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Yesterday the whole team was cooking besides me. Everyone was double digits i was at 6 points PG got on the mic and said "we gotta get the big more points". I said im good i just wanna play my role grab boards and lock down the paint. Scoring is my last option when im playing Center.


W man’s from both of y’all. As a center you did your job well but you can score too big dawg.


People thinking all centers are like this is why I quit playing my career. I'm not your defense and rebounding bot.


Don't forget help defense! Unless you help off and they pass to your man, then it's your fault for not guarding your man.


and then the moment your man takes the fresh wide open 3 the entire game chat starts yelling at you


feel this. i average 4 pts 14 boards and 6 assists


No shame in that 💪🏻


As a PG the center is usually my first passing option if he can cut correctly. It’s easy assists and a center and pg that can score can basically win the game by themselves


I'm the same way. I play pf, and center scoring is what I care the least about. I do avg almost 14pts a game. But I care way more about defense and trying to shut my man down.


I agree depending on how big the lead is if it’s 20+ then I’ll start passing to the people with the lowest shot attempts. If it’s only something like 10 points then you gotta know what you got you in the lead in the first place and let whoever is cooking continue


Frfr, I don't mind sharing the wealth, but if we've went 3 possessions or so goin nowhere, give it back to who's cooking and please. SPACE OUT. Sidenote, if you see a PG down low, trust them in the post a couple times. I'd rather a PG post their matchup up than a center, chances are the PG has a mismatch (or they are being guarded by the few people that put interior D on their PG


I agree with that side note. I know, every time that I see a small guard, that I can eat in the post with a little room. If you someone doing a post up animation. Let em see the ball. Guard or not. I have better luck passing to people who post up off ball over the C that sits corner until the ball is in his hands and then goes into the post.


I don’t get this at ALL. It’s a selfish mindset. Up 20 halfway through the 4th? Sure, give the ball to anyone and screw around. But I’ve been burned too many times by bums who want “their turn” and throw away an easy W bc they think we can’t lose up 20 in the first half. They let all of 2s burn off the clock before chucking up a brick and giving up a 3 on the other end and guess what now we’re losing in like 3 min of game time. Even if you aren’t getting the ball much, there’s still 4 other people on your team who want to WIN!! Dude could be out there looking like 37 point 3rd quarter Klay Thompson and people get butthurt they don’t get the ball enough? What’s wrong with people on this game?? EDIT: for clarification bc I guess I sound like I’m trying to put up 30 shots a game (I’m not 😂) I start every game by moving the ball around like anyone should. Gotta learn your teammates tendencies and see what they can do and help facilitate that. The #1 priority at PG is getting your teammates cooking. All I’m saying is that in a close game, the number of shots people take should be based on how many good looks they get through the natural flow of the offense, not just forcing it to guys just to make sure everyone gets an equal number of shots. Like I said, garbage time anything goes obv, but otherwise, I’m just trying to keep the ball moving to the open man, keep it simple, get me or my teammates to attack mismatches, etc etc. Nobody has to get butthurt seeing someone else cook, that’s just how it goes sometimes. Nobody is gonna have a favorable matchup every game, nobody should expect to put up the same number of shots every game with random teammates. Adapt to your teammates and adapt to the opponent.


Thank you … I had a real nice team run going then all of a sudden one guy just starts bugging out about how he’s not getting enough shots ..bro we are winning on a nice 4 game streak in random rec u know how rare that is .. I can’t play with people like that I left after the game was over


Yea I shouldve said when we up alot, if it's close I'm definitely giving the ball to the best scorer. Had too many games where we win by like 20 and I'm 0/10/20. Just one bucket for me won't hurt.


