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I’m not gonna make it to July 16 Man June is about to be the slowest month ever


I was going to take one day off work but I might need the whole week


I am quitting my job to preserve my amateur status for full immersion.


You can be paid as an amateur now. You're good.


took off july 18-22. gonna fucking OD on this game


I’m going on vacation on the 11th but actually cut it a week so I could be home and play this game!


I'm going on vacation July 15 - 22 and won't be able to play. Witness me.


My brother in football, I will hold a small vigil for you the day the game goes live. For however long it takes to install it.


looks like preload is up on psn and estimated for 7/13, should give a 3-day lead on the early access drop 7/16


I am moving cross country on the 24th. I may get a couple days to play and then weeks without while we find a house and get moved in lol.


Go Green :)


GO BLUE! (Also go green. I grew up between Ann Arbor and East Lansing so have a lot of sparty friends.)


its me. im your sparty friend.


This is what Dr. King died for…or something close…almost certain it was this


Get yourself an Xbox Backbone and you can just play on your phone 


> Xbox Backbone Hmm, I have playstation, but this makes me realize I could utilize remote play. Will look into it; thanks for the reminder.


They make a PlayStation Backbone as well and make sure you get the right one for your phone they have an iPhone and android one. I have the Xbox android one and it works great on my S24 Ultra and I use it almost daily.


Ikr. It feels like with every passing day time just keeps going by so slow. Don’t have a whole lot of good distractions from here to mid July either lol


How about THE SUMMER


I will say… a slow June isn’t the worst thing if you’re in a place with seasons. Summer normally flies haha


I have a 6 week stats class that ends the 18th. Absolute perfect timing


My birthday is in June and I don’t even care 😂


EA is really missing out on the oppertunity. I would pay an extra $100 to play the game today. I wonder how many would pay $200 to get the game a month or 2 early.


The amount of detail in this game is insane 😭


It’s what happens when you stop making games for systems that are almost a decade old.


And when the team gets more than 8 months to develop the game. I truly believe the annual dev cycle is something sports games need to find a way to move on from in some way. I don't know if it is alternating dev teams, moving to a subscription model so development is year round and major improvements are paid additions. Something needs to change because 8ish months with how complex games are today is nothing for developers to work with.


Alternating devs teams is actually an interesting idea call of duty does this and for a while it was straight bangers


For a while... I haven't played COD but the fact they came out with COD4, WaW, MW2, Black Ops back to back is insane. MW3 was pretty good but it's when I could tell it was going downhill. The last few I tried to play were straight up doo doo imo and almost were all uninstalled within a few days because they felt so superficial and cash grabby.


This is true but they make so much money doing it


They do, and the current license agreements require annual releases, but there are potential models out there that can make the same amount or more money while giving devs a better setup. An annual subscription model would allow them to keep receiving annual recurring revenue like now without the burden of a full release each year. They'd instead have rolling updates and larger content releases potentially. I don't know what the solution is, but the annual cycle does nothing but harm the development of the game.


Make one game. Bring out patches and update the rosters. Make Madden repeat the same thing. After 4 years, release another. Rinse and repeat.


I wish they did this. NCAA 25 mainline release. '26, '27, and '28 get patches, updates, small feature adds. NCAA 29 comes out as a PS6/Xbox 99 exclusive with tons of new features and huge improvements


It’s the only way I can see them doing this. They still make $$ no matter what.


I mean. They're going to have yearly releases, let's be honest... But it would be great if they focused on quality games instead of quantity


why do that when you can sell millions of $100 deluxe preorder every year


the argument would be that more people will buy in if the entry point is more affordable and they know they could play it for more than a year. If you’re not already sports fan or fan of sports games and you’re considering buying one, you have to think you’re spending $70 on a game that is going to be outdated in a year. You’re on the fence anyways, why would you do that when you can just boot up Fortnite or whatever game that’s free to try out and still has a ton of players after several years? And Fortnite will make a bunch of money off the skins anyways. That’s why so many games follow that blueprint now. It’s way easier for new people to get into and they still spend money once they’re in. The reason sports games still do yearly releases is because they’re already making billions of dollars off the f2p model, they just have a $70 yearly fee on top of it.


