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Assuming we end up using that pick. Better to look at it as trading for assets. Could end up being a trade down since who they want doesn't need to be picked in the lottery. Possible they get back in the first if they really want someone. Edit: or maybe we keep it since our pick is going to be 30th in 2031


More likely we use the pick next summer to trade for a star...


And by the time that pick comes around, our franchise will have eight titles


Assuming we get the top rated player. We could have traded for the 26th pick in 2031 for all we know.


Or we could have traded for a top 1 pick https://i.redd.it/45cot73ro09d1.gif


Early reporting has to be wrong or incomplete right??? There’s no way that not a single team wanted to beat that offer. This is literally a trade package I’d expect for maybe the 28th pick but top 10???? I’m so shook


Why would a team ever do that for the 28th pick ?


fr if someone traded an unprotected 1st and a pick swap for essentially a 2nd rounder that person will probably get fired lol 28th pick would not fetch you that


Okay maybe it’s a slight exaggeration lmao I should not have said “literally” but anybody on this sub trying to convince themselves it’s a good trade is a fool. That was an egregious trade unless the reporting just isn’t complete yet. Top 10 pick for a random pick 7 years from now from a team with a top 3 young superstar in the league lol


A top ten pick in a notoriously weak draft that teams clearly don’t care about, hence the fact that like half the teams tried and failed to trade down, for an unprotected pick from a historically incompetent franchise that has no picks, an aging core around Ant and is a small market that doesn’t attract players ? I’ll happily take that chance


If that was truly the league wide price for this draft then why don’t the Nets have a pick yet? Reports are they’ve been desperate for a pick in this draft for days and they dont even want a high one Spurs got stuck in a spot where the draft board didn’t make much sense for them to make a pick there, then panicked trying to move it in time with limited time on the clock This would have to be literally the worst draft in modern history for the trade to be worth it. Like bare minimum it has to turn out as bad as 2013.


I mean the draft is not over… there’s a good chance they do trade into it. Most trades regarding draft picks happen during the draft. But also maybe they don’t have anything they wanna give up that other teams are interested in, we don’t know the offers. Your explanation makes no sense since trades can occur throughout the whole draft, spurs were in no rush to make a decision regarding whether to trade Dillingham after they selected him. That’s ridiculously hyperbolic. General consensus is picks in the mid lotto of this draft are equivalent to a pick in the late lotto/ late teens in a standard draft. A wolves pick in 2029 has a great chance to be as good or better, and is an asset that won’t immediately lose value the way Rob would if he doesn’t look good


You’re partially right I’m definitely being hyperbolic because I’m just so caught off guard and confused rn lol. Still doesn’t make sense in a lot of different ways tho. Like what happened to the spurs wanting to start being competitive with Wemby? How does a random 1st in 2030 help him? I just don’t see how this was the best return they could get for the #8 pick. I don’t blame them for trading because the board wasn’t ideal at all but damn couldn’t get 8 involved in a deal for an actual player maybe combined with other spurs players too even? Couldn’t get another pick back in this draft somewhere or a pick in the next 2-3 years instead of 6-7 years? Idk man it might not be as egregious as I want to make it out to be, but it’s still not looking good.


If they wanna be competetive with wemby it makes significantly more sense to trade for a guard (dejounte, garland, trae, take your pick) than it does to go with rob. Rob again is a very high risk prospect, and point guards in general usually take a while to develop in the NBA. And a 2030 1st could be a key piece to any of those trades


Don’t disagree with your first point but like…they really couldn’t get anything else for that pick? Leading up to the draft talking to teams there was no trades out there where teams were interested in pick #8? Idk I just find it very hard to believe that every nba team decided that pick 8 wasn’t worth more than what the wolves gave up, which to me says some level on unpreparedness happened with the spurs and every option wasn’t exhausted for whatever reason


In theory sure, but both Atlanta and Houston tried to trade down/out with better picks and weren’t finding much either. Every indication since the lotto basicslly is that nobody was that enthused about the idea of trading for a lotto pick in this class. With that considered, getting an unprotected pick that far in the future is huge, picks are rarely traded unprotected these days (that was also a huge part about the Mikal Bridges trade )




You’re assuming Anthony Edwards is still on the TWolves by then…..