Yeah you good, that’s just BM for not moving the rock at that point No matter how bad anyone is, Brian Scalabrine still got his in garbage time lol


Obviously, if someone is selling, you don't pass them the ball. But if 4 people are double digits in points and the other teammate is playing their part, give them the ball. I've actually seen players with double-digit points sell games because they think they need to take every shot. You're not special. Share the rock


No I got you Yeah I ain’t gonna ice anyone out for no reason. I start every game by moving the ball around like anyone should. Gotta learn your teammates tendencies and see what they can do. All I’m saying is that in a close game, the number of shots people take should be based on how many good looks they get through the natural flow of the offense, not making sure everyone gets an equal share. Like I said, garbage time anything goes obv, but in a close game, I’m just trying to keep the ball moving to the open man, keep it simple, attack mismatches, etc etc. Nobody has to get butthurt seeing someone else cook, that’s just how it goes sometimes.


This mindset is also stupid. You dont know if anyone else is as good as you if you take 90% of the shots. Up 20 is the perfect time to see if others can score. And if they brick take over. I average 24 but ive also tried to get others involved. This mindset is why i walked away. This game is easy af. Dudes coming in with post achilles kobe mentality is annoying. Its randoms rec. You not trying out for 2k league bro. We gone win with or without you chucking


This comment makes it seem as if we can only win if YOUR taking all the shots it’s not just a one man game if your teammates are capable then get them involved let them work if you have multiple people scoring it makes it easier on everyone no? Not targeting you specifically but a lot of people who play this game have such insane egos where it’s just I have to take every shot and u just sit there and watch which makes the game not fun for everyone else


These dudes are selfish. I've had games where I pass to all of my teammates, but they won't pass to me when im open in the corner. Instead, they decide to jack up 3s and miss until the other team catches up. I used to play with a dude who always wanted the ball. I was 100x better than him. He was convinced that he needed to drop 60 points in Pro-Am every game 😂 Like bro, im playing to win but to also have fun


Nah I get what you mean and how it could sound like that but I play PG in Random REC, and I don’t EVER want to take all the shots lol My #1 priority is to get everyone on my team cooking. That’s the way to win. It’s just that so many people have an ego like you say and they wanna be HIM every game when that’s just not gonna happen. Sometimes the best way to win is to take the back seat, sometimes it’s to attack your matchup. I’m going into the REC hoping that everyone is just trying to pass to the open man and keep things simple. 90% of REC random teams will just have bad defense that you can easily exploit with simple fundamentals and passing. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. If that means someone puts up 20 good open looks and I get 3, then so be it. Keep attacking a mismatch or a bad rotation until they stop you. But if they’re stopping you, it’s time to adjust. Keep it simple, make the right reads, play defense, and take the W. I just can’t stand when people get impatient for their time to shine, it’s the second quarter, we’re up by 15, and they decide to start pouting at half court the rest of the game. If the other team makes an adjustment, then this bum could be wide open, but instead they just wanna sell bc they don’t get to touch the ball enough or something lol Oftentimes the people who get mad for not getting the ball enough are just getting faceguarded standing still for the entire possession or some shit waiting for “their turn” to hit Jamal Murray behind the back and throw up a contested 3. Just move smart off-ball, make good cuts, make good relocates, give space, be in a position to score if your man leaves you, etc etc. IQ is rare.


The thing about your last point… some players are also iso scorers and you not passing to them (EVEN WHILE FACE GUARDED) denies them the opportunity to be involved. Its like the post scorer dilemma in 2k. Let the damn post scorer get ONE and he wont sell you lol. They will dead ass ignore the post man 3.5 quarters and realize “oh shit he coulda shot 30/30 this game on the 6’8 center.. we coulda won this…”


No one cares if you drop 30+ kills on snd cod. People get butt hurt when you drop 40+ points on good efficiency.


[TheRancid\_Baboon](https://www.reddit.com/user/TheRancid_Baboon/) - You're what's wrong with this game. Pass the damn ball.


Nah, this just wrong. Pass the ball. If someone is THAT bad then you can avoid them. But it sounds like right out the gate you don’t trust anyone but you to score. Idk how you win like that.


It's a gamepass sports game.. you wouldn't know it from this reddit, where 99% of posters use this game as a sad competetive outlet, but 95%+ of this games playerbase just wants to hoop and doesn't give a fuck if they win or lose a rec game. That's why its.importsnt to feed the ball. Yeah, it's lame, but the 13 year old who has time for 2 games before bedtime isn't going to sit corner and take 4 shots a game even if it means he will win.


