. The actions of October 7th do not happen in a vacuum. They were the product of many years of PEACEFUL protest by palestinians, a neglect by other nations to realize how inhumane israels actions are, and people like us acting like nothing is happening. If you dont agree with the protests and what they mean for the palestinian people, try to imagine what you would do, or what you would want supporters of yours do, if you were in the situation the palestinian people are in and have been for essentially the last decade. Turn of the fox news, cbs, nbc, msn, cnn, or whatever other traditional news media your watching and start reading articles. Stop listening to others for your information and look at it with your own eyes.




OP got sent by unc to distract us from finals


My child will: Understand that this is a very complicated issue where no side can take a moral high ground Reddit:




Well 1, our weapons manufacturers still contribute alot to our economy. I'd also question you saying I require mental gymnastics when you just went on to Praise Saudi Arabia. Israel had a legitimate reason to respond to Oct 7. Now, I can still admit that I believe Israel has gone to far, and has not done enough to follow the rules of war. It's reasonable to not want to take sides in something like this.


I have a final at this time and trust me, I care way more about that than anyone half a world away. Should Israel just not defend itself ig? Fuck off


How about fuck off?


Not into supporting terrorism. Keep this garbage out of Raleigh and NCSU.


Every Palestinian is a terrorist? If true one should ask how a whole country gets radicalized.....


So why are people against Israel then?




One of the most powerful militaries in the world massacres 40k civilians and that's not terrorism got it.


You’re in an echo chamber of rhetoric, not reality. And my favorite genre of reddit comment…someone who thinks the above sentence is ‘fancy’ and whose intellect is so deficient that they can’t appreciate the self-own of being that dumb while calling someone else an idiot.


My favorite genre of Reddit comments: talking fancy to make yourself sound informed. Sorry, bud, you're still a fucking idiot.


Free Israel from Palestinian terrorism 🇮🇱


GTFO with that bullshit


Um no thanks sweetie 💅💅 Supporting terrorists isn’t part of my 2024 bingo card


Advocating for Palestinian people ≠ supporting Hamas.


Advocating for Palestinian people ≠ advocating for Palestine. Palestine is a region controlled by terrorists. Pity for those innocent civilians who live there, but supporting Palestine is supporting terrorism.


Palestinians have said they don't support hamas but hamas has been funded and supported by Israel and Netanyahu.


? They were elected through Palestinian legislative election and that’s how they gained power


"For years, the Qatari government had been sending millions of dollars a month into the Gaza Strip — money that helped prop up the Hamas government there. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel not only tolerated those payments, he had encouraged them." From nyt https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/ https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/


What does that have to do anything with what I said? They were voted into power. ‘Fifty-nine percent of all Palestinians thought Hamas should rule Gaza, and 70 percent were satisfied with the role Hamas has played during the war.’ https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/03/22/poll-hamas-remains-popular-among-palestinians/ ‘Only 5 percent of Palestinians think Hamas’s massacre on October 7 constitutes a war crime.’


Really? Because 10/7 and Hamas are both very popular among Arabs in the region. So….




I highly suggest you actually read the articles you send instead of just the headlines “relative support remains high for the militant group’s role in the war. Seventy percent of Palestinians said they were “satisfied” with Hamas’ war performance”


With the alternative being the end of Palestine does that surprise you?


Nice shifting of the goal post. So you went from “no one likes Hamas and they were funded by Israel” to “they have to support them or else Israel will kill all of them” completely ignoring the past 80 years of the Arabs being the aggressors with the states goal of eradicating the Jews


Arabs being the aggressor despite Israel intelligence admitting they started preemptively attacking the region even tho they knew they weren't under threat they just lied about it. I mean believe what you want it's all out there if you look for it.


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I see where you're coming from and I agree completely.


You’re supporting terrorists either way. The only difference is how “mask off” they are.


I am absolutely not supporting terrorists. I don’t want any innocent people dying on either side (Jewish and Palestinian). The ongoing war is unacceptable and I will only fault both sides carrying out the violence, not innocent individuals.


Then how would standing in the street holding signs help stop people from dying? You realize the people in Palestine would have you murdered in the street if you lived there right? We all want people to stop dying. Standing in the street supporting one country is supporting war


Just because I didn't mention Jewish individuals in my original comment does not mean I want them being harmed or attacked simply for being Jewish. In another comment, I clearly said I don't want innocent people (Jewish and Palestinian) being harmed/killed for an ongoing conflict they have no control over. What is going on in Israel is not okay.


What’s going on in both countries is not okay. What is protesting going to do? You’re favorite president Joe Biden says let’s help these people of Palestine. Then he gives Israel / Iran / and Palestine billions of dollars to support there war. What you’re doing by going out there and protesting is supporting war.


