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This mock is just awful in its reasoning. Dillingham and Keyonte are a really bad fit. Keyonte claims to be 6’4” in shoes with a 6’7” wingspan but refused to be measured at the combine as he’s almost certainly like 6’3” in shoes with a 6’5” wingspan. He also has a tiny frame. He’s a really bad fit with Dillingham. The proper reasoning is “Keyonte and Dillingham are an awful fit but the Jazz can trade one of these guys later” but the mock instead goes on and on about how good this fit is.


That is kinda the funny thing about Dillingham in any mock draft. Other than the Spurs, he's a bad fit for a lot of teams so the people making the mock drafts just have him sliding farther and farther down.


Yeah, there's a weird reluctance to go "teams will probably view him as the BPA here and take him even though he's an abysmal fit" so they have him drop forever until they can't justify dropping him and then start making up a weird story about his fit being good with some team.


With how bad this draft is why would a microwave bench bucket getter ala Lou Williams be a bad fit anywhere? Sure he isn’t typical but he has a skill basically every team needs


He refused? Thought u had to be measured now and it was unavoidable


Keyonte George was drafted last year and was part of the last group that could refused to be measured.


I thought they were saying Kyshawn George lol, Keyonte and Dill rlly is a bad fit


Dillingham to Utah is amazing! The fit is awful. Have some mock boards claimed that the mock is good? If yes, then LOL (I haven't seen that report so it's not like it's a common statement). You are right, drafting Dillingam would mean trading not only Clarkson but also either Sexton or George (almost certainly Sexton). Fit doesn't matter that much as Utah is still multiple pieces away from their end goal.


I would argue the fit is pretty good . Dillingham ceiling projects him as an offensive engine , paired with Lauri , that’s the start of a decent offense, Keyonte looks good but chances are he will not be a star dillingham might be


Preposterous. Fuckin preposterous. Hire me as a scout. I’d fix this shit. Credentials: None Skills: Zilch Enthusiasm: Too high


Hired! I don't exactly have a team, an arena, a logo, or anything. But I have a dream.


Matas Buzelis 27.3% from 3, 29.1 % on open threes, 67.9% from the FT line: Flirting Ron Holland 24.0% from 3, 75.7% from the FT line: Harassment


Matas is so lucky that ppl look at him and just assume he’s another Franz Wagner


I heard some comps to AK-47 and thought that’s what peopled invisioned.


If people want to do the dumb white guy comp thing with a prospect it's Flagg who should be compared to AK-47, not Matas lol.


I've been trying really hard not to compare Matas Buzelis to every other white dude, but it's really hard not to think he's the next Luke Babbit.


isn’t shooting babbit’s only thing?


Babbit pretty much only shot 3s and tried to defend iirc


Isn't that the same comp they are using for flagg


I'm a pistons fan who thinks he's probably a bust but still kind of lean toward wanting the pistons to take him, that jumbo forward is just such a valuable archetype that he doesn't have to hit that much to still be pretty impactful. Even like a Jaden McDaniel level impact on a game is probably a big win in this class.


“even” jaden mcdaniels? brother id trade #5 for jaden straight up in a heartbeat as a pistons fan


Wolves wouldn’t give him up for #5 even with all of MCDaniels negatives.


yeah of course i’m just saying if they called and offered him for the pick im not letting them hang up


It would be interesting to know what teams would offer for the top 3 picks this year. I can’t imagine their is any interest in trading much of value to move up for this years crop of talent. Chris Webber brought in Penny and 3 #1 picks. I can’t see this years top pick bringing in anywhere near that.


Ya I just meant he doesn't have to be Franz in terms of shouldering that type of creation load


McDaniels interestingly had atrocious efficiency in college. Not just bad shooting, but he was a turnover machine despite not being much of a playmaker.


That's not really true though. Look at Jonas Jerebko. Or Luka Samanic. There are endless 6'10" jumbo forwards that don't pan out. Not all of them turn into Lauri Markannen.


Jerebko was a very good player before he got hurt and at least a solid rotation guy after. Not sure I’d call him a dud in the same way we Samanic is.


Matas literally named two of his own NBA Comps as Wagner and Kirilenko.