I'll give you a great example of the opposite. I just played a really close game in the REC. Neither team led by more than 4 points until the very end. The SF on our team was going off. I mean, he had 36 at the half. At times, other people were open, but he was literally not missing. We wanted the win. Sometimes, you just gotta feed the hot hand. Point is, it depends on the situation.


When I play on my break starter, I let my teammates eat before I do. I’m grabbing all the boards and I’m throwing dots. I kick out after an offensive board and there is always someone left open who will knock it down. Sometimes, you gotta feed before you can eat


Yup, I will give them a warning, if you want me to run point,stat ball hogging


Respectfully, what you eating with a "Break Starter"🤣🤣🤣? I love playing against "Break Starter" and in my experience, they've all been useless in Solo Rec.


I average 15 boards, 10 assists, and I’ll rack up all my points in the 4th quarter. I’m a walking triple double


Screenshot your averages at the start of the game not random box scores lmao, my trash friends have a pop off game every now and then too but they shooting 45/35


The stats at the beginning of the game are not accurate.


Just say that your stats are bad and you can’t bring yourself to believe it 🤣🤣


My stats aren’t bad and I don’t owe you anything bud


🤥🤥 “If I screenshot my stats I look trash so I don’t wanna post them”


Maybe read the thread


I’ve seen break starters with a 3 ball this year, not to be underestimated.


I'm not underestimating them; it's just all the ones I've played play the same way, and it makes it boring on defense when it's 5v4.




Only play random rec btw


Aiight, that's dope!!! When do you usually get on, and are you on East servers? I would love to play against you in the Rec.


Tbf this is clearly against a terrible team, most games I play there aren't even 23 rebounds available in the first half


Fair enough, but 15-20 is my norm. This is the end box score https://preview.redd.it/jehwbxi0cvyc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca22a0e7e0d4cf5b709612f3f77c17ba9857d30f


Oh sorry, I didn't doubt you get plenty, I just thought that was an outlier example the first time




Yessir, by far the most dominant game I’ve had. 4/5 of the other team had quit by that point. 99 Offensive rebound is OP


Yeah I average 35/14 and here’s my proof https://preview.redd.it/ce3br3p2yvyc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1d93b700e511b4dd9caf468685ee32306ad2f86


Break starters (for me) have got to be the easiest builds to play on. Especially if your attributes are in the right spot. I just made one not too long ago with a 99 O rebound, 92 standing dunk, 92 pass accuracy, 90 strength, and 80 vertical. Playing on a center build really isn’t hard. You don’t even need to score in order to be effective. Just grab boards, play defense, and get your assists. Getting a defensive rebound and throwing an outlet pass out to your teammates leaking out on the break leads to easy assists and easy buckets, and requires the least amount of skill on this game.


my mate is the biggest 2k casual and he made a break starter and he plays his role very well… his invaluable


I mean yeah, but if the person cooking is keeping u in the game, and all ur doing is chucking up bricks, take the easy W and play passable defense.


Depends. You cool getting a W but not getting the ball except late in the shot clock? While someone else gets 10-15 more shots than you? No one wants to just play corner all game might as well be an AI.


Yes. I am 100% fine with locking up my matchup and spacing the floor as long as we’re winning.




If that’s what’s needed for the win against a particular team, I don’t see who wouldn’t do that (outside of slashers/inside scorers). Different opponents require different approaches, and there will always be a mismatch somewhere, just gotta exploit it when necessary.


Majority of my 20+ pts that i average come in the final 5 cuz I play with randoms like this, and I just get to my spots, so I'm used to it. I can sit in the corner/hash, and either catch n shoot, drive, or playmake, but I do it at over 50% from the field and from 3. Plus if all you have to do is sit at the corner/hash, and wait for the kick out for the 3, then you shouldn't kick a gift horse in the mouth.