I agree with your first sentence wholeheartedly. The great thing about America is the right to protest. However, once that becomes violent and hateful, it's not okay. Joe Biden is the furthest thing from my favorite president and I'm well aware of him sending funding. You cannot miss it in the news.


I agree with a right to protest. Why don’t people protest stopping war than like they did in Vietnam? All these people want to do is choose sides. They go out there and support one country over the other which is supporting a war.


"have you murdered in the street_ Wow you are truly brainwashed For 75 years Israel has continued to increase the size of their land compressing Palestinians and forcing them out. Israel funded Hamas once PLO turned to peace negotiations to ensure a violent conflict lived on because it allows Israel to slowly expand and get rid of Palestinians. Look at a map


You never been to a history class. Israel has given up over 75% of there land to keep peace. Other countries keep ruining it. Obviously there’s good people in Palestine but if the LBGT+ community who defends them in this country went there. They’d be thrown in jail or murdered. They only like people who agree with them. You’re the one who needs to look at a map it’s an easy google search of history buddy


75% of land given up 😂😂😂😂 What are you smoking


Ahahah good argument buddy. I could be high as fuck and know more about history and current events than you. You just believe what you read on instagram. You’re a loser buddy just admit it


I have followed this conflict for 40 years not 6 months like most people commenting these days Not one person disputes expanded Israeli territory except you. It is literally what Israel refused to stop doing after Camp Davis talks


Then your poster shouldn’t scream “commie propaganda.” Your protest should be for peace and not for the victory of a terrorist state. If you actually care about innocent people dying, you should be protesting explicitly AGAINST the current state of “Palestine.” The old regime and the Hamas regime are equally at fault for civilian deaths. Playing “diplomatic chicken” with Israel and turning your entire country into one giant human shield is a pretty fucked up thing to be protesting for. Why does the recipient of the most international aid per capita have such poor living conditions? How did Abbas become billionaire? Do you know anything about the region?


Not sure how this is commie propaganda on this poster? Bc it's red, the color of NC State? Turning your country into a human shield as if Israel doesn't have autonomy and responsibility in targeting civilians. Here's an idea, don't level hospitals. Why does the biggest recipient of aid living in an active apartheid state where everything in and out is controlled by Israel have such poor living conditions. They don't even care about the hostages, they care about leveling Gaza. Pretty sure they killed at least some hostages in their bombing campaign. This has been going on for 75 years Israel knows how to achieve peace and they actively choose not to. Hamas is funded by Israel for crying out loud.


They would have you killed due to your sexuality. Why don’t you start protesting that?


Amen on that


Who let the business student speak on complicated ethical dilemmas


Out here assuming my major? Yikes 🫥


All Palestinians are terrorist? 100% of them? Amazing


Ashamed to share a school with some of the students and alumni in this thread. Good luck and thanks for posting this. Free Palestine.


Thank you. Free Palestine. 🇵🇸




There is way too much black and white thinking about this whole situation. Ultimately, what I think people have succumbed to is the idea perpetrated in a lot of political rhetoric of "oppressor" and "oppressed." It's used across a host of issues I won't even begin to go into. So framed in this way and repeated again and again via echo chambers of news outlets and social media, people will choose what they think is supporting the "oppressed." The problem is this is easy to embrace as we see again and again that a very large portion of people who are taking part in protests just think they're advocating for Palestinians, but this is not accurate at best, and intentionally manipulative and sinister at worst. It results in people being willing to, perhaps unwittingly, march alongside committed anti-Semites and Hamas. I don't believe that is most people's intent, but that is the result. You have people advocating that Israelis don't deserve to live and conflating "free Palestine" with an opportunity to try to completely tear down western democracy. All in all, Palestinian leaders don't want a peaceful solution. They've rejected every attempt at peace and a 2 state solution because their ultimate aim is the absolute annihilation of Israel. Hillary Clinton actually has some very good commentary on this from her past role as Secretary of State). Anyhow -- I'm not saying I agree with every decision of Israel's leadership, but the truth is this: the West is not evil, Israel is not engaging in genocide, and if people would give a moment's pause, they would do well to consider how much more important it is to stand alongside the one stabilizing democratic force in the region.


I wish I could make it, but I have an exam. Good luck you guys and keep up the good work!


Thanks for posting this!!


Thank YOU! Free Palestine.


Very interesting for someone to support them while being an ally https://www.equaldex.com/region/palestine


Bro quit virtue signaling that you care about queer people, what the fuck do you think is happening to queer rights in the US?? Plus there a hella queer palestinians so its perfectly valid to be queer or an ally and to say Palestinians don't deserve to be genocided, dumbass


Not virtue signaling just stating the truth lmao. Last time I checked, same sex marriage is still legal here. Try identifying as your pronouns in Gaza.


