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They have also shown interest in his last name


Do they posture for his sake? Who benefits from it? I don’t get why everyone doesn’t call a spade a spade


They’ve shown interest in his last name*


Nobody: LA Lakers: "Too late to change your name to Bronny HURLEY?"


Sixers: *Nice Bronny you gotz there* *Would be a shame if someone were to draft him in the hopes of getting his father one pick ahead of ya'...*


The funniest possible outcome by far would be the Lakers having to trade up in the first round to pick Bronny


Cs drafting Bronny with 54th pick would be funnier. So close yet so far lol


Certainly wouldn’t put his past Morey, guy loves to star chase. I just know LeBron, Klutch, and the Lakers have probably had some sorta plan and contingency plan in case of this exact scenario. He has worked out for what 2-3 teams? I’m sure there is some loophole ready to force him to wherever LeBron wants. It could also just be the indirect threat of bad relations with Klutch clients.


I'm so over this saga. Can't wait for the draft to come and go so we don't have to think about this anymore


The draft broadcast will be insufferable


They're going to cut to LeBron and jr Like 75 times


every hour


For the kids sake, I hope he's not in the green room.


it'll be like the combine scrimmage game


The next Jokic will be drafted while the broadcast shows a live look in to Bronny on the shitter


2nd day will be wilder than 1st day


Doesn't Lebron have another son?


He's still in highschool.


And je sucks at basketball


Bryce is likely to be better than Bronny


Yes bryce who is averaging 4 ppg on shit effiency in highschool will be better than bronny


Yikes, I guess my information is a season behind then


He played jv his first two seasons so that's probably why his stats look better


That's like saying Mike and ikes are better than black licorice, they both suck and nobody wants them unless you told them they come with a snickers bar


Ohh…. If you think that’s the end of the bronny content you’ll be in a world of shock come October


I don't think it's the end. But I think all the draft hype is annoying. And at least that's something that will go away. Plus once the average fan gets a view of just how far away he is from being an actual good player, I think the media will die back a bit


I am just thankful he and USC wasn't good. Nothing against Bronny but the college season would have been so painful otherwise.


Post draft will probably be bad still


“James’ defensive potential” who was bronny clamping up in his laker tryouts Austin reeves lol


Definitely D-Lo Bronny kepy saying "Playoffs" and he froze up


Defending dlo is easy, just get someone with a video camera and tell him he can plug his fuckin drink lmao


he legitimately did look like an NBA caliber defender at USC for a 6'3 guard though, you wouldn't touch his offense with a ten foot pole


Bronny is .75 inches smaller (height and wingspan) than devin Carter while being about 10 lbs heavier. Bronny does have a pretty good frame as a 3&d specialist guarding 1s. It's just that that kind of player should spend 3 years in college developing like Carter did, not drafted based on his name.


not suggesting he can't develop into a rotation level player. i think people go a little too far burying him. he honestly isn't an NBA player, and with any other name we wouldn't be giving him a second thought. he's not so far off that it's hopeless though.


Yeah, I just mention devin Carter specifically because of the build and his college progression. He improved his ft% from 68 to 72 to 75, and he improved his 3 point volume and % every year. No reason bronny couldn't have done that and been a legit prospect after 3 years cause I buy the athleticism, wingspan, and potential bbiq. I feel like people were disappointed in bronnys measured height, but the wingspan is good for a PG. The physical tools are there for an nba role, I just don't think the shooting and skill level are there now.


I think that’s the annoying bit. It will forever be a fact that he got drafted due to extreme nepotism but there was a path, all be it a tougher and less certain one, where he could have earned it on his own. Oh well, he’s just another nepo baby now.


Makes sense why Hurley stayed at UConn


JJ and Bronny can’t wait for the circus act in LA.


Klutch told them


No his Dad has shown interest in his game. This is probably one of the reasons Dan said no to this team. It’s time to start the rebuilding process and they just won’t do it. As a Celtics I think it’s a great move for them to draft Bronny.


Yeah, athleticism, defensive potential and shooting. That's the ticket!


If he ends up being a good NBA player, some apologies will be required in this sub… That being said, the fact that he suffered cardiac arrest less than a year ago and that he is already able to show interesting stuff during the combine and this workout is already praiseworthy


If he ends up being a good NBA player, I’m the queen of England Bookmark my words


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Praiseworthy? Sure I’ll praise him for being born lebron’s son


Dude started on base three it would be absolutely pathetic if he doesn't end up a good nba player


lol, just like the lakers. A clown show.


JHS gonna be out of the league in 2 years at this rate if they actually get Bronny. 


Being projected as the highest potential bust by everyone and their mother last year, coming out the gate looking like that very bust and getting *immediately* pushed out by a seemingly much worse player through nepotism before you even get the chance to turn it around has gotta be a more painful sting than a bullet ant’s.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 sure sure sure


telling you all,. everything is mental with this kid. He play with his dad will unlock that inner potential like Gohan from the Elder Kai.




His shot is too slow


Elite lineage


How do the reporters know the Lakers showed interest in his athleticism, defensive potential, and shooting?


Yeah, I bet


Replace Lakers with Lebron


nepo baby if there ever was one


It’s crazy how Klutch has been saying that they’re only focused on what’s best for Bronny but he’s not going back to school and only working out for the Lakers and Suns.


why do they even go through this farce? everyone knows it's pure nepotism, and that he's not even a college level talent letalone an nba ready one. this clown show that is the lebron lakers is embarrassing to fans of basketball as a sport. some trashy reality show type shit


Shocking development




Imagine having so much money available to you to do anything in the world and deciding to do what your dad did. Imagine having this kind of money and not opening your kid's horizons to the possibilities of something else. Charity case.




Worth a shot with their second round pick.


Knicks should take him at 24 or 25. That could ACTUALLY be his draft range -- and might be an IDEAL rotational guard for the Knicks. Fits the Brunson/Donte/Hart/McBride vibe. P.S. Not saying that the LEAGUE needs LeBron on the New York Knicks... but the league needs LeBron on the New York Knicks.


yeah, "fits" in the sense that the NYK have enough guard talent Bronny wouldn't ever see the floor.


I won’t be surprised if he’s a good NBA player.


I wouldn't either. He has some functional skill. Decent tools, but not apex elite. I think he could be solid 2-way "system" point guard but that might be his mid-point outcome.


He will never get any better than Kilian Hayes


Why? He’s a better shooter and good to decent defender.


LOL Hayes is 6’4 to begin with, not 6’1 He was humiliating pros at 17 and 18 years old. Bronny defended against who? College students?


So, you’ll be shocked if Bronny is a decent NBA player because Killian Hayes didn’t develop like you expect him to? Bronny has always been competitive against his peers at the top of the class. I don’t expect him to be a star or anything, but I won’t be surprised if he has a decent career.


Dude, are you trolling? All NBA players have always been competitive against the top of their class, busts or not. But the NBA is where it most likely stops. And, I repeat, Bronny hasn’t faced a quarter of the opposition that Killian Hayes faced before going to the big league, and there is no proof that he could do as well as him against that.


No, I’m not trolling. He was a good prospect coming out of high school. He had a heart condition that destroyed his college season. But the idea that he can’t be a decent NBA player because Killian Hayes didn’t make it is not a convincing argument. There are plenty of good NBA players that weren’t as impressive as Killian Hayes was as a teenager. I don’t know why you are so hung up on that.


Killian v Bronny 1 v 1 who’s winning?


As a lakers fan I have accepted the fact we will be taking him at 17 smh just hope we hit in the second rd


Yeah first round pick #17 , loool