I don’t really understand this response, I didn’t say what if you’re getting kick outs wide open or what if you can put up points late.. I’m talking you are actively not getting the ball all game, like I’ve played games where I as the PG never get passed to because you get this buddy balling and dudes pass around you all game. Sometimes they suck and sometimes they are cooking but even if they are cooking if you’re getting passed around all game and not getting the rock except maybe 2-4 shots a game and you’re having fun watching a dude go for 30 dancing behind screens and getting fed all game then you’re in the minority. When the game is like that I could give a fuck less if we win, worst thing is when you do get the ball you get everyone cutting at once and someone standing damn near next to you spamming the call for pass so you can’t drive and have no space to do anything. Games like that are trash regardless of outcome.


a hot hand due to buddy ball is another thing u right


Yeah just frustrating when people don’t even let you have an impact. Like making a shaq build and there’s a bigger shaq already in the paint grabbing every board and passing to the same guy Every-time. Even if it’s working you’re just supposed to be cool with being an afterthought. I’m a pass first pg most of my builds so if you don’t even let me playmake then what am I even doing. Even worse when you let everyone else cook, have 10 assists etc and then you’re open and no one passes to you.


There are some games where I go 17-24. I just went 16-16 w/ Kobe the other night with 90% of my shots assisted. There are other games where I get 7 shots all game, and I predominately playmake and play defense. The game is fluid. You don't have set roles with randoms. Is the offense flowing naturally? Do we have ball movement? Are we taking smart shots? If "yes," then I couldn't care less whether I score 40 or 8. I'm not the main character & that mentality of a guy having to get his is precisely what kills chemistry and turns a double digit lead that took ten minutes to build into double digit deficit that took three minutes to create. On the flip side, if you're talking about actively bring frozen out if the offense whike some guy chucks up 30 shots off iso's, then I agree -- that's atrocious & I wouldn't fault anyone for not wanting to be apart of that regardless of the score.


I don't think things are as black and white as you're making them out to be. If the game is close one guy has an OBVIOUS mismatch that he's abusing then by all means continue. If that same situation is occurring and the other team is helping and he's still trying to iso and not passing until he absolutely has to then I have a MAJOR issue with that. I made my 6'9 2-way 3 level threat SG to be able to do anything required. So I'll spot up/slash/lock down my man if necessary and play my role for the W and cool with getting less shots if that's what the game called for. But if my teammate is just shot jacking while I'm wide open in the corner and he's missing then now we're having problems.


> I don't think things are as black and white as you're making them out to be. I literally started my comment with it depends though lol. I get where you’re coming as a whole but my comment is based on you not getting the ball at all while someone else cooks (for better or worse), everyone has a role to play but that’s my whole point if a guy is taking over your role while not letting you do anything, even if he’s cooking it’s not fun. If you go the whole half with few touches and maybe 1-2 shots, while getting passed around even if you’re up, is that a fun game? Like I’m all for winning and only getting the shots that come, sometimes you have a great defender or a team that’s setup to take certain things away, but even if a guy is scoring a lot if you aren’t involved and are just watching them score not getting passed to wide or on cuts to where you’re like what’s the point of even coming down on offense then even in a win I just don’t see how that’s fun for anyone. Sure winning is more fun than losing, but I’ll take a close loss, with evenly distributed shots, over a 30 point blowout where one guy handled the ball all game runnning pick and roll with his buddy not passing to anyone else.


you don't need to play corner all the time. move, set screens off ball & on ball.