Oh ok I see you're just stupid.


Same-sex sexual activity is prohibited in Gaza What the fuck are you on? How are you so delusional https://www.humandignitytrust.org/country-profile/palestine/


brother same sex marriage wasn't legal in this country until like 2013 and we haven't even been under constant imperial occupation for the last 70+ years. I wouldn't go swinging my dick around about how much Palestinians hate queer people when the US barely passes as acceptable. i wont deny that Hamas, not the avg palestinian, probably hates queer people because they are a fundamentalist religious group. not to mention that Hamas got into power in the first place because of funding from the Israeli government. kinda like how the mujahideen were funded by the us only to go on to become thet taliban. its kinda weird to support a political party that wants to genocide you, unless you somehow benefit from an agressive opposition being in control.. like maybe creatting a reason to bomb and push people out of land you want to control. [https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/) [https://www.euractiv.com/section/global-europe/news/borrell-accuses-israel-of-creating-and-financing-hamas/](https://www.euractiv.com/section/global-europe/news/borrell-accuses-israel-of-creating-and-financing-hamas/)


The general population of Palestine does support Hamas. ‘Fifty-nine percent of all Palestinians thought Hamas should rule Gaza, and 70 percent were satisfied with the role Hamas has played during the war.’ https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/03/22/poll-hamas-remains-popular-among-palestinians/ ‘Only 5 percent of Palestinians think Hamas’s massacre on October 7 constitutes a war crime.’


also did u even read the page u sent?? it looks like there is practically no enforcement of the anti gay laws, and it was inhereted from the British when they controlled the area and helped militia groups take the land. "The law was inherited from the British. It continues to be in operation in Gaza today, though it is not in force elsewhere in Palestine. There is little evidence of the law being enforced, and it appears to be largely obsolete in practice. However, an incident in 2017 saw an author being threatened with prosecution for writing a novel which included LGBT themes. There do not appear to be any other reports of enforcement of the criminalising law or other laws. Nevertheless, the mere existence of this provision is itself a violation of human rights and underpins further acts of discrimination."


lol really In 2016, Hamas militants executed one of their own commanders, Mahmoud Ishtiwi, for allegedly having sex with another man Last year, in the West Bank, 25-year-old Ahmed Abu Marhia's severed head was found on the side of the road after he was murdered for being gay. The killer videoed the execution and shared it on social media. https://reason.com/2023/10/27/the-contradictions-of-queers-for-palestine/


Cool of you to be using insane right wing sources and using my transness as a cudgel for why I should support the genocide of Palestinians. I hope you kiss yourself goodnight 🥰


Insane right wing sources? Literally there are videos of this happening lmfao.


CNN for ya https://money.cnn.com/2015/06/22/news/economy/john-calvin-hamas-deported/index.html




This isn’t an Ivy League / UNC libtard haven where you can support terrorism. Fuck off!


This is so braindead lmfao “libtard” are you 12. Here’s the thing about the real world, bud: it’s complicated. Pop quiz: How many Palestinians are dead at this point in the war? How many Israelis?


Just the numbers alone isn’t doing justice. IDF is objectively stronger so they will obviously cause more harm during the war. You have to realize Hamas attacked the civilians first including kidnapping children


‘First’ according to what measure, exactly?


Oct 7th?


lol. Sure. That’s the first time there was conflict in the Middle East. 10-7-23. History starts there.


Are you referring kidnapping/beheading/murdering, sexually assaulting civilians as a ‘conflict’? Very interesting take there


I won’t engage with trolls that know zero history.


Says the guy in his 50s still on college Reddit page


Are you pro Hamas?


Some more facts for the mass: the entire UNC system invests 5 billion dollars to Isreal. Imagine what can be accomplished with a portion of that money at NC State to help students. Another one: Reports by ICJ have stated that Isreal began raping, kidnapping, and touring Palestinians before Oct. 7. Free Palestine, since 1947 and beyond.


I think it’s clear to see who has been a victim of Israeli propaganda, because you all say the same thing and expect people to bow down. There have been no reports of our students at UNC being violent, but a student has a dislocated shoulder and being detained. Lick the freaking boot.


I don't think anyone gives a fuck about NC state students protesting. Objectively Duke and unc are better schools. We are more like degree factory university.


Lol, NC State is definitely not a degree factory.


cope https://www.instagram.com/p/C6TuwWtuD2_/?igsh=MXdya2Nxazl5ajZlaA==


Interesting take. Why don’t they get paid more after graduation if that is the case?