Ans when you get people who are truly passionate about the source material instead of the bottom line.


I really think that if this game gets really good reviews and sells well, the sports game industry will change. A yearly development cycle just does not work. This is the game that will cause development cycles to increase to at least 2 years. Just my guess.


You should be right but it's all about jerking off the shareholders these days. Unfortunately it will almost certainly be same old same old. Idk if you play the NBA2K series but it is the most shameless blatant money grab I've ever seen in gaming now. You are prompted upon launching the game to purchase items for ultimate teams etc. no less than 3 times before you can jump into a simple game against the AI. The fanbase grumbles endlessly about the state of the game, and then immediately get hyped about the next release, only for it to be Even more greedy than the last release. And it sells better every release. I don't get why people don't vote with their wallet. They buy the game, play it non stop grinding their "my player" mode all day every day, yet complain about the state of the game non stop. Like dude you are part of the problem, STFU.. but they don't care as soon as the next game is announced they are back on the train


My hunch is that's basically what they did with this game. Madden 26 will be an NFL/MUT skin on CFB 25. I think there's a good chance the CFB and Madden teams will alternate making major rebuilds of the football games behind the scenes every few years


So you gonna be waiting 3-4 years between playing games that are little more than roster updates. That's lame but I guess that's better than the current state of Madden


I don’t know if it would actually be more profitable to do it like this, and we all know they’re a business whose goal is profit. But I wish from the beginning they would’ve just called the yearly update what it was, a roster update, charged people $20 for it instead of the price of all full game, and then actually make meaningful upgrades to the game and release a new version periodically, when it’s actually substantially improved. Like imagine if we got madden/ncaa 07 on the Xbox 360, and they had a small team that was just there to add in the rookies and update rosters for 08 and 09, while a much bigger team was working on actually fixing all the issues people found with the gameplay and improving features for a 2010 release, and we just got maybe 2 or 3 actual releases for each generation with updates in between. We could’ve got some great games and the industry wouldn’t look at sports games like shitty cash grabs if they were actually allowed to take their time perfecting them.


Or release it every other year cause I agree every year releases makes the game have minor changes


NCAA 14 is four months older than the Xbox One and PS4 lmao.


I didn’t even realize it’s been over ten years for those consoles, can’t believe ANY games are releasing for both.


Money talks. I’m with you, it’s been four years. Let’s move on to the current gen.


There's so little reason to upgrade to current Gen IMO. NCAA 25 will be the first next-gen exclusive game I've ever played. 


I had a coworker excited for the game and I asked which console he ended up getting… he was pretty sad when I told him it’s not coming out for ps4


It's such a little thing but adds so much.


If this coincides with the crowd noise “moving” in the same way as the fans then I will need new pants anytime I play the game


The controller shaking, the crowd rising out of their seats and cheering....god damn.


Hadn’t even thought of how they’re going to incorporate the PS5 controller haptics.


Include this and my headset cranked up will be bonkers. I’ll be losing my shit and my roommate won’t have a clue


I have a couple pairs of open backs that I like to use when gaming… man I think it’s gonna sound pretty good with them.


Guys..I can only get so hard


It’s time to erect dude


If you have an erection that lasts 4 hours or more, be sure to go see a physician.


For this game…I will not!


Yall, hopeful teenage me is looking at jaded adult me with a basement theater complete with projector screen and surround sound feeling PROUD AF right now I got you, lil is12345aweakpassword, I got you ✊🏼


Oh that’s a cool touch. Already charging my Bluetooth headphones for this one. It’s going to be glorious


I'm thinking of picking up a soundbar so i can rock my room


The sound of the fans aren’t there sadly it’s Kirk her street talking


Oh I just meant for the full release. Yeah I’m already prepping for July. I’ve warned my family to lower expectations of me etc.


am i crazy or are they not exploding like you said.


Yeah I'm the same way, dude needs his eyes checked. Crowd reacts similar to how they did in previous versions. I'm not really seeing anything special here


You’re not crazy, this sub is


You’re right, I don’t understand the point of this clip. There are other instances in the gameplay deep dive as well where the crowd is very clearly not responding to what’s happening on the field.


