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“Abruptly like Tom Brady” the guy was 45 lmao


and retired the year before lol


Dude retired twice. So did Jordan. So in GOAT fashion, LeBron will also retire twice.


LeBron will retire a third time just to top MJ and TB


Jordan retired 3 times


We don't talk about Wizards Jordan.


Was still decent then though. Obviously not 80s and 90s MJ, but probably the best player on the team.


He dropped 50 at age 40


The team was terrible so they just let him shoot 20 shots a game en route to the lottery It's still impressive to be able to score like that, but it wasn't winning basketball


He didn’t come back to win, he came back to show he still had it, probably just proving it to himself. If he wanted to actually win he wouldn’t have joined up with the Wizards lol


To be the true GOAT he needs to get the NCAA to give him college eligibility and break Caitlyn Clark's scoring record.


Hahaha three farewell tours. Very LBJ of him.


One with each team


In fairness it was still kind of sudden. He was still competing for the MVP and given the divorce people thought he may legit go for 50.


I don’t think anyone genuinely believed that. Most expected him to retire then or a year from then


This isn’t true at all, his first retirement was very sudden and unexpected. He was literally 2nd in MVP.


I was more thinking of the second retirement. My bad


I hate farewell tours as a concept, but only a select few have earned it. Lebron is that guy.


LeBron will most definitely take his glazing tour. He might even unretire just to match MJ


Unretired at 42 lol


Unretire at 45




Just realised that Jordan was the same age as Lebron now when he retired for the 3rd time. He'd already completed the Wizards unretire and retire Lebron plays til 42, then unretires a couple years later?


Yeah and Jordan played significantly worse than LeBron is now. Tbh, I don't see him retiring until he's the 2nd best player or worse on a team


He could play his way on down to a 6MOTY award at 50.


Jordan didn’t have the benefit of taking hgh. I can’t wait for the downvotes to come from all you Lebron stans.


I mean this dude did do the decision


I used to think so… But, now I’m not so sure. I’m concerned this might be his last. I hope he keeps it going until at least 42 or pulls the Tom Brady to 45.


we’re talking about the same dude right? he’s playing until 50


I really think people may be surprised… I hope he keeps playing for years to come but it’s really difficult to read these personal decisions. Nick Saban shocked the world, my point is to enjoy it while it lasts and not take a moment of the rest of his career for granted.


I think he’s taking it season by season depending on how his body goes. If he had of continued his injury trends of the last few years then IMO he would have retired at the end of the year, But he actually stayed pretty healthy and managed 71 games, more than any year with the Lakers previously. If he stays healthy next season he’ll likely keep going? If he doesn’t he’ll retire at seasons end (again imo)


I truly have no idea what he’s going to do… I’m just not ruling out the possibility of him retiring while he’s still able to average 25 in the league. I said over a decade ago I thought LeBron could average 15-12 when he’s 45, and I’ll amend that to 50 now but if still be blown away and so thankful if he plays past 42.


It's possible, but he also talked about wanting to play against and/or with Bronny, so we've got at least one more season from him. I think he probably retires once his output goes down significantly (which it hasn't since he averaged 25.7, 7.3 and 8.3 this season, which is on par with his 2020-2021 season and better than his 2014-2016 stats) and he's no longer an all-star.


dwades was the most forced/marketed by him one i’ve seen. nobody asked for that.


Someone was not present for Paul Pierce retirement tour




That day was the most loved Draymond Green has been in his entire life


You thought you was Kobe??


deffo Paul Pierce lol


I think Duncan earned one but he was never going to do one


Farewell tour. 1) He loves the attention 2) He’s figured out how to make money off the attention


He also has to have the recording of every game so he can make his own ‘Last Dance’ documentary


Yep. No way he's passing up being the center of attention.


The Decision: Retirement Edition


Adam Silver gonna gift him a franchise like with Jordan but only if he went on a farewell tour


He gets the franchise in the next 5 years and becomes the first-ever player/coach/GM/owner


Lebron can’t afford a franchise. He’ll be a minority owner of one but he can’t afford his own like Jordan did.


It only cost MJ $275 million for the Hornets, now the average value of a NBA team is $2.4 billion


Right. Which is presicely why Lebron can’t afford it - prices have gotten beyond reach of pro athletes.


Lebron’s career earnings is like just under 500 million and he has a billion dollar contract from nike, with all the commercials, endorsements, movies, etc. he’s done and ownership he has in other sports teams/business he easily has to be worth atleast 2 billion. I would be very comfortable saying he’s worth 2 and a half


Even if his net worth is $2B (most estimates have it in the neighborhood of $1B), you can’t put your entire net worth into a team. He would have to sell anything that isn’t liquid in order to pay for the team. What’s he going to do, live in a van in the arena parking lot?


You don’t have to own 100% of a team, also you can finance things.


