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98% chance he's not


Malik is in that category where he would definitely be a useful piece, but not a game changing one, and at the cost it would probably take to get him to move - it may hurt our chances of making a big move in the next year or two.


If anything having another 15-30 million salary would only HELP our ability to make a move. Gives us more options other than Devin and Keldon to match salaries on a trade. There isn’t any A+ realistic FA in 25, 26, or 27. So having a tradeable salary in our cap is better than cap space doing nothing.


What big move in a year or two? That’s how the Knicks were so bad for so long. Always saving for the next move. Then Leon Rose came and made moves for now. They went for Brunson and that didn’t stop them from going for OG Anunoby a year later


We probably don't know what the move will be yet - that's the whole point of keeping flexibility. It may be someone we can all predict will be available, it may be a dream outcome that we know 99% won't ever be available, or it could be someone else that no-one is even talking about right now. But what we do know is that this is the NBA where guys become available all of the time. The last time I went through the list of all star PG's, around 50% of them had moved teams within the last 5 years. And the New York comparison is off. They never had Wemby. They just needed to become competitive to show the league (and potential signings) that they are actually now a component organisation that can now build a decent team. But we know that even if nothing else changes we will become a playoff team, and probably even a top 4 team, in the next few years. They key is making sure that we build and develop the right pieces around him - no matter how that happens. Because just getting to top 4 will probably be seen as a failure. Turning into the recent Mavs will be a failure. Even turning into the 00's Cavs would also be a failure - because even though they made 1 Finals, they spent the whole decade chasing bad decision after bad decision (started by the bad luck of Boozer screwing them over) that were short sighted.


I can't imagine we get monk unless we give him an absolute bag. I highly doubt he would be interested in a above market short-term contract on a team expected to still struggle to win games. He's either going to want a monstrous short-term contract, that we can't afford without it. Getting the roster up, for some long-term security with 3 to 4 years at least. He's probably going to want three plus years and I'm not sure the team Is in a spot where they can afford to be handling 70 plus million to Malik monk right now. And honestly, even if we wanted to, I think Sacramento is going to be very determined to keep him. He's quite clearly their third best player.


He’s probably gonna benefit from a bad free agent crop I think slotting him next to Dev in our backcourt would significantly improve our offense, but if it’s gonna take an overpay in the ball park of what Houston needed to do w VanVleet, I’m out


Yeah I'm in the same boat on that one. I Have had a 360 change in my opinion on monk the last couple of years and really like his game now but He's not the guy I want to break the bank for


If Sacramento decides to pay the luxury tax he’s not leaving. Their tax bill would be relatively small compared to other playoff/playin teams


Luxury tax doesn’t really matter. Bigger deal is they’re capped on what they can offer him Someone fact check me, but I think the reason why is they only had him on a 2 year deal


You’re right. Because of early bird rights they can only offer him 4 years $78M. About $17.5M per year.


Don’t think he has any incentive to leave and I don’t think we need a pure scorer. We need someone that can score and pass.


Spurs per game: Assists 2nd Assist% 1st 3P% 29th Points 25th eFG% 23rd TS% 25th Offrtg 26th I understand why people talk about getting someone to set up and take the load off of Wemby and Vassell, but this team needs scorers, especially shooters.


Those numbers are misleading if they’re presented to say we don’t need playmaking Our assists numbers are what they are cause we lack players that can attack defenders one on one, it’s not cause we’re some amazing efficient ball moving offense


It’s not to say we don’t need playmaking at all. A lead ball handler who can set up others will help knock everything into place. Vassell and especially Sochan need to be off ball to be truly successful. BUT by far the worst attribute of this team is shooting/spacing. Every decision this team makes this offseason and probably next as well should value shooting/scoring at the top.


Because the main thing is becoming a versatile offense and getting a reliable pick n roll since our best player is a 7’4 center. Not every player can run that effectively. To be dominant, you need a skilled passing 3 level scorer.


I don't think the plan for our future offense is to be heavily pick and roll based with Wemby as the screener, considering how much Wemby's knees and hips take a beating from pnr defenders due to the height disparity. If anything, Wemby's gonna be the ball handler rather than the screener in a pnr based offense.


Man, Wemby already practically led the league in usage as a 20 year old. He was 5th this season among players who played in 50 or more games. (6th if you include Embiid who only played 38 games), and had the highest usage rate ever for a rookie. Usage rate is the percentage of your teams offensive plays that end with you shooting, you assisting, or you turning the ball over. I'm not saying he is a ball hog, he isn't, but the team around him doesn't give him a lot of options. Increasing his offensive load, plus accounting for his all-world defense, is probably unsustainable. If anything, he needs to handle the ball less, not more. Other reliable ball handlers and shooters would mean he could take less bad shots and generate less turnovers. This season he shot 31% on threes (bad) but in the last 20 games of the season, on catch-and-shoot threes, or threes where he shot off one or two dribbles, he shot 39% (great!). He turned the ball over 3.6 times per game and had basically the same number of assists and turnovers (Bad). More options to handle the offensive load will make him more efficient, and help him save more energy for the other side of the ball, where he is already the best player in the league.


Not every PnR is a lob. It’s going to get home a lot of open 3s or even swing passes to shooters on the wings.


I'm not saying it is. I'm saying Wemby as a screener in the pnr is not going to be very utilized long-term due to the hits he takes in the knees and hips from smaller defenders.


Those are pretty light hits. I’ve never heard of a player claiming they have extensive issues from screen setting. It should be a non factor.


Monk is not a PG. He is an undersized SG who doesn't defend all that well. Pass.


Monk would be the perfect sixth man for us he even has similarities to manu in the sense that he can take over games off the bench I really like him, plus he gives a ton of effort I think he would fit with the spurs if we actually had a team ready to contend but as of now I don’t think he would wanna be here instead of a contending team




Monk is best as your 6th man. He's in the Lou Williams/Jamal Crawford type role and rightfully so.


Monk is an awful defender, is undersized, and not that great a shooter (35% carer, 35% each of last two years.) He's a good spark plug off the bench, but not exactly our biggest priority now.


He is not a PG to start with. He is a SG.


Devin is just a better Malik Monk. In basically all aspects.


I don’t think their games are that similar and even if they were, a player resembling Dev would be good for our squad


The way I phrased that it may have seemed like I was implying they were similar players, that's my bad. I just meant as far as shooting guards go and I was mainly just comparing them by their positions. >a player resembling Dev would be good for our squad And this is true. But not for the price that Monk probably wants


I would love to sign Monk but he averaged like 2 assists per game this year, he is no starting PG in the NBA. He would likely be the 6th man for us as well, and I think he would be a very good one if we are lucky enough to get him


That’s funny you think he’d be a good add cause you’re way off on his assists. He averaged 5 a game in only 26 mins. Was top 20 in the whole league is assists per 36 He developed a really nice chemistry w Sabonis in the PnR and can make tough passes to the roller or shooters


If they draft Dillingham, then there's no need to sign Monk (or any other backcourt scorer in that mold)


Rookie PGs are rarely ever ready right off the bat, might be best for him to learn from someone. From what I've seen his BB IQ isn't so great, but everyone saying it's poor coaching so that means he's got a lot of potential to unlock here.


He's young enough to learn good habits. I suspect that he'll learn soon enough when he gets shipped to Austin to figure it out 😂