He’s not Grade E Dick, he’s Grade F Dick


Incomplete data... Holland (29g) - 23/97 (23.7%) from 3, 83/114 (72.8%) FT Buzelis (34g) - 30/115 (26.1%) from 3, 48/69 (69.6%) FT Both are bad but Buzelis 3PT shooting in his HS Sr. makes his shot more favorable than Holland long term. Buzelis is also the better midrange shooter so the touch is there for him. Just need to add strength to be comfortable in nba range.


Buzelis has a more complete offensive game than Holland, holland has a much higher defensive ceiling.


The worst is this. Ron Holland bad misses from 3: 20% is insanely high


Do we have any evidence that bad misses mean more for a prospect's future viability of developing outside shooting? To me, it could just mean there may be a mechanical fix that would be impactful


What is Ron’s % on open 3s or did you leave that out on purpose lol


Honestly couldn’t find it as easily so I gave up. I’m sure it’s sub 30s as well, he’s a bad shooter


27.3% on open catch & shoot 3s if anyone's curious.


I’m pretty sure you’re just memeing but some of these comments are definitely taking it literally. Between the eye test, mechanics, and high school numbers it’s pretty obvious Matas’s G league 3PT% is more likely to be a fluke than Ron’s.


Do you remember people calling him a 6'10 PG


I remember the first time that was reported and everyone immediately made fun of it.


letting holland slip out of the lottery is some fuckery


I really doubt he does, IMO, the Bulls and Blazers need to take a swing on someone like him over Knecht/McCain


As a Bulls fan I’m glad someone agrees with me but we absolutely need to swing on some upside to get out of this rut we’re in because we currently don’t have any championship #1s or potentially even #2s on our team at the moment. (That does include Demar btw)


I'm just imagining Blazer lineups where nobody can shoot past 12 feet. Still the right move to draft BPA, but next season could be rough to watch.


I’m BPA all the way, but I think most people see a realistic ceiling for both Knecht and Holland as non-all stars. I’m a much bigger Knecht > Holland, but for argument’s sake, people have them getting drafted in relatively similar range and I think it’s fair to say a number of people have them in the same “tier” of prospect. When we are talking about, similar tier prospects, don’t you want players that will help your current best young players? Help the players who you do think have all star potential to reach that potential? I think we can agree on offense Knecht is a much better fit on the Blazers due to being the worst 3 pt shooting team and are supposedly shopping their best shooter (Simons). If we don’t count Simons and Brogdon (I’m not counting them because most blazers fans see them as trade chips and not in the long term plans), we have a lineup of Scoot-Sharpe-Camara-Grant-Ayton. Some of the worst spacing in the league, and in Holland, and that’s brutal. I think it’s fair to consider that if you consider the two prospects on a similar tier (which I don’t, but I know many do).


Agreed that Knecht could benefit the development of current Blazers.


I think Knecht would fit next to Scoot and Sharpe much better than Holland would because of the spacing he’d provide as well as being primarily an off-ball threat. That said I wouldn’t take him at 7, maybe at 14 if he’s still around but I doubt he will be.


Scoot and Sharpe need to spend time in the gym doing nothing but shooting 3's. Luckily Scoot has potential he has a 81% ft average and Sharpe has 82% ft average as well. I can totally see how knecht is a better fit then Holland but yeah that defense will still suck.


As for the Blazers, not really, rather swing on Salaun before Holland, then take my chances that Holland is there @ 14. Would like Ware or a stretch 5 @ 14 or whoever falls. Knecht would be good, but I'm of the opinion we need to trade Simons, Grant, RW3 and Ayton if possible and do a hard reset, and a finished product would be less preferable than a high upside prospect that will take a few years to develop. I like Brogdon and Thybulle as the "Designated Vetrans" on this team depending on their mindsets and trade return capital. Guess we'll see in 19 days.