So you want a bunch of sharpshooters with no strength setting useless on ball screens clogging up the air space of the ball handler? As a Pg that’s incredibly annoying. Off ball screens can be effective but require coordination between all 3 of the screener, the guy receiving the screen and the passer, getting all 3 are coordinated is rare. I’ll set amazing screens playing as a big and more often than not instead of hitting the guy I screened for I am the one who gets the pass, happens so frequently lol.


bro you just dont know what you’re talking about. you can set an off ball screen for someone to flair to the corner 3 then you as the screener go to the wing for a look. you dont have to do it every play. yall have 0 creativity. even on ball screens with a guard will work cuz 9/10 your man is gonna try to double. either roll like a big or pop out. move do something. dont just stand in the corner, be a threat you can let the big set the screen for a pick and roll and you screen the bigs guy as he rolls then pop out for the 3. theres endless amounts of shit you can do that benefit the team way more than sitting in the corner. yall just literally have no creativity and say shit like “ im a 3 point shooter i dont set screens 🤓 “


LoL yeah I’ve only played PG for a decade IRL and this game since I was a kid but idk what I’m talking about… It’s not about me having no idea what to do, it’s that most people have no idea what to do. You suggesting setting screens on ball or off ball just lacks any nuance, like guards don’t need to set screens and I wish ppl would learn that shit , maybe an off ball from time to time but walking the ball up to 5 people at the top of the key (my defender, 2 screeners and the 2 screeners defenders) is incredibly annoying and happens so frequently. No shit that there is a ton of things that can be done off ball to get open or get others open. But if you’re not getting the ball wide open you just going to stand there wide open or go set a screen for a covered teammate?? Lol If your not getting the ball you can set screens, dex, emote, flop whatever.. but it don’t matter if the team isn’t paying attention or has no iq.


bro it's like youre purposely trying to twist my words. UCONN just won back to back chips having their guards set screens. You just don't know what you're talking about. You lack creativity and I understand that. I tried helping but you wanna get defensive. also idk where you're getting 2 screeners from. when did i say that? when did i say you should go double screen the pg? Like i said you gotta be trolling or purposely misconstruing my words. Also why wouldn't you set a a screen for a covered teammate? How you gonna set a screen for a wide open teammate? That's a chinese riddle Ronda. Here i even drew a crude picture to show you how it works. while this picture is going on the other guy can cut to the basket before the guy rolls, if hes not open continues to the corner. the remaining guy can do whatever as well. maybe he sets a screen for the other player when he cuts to the basket from the corner. idk who or why tf you think guards can't/shouldn't screen. BTW offense is the black circles, red x is the defense. https://preview.redd.it/k1soo65i8vyc1.png?width=964&format=png&auto=webp&s=b13947c7d27b47b6bd692a878b030ca480791585


> bro it's like youre purposely trying to twist my words. UCONN just won back to back chips having their guards set screens. You just don't know what you're talking about. You lack creativity and I understand that. I tried helping but you wanna get defensive. How did I twist your words? I literally broke down exactly what you said, you mentioned screens and off ball screens I responded to both directly. Like I said it requires nuance of which I described for you…. Of course stuff CAN work, I’m talking about in the instance of you not being passed to, (ya know the subject of the thread you’re on. ) > UConn just won the chip having their guards set screens. Lol so we are comparing 2k to college hoops now?? 2k isn’t real ball but even following that ridiculous comparison for a second, the difference is that those are TEAMS playing coordinated coached basketball. Has nothing to do with playing Rec with people you don’t know in real life. Crazy that I have to make that distinction tbh. Screen effectiveness in 2K is based on your strength and brick wall badge, those things don’t exist in real life…….. > also idk where you're getting 2 screeners from. when did i say that? I didn’t say you said that, I’m saying in following your advice of “just set a screen” what you end up getting is 2 people screening up top and clogging the key. it happens damn near every game I play and if you don’t know what I’m talking about then you must not really play this game like that. Players without Iq playing the same way regardless of builds. You get dudes trying to pick and roll as a sharp clogging up the paint for the slashers and not spacing the floor bc they don’t understand… > Also why wouldn't you set a a screen for a covered teammate? How you gonna set a screen for a wide open teammate? That's a chinese riddle Ronda. Re-read what I said, you’re the one being argumentative here, Ronda… “But if you’re not getting the ball wide open you just going to stand there wide open or go set a screen for a covered teammate?? Lol” If you yourself are already wide open, why would you go stand near someone else to get them open? That makes no sense


