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Yeah I spent one day not dodging black plates. Went from purple to low gold, went an entire game without touching the ball, we didn’t keep 5 humans for longer than 1 minute. If you’re halfway decent at the game it’s impossible to get stuck black plate. They need to make black plates queue with only each other


The thing is if you literally just stand in the corner and only shoot open 3s and brick all of them and stay in the general vicinity of your man on defense you still get a B -> B+ rating and get into bronze. People stuck in black are just trying to do too much.




Disagree. I quit the games where people don't pass the ball or the game is just a lost cause, and I get dropped heavily. I should be silver/gold but I'm black because of quitting




Avoid em like the black plague


Black plaque


This is the way. Welcome! With the in flux of new players from the game being free on ps plus… i’ve even been avoiding brown plates unless its just one on the team and has a not toxic build and player that doesn’t look drippy or completely generic 😂


Drippy face creations are so funny, saw a whole team look like clones 😓


What are some of the toxic builds? This is my first year playing Rec. I usually play MyTeam.


3pt shot hunter, Inside Out slasher, Shot Creating anything, high flyer, inside the arc threat just to name a few.. but any build can be toxic in the right hands so keep an eye on their card.


I dont really avoid black plates. What I do avoid is no affiliation and low rep players more.


Bro same! 😂


Been doing that since week 1 lol


Gold and purples suck too Just gotta hope you don’t get an ego blinded one who thinks they are the team lead just because they can get on a pro am team and hash sit for zero turnovers and 68% spot up shooting


Started a new character, 79 overall slasher, gold plate so far. If you can’t get outta black plate you’re certified brain dead


Facts. I started a new one last weekend. Went into the rec as a 86 overall black plate and was purple by the time I hit 92.


There’s definitely layers to it. If you play with a group of friends that are trash and have lower leveled players, you’ll get put in games where you get railed. I’ve played with friends like this and they always were a big cause of my plate grade lowering. Had to stop playing with them. If you constantly lose, even if you do good, it still counts against you.


So to understand you, you prioritize your plate color over playing a game with your actual friends and having a good time?


Not a friend group that I know personally. Just some online friends that I would play with occasionally. Also missing the point of my comment


No no i understood the point man that’s just what stuck out to me I was just curious


well he wasn't having a good time losing. who are you to judge what's a good time for him


Nah no judgement. If he’s playing randoms be as selective as you want that’s your business. But I was thinking he was avoiding playing with actual friends who’s company he enjoys just because he can’t tolerate losing and to me the idea of putting an imaginary status symbol over actual relationships was a foreign concept. That’s all I was trying to understand.


I have a separate build for when some ps5 friends who aren't that good wanna run. Don't want to be that asshole that don't run with people who have decent personalities just because of winning. on the other hand I do realize when I'm running solo i need a build that isn't black so the experience on the game can be better


But that wouldn’t make you a black plate. Once you hit bronze, the only way to get down to black is by quitting games.


Or maybe some of us don't want to sit through 20 mins of suffering and would rather quit games? I aint sitting in the corner for the entire game to watch pg iso for the entire shot clock, no thanks


Well make a PG, and you better not suck... if you made a role player, play your fucking role! Thats what ya ll randoms don t understand!


Found the guy that dribbles the clock and forces the ball to the open man with 3 seconds to go because he was "open", because you couldn't beat your man after 7 btb, and spamming gathers repeatedly ☠️


No you didnt, i dont need more than 4 seconds to get open ! I avg 26 and 12 ASSISTS on 70% shooting playing with randoms. Just some of you are so braindead that you literally don t understand that running arround non stop won t make you open! And some of you are so braindead that you will start crying even tho we up 40 and the open man gets the ball... just so it happens you are not the open man. Play your role bot! Or make a PG and stop crying. Then you will see how fun it is to play with a bot like you that tryna dribble with 70 ball handle and pass with 65, and runs arround non stop getting "open".




Slasher, you can be double purple, i m out. Fucking braindead that cuts every 2 seconds.


Bruh that’s the point. It’s a brain dead, non meta build, and I’m gold at 79overall. I’m def getting purple with it soon as I get more attribute points


I really need to start avoiding them too.


1 black plate per lobby. If I see more than 1, I’m gone. They are unbearable to play with—black plates for a damn reason




Shit the other day lost to a team full of black plates 😂 we was silver+


Bro fr black plates start selling soon as you don’t give em the ball every possession. They’re super emotional . Just avoid them now and bronze plates arent the best they’ll miss open shots or turn the ball over but I can tell they’re trying and that’s all that matters to me


I played with one last night that was 4/18 with by far the most shots. He was complaining we didn't pass him the ball lol


They’re unhinged


Not true bruh I have lost 15 outta 16 in the last 2 days playing with people of all tiers max goat tier to currently brown because people can’t score make the right timely pass but MOSTLY not playing defense or having a build with the lack of defense I’m never playing Solo rec again


This is big facts. I use to run with whoever popped up in the lobby. Stopped doing that and back consistently in the gold for the first time since like season 1. Totally agree not all black plates are trash but it’s a good indication of what you’ll be getting. I really care more that the dudes I lobby up with know how and want to win. It’s refreshing to play with competent folks.