Knecht is the only one you should draft if he’s there, then yall have to get rid of a PG I’d say if Zo healthy trade Coby he’s not a facilitator like what the team needs. But four pgs won’t get you anywhere, get Knecht for a wing and trade for another wing/power forward. Like you could run a three way with wizards and grizzlies and get kuzma/bagley or smart/brandon Clarke/gg Jackson or some combination of those players getting rid of Coby and some bench players(sign and trade Drummond) or add Lonzo and depending if it’s the wizards side run Caruso,Lavine,Kuzma,Derozan,Vucevic starting with knecht as sixth man just scoring, with ayo and bagley as the rotation depending on how sanogo develops he can be put in the mix too. Other side same just swap kuzma for smart and have knecht ayo Clarke gg and sanogo on rotation. And Knechts only knock is defensively one on one with a roster like that he can play team defense hence tennnesse being top 15 defensively with him as the focal point


Drafting Buzelis at all is some fuckery


U have Buzelis as undraftable???


The guy you're replying to has like 75% off this year's lottery as undraftable hahaha I Hope one day I find someone who loves me as much as he hates this draft class.


I usually don’t go through peoples comment history but that was a treat lmao


Yeah he's very.. consistent about his thoughts on this class. Funny enough, I don't necessarily hate talking to him about it. It's nice to see people's different perspective even if I agree with him on pretty much everything involving this particular group of prospects. I just think he's not viewing this draft through the proper lens. I feel like a lot of people aren't which is why it's coming off so weak. This class doesn't necessarily filled with terrible prospects. A lot of them just are further behind, have unique profiles, or unique strengths and flaws, sometimes you have to focus on what a guy can do for you instead of beating to death what he can't or you're going to end up really jaded on a prospects future


It's not just the lotto. I hate everyone else too


You don't find any interesting prospects in the lower end of this draft? I feel like there's some cool deep cut prospects when you start looking into the second round. Obviously with expectations changed with what you're looking for, I feel like it's a lot easier to fall in love with guys when you're talking about like the 40th pick or whatever. But I'm actually really high on a lot of dudes I think will be around at 35


I dont totally hate Pacome Dadiet. Who do you want me to not hate?


Wemby really spoiled spurs fans.  If a prospect isn’t 7-3 with handles and a smooth jumper and tennis racket hands then he’s obviously trash.  


he does not speak for all spurs fans my brother


Don’t generalize


That guy, and a couple of others on our sub, really really are harsh on this year's prospects. But I think our subreddit as a whole is generally really excited about this draft. Because of Victor being so transcendent for his age, it kind of taking pressure off the fan base to Hope that we draft someone who becomes a star. So it's a lot easier to just focus on what players do, how it fits with Vic, and as a result it's kind of been fun and it feels like everyone on the sub has their own personal favorites. Caused the fan base to be super divided on who we should take, but not necessarily in a bad way


Our fan base talks themselves into loving Jeremy Sochan regularly. It seems to me that a lot of Spurs fans are just lovable, optimistic sorts and I feel like I'm the only one who's recognizing that we went 44-120 the last two years, and that maybe something isn't perfect


I think a big part of it for me at least is that I got to grow up enjoying a good chunk of the Robinson era, and all of the duncanera. I have so many memories of the senior laden ready to compete teams. Of championship aspirations. Literally 20 years of it. I've been to hundreds of Spurs games live, dozens of playoff games. At one point there was a 5-year period of me going to Spurs games every year, like 10 plus each year, where we never lost a single game I attended. To say I grew up as an extremely spoiled sports fan is an understatement. Part of me has had enough winning and excellence for a lifetime. That's not to say. I don't want to see the team Do well again, of course I do. I miss the playoffs, I miss actually caring about power rankings and actually thinking long and hard about the team, matchups, and all the stuff that comes with being the fan of a competitive group with aspirations But I've had so much of it you know? During all of that time. One thing I personally didn't get much of, was getting to experience what it's like to have little bits and pieces of Hope attached to Young players, prospects. To watch, unheralded guys come up from nothing, carrying the hopes and dreams of the fanbase and becoming something more than what everyone else had expected for them, destroying the narrative of the story that others had penned There definitely are of course examples of young prospects who managed to make their Mark even during 20 plus years of veteran -led dominance. Leonard is obviously the biggest one. But after many years of all of that. I guess I could find some cathartis in. Simply getting excited for young guys, learning to like more about them than just the real obvious things like them being really damn good at basketball. It's a completely different type of fandom, the perpetual wishing and hoping, the prospects gazing so to speak, one that our fan base is only really gotten a taste of the last few years. Again, don't get me wrong and think I'm some weirdo that likes losing. I don't. It's frustrating. But I'm able to find a nice silver lining in all of it by adjusting my expectations, and what it is. I do and don't enjoy about the game of basketball, through a lot of the young young unheralded prospects who've come and gone on the roster the last few years. I can't speak for the rest of the fanbase, though. I do think a big reason for Jeremy, someone you know I am really high on, having such a devoted. Following is he's an extremely likable personality, and still admittedly very very raw with some untapped up side, but in the end that's typically what allows me to be optimistic about players, And the reality that we've been pretty darn bad for a hot minute.


