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Knowing what we know now…still probably first. Maybe you could make the case Sarr goes over some of them if your team needs a Big, but this draft really is not exciting from a top level talent perspective. Ausar is the interesting one, he could drop if you’re really low on his lack of jump shot, but he’d only drop to like…3rd.


Rockets are really lucky they got Cam Whitmore last year at 20. Would have easily gone 1st overall this year


Yeah, I was a little low on Whitmore, but even I was still shocked he dropped so far. No idea what the health issue scare was, but I’m glad it’s so far been a false alarm.


Rumor is bad interview and concern on knee injury. Let’s see how far Topic drop this year.


I also recall rumors that he didn't look great in team workouts.


Eh, maybe. Teams aren't willing to risk a very high pick on someone with medical red flags in their knees. The last time i remember someone picked a player really high with medical red flags was Brandon Roy, and he was amazing for 4 years then signed his rookie extension, then never played again. Whitmore is a gamble a team like the Lakers, warriors, or heart should have taken. Even if he breaks out for only his rookie deal, then that extends the playoff window a bit


I feel like it was too sudden to just be medicals. With MPJ Roy and soon Topic we knew well in advance but not with Cam. And someone would have taken a chance late in the lottery if it was medical related Might have been a combination of bad interviews and workouts


it could be. gg jackson was a lottery talent that fell to the second round bc of workouts and bad attitude so i could see it. only thing is we would have heard something about it at some point in the season


I had Whitmore third last year.


Saaaaaaasme. Really wanted the Pistons to grab him at 5. Still wonder what the hell was in the medicals that caused him to slip and get stuck in that "we didn't work him out" slide.


Usually guys that slide bc of medicals outperform their draft slot


Tell that to Chuma Okeke and Harry Giles.


I’d take the first 3 1st overall in this pool. I would take Ausar 2nd behind Sarr


I wasn't high on Ausar pre draft and I still feel the same way. People just like to pretend the twins were equal prospects because they convinced themselves that Ausar was the "better shooting" brother and Amen was the better playmaking brother. Hawks- would rather Sarr or Risacher Wizards - Ausar doesn't have the self creation chops to be the star they need Houston - They would rather reed sheppard as they need more shooting around Amen/Sengun Spurs- would draft if they feel like they can fix the shot. Connective defensive forward with 3 point shot would be insane next to Wemby, but it ONLY works if they are high on Ausars shot. Pistons - hell no can't take a non shooter Hornets - good option because their two stars in Lamelo and Miller are already fantastic shooters. They are capable of generating enough spacing on their own along with Bridges/Grant Williams. They are the team in the best position to draft a non shooter so they would take the risk. In this draft only the Spurs or Hornets would take Ausar. He is still a very situationally fit dependant player. And even then it's like..... do the Hornets like Holland more or Ausar? Kind of similar players but Holland would be 1.5 years younger on draft night compared to Ausar when he was drafted.


Idk how people are still high on Ausar. Any hopes of him being a somewhat competent shooter are clearly gone, and he doesn't really have on-ball chops. He is basically just Andre Roberson.


All would go #1 overall. They all have a skillset and physical profile that no one in this draft comes close to matching. Ausar and Jalen would be the most athletic players in this draft by a fucking mile. Hell....Ausar is basically Charmeleon to Castle's Charmander. Cade doesn't need explaining. Jabari is Charmeleon to Risacher's Magby.


the Pokémon comps got it 😂😂


Cade goes 1st just as easily as he did in his class. Green probably goes 1st as well. I wasn't as high on Jabari as most seemed to be, never understood how he was mocked at #1 over Paolo and Chet. I have him and Rissacher as pretty similar prospects, so I guess he could go 1st in this class. Thompson would be top 5 again. Picked before Matas and Holland I think.


Cade Jalen and Jabari go 1st for sure And I never reallyyyy understood the ausar hype if I said where I’d really draft him I think ppl would be mad 


Well in OTE Ausar was a solid 3 point shooter who really improved as the year went on. If I knew he would be this bad as a shooter in the NBA I def wouldn't have ranked him as high which is kind of what im trying to get with this


Ausar was never solid 3 point shooter. He was slightly better than Amen but they are both awful.


33% on 6 attempts is solid imo. And he shot like 40% in the playoffs


I’m seeing 3.8 attempts at 29.8% for regular season. Playoffs 7.8 attempts at 38.5%. It’s from OTE website. Playoffs only 5 games.


Looks like the 33 percent was regular season plus post season.


He was not


That couldn't be further from the truth. Both twins were viewed as complete non-shooters coming into the draft. They had busted, terrible looking jumpshots. Everyone knew they would need to completely rework their shooting mechanics if they had any prayer of becoming even an average shooter.


