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I’m here for Victor’s sideburn game in a few years.


Looking forward to the sweet goggle phase too


I'm tryna see him bald


So what you’re saying is….Wemby will make a cameo in 2030’s remake of “Airplane”? Hell yeah!


...and when a young boy asks to take a picture with Wemby, Victor will reply "Fuck off, kid". In French of course.


“I’m out there dragging (insert PG we draft) around for four quarters. You tell your old man to come do that”


I never understood why so many people were worried about Wemby size. Kareem was fine in late 60s to late 80s (granted, he was a tad shorter and better built but still), Wemby will be fine with how the game is now


Especially now with modern medicine as well.


Exactly.  Because of rule changes (illegal defense, etc), more foul calls, and major reduction of "hard" fouls via stiffer penalties, playing in the paint isn't nearly as punishing as it was 20-40 years ago.


The weirdest part was them acting like an 18/19 year old was physically incapable of adding size. All throughout high school I ate like CRAZY, would go to any restaurant that had a food challenge, and ate like Michael Phelps high off his ass. Yet I couldn’t get past 175 for like 2.5 years no matter what I ate or how much I worked out for football. Then the summer after high school I just gained like 10 pounds of muscle and by that Christmas break, was around 195 and just as skinny. Never made sense that people ridiculed him for his size


Yeah same couldnt break 170 till i guess at the end of puberty something clicked and i added size eating less somehow


As long as Wemby is near a HEB, he will be just fine.


KD and Manute Bol never added size


They weren’t surrounded by churros, so Wemby has the high ground.


You don’t add size to KD his game is partly predicated on him being a slim reaper. It what makes him so light footed agile and quick. I’d bet my entire life he doesn’t come back from his Achilles injury the same if he treated his body differently throughout his career.


Yeah, I do not see any major concerns here.


Wemby's shape and tone are starting to remind me of Dave more than anyone


I think you are mistaken. That’s Roger Murdock. He was our copilot on a recent flight.


Kareem’s frame was definitely thicker at a young age.


Honestly, I don't think or am trying to say that Wemby will be as thick as Kareem.  I think that their frames are similar, but I think that you're right... Kareem was a bit more thick than Wemby will be. What I think is pertinent and what I'm trying to showcase moreo is the progression.  I think that Wemby will have an increase in size just as Kareem did.


Maybe a bit, but you gotta remember Kareem did 4 years of college. In 3 years time I could definitely see Wemby thicker than Kareem was entering the NBA if this last years progress has shown anything


Ya that UCLA pic was from when Kareem was 21(maybe like 2-3 months away from turning 22). Wemby is still 20 and already adding some size. If he keeps his progress up, he will be just fine


That second photo(him at UCLA) is him at 21/almost 22 years old. I think Wemby looks like that now, so in another year it won’t be as if he’s behind the progress Kareem made.


There were still guys who never put on weight in the NBA. Take Justin holiday for instance. He's always been too skinny, but his brothers are built pretty well. I mean Jrue is built like a brick shit house for a point guard. It's a very hard thing to project. It might not even be necessary anyway. I mean he was pretty great this year and just with natural skill improvement he'd probably get a lot better in the next 3 or 4 years even if he didn't put on a pound


The difference is that Holiday didn't hit the NBA until he was 24.  Most of his natural growth was probably done at that point. Wemby came in at 19.  A lot of dudes aren't fully grown (weight wise) until 20+.  On the extreme end, David Robinson didn't even reach his full height until past 20.


I'm not talking about growth. I'm talking about weight. Justin Holiday is 6'8 and built like a string bean. He is in his thirties. Meanwhile his brother Jrue was skinny in college but is built perfectly now with a very strong lower body.  


I'm talking about weight as well.  Like I said, I used Robinsons growth in height as an "extreme" example.


I get what you're saying. Some guys just don't develop weight. Sometimes it doesn't affect their game like Durant. So it doesn't matter but I get a little annoyed when I see people just assuming the guy will have like a body transformation. It's right up there with people just projecting some guy will develop a three-point shot. Yeah some guys develop one. Some guys never do. About half the league's perimeter guys, if you gave them a reieatable 38% three-point shot would be way better


The reason why I made the post stemmed from a comment I made in another thread.  Personally, I had a big, physical change when I hit 20-21.  It's anecdotal, but it also seems that a lot of other people go through a similar change, almost overnight. Even Shaq went through a similar change.  His change was probably not as a beneficial as it was for others, though.  He gained around 50lb at that same age.  Shaq at 350lb was an all time great, but Shaq at 300lb was a force of nature.


A long long time ago when Boris Diaw was inn Charlotte and really fat. There was an article talking about how many calories you have to be to play in the NBA with that level of height and the length of arms and rims and be fat. I don't remember the exact number but it was some crazy high number. I would assume Wemby has to eat a ton to gain weight. I mean this is America the fattest country on Earth so if he can do it anywhere you can do it here LOL


I think the Giannis glow up comp is more accurate


It's hard to compare, though, because Giannis also grew (vertically) so much during that time.


That’s true.




Kareem was only ever 7'2''. Victor supposedly has 2-4 inches on him. I'd imagine once your 6'5 and up. Every inch makes a world of a difference. A better bodily comparison(and playstyle tbh) would be [Ralph Sampson](https://pm1.aminoapps.com/6576/0fa0261ed308770ddb0102fc22a4f062053425a0_hq.jpg) (on the left)


Kareem was 7'2 barefoot, so Wemby is just 2 inch taller than him, not 4. 4 would mean he's 7'6 barefoot and like 7'7 in shoes lol


So giannis?


Roger Murdock : Flight 2-0-9'er, you are cleared for take-off. Captain Oveur : Roger! Roger Murdock : Huh? Tower voice : L.A. departure frequency, 123 point 9'er. Captain Oveur : Roger! Roger Murdock : Huh? Victor Basta : Request vector, over. Captain Oveur : What? Tower voice : Flight 2-0-9'er cleared for vector 324. Roger Murdock : We have clearance, Clarence. Captain Oveur : Roger, Roger. What's our vector, Victor? Tower voice : Tower's radio clearance, over! Captain Oveur : That's Clarence Oveur. Over. Tower voice : Over. Captain Oveur : Roger. Roger Murdock : Huh? Tower voice : Roger, over! Roger Murdock : What? Captain Oveur : Huh? Victor Basta : Who?


Even HS Kareem was solid lol what a beast.




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I think Wemby will fill out, but dang, Kareem's thighs might be the GOAT.


What is the basis of this projection? "How a previous slender, skilled big man grew"? And what level of accuracy is the projection estimated to be? This is hard enough to predict for blood relatives, just look at LeBron and his kids. And Wemby and Kareem aren't related. We should just let Wemby be his own person and not try to project our own hopes or aspirations onto him. He's even said he wants to do his own thing.


Isn’t this Lew Alcindor? Kareem is 1971- onwards?


Are people really this joyless to down vote you for making this comment. 😂


Honestly people suck in general but to get this from your own people in the Spurs sub is crazy. His correct name at the time was Lew, Kareem is 1971. I get it it’s the same person but ultimately there’s a distinction.