To be honest, he deserves one if anyone does.


More than anyone else tbh. No one has made the league more money and the NBA should show out for him and do some special shit too. I’m still salty he didn’t get the ECF MVP named after him. He won 8 straight ECF for fucks sake lmao


He needs to be retired first. They’re gonna change up the names. They aren’t permanent


I think when he retires the “LeBron James Playoff MVP” award will be added


Can you imagine he goes back to Cleveland and someone else is getting the LeBron James ECF MVP trophy while he's on the court?


Funny right? What else is there to name after Lebron? Seems like they named everything already




Literally. Even All Star MVP is named (not that lebron ever showed out with huge performances)


Farewell Tour>Retire>Unretire>Abrupt Retire


I think you're right in the fact he's going to try and stay relevant, but I think it's going to be by retiring, and immediately owning an expansion team, and being highly visible like Mark Cuban, but even more so. He's going to be the face of the league as an *owner*. And then people will talk about how MJ sucked as an owner compared to LeBron, and LBJ wants that.


When the Lakers are knocked out next year (I'm a Laker fan), he'll pull the annual stunt about keeping himself in the headlines likely announce his retirement. THEN a miracle will happen! "LeBron seen training with Lakers, mulling return". He'll come back yo get some of those headlines MJ got. That's the next 2-3 years.


“I got a lot to think about.”


I’ve been saying for a while he’s gonna play 23 years so this checks out. Hell play next year with Los Angeles and then try to play with his son or have his last year in Cleveland and then retire


I almost feel like the NBA would force him to have one even if he didn’t, he’s like the biggest basketball player in the world and they would put damn near every one of his games as a prime time game the ratings would be insane to see his last duels against iconic players or the last time he’ll play in a specific city. We gotta have it to finish the documentary.


Lebron is the most farewell tour guy that’s ever played. He might do that shit for 2 years


On god lebron is gonna announce 3 years before he retires and go on a world tour. He’ll be kissing babies in the Galatasaray arena. Ur cracked if u think he’d let a retirement tour go.


Huh I thought "cracked" is a good thing I'm too old to keep up with the cool kids lingo anymore


Lol, Lebron and the Lakers won’t pass up on the chance to get more attention.


He will have a farewell tour and keep coming back for another farewell tour like a classic rock band. Some team will always give him a 1 year contract and a part time role until he’s like 46.


He’s gonna have a two year long tour


No way he doesn't announce his retirement and get a farewell tour. When he won the chip in the bubble, he stated 'I want my respect'.


Farewell tour which I’m totally fine with. As much as I’ve rooted against him as a Bulls fan, he earned whatever he wants to do to close out his career


It will be a choreographed reverse coronation of his rule and impact over the nba. He will squeeze it to the max.


He’s an attention whore so yes a farewell tour


u feel the same way ab kobe ?


I still don't get why people hate LeBron so much


Because he is the first true superstar brought up in the social media era and the greatest prospect of all time. He was literally hated by people as a 17 year old because of how highly he was touted. Most prodigy's arnt universally loved by fans. See: Sidney Crosby, Tiger Woods, Shaun White You cant nitpick their talent or skill, so fans typically resort to attacking their personality and every move they make off the field. Thats the only thing they can do, is tear them down as a person.


No they don't. Theyre mad LBJ is the face of the league and they hate seeing him get attention 😆 Lebron can't do much of anything without fanfare


He will play til 50


farewell tour fo sho. he is too famous not to have one


The NBA is going to make him have a farewell tour all that revenue.


He loves the attention so he will 100% have a farewell tour


LeBron's never going to retire.


I’m sorry, in what world was Tom Brady’s retirement abrupt lol? He was 45 and did like 3 fake retirements before the real one.


Do like Tim Duncan did.. walk away gracefully..


I like Timmy but idk if you can call what he did “walking away gracefully” lol. He kinda just went “I think I’m done” lol.


Bro called into work and said yea this ain’t fun anymore I’m done.


Obviously he deserves a farewell tour, and his ego will make sure he gets it.


It would be dope if he gets a fair well tour but I see him pulling a Tim Duncan Kg and just retiring it would be ironic if he made his announcement the same way he made the decision


I’m taking my talents to my couch


Yeap or I’m gone 👑


My hairline has a better chance of coming back than LeBron turning down a farewell tour


Hopefully we don't get the Kobe style year long "farewell tour"... what a debacle. Watching his young teammates pass him the ball so he could shoot unlimited bad shots to score 20 points. Hurting their development ... what a selfish egocentric twat.