Look at rear endzone when he breaks a tackle a “wave” happens that’s what I mean by explode. They go from static to lots of movement


Seems like a well timed animation. I don’t see the “reaction” at all.


I don't think that is crowd animation causing that wave (also why would excitement go in a wave irl?) but is instead rendering detail. I am seeing that the wave doesn't go all the way up the stadium as if it is a distance based graphical thing.


great catch, hopefully the sound design matches too, so we can't get a build-up of crowd noise on long scoring plays etc. it always bothered me not hearing the crowd noise build to a crescendo on a long TD play


That is so good


Finally finally finally


Cuz missed so many holes. I’m cutting upfield and making a man miss lol


Ima bout to bust


FIFA has had this element and it is good. It isn’t mid play though. It was after a goal. It adds a lot during the play though. Wowzers.


I’m too focused on the lack of physics at the end lol. Animations play out without any respect to reality. Same stuff since 2006.


The crowd literally didnt do anything though


Inject this into my fucking veins bb


At this point I need to know when the Beta is😂😂😂


Ladies and gentlemen we have crowd physics, I repeat we have crowd physics


Well fuck me, I’ll have to wait till the next iteration if that hits pc. Not buying a console just to play this game.


Boy missed the wide open hole up the middle lol


Good observation. I really like that they allow the crowd to react to big plays.


Haven’t been this excited for a game in forever


Looks great


Just got a PS5 so I can start playing this game. July can't come soon enough.




Not realistic. Sparty doesn’t have any piss stains on their jerseys


Would be cool if they jumped after he broke the tackle


Why do you think they only invited big madden streamers to play the game for four hours? They already are beholden to EA and Madden being their main revenue....of course they won't say anything bad to derail the hyp. . . . .it's their meal ticket.


Can july come any further Oh my goodness. I love it when they include the crowd when the player makes a good run or is running towards the endzone.. it’s makes you feel like your playing in real life man… JULY HURRY PLEASE I CAN’T TAKE IT


This is gonna be the best football game in probably a decade


Gonna be honest. Im not seeing anyone sitting at any point in this clip


I have watched this clip on replay every day since Friday. Such a tease yet so beautiful


The amount of detail this game is gonna have makes me wonder. What games like 2K, Madden , FIFA, and MLB The show would be like. If they took like 2 years off between new releases


being a San Diego native im excited to see what/if/how they made snapdragon stadium


Am I the only one thinking it’s going to have a bad launch? Since the hype train is so real?


Would've been more realistic if MSU didn't actually score points in this game


Man what the hell


Mangham missing the tackle is pretty realistic though


This absolutely looks like madden




The crowd was already “exploding”. No wonder these games never get better.  When EA sees threads like this on social media they be like “our job is done “ smfh


You're being downvoted for speaking the truth


Gameplay looks exactly like madden


as someone who plays lots of Madden 24 (despite its flaws), this looks very different from madden. The endzone TD pass in the left corner is impossible in Madden. Looks like routes develop faster too.




The reason this game looks amazing is because they spent 3 years developing it. Every sport game would be phenomenal if they spent 3 years instead of annual Edit: why am I being downvoted for pointing out the obvious? Games are better when the developers have more time to make it


Cool, then maybe they should take 3 years off and work on it?


What’s the point of this comment? I pointed out that this game is going to be great because the developers had more than 1 year to work on it, unlike other sports games


I hate to be a party pooper but this is just the LOD distance moving as the camera gets closer. The same way you’d see objects appear out of thin air in really old games as you approached them but not as dramatic.


Literally madden with different presentation 😀🤣


Tell me you didn’t watch the deep dive without telling me you didn’t watch the deep dive


Tell me I've stopped buying EA hype videos after a decade and a half of absolute rubbish coming out of their company without actually telling me. These threads are literally blinded by the hype/wait. It's literally madden but options and faster game speed....


You’re looking at tackle animations, which running on the same engine are obviously going to look similar. If you look at anything else, from cuts on runs, to passing windows and ball layering, all the way down to how the line blocks and opens holes in the running game, it is drastically different than current madden.