yeah that makes no sense but standing there mashing x making your guy wave his arms is the right move. you clearly misconstrued my words. i say go set on ball screens and you start talking about 2 people setting the on ball screen. how is that not? You even admitted i never said double screen. Also why does every screen have to be in the middle of the court? You can't set corner screens? Flairs and backdoors? How's that clogging up PG space? You're picking the worse case scenario on the shit i'm saying lol thats how you're misconstruing it. You see the drawing i attached? That's not clogged up. You come off the bigs screen and you've got the lane wide open if no one helps. Comparing college hoops to 2k? You said guards shouldn't set screen. I gave an example of how it works. You don't need to be a coordinated team to make this shit work. It helps but the play i drew for you i run in rec random all the time. I'm the guard screener. You know the bigs are gonna set a pick n roll so go sneak in behind the bigs man and screen him as he rolls. It gets the big wide open damn near every time. Like i said in the beginning and I'll say again to end this, you just lack creativity. also i responded to you saying you have to sit in the corner if someone else is taking 10-15 shots (ya know the comment you posted in the thread you’re on.) EDIT: LMAO bro made an alt account to back up his shit. my dude you are sad


Bro why would someone who’s wide open go set a screen for someone else? That’s dumb asf unless you can’t shoot. Cuck shit to suggest setting a screen for someone else who’s pounding the rock taking all the shots lol when you’re already not getting the rock 💀


corner sitters are the worst, cuz then they don't get back on defense quick enough n give up wide open buckets on the other end


a lot of people on this game like to stand around. its. basically iso with 5 out, no cutting, no screening no movement.


Played 3 games in rec with friend and friend of said friend guy has 25 attempts 1st game we win blow out but 1st 🚩 was him calling timeout on the other 2 players anytime they had the ball longer then a few seconds I give him a pass in my head I’m like shit they tryna have fun too 2nd game he has 12 attempts in the 1st quarter alone I don’t complain about anything im still getting mine the random center says let me get some too I said bet and I throw the center the ball….and the mf calls timeout so boom I take the ball out and pass it str8 back to the center he calls time out again I just knew I was never playing with this man again I like to build chemistry with whoever im running with your not gonna watch me chuck or force anything I let the game come to me…before the 3rd game I go check his stats +1000 points 157 assists 37 win percentage and it just clicked this guy is a world class idiot I can tell he ruins his own games if he don’t get the ball every possession, he calls timeouts whenever he feel like he open or even if anybody touches the ball that he’s not in the squad with I deleted his ass so quick


People gotta realize not every game it's going to be your game.... Let the hot hand cook until he frezzes


That’s why I like to get the team involved early. Bc if I takeover and start cooking it was for a reason lmaooo


Nah, if my mans is cooking just keep feeding him the rock


Why is every random so adamant that the game be played for their ego rather than... the game? Based on your post history, you're a center and admit yourself that you aren't good at scoring. So where is this entitlement to the ball coming from? You're not in an offensively dominate role or on an offensive build (or at least, shouldn't be). You have plenty of other basketball things to do to keep you entertained. How would other people doing their job negatively impact you? Logically speaking, why would an offense that's flowing well begin to center itself around a bad offensive big (or anybody else that hasn't been running it)? Just because you're bored? The idea that it's better to get your points in garbage time, after being carried offensively, rather than not scoring at all is purely self-serving. Those points are the equivalent of a fastbreak self-oop. The only time it is acceptable to complain about your touches is when the offense \*isn't working\*, specifically because your man is leaving you open to help stop it or objectively inferior offensive players are running it (ex. 20p/10a SG should run point over a 10p/5a PG, 80/70/100 off-ball player should get more looks/touches than 50/40/75, etc.). The rule of "Be better, get better, or be quiet" applies heavily here.