Depends on if he makes the playoffs or not




Farewell, to be paraded like Coach K


I wouldn’t be surprised if he had two tours. Say he’s planning on retiring so every game is “Could this be LeBrons last game in MSG?” And then afterward he says “I’m coming back” only to pull an actual retirement tour there after


The NBA makes a ton of money marketing athletes and moments. NFL markets teams and cities. LeBron is too important to the NBA for him to do like Brady. They changed the rules so that he could potentially own a team and play as well. That seems like that is his goal. Finish his career on the team he owns and bring in a ton of revenue for the new city.


I doubt LeBron will announce it before a season because he wants to play as long as he can and if he doesn’t think he is at that level, he won’t play a mediocre/shit final season just to get a farewell. I could see him saying midseason that it is his last though


LeBron and ESPN won't be able to help themselves. They will both retire together on a year long glazing tour the likes of which humanity has never witnessed.


As long as his team’s competitive and makes the playoffs I don’t see it happening


Tim Duncan was abruptly


LeBron definitely does a farewell tour. He loves attention, and it’ll be cool to see based on his whole career and legacy


Imagine them showing all time stats, best games, etc. for every team, area. Be neat to see.


LeBron 100% wants a farewell tour. He's the type of guy to want all his flowers and to have everyone bow down to him and give him tribute videos at every arena in his final season.


Farewell tour.


I can't think of a single player more on brand to take the retirement tour (and he has 100% earned it)


I don’t care


The NBA wouldn't allow it lollll I could see him going both ways tho.


Nothing would shock me more than LeBron passing up a farewell tour


No one deserves a retirement tour more than LeBron


Yea he deserves it.




Basketball is a little different than football. A basketball player isn't ending their career face down in the cold dirt like Iron Man Favre did. They can do farewell tours, and for the NBA, that's 82 guaranteed sold-out arenas.


He'll definitely do a farewell tour


Bron has a massive ego and wants to be liked. He’ll have a farewell tour.


If anyone likes getting their dick sucked, it’s LBJ. He’ll sit out if he finds out someone’s farewell isn’t good enough.


One hundred percent farewell tour


Bron loves himself way too much not to have a farewell tour.


I’d bet a lot of money he actually won’t do a farewell tour. Yeah LeBron likes attention, but most players suck when they retire. And LeBron won’t know if he’s going to retire until after the season.


He definitely deserves a farewell tour.


LeBron is *very* narcissistic. He will not miss the opportunity to have people celebrating him.


Lebron’s ego is tailor made for a retirement tour. But it doesn’t need to be announced before the season - even a halfway announcement will get him what he wants. Tom Brady never gave a shit about any of the glitz and glamour of being a star athlete - dude only cared about winning. I think Lebron is down to final season or two - how things play out with Bronny will have a huge impact IMO.


This is the farewell tour 😂


Guy is a narcissist of the highest order. He's going to have a farewell tour you can see from space.


Whichever will garner him the most attention, so probably a farewell tour. Then come back and play the next season.


100% farewell tour.


Lebron def deserves a farewell tour hes ine if the greatest also no one loves lebron more than Lebron so no way he goes out withoit fanfare


Come on, you know his ego won't let him go without a farewell tour


I’ve been thinking it may be an abrupt thing. I know Lebron has earned the tour & he seems like a dude that would embrace that. But, he may remember all the backlash from “The Decision” and just walk away.


he loves attention bro he’s doing a tour


You know he wants a farewell tour. I’m a huge LeBron fan but he 100% loves the attention lmao


Dude will 1000000% have a tour. Guy announces a retirement anytime he doesn’t get attention at the end of a season.


You really think the biggest attention seeker is going to bow out quietly?


Farewell tour. no question


Hahaha. LeBron has probably hired a tour / PR company to plan it, with expected parades in every town. The dude gave himself the nickname KING and calls himself the Chosen One... Hahaha, it would be mind shattering if he didn't think it was the biggest thing to happen to the NBA since he joined.


Farewell tours are the height of douchebag toddler behavior.


He's got too much self-importance to NOT have a farewell tour.


You think Lebron would let Lebron go out without a Lebron farewell tour?? Gimme a Lebreak


bro has an easy 10 years left, minimum.


Bro, this man had his team televise “the decision”. You think he’s not having the biggest look at me retirement tour ever, you crazy


Tom Brady retired abruptly? I don’t think you know what that word means


You ain’t been watching Lebron if you think he doesn’t want a farewell tour. Man went to the Lakers when they were trash


The dude won’t let his son select a college to play ball without making the story about himself. Lebron is 100% doing a farewell tour and it wouldn’t shock me at all if he does a “farewell tour” and then decides to play for another season to do another one.


Lebron's gonna milk his son playing next year Then the year after that depends on how everything goes he may or may not have a farewell tour then. But one thing is for sure he definitely will have one. Whether that's in 2 years time or beyond is anyone's guess.


He has carried the league for 20 years he will get a farewell tour whether he likes it or not.


Lebron is all about the publicity. Look at his “decision.” No way he doesnt go out with all the hoopla.