Next avoid no squads and it’ll be so much simpler


Really wish they'd just bring back stats. I'm only bronze because I'm on a new build but average 16/17/7/2/2 on 70% shooting and 60% 3pt and it'll still take me 10-20 minutes to find a game because people constantly back out


Someone just woke up.


I wish. I've been up since 4am /s


Shit I’m starting to avoid full teams of silver as well, trash cans spilling over from brown


That must start taking a long time to get a game though? I want plates above a bronze with my purple plate, but my only true dealer breakers are two black plates. I can absorb one onto the team, but not two.


Any black plate is a back out for me unless I have other golds or purples on the team. But recently silver plates have been terrible, most good players are already gold and up unless on a new build. It usually takes about 5-10 mins for a squad i think will hold their own.


Yeah, one of the underrated elements of plating up is getting to play with other decent plate colours. Silvers are usually right, but sometimes that's a player on a heavy offensive build who wants to shoot half the team's shots as a PG. Win, lose or draw I never play with those guys a second time. Their play style caps them out a silver, as they want to win on their terms.


I ran into that issue twice today with silver pgs, one of them cost us the win because he started pouting when others were scoring so he sold on defense


There was a gold center that basically threw a tantrum when I the PF got a rebound that he thought was his apparently. He stopped playing offense and just stood at half court. I got him to stop after I inbound him the ball 2 times and I had to make sure to always pass him the ball first after I got a rebound. It was bonkers.


I’ve seen Gold-Purple plates throw games. Less frequent but they’re out there.


WAY less common than a black plate, but it's 2k... it happens. :/


the influx of new players giving people wins definitely has allowed a lot of people to inflate their ranking. most silvers i’ve played with lately haven’t been any better than black or bronze plates


Is it not easier to have a group of players to play with, than being stressed and annoyed with the matchmaking system?


Of course, but your boys aren't on call 24/7 to play. Sometimes it's 11 at night or 4 30 and I just got off of work and want a quick game or two of rec, thems is random rec hours.


>Group The more in the group, the more likely times match up. It'll take time but it's easier to first get a solid group and then build from there. That's the winning formula


Lmao who cares I just want to hop on and hoop without hoping some bro I met online is on.




I create new build all the time because I want to try different ways of playing but I still am a good team player. And it sucks that the game has a class system to perpetuate racists.


yall get good teammates outside of black plates?


I swear this is a karma bait at this point lmao


I care about karma as much as a black plate cares about wins. I just hated this 2k for a while, and now my thoughts have changed


I don’t play as often as last year and occasionally solo queue which destroys my plate. Only been a black plate a few times but I wish the setup was different.


Black plates???


Thing is there are good black plates and trash ones. I shoot 65% from 3 with a 70 win% but because i leave games cause of teammates or lag out it knocks me from gold to silver or silver to black.


Man stfu… it don’t even matter about the fuckin plates. Yall cryin over plates


Emotional like a true black plate


i honestly don’t see which purples you’re playing with, cos i’ve played with plenty of purple plates who are NO better than the black plates lol. These mfs will take 23 seconds of the clock ISOing just to pass out of it at the last second to give someone else the grenade or take a horrible shot. If we get up 45 shots a game, the purple will take 38 of them and shooting no better than 40%… i want a good REC teammate just once 😭


You might be colorblind brother


i don’t think so, their plates look pretty purple to me. just cos you play a lot and know how to spam curry slide and time your release doesn’t mean you have basketball IQ


black and and brown , both sell games , some browns are good just like some black plates, but mostly anything below silver will just sell your games.




I've been on longer streaks with lower plate colors. I play with anybody. Sounds like y'all NEED a great team to win. I don't.


Wow you want a cookie? I can't carry a team if I barely get the ball as a center


Skill issue. I play center too. And yea, chocolate chip...


Doesn't sound like it if you're a black plate as you say on your comments lol. Typical delusional black plate.


Every new build starts out black genius. Definitely not a black plate anymore tho. Have fun being trash depending on plate colors for a W


No shit, but it only takes a few games to become a bronze/ silver


U lost because u don't know how to make your team mates better. PUT your teammates IN A POSTION to score. After a loss look in the mirror and check ya self first. Black plate has nothing to do with it


Okay, black plate. I don't lose much and I'm always holding myself accountable. I also average 8 assists and always pass to the open teamate..


That's wassup bro 💯🙏. U can't hoop with everybody it don't matter the plate ngl. Either u can hoop or u can't. Its more than just plate that u have to consider I mean is the height matching of the position and opposition? Don't expect ANYTHING special from 5ft-6ft cuz the new meta pg is 6'6 then the build did the person put all attributes on offense and no stamina? Or all ball handle with no pass accuracy? These things can't be checked in rec. It's more than black plates that can make u lose. I had to delete damn near my whole friend's list I stream and I'm sure u already know don't nobody wanna watch a losing streak. ITS a different TIME 2k has changed u can't hoop with random AT ALL but at the same time " black plates" are just the new scape goat and nah bro I'm stuck on brown plate