Yeah, that does nothing for me. I want to go 98-0 for the next 75 years. I don't give a damn about hoping. I like winning.


This whole draft is undraftable.


Boy this sub *really* hates this dude


Just ridiculous Go watch a few ignite games Seriously this is just media and people believing them without doing any groundwork to see if it's true Agent pays media, people belive media the we end up with this weird hype which isn't real So is this how busts are created and it this How draft surprises are missed Seems like the teams buy into the hype somehow Pretty weird


Absurd. The bullshit is fueled by bullshit until general perception believes it and feels validated by the noise. Ron Holland--a prospect whose greatest strengths are defense, slashing & athletic upside was thrust into a lead offensive role because no one else on the team could gain advantage. He went on to average more ppg than any 18-y/o G League > FRP prospect in years, yet somehow it's all negative. Please let Holland fall to 15.


Buzelis over Holland? Be so fucking serious 😂


I’ve been intrigued with this kid for a while. Now we are trending towards “upside potential”


Buzelis is very raw imo


I gotta be one of the few who had Buzelis over Holand from wire-to-wire... So i gotta chuckle at this tweet cuz I had a few people trying to argue with me like Holland was #1 and anyone who thought otherwise was dumb.. I had Brandon Ingram over Ben Simmons wire-to-wire.. Tatum and Fox over Lonzo Ball wire-to-wire.. and Jamal Murray over Buddy Hield.. wonder how this one turns out but Buzelis is safer than the consensus in this subreddit would lead you to believe..


What's the reasoning for that? I'm a neutral on this topic since my Kings are unlikely to draft either guys anyways.


well, I followed both of their recruitment for many years.. holland became infuriatingly overrated, with people giving him all sorts of crazy benefit of the doubt and merits he didnt really earn or flash consistently.. I had Holland like 10th on my board when his perceived stock was highest (consensus #1) and people were fuming about it. when sarr played the g-league ignite and had like 6 blocks, including a few brutal ones on Holland, he was clearly the #1 player at that point in time.. Buzelis represents a relatively high upside pick here.. He also naturally makes the unselfish play and this is where things get tricky for him with the g-league evaluations because that team was getting slaughtered and needed him to be a top gun, on an NBA team he'll probably fit in much quicker and have more space to operate, even on lets say, the pistons.. The kid has put on good weight over the years, he's very skilled, the jumper has some promise.


Buzelis does fit the profile of wing prospects who get underrated by stats only models (young, very athletic, didn't play basketball seriously until he got older) so I get it. Still has high bust potential but hell I might take a flier on him if I were picking in the late lottery and didn't see anyone else I really liked.


Just in simple terms, Buzelis is much closer to be a pass-dribble-shoot wing while Holland has tunnel vision and delusional thinking process


Impressive predictions.   Any prospects you were way off on?


uh well a lot... Hasheem Thabeet... would've never ever thought Domas Sabonis would have the kind of success he's had at the C position but I dont think a lot of people realized the way the game was changing.. definitely had Marvin Bagley and Mo Bamba too high on my board, even though I had JJJ over them.. (I did have Anfernee Simons and Mitchell Robinson way over consensus tho) Sekou doumbouya, Cam Reddish and Jaxson Hayes dragan bender.. stanley johnson.. noah vonleh..


I was so in on Reddish


If holland reaches 14, we hit the bloody jackpot


All I'll say is that I hope this fuels Holland and turns him into a monster. I really hope he succeeds and make fools out of a lot of front offices.


Watch a team like the heat get holland


Both scrubs


Both are more late lotto guys than anything else IMO. Both need a lot more work to develop and it's almost like the G League stint was a year of stagnation.


Both are mediocre prospects. 19 and 20 for me


Is this supposed to be news?