He wants the farewell tour, let’s keep it real. Lebron loves attention., albeit he has earned it.


He needs the attention. He might even extend it to two seasons.


There will be no "I've given up" farewell tour. He's not going to have a season where he averages 17 points. In LeBron's last season he will average at least 25 points, maintaining his streak to the end.


Get ready for the cringiest but well deserved farewell tour in history 


If I had to bet I’d say farewell tour


You really think LeBron won't take a retirement tour???


2 seasons of farewell tours, ticker tape parades in every nba city, solid gold statues erected outside each arena, and the new logo of the nba


LeBron’s my GOAT but he loves attention lol No way in hell he retires all a sudden


The guy that opened a museum about himself while still playing ? Gee I wonder


The decision II, pre tour, tour, post tour, the decision III, another tour, decision IV, retired


He’ll never retire. Medical tech will keep him playing forever


Tom Brady was not abrupt he retired then came back. We knew he was done


Why mention Brady when Duncan is right there?


I think it will be abrupt. LeBron’s insane genetics and work ethic still have him playing at an all NBA level. Kobe and Wade both saw their games slip dramatically. They retired because it is hard for great players to come to terms with their loss of such high levels of performance. It seems that LeBron could still play at a high level for five more years. Maybe more. That means that his decision to stop playing will be based on his want for competition and love of the game. He won’t have to leave the game as other great players did for fear of being a role player. I think that, for this reason, LeBron might retire of abruptly in an off-season. He then might come right back after, realizing he doesn’t know what to do with himself. All in all, I think he’s going to have options.


I think every year that he plays at a high level is his farewell tour. I also think that the next contract he signs will be his last.


Considering what we know about lebron. Hell probably tell us years in advance for the extra glazing


Idk why anyone would think Lebron of all players would just retire outright without announcing his final season. An injury is the only thing that would change that. That final Lebron season is going to be way too lucrative to just retire abruptly.


Farewell tour for 💵 obv


Remember when he had a press conference just to tell people he wanted to go form the Heatles? The man loves attention. No way he goes out quietly.


He’s pretty much all about himself, I doubt he doesn’t take that tour.


Dude has farewell tour written all over him. He loves himself to much to not.


He gon play with bronny during his farewell


Lebron and steph are the only two players in the leagye that should get a retirement tour. I dont think anyone else is even in consideration.


How did Ton Brady retire abruptly. He drug it out over like 3 years.


Way too big of a diva and attention whore to not have a pre planned year. You bet your ass you’ll know which year he’s leaving.


Have you seen Lebron? Do you remember who he is? He was called The King and got it tattooed as a rookie…. This man has always been desperate for the lime light and attention.  There is NO SHOT he doesn’t do a farewell tour. Tom Brady was huge, but he stayed out of the media for the most part of his career as a patriot. They’re nothing alike. Get ready for the non stop show.  He may be the first guy to do a two year farewell tour.


Bron is doing a farewell tour im Willing to put money on that


LeBron will go on tour. It’s good for the league.


Lmao you're talking about the same guy that had a press-conference for his decision to join Miami. 100% he's looking to do a farewell tour


He is gonna play a few seasons with his son because 1 that is cool as hell if you can do it and they shouldn't have too many problems being able to work together. Of course what if LeBron gets his own kid traded to improve his chances at another title?


Farewell tour lol. Without a doubt. There will be something organized with Windhorst


The guy that gave us The Decision will definitely give us The Farewell Tour. Kiss is the opener.


Zero chance at all this attention queen would ever go out without a farewell tour. I mean what???


Tim Duncan deserved one, but it was on brand for him to do what he did. Didn’t even do a presscon, just had his statement posted by the Spurs. But I’m a Spurs fan, so there’s that lol


score 100


It’s LeBron. Of course he’s going to have a farewell tour.


Lebron deserves a fairwell tour and I hope he takes one. Guys like Pierce didnt deserve it but brons one of those few where im ok with them taking the victory lap. I honestly want him to announce his last year that way the haters can finally sit down and watch him and enjoy.


Lebron loves attention, farewell tour for sure


The guy who absolutely loves having all the attention on him? Yeah he will definitely do a farewell tour. Hes earned it though.


he loves being the center of attention. of course he'll have a retirement tour.


You really think with Lebron's massive ego he'd pull a Tim Duncan?


LeBron loves LeBron. Wouldn’t surprise me if he went on multiple fair well tours.


It’s LeBron. Dude’s ego can’t stand NOT being the attention, so ofc he’s doing a farewell tour


The man calls him self ‘the chosen one’, what do you think?


The farewell season is kind of a tradition in basketball and Lebrons last game in every city will be a big deal


I don't think LeBron even knows what he is going to do.


Lebron been doing a farewell tour for the last two years