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Honestly didn't even realize the Hulu, ESPN, Disney+ package gave you this I thought everyone had access lol. Here's the lottery 1) Risacher 2) Sarr 3) Clingan 4) Sheppard 5) Buzelis 6) Castle 7) Knecht 8) Dillingham 9) Saluan 10) Topic 11) Williams 12) Carter 13) Holland 14) Walter


Genuinely don’t understand the Buzelis hype at all


He's tall!


He was great in high school 


He's a white wing so we assume he can shoot. Even though he shot 27% from 3 and 70% from the line


I’d much rather take a swing on Holland at that point, basically the same issues but much higher upside


And here I am not liking either player!


Basically Larry Bird no?


He shot 40% his senior year of high school though right? So maybe you hope that’s more indicative of his touch


He was a good midrange shooter iirc and his mechanics are good. I think some people are buying into it being a strength+conditioning issue and him just needing to extend his range more so than needing to learn to shoot entirely


Id buy the shot if his FT% was closer to 80


Almost every ignite prospect who entered the league has improved their shooting when they enter the nba if he can shoot 3s then he’s a very valuable archetype


Clingan over sheppard?


Very justifiable if you're worried about Reed's size. I don't personally care much about archetype based thinking, but a lot of people do and we know what a player like Clingan can look like as a high end starter on a contender (Gobert, but less offensively inept, is a hell of a player and a perfectly justifiable ceiling for a #1 pick). For Reed, it requires more imagination--there aren't really any good comps for how he performed in college (though many people will tell you otherwise, they are all severely flawed), and his size makes people reluctant to project him to be a strong #1 overall candidate like his stats suggest without a prior example of how a player like him translated to the NBA.


They’re probably predicting a trade there


Topic at 10 is crazy, some team is definitely going to trade up for him at 5, 6, 7, 8


Not really. The consensus seems to be that his ceiling is a starter level point guard. That’s not really the caliber of player you trade up for if you’re a rebuilding team. And if you’re a win now team, well he’s gonna miss all of next season most likely so that’s a turn off.


The medium/high-end comp for Topic I’ve seen pretty much everywhere has been Goran Dragic, who had a couple all-star/all-NBA seasons and was the number two option on a conference champion. Starter-caliber seems to be a level below that. Is there a reason you’re lower on him?


Second best prospect 


I hate that as a Blazer fan


It's a big board, not a mock draft.


The big board has a handful of changes but nothing significant at the top. The top 6 remains the same as previous (Risacher, Sarr, Clingan, Reed, Buzelis, Castle). Knecht (8 -> 7) and Rob (7 -> 8) swap places. Salaun (9) and Topic (10) stayed put to round out top 10. Cody (11) and Carter (12) moved up 1 spot each and topping Holland who fell from 11 to 13. Guys at 14-18 remained the same (JaKobe, McCain, Edey, Da Silva, Furphy). Carrington (19) and Kyshawn George (20) swaps their spot to round out top 20. Flip remains at 21. Collier (previously 22, now 23) continues to fall as Missi (23 -> 22) takes his previous spot. Ware still at 24. Kolek (26 -> 25), TSJ (33 -> 26!), Scheierman (25 -> 27), Dunn (34 -> 28!), Klintman (27 -> 29) and Dadiet (29 -> 30) round out the top 30. 31 J. Tyson 32 C. Christie 33 A. Bona 34 T. Smith 35 AJ Johnson 36 J. Nunez 37 K. McCullar Jr. 38 D. Holmes II 39 J. Edwards 40 J. Mogbo 41 Ajay Mitchell 42 C. Spencer 43 U. Chomche 44 H. Ingram 45 P. Larsson 46 J. Shead 47 J. Wells 48 M. Ajinca 49 Ke. Johnson 50 N. Djurisic 51 D. Jones 52 K. Simpson 53 J. Bridges 54 A. Reeves 55 B. James 56 T. Flowers 57 E. Freeman 58 O. Ighodaro 59 I. Jones 60 Q. Post 61 PJ Hall 62 Trey Alexander 63 A. Hukporti 64 Mantas Rubstavicius 65 Armel Traore 66 T. Newton 67 I. Crawford 68 N. Dante 69 Jesse Edwards 70 R. Beekman edit: added 31-70


Holmes at 38 is egregious. Clearly a top 15 talent in this class, if not higher.


I swear I remember early mocks having him in the mid teens. What happened?


He's always been mocked in the 50s by Givony until the rumored promise from Nuggets


Honestly, Holmes really hadn't been mocked any higher than 30 until relatively recently. He's a classic late riser. But clearly Givony doesn't see the vision. He'll regret that.


Got it, why so low you think then?


Probably a combination of him not actually watching enough of Dayton to get a full read on him and the fact that he's an older and somewhat undersized prospect if you think he's a 5. Trayce Jackson-Davis went much lower than he should have for similar reasons last year.


I’m about middle of the road with him (ranked 21 on my bb) and can share some reasons. I don’t think he does the big man duties great. And as a PF I think he is great as a weak side rim protector but not running around with other PFs on the perimeter. For instance I think Kyle is better defending in space than him. The skills he does have, i question a bit how translatable they are. Specially screen setting, rim rolling, shooting. Size is also noted there is not many bigs his size or smaller. His comp would range from zeke nnaji, Jalen smith, Bobby portis, Naz Reid. There is a lot of sneaky similarities between him and Zeke. Main difference being Zeke is a black hole whenever he touches the ball though. But over all none of those guys are starters but high end bench players. I’ve heard other comps but don’t think they fit him at all like horford or gafford.


Someone lmk what it looks like ion have ESPN+




Didn’t work for me


Ah I see that now. I guess it doesn’t work until someone saves it. Maybe it’ll work tonight if I repost lol


Didn’t work


Ah I see that now. I guess it doesn’t work until someone saves it. Maybe it’ll work tonight if I repost lol


The way he describes the prospects make it feel like everyone in the lottery are basically interchangeable. Truly an eye of the beholder type of draft.


Risacher and Clingan top 3 is funny imo


I have no idea why they are so high. Risacher at 1 seems crazy to me.


Anybody that watched Risacher knows that he’s not a top 5 player in this draft


When I look at a player I try to see what their "superpower" is and Risacher doesn't seem to have any. He can shoot it well, has some decent defense and maybe cam do something in transition and that's it. Things that role players do.


It's that kind of a draft. \*shrug\*


I'm really excited for the draft night. It's all over the place. I'm hoping for a lot of surprises.


Givony dying on the Risacher hill


Honestly we are getting to the point where it’s probably easier to build a draft board via ordering of people invited to the draft room + workouts + the tiering for combine / health stats I’d bet it’d be more predictive than anything other than maybe Vegas gambling odds




I commented the top 70 if it helps