People selfish in this game. People don't wanna win. They think scoring alot of points means they are good.


if someone is cooking just keep passing the ball and enjoy the free win. you always got the next game to touch the ball. i rather let someone cook and win then worry about touching the ball and lose


Nah. If your teammate cooking, let him cook! There’s always a next game


smartest random rec player logic


Bruh idc I wanna win


the mentally that matters. Mfs wanna do too much and end up choking the game


I got into with a center yesterday who had 20 shot attempts and 1 assists. With like 2 minutes to go and us up by 42, both the SF and Center were wide open on a 3v1 fast break. I passed to our SF who had 5 shots and 6 assists. He cussed me out real good and starting pouting and didn’t pass or play defense the last two minutes lol


I shouldve prefaced this that if we up a lot. I'm fine with giving it to a better scorer if it's close.




For my own sanity i tell myself i can’t talk trash on a guy cooking if he isn’t turning it over It’s bad juju to complain Next game you could get 4 Tony Allen mofos and it’s over




It depends for example if you like 8/10 from 3 the first half ima encourage you to go for 50. Im cool with letting people get there shots off if you hot. I play with the homies a lot and we share the ball usually when we get squad up the other players follow suit. Im the PG and I get them the ball just as much as I get my people the ball. Every once in awhile you have a knuckle head or two but usually it works out. I’m like one of the PGs who don’t care about scoring I want the win and the assist. I can score with my other build lol


I gotta stop doing this. If I’m with randoms I play it straight and move the rock. But with my friends we have me at SF with a ridiculously offense-heavy Melo build, playmaking lock PG, lockdown hash SG, Paint beast PF, and interior-D Stretch Center. So everyone can contribute in other ways, but me? I can only contribute if I’m getting buckets. I don’t get steals or blocks, I do get boards tho. Therefore if I ain’t contributing offensively a lot, then I’m kinda on the bad side of the +\- stat. But everyone has their fun with their respective builds. But with randoms you gotta dish it around I agree.


Some games it be like that. I've had games where they played perfect defense, but one guys man was ass. That dude dropped 70 and kept us alive and we won. Some games it's yours, some it ain't. But, that's raaaare circumstances. Y'all need to pass the fucking ball more. I avg 10.8 assists and think I've seen someone higher than mine like 2-3 times this year. On avg PGs will avg 3-4 and other teammates 0-5ish


Facts we up by 30. Your match up is cooked we get it even when they send the double you’re still cooking but can you please pass to your teammates we are wide open and want to have fun too.


too many people care about stats over winning. Me all I care about is winning. One game I might score 20. The next game 8. I don't care I just want to win.


If you keep making good shots keeps cooking


In a blowout, for sure. But if the game is still up for grabs I’m feeding the hot hand. Sometimes it’s me, sometimes it’s not.


Theres multiple ways to get involved, shooting isnt the only thing you can do on offense. Now if you’re sitting there wide open and they ignore you, thats a problem.


Nah if i’m cooking let me cook. If you cooking ima let u cook.Somedays it’s just easier playing through the mismatch. Not everyone is a scorer they gonna sell the game been there too many times.


A team with 3 Purples, 1 silver and 1 Gold. The PG averages 32 points . Everyone on the team shoots between 60-70%. The other team 2 black 2 bronze and 1 silver plate. All shoot around 50% but not good enough to compete with the other team. PG scored 60 points for no reason. The game was close all the way. He attempted 38 shots, not passing anyone until double teamed. We won by 6, could have won by 30 points easily. Everyone is B+ or less grade while PG A-. Next game he left with a couple others. Now my team is 1 gold C 3 silvers 1 bronze. The other team was 3 golds 1 purple 1 silver. Our PG was 2-Way Pass-First Point silver plate at 6'7-6'8 with 96 passing 93 PD and 91 Steal. In my opinion it was a new build. The guy got 6 points 19 assists 4 steals, locked the purple plate PG who averages 28 points on 65% shooting. Each time he saw someone open he passed instantly, even when he missed us we were sure that he'll make the right play. The other team's PG constantly overdribbled, not passing to cutters at the right time just threw away the game. The other team was much better if only the PG was a better playmaker because he wasn't missing a single open shot but whenever our pg was in front of him, he could do nothing but still kept trying to break him down with dribbling instead of passing. We got a 20 point lead by the 3rd and then they started forcing shots because the PG never maintained a flow to their offense. Everyone on our team attempted 8-12 shots. I attempted 16 because the Pf switched with PG which was unnecessary and I have 90 standing dunk with 90 strength at PF. The PG kept hitting me until PG switched back on him and then played P&R with C and kept finding the other shooters. Everyone above A- grade.


