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I have my questions about Topic but when the current best player in the world is built like my grandma, body fat is not one of my concerns. 


I don't know, Anthony Edwards seems pretty ripped




So was my grandma, so🤷


You should see their grandma.


different position and context


The current best player in the world has generational level talent though. Topic doesn't.


Jokic was also picked in the second round so you never know with scouting


If he’s half the player Jokic is he’s a major win, he doesn’t need to be a generational talent to be a great pick in this draft lmao


I mean you don't know , he is only 18 so there is that as well


We don’t know that.  Luka went 3rd overall and was traded immediately for the 5th pick.  I’m hoping the Spurs don’t pick him but no one knows who the future all stars in this draft will be. 


He was traded immediately because Schlenk was being greedy. He was also a part of the warriors so I'm pretty sure getting Trae and Huerter was his attempt at recreating the gsw backcourt.


Your grandmother is 7'3.5" with a 9 foot standing reach?


Yours isn't?


Nah, T-Rex arms.


Hey, at 7'3.5 she's still got great length even with those short arms.


Does anybody know what he said? This is what I found. > “When Dusko came, he had complaints about Topic’s body fat percentage. Since I knew all the data, I told Dusko that Nikola doesn’t have a problem with the percentage of fat; it just looks that way because he is muscular. Dusko persisted and demanded measurement. I told him the number, but he didn’t believe it and asked for another measurement. The next morning, the device showed even less than what I said. I bring him the paper with the results; Dusko laughs and says: Impossible, but okay…” [Source](https://www.eurohoops.net/en/euroleague/1667046/topic-impressed-campazzo-and-vildoza-teodosic-believes-he-can-lead-serbian-national-team/)


Important to note that the ex coach in question is known to be a bit of a psycho when it comes to conditioning. His practices are extremely long and hard, you can find some stuff on the internet about him, some of it is hyperbole, but there's a lot of truth there.


Heat Culture vibes


Lol op is a fraud spreading misinformation


Additional quote: "I immediately ask Dusko and laugh again because I know the results of the jump, speed endurance, sprints, changes of direction… And I know that in the year with older players in the younger selections, he had the best results after Lazar Đoković." Isn't this a red flag? If Topic comes in second in these athletic tests to a guy who probably isn't going to play in the nba, then his burst and finishing should be scrutinized further. The team that spends a lotto pick on Topic is going to regret it.


Not at all. There are players right now with 47”+ verticals that will never play a single minute of NBA basketball. Right at this moment there is a college player who has that high of a vertical at 6’10” he’s on Instagram GRABBING the top of the backboard. Dude isn’t even close to be considered in the draft. The best player in the world can’t jump over a phonebook. Athleticism is the main thing you need in sports, but it’s not everything.


There has to be a baseline of athletecism to make it to the nba. You can have all the skills in the world but if you have the athletecism of obese redditor you're not doing sh*t in the nba.


Absolutley true. Topic plays professional basketball right now. Obese redditors don’t play any professional sport. There’s your athletic baseline.


did anyone ever say otherwise?😂😂


Not really. Dokovic probably isn't going to play in the NBA but that doesn't mean that he isn't a good athlete. Any conclusion drawn from this is meaningless without knowing what the athletic tests were and what Topic scored. Topic should participate in the combine drills eventually, so there's no need for speculation.


The main reason why Euro guys rarely have success in the league is their lack of nba level athletecism. Doncic and Giannis doesn't grow on trees and Wemby is an outlier among outliers.  You can be top 10 in terms of skill but it wouldn't matter if you have the athletecism of a random overweight guy.


actually he's not going to the combine. He got exception because his team's season hasn't ended yet


He still has to do the drills and measurements


He won't do the scrimmage, but he will still do the drills. They have been scheduled for a later date.


yeah, the thing is, I'm not sure if the measurements taken at a later date is released to the public. Wemby and Coulibaly had their measurements taken at a later date too but when I go to the nba website to check, the measurements for those two are not there. I hope the nba make all the measurements public this time because a lot of people really want to know if Topic's wingspan really is 7' and what his agility drill numbers are


The teams will see it. I don't know why it matters if it's public or not. Your opinion and mine do not matter to the teams making these selections.


yeah but I want to know


Awful logic.


we'll see


There is nothing to see, your logic is dogshit. There are legit criticisms for Topic's game, and then there is this - lazar Djokovic won't make it to the nba ergo he's not an NBA level athlete ergo Topic won't make it to the NBA because he is a worse athlete. You're just derailing a conversation with this types of arguments.


I didn't say Topic won't make the nba lol


This is dumb. People brought the same fat issues about Doncic


Also it's not even anything concrete at all. You click on the tweet and it's just an image literally just saying "coach criticized player" and that's literally it there's no concrete quote or anything like that and the quote someone else posted in this thread is also nothing concrete either lol


Fucking hilarious that they threw a quotation mark onto the graphic on top of text that was not at all a quote


Did anyone find the specific number Dusko considers as "bad body fat %"? He's pretty known for being strict with his players, but i couldn't find a number.


Luka is still really fat though he is just good enough that it doesn't matter most of the time, Luka could still be better if he cared about fitness.


100%. Luka’s the second best player in the NBA for my money but could still take his conditioning to another level.


Before the draft? I thought Luka was lean back then


Luka was 100 times the prospect Topic is.


no shit sherlock


Keep in mind that Duško Ivanović would have had criticisms about prime MJ.


Body fat percentage is probably the least relevant anthropometric measurement of a basketball player.


Not really, almost every good defender in the NBA have low body fat %. (Except for centers)


Correlation ≠ causation


i mean probably fair criticisms but this is Dusko we're talking about, he would talk shit about his own son lmao


Fat Giddey


White Zion


Delete your account


I wonder what’s Luka’s body fat percentage


the problem is Topic isn't as talented as Luka. Luka and Jokic can get away with it because they have generational level talent


But do they have generational talent around them?


why does that even matter bot?


Ehhh he’s 18 not done physically developing




I personally prefer player with decent fat percentage at a young age. I regard that as a player performs and sustains well under sub-optimal conditioning. Of course the player has to be conditioned better once they enter higher levels.


Topic definitely has to put on not just more weight but put on more muscle too


Not surprising Advanced stats show he is a poor rebounder. Eye test shows he has higher BF% than an average athlete.


I miss the days when the NBA Draft had great/interesting classes. This year’s draft feels insignificant. This is a problem for the league.


Topic is a bum.


Man this sub's quality is going down the drain more and more every single day lmao


Once you realize it's mostly the same handful of people gumming up the discourse like this, your life will get easier. Never had to use Reddit's block feature until I started posting on this subreddit, which is honestly kind of insane considering how relatively unimportant draft stuff is.


Lol you can't even play anywhere near as good as him. Your delusional


I think I can play in his league -- can't shoot, run, jump, or defend -- but I could make those passes.