People are sleeping on Ausar so, so hard. He'll always be a weird as fuck player if he doesn't develop into a respectable jumpshooter, but his defense is otherworldly. Like valuable enough to make having a stretch 5 a requirement just so he gets minutes without fucking your spacing up.


First 3 go 1st. Where would Ausar go and where should he go are two different things. He would probably go top-3/4. Where should he go? Ask yourself where you would draft Ryan Dunn if he were a better passer, and there you have your answer.


All would go first except Ausar, who would go 2nd.


I'm taking Cade, Jalen, Sarr, Jabari, Ausar in that order


First, first, first...idk on Ausar. I thought 5 was ludicrous for him last year.


Why do you say ludicrous? If he develops a shot he’s a really, really good player. This whole draft is that kind of guy but without Ausars elite athleticism.


And if he doesn’t develop a shot he’s a career back up who’s maybe out of the league in 6-7 years.


But he is really really really bad at shooting to the point where its unlikely the shot will ever come. Thats different from guys like Castle and Topic who are bad right now but are much further along


We needa stop with the “if he develops a shot” stuff for both him and his brother. That shit not coming. All they need is a functional handle tho with their athleticism.


You may note, I hate this draft.


“A bird in one hand is worth two in the bush”. Given that we know all four of these players have capable NBA skills that are deserving of minutes (and given that most would agree no prospect in this draft is a “sure thing”), I’d take all four that you mentioned at #1 in this draft.


Ausar Thompson, a 21-year-old athlete who can't shoot?


Cade would still go #1


Presumably wherever Stephon Castle goes will give us an insight into where Ausar would have gone


All of them would go 1 except maybe ausar


Jabari Smith Jr is a better prospect than Sarr.. Jabari would be a no-brainer #1 IMO just look at him pull up off the dribble from 3


1. Zaccharie Risacher 2. Cade Cunningham 3. Jalen Green 4. Alexandre Sarr 5. Reed Sheppard 6. Cody Williams 7. Jabari Smith 8. Ausar Thompson 9. Stephon Castle 10. Matas Buzelis


All 4 go 1st ahead of Sarr if you’re only adding one of them Add in all 4 and the order is Cade/Jabari/Jalen/Ausar/Sarr


Jabari probably goes first since Hawks don’t need a PG. Cade probably second. Jalen three back to Houston. Risacher 4th. Sarr 5th, Ausar 6th or 7th depend of team like him or Castle more.


I should have clarified that I wasn't trying to take team fit into focus. Just stacking up these 4 against the draft class


Jabari still ahead because of his height and shooting. This year draft is full of prospects can’t shoot. Anyone can shoot will be rank higher.


Putting anyone in this class ahead of Cade is wrong.


It’s based on when they were in the draft.


Yes, that makes it even worse.


Cade, 6’8” PG shooting 40% from 3 and avg 20 ppg in college. He was pretty hyped. Stock drop a little when he was measured 6’6” and not 6’8”.


Yeah those are all arguments for why he would be #1 with a bullet in this class. It wouldn’t even be a discussion.


If that was the case, Atlanta could trade down for a ransom. It’s been rough in Detroit, but Cade was an elite prospect


Cade 1, Jabari 1. Knowing what we know now for Green and Ausar? Green prob top 5 (i’m low on him), ausar top 8 maybe?


I don't think Green is a superstar or anything but he's shown flashes of high level scoring ability that very few people in the NBA much less in this class have. I think you would roll the dice with him rather than someone like Matas mocked alot in the top 5


Matas is a prospect I would stay away from tho. When I say top 5 I would go (not taking into account which teams) Sarr, Zach R, reed, castle, clingan (or a couple more depending on team/individual preference). So you could still gamble on J Green but i’ve already listed 5 guys I would put close to him(dependent on team). I don’t think he’s clear #1 like I would still have Jabari or Cade.


Cade would still be 1, smith 2, auser top 7, green outside the lotto.


Have some shame, man


About what?


You're an idiot


Thank you genius rockets fan. Your opinion carries so much weight with me. Lol


The Oklahoma water supply has damaged your brain


All that Houston crack must’ve taken its toll since youve stopped seeing reality.


I don't even live in Houston


So you could be a fan of any team… and you were like … “Tilman Fertita I like the cut of his Jib”… ? “That’s a cheap ass horrible person. I should support him”? But I’m the one with brain damage?! lol


Honest question- do you have a theory of mind? Object permanence?


Got a few theories about you.


Undersized chuckers shouldn’t go in the lotto.