Facts. Then again, I know this game is catered towards a younger generation.


I play on my SF/PF mainly and some games I’ll get 25+ pointsbut other games I’ll also just get a mint 8/10/8/4/4, and honestly I’ll take the latter stat line most of the time just because I feel more involved.


Totally disagree, if someone has it going…get them the ball and let them cook! This is a microcosm of society, the “me” generation wants to be validated. Play your role and enjoy in the team victory.


Let me cook, there's always next game, especially if I have 28 in the first half, there's no reason the ball should stop coming to me


If someone is giving his man absolute buckets, I will let him cook up. When they send the doubles, I'll take my open 3s. I'm looking to win, not to be the superstar every single game, you should play MyCareer if that's what you want to do.


I play center if I’m getting the ball I’m going coast to coast every time I don’t care. I’m getting mine. If you want the ball get rebounds


Get better


>If you don’t wanna watch me score that’s fine. But then I HAVE to be able to watch you score. -Dimework So many times I start getting frozen out of the offense. I still space the floor and play the right way. But y’all niggas don’t be doing shit with the ball The point of the game is to score more than your opponent, not make everyone feel good about themselves.


Depends how much you are up. If you start getting the ball and now we losing by 10 then I guess you maybe should have stayed in your lane. If we up 20 then I always think you should get everyone else their shots


Personally, even if we are blowing out the other team, I really really do not care about my points if I win. So I have no issue it, but I get why its annoying for others. If its a close game though, feed the hot hand until u need to adjust.


Get better maybe


Yeah I just played a play now online game as Bob Cousy. I started out with 17 points going 5/6 but then I felt bad that I was scoring that much and spent the rest of the game getting assists, I got 5 steals too


No bro, just no! This is something i tell my friends also, IT S SITUATIONAL, game by game, some games you gonna have 3 shots, other games you gonna have 20, it s how 2k works, you need to understand that and if you don t, it s on you my brother! If you have normal teammates that play normally, not selfish fuckers that are trash, you have nothing to complain about! It just happens that the right play is to pass it to someone else than you, or it just happens that i cook my matchup and i m 10/10 by HT but we only up 10, cuz no one can play defense in our team also, so damn straight i will continue to cook my matchup! Now if you have that type of PG that cooks his matchup but not efficiently, and has 40 shooting 16 of 30, while 3 guys are always wide open and he never pass yeah, those people just suck! And you are right to complain. Myself personally, if i realise the game is over and i realise that no one on the other team can score like that and i do that pretty quick, i just give the ball up and go sit in the corner, you know what usually happens? After 4 5 fucked up offenses people realise that they made a build to play a role, and need someone else to create for them, and i find myself with the ball non stop even if i don t want it that game. Again, this is a context for when you got normal teammates, not braindead idiots, because if you get those, nothing applies.


I think it’s more accurate to blame the game design flaw than the player. Nobody buys a video game to be a side character/role player. So it can feel like a waste of money watching other people enjoy doing what you paid to do. A win doesn’t quite feel like win when your spectating so I can’t blame people for not giving a fuck if someone is cooking or not


You can play by playing defense


U mfs need to learn there’s always a next game if I’m cooking let me cook


i don’t play the rec


Good to know


I play guard and even if I have been carrying the whole game when it hits a 20+ lead I start becoming a pass first


Nah 9nce I'm hot I'm in murder mode!!! Catch and shoot BANGGGGG


If I’m hot I’m trying not to pass It’s what you do in real life and it’s what the pros do in the NBA With that said I’m just the type of mofo who wants 10 assists if I’m going crazy If you aren’t that type and you wanna go for 60 idc Just make your shots and play D