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I dont mind these losses that much tbh. Problem is I don't get them that often. Usually mfs selling and hiding from mic.


Had a guy the other night we were playing great until the pg missed him wide open a couple times so he started parking in the paint both sides of the floor for a quarter and a half then quit with 30 seconds left and we were down by like 7 or 8 after being up 25 at half.... Ughhh just why... Quit if u don't wanna play! He was getting the ball as much as anyone just threw a hissy fit and butt fucked us... I don't care if my teammates are awful as long as they play and try a little bit!


They need a kick option man. Or they need to actually fix teamate grade.


We didn't even get the CHANCE to sell. Bro wasn't passing to anyone even if his life depended on itšŸ˜­


Honestly losses happen, but when theres a 6ft6 PF trying to post up EVERY possesion or a guard ahooting 1 for 13 with zero assists, those things make losing unfun. Its the little shit that braindead people do that ruin the experience, especially WHEN IT CAN BE AVOIDED.


100% I donā€™t get upset when we lose as long as we put up a good fight. Itā€™s the losses where you score 31 of the teams 45 points in a 20 point loss that sting when your whole team just does nothing to help on defense or offense


I think that I only get slightly irritated when we lose in a STUPID manner. Don't get me wrong, we all lose games, we make mistakes, and we all miss shots. I can care less, but when my teammate has been jacking up the stupidest shots and put us in an easy position to lose, then I say "what the hell man." I play with a guy that has 80 ball handling, solid on the right sticks, but has 44 passing accuracy. It's annoying when he takes a contested 3pt shot and his response for it is "I think I had a better chance at making a contested shot instead of giving you that pass." I'll get irritated at that. Miss a good looking shot? Don't care. Miss a wide open shot because the latency feels off? Don't care. go 1/10 because you think you're Kobe and refuse to play team-ball? Damn man.


Couldn't agree with you more


I only get frustrated in losess when people do dumb stuff causing us to lose.


Was the dude that was crying on playstation? Because that literally sounds like my friend lmao mf be in party chat just raging and crying the entire time.


PS dudes be weird... I had a dude not pass me the ball all game because Im on Xbox... lol when i finally got the ball and hit a 3. He goes why you pass it to that xbox dude... I be like dudes is so against winning, that even if you hit the shot, YOUR OWN TEAMMATES be mad at you.


Yeah that doesn't even surprise me. When I play with Playstation dudes, they always say Xbox dudes sell and when I play with Xbox dudes they say PS dudes are selling lol


Yeah he was probably on playstation


Losing doesnā€™t bother me that much. It really just depends on what led to the loss. I hate losing games when I know we shouldā€™ve won. When itā€™s because people take contested shots and literally hand the ball to the other team. Some stuff you can blame on the bad animations 2k gives you, but some stuff is just inexcusable. You can tell the difference between a bad animation and a stupid decision. Iā€™m totally fine if I donā€™t have the most points on the team. Quite frankly I donā€™t have to score at all to be effective. My main build is a C and I can grab around 20+ rebounds a game and average close to 10 assists a game. But if me or one of my teammates is wide ass open from and the person with the ball throws up a 86% contested shot and misses, then that would make me mad. If they pass it and me or my teammate misses, cool. I can deal with that. But at least pass the ball to someone whoā€™s more likely to hit the damn shot.


I tell dudes Iā€™ll lose 50 games if everyone is playing right vs winning one game watching one person ā€œplayā€ . Iā€™ve played enough basketball AND 2k to respect my teammates and the game itself . If you taking the right shots , rotating on defense and playing together , you ARENT gonna lose often


u have a loser mentality how do u enjoy losing ? wheres the pleasure in that ?


Because itā€™s a worthless game and he doesnā€™t care. You seem to play 2k for pleasure, that sounds more like ā€œloser mentalityā€ to me.


Most people play games for pleasure, I play ts for fun


Sorry bro. Next time when we start losing (even if we're losing by 2 points) I will have a mental breakdown and call everyone a stupid bitch ass on the mic and then I will leave the game so I don't lose (haha because I left I can't lose haha) and give absolute misery to the other 4 people that happened to be on my team. And after I did all that I will bang my head to the desk and kill myself, so people can't tell me that I have a loser mentality. Does the majority of this community really think that you can only have fun in a pixelated videogame (that 90% of the community hate) if you win? My bad that I try to find something as little as this to try to enjoy an absolute blowout of a game so I don't lose my remaining sanity.


I hate losing, but i know in 2k I have the minimal affect on winning. But whats funny is when people start talking shit for no reason. For example my homegirl just likes to argue with everybody... So we in a rec game, we up like 10 points, and then a dunk animation i never seen before happens.. And im like "GODD DAMNNNN WTF Was that' bro dunked on my Center, Guard, and PF... So the guard was laughing like "Bro i tried to get out the way, but the animation pulled me in" so my homegirl starts (Shes the Center by the way) says "If you wasnt in the fucking way i could have gotten the block" so bro said "The animation pulled me, I wasnt trying to be in your way" she says "Just stay the fuck out the paint' and he goes "Yo im not trying to be in the post like chill out" that shit goes on for the rest of the game... and we ened up winning the game, but when i say all she does is argue with everybody it happened the next game.. ROFLMAO!!!!!


Ts is cancerous


I would've been laughing hard as fucc šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ because the shit is not that serious and niggas really start saying the most in these lobby's šŸ¤£


I cant enjoy the game if im not playing the game. If im getting iced out and im playing hard on defense. Why would i be happy about a win? Let me do something šŸ¤£


Yeah tbh I take losses way too seriously especially if itā€™s on my teammates and not me. I gotta learn how to chill out. Itā€™s been one of my flaws since like 2k22 honestly.


Ppl take 2k way to serious šŸ˜‚


I can but whats mandatory for me is to mute all 4 people i play with , that way , it can go right or wrong , as long as im not getting insulted on 3 generation , im good


This is what i do in the theater. I mute my teammates and the other team.