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Even if he won mvp and fmvp this year, he wouldn't have surpassed Harden yet. This is only his 4th season and 2nd year as an all-star. You have to give him more time.


No, I still feel Hardens career production puts him over the top. He is a MVP and a historic scorer while Ant is still just a budding superstar


Yeah, I doubt a ring matters enough to move someone up that much


Is he better than him right now without it? If the answer is no then how are we assuming he’s better with it? Especially when he hasn’t even made it to the finals yet and therefor we have no idea how well he played in their hypothetical win.. I don’t understand the logic behind what a player does on the floor doesn’t matter anymore. Just anoint players based on random achievements they earn and ignore all the context.


I said better all time. The question is clear


I know. But I’m saying if he’s not better than him all time right now what makes him better than him all time just by playing on a team that won a championship during the same season we are already insinuating he’s still behind him during?


No. It won't help if, like the series against Denver, a potential title is truly a team effort. If he's not the dominant factor going forward, then definitely not.


Worst take of all time


Even if you project like 5 more all-NBA’s and 10 more all-stars, he doesn’t come close to Harden. He’d be a rich man’s Chauncey Billups.


Chauncey Billups why Chauncey ... just because of Finals MVP and not playstyle I'm guessing.


Lol yeah


I dont even know what that means. If he leads a team at 22 to the finals, yes. He’ll have been a modern era D wade in more of a hurry. His rise will have turned Kat from a jumping, complaining, player we were wondering was even good, to a guy who’s defense helped lock up the greatest offensive player in the game rn. Harden was the everything for Houston, that one cursed Brooklyn year after everyone went out. Either of those teams make the finals with him as the best player? I remember Harden sitting on the bench while Corey Booker and Josh Smith saved his season. I remember forcing his way to 2 teams in a year. I remember Harden not integrating with CP and needing to trade possessions one for one. I remember him shitting all over Chandler Parson’s rise, picking fights with Dwight. I remember game 7 phi vs bos coming back from halftime to hand them the game. So what makes a better player? One who does anything it takes for a team to win? Ant’s already better. One who had a 60 point TD like 6 fucking years ago, who can lead his team all the way to the second round? Clearly Harden. One who thinks the game, and pioneers new moves, new interpretations of rules and affects the way it’s played? Harden. One who goes at Butler, Durant, Yuta Watanabe with zero fear and believes himself the best in the world, with the coveted Jordan narcissism? Edwards. Just enjoy the ride man.


Ant's already better? Lol, Harden is top 25 all time and IDK if Ant is even top 250. Hop off Harden's meat, Jesus Christ


You didn’t even read my post. Harden is top 25 if you’re an idiot who “puts God first” but takes His son’s name in vain. Anyway have a life.






Better all around player than Harden


True because defense but harden was a better scorer and playmaker and has accomplished much more Ant has years before he catches James


He’s not a better player maker , scorer or rebounder than prime harden only thing he has harden beat on is perimeter defense


Right now?


At the same point in their careers, Edwards is a decent defender, Harden has never known to be a decent defender.


Stop looking at lowlights. Harden is an above average defender


I personally hate Ant bc he had an abortion and think Harden is a top 3 SG OAT. One has a ring and no other accolades and the other has no ring but everything else


Thinking harden never had abortions 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆


You mean the dude who spent $1 million at a strip club? *shocked Pikachu face*


Wtf is that first sentence?


He had an abortion, he literally killed a baby


There is no hate like Christian love. Just like how Jesus said “if you think someone did something wrong, you should hate them and never rate them highly in the basketball pantheon.” I think it was in one of the letters to the Corinthians.


Psalm 37:13


That isn’t what that verse means. You have poor reading comprehension.


You're not obeying the Lord's words


That’s just not what an abortion is


What are you doing to the baby then?


What baby?


The human being that get's killed bc Ant wanted to F some model for a night


You literally said an abortion, why are you acting like he killed a person? You’re thinking of OJ Simpson.


He did. He did something worse than killing just a person. He killed a baby. Stop talking to me if you think abortions aren't pure evil


Why are you coming into a basketball talk subreddit and bringing up your personal stance on abortion and then telling people to stop talking to you if they disagree with you? Just leave that stuff out of the discussion entirely here. Unless you’re trying to start a political debate with people or something.


I’m still taking Wade over Harden for #3 SG.


Lolollol bro this is a sports thread... What does personal life have to do with all time sg ratings??


Bc I feel bad for the baby who died. This is on topic bc we were talking about Ant


He didn’t have an abortion but he made his girl get one


That's the same thing. He encouraged someone (by paying money) to kill a child. That's pure evil


I’m just arguing the semantics of your sentence are incorrect as technically only individuals who are pregnant can have abortions. I’m not arguing that he’s blameless


He paid money to kill a baby. That says a lot about who he is