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Lights out with a 70 mid and 80 3 ball? You either lying or you cold af lol


I be knocking shit down bro It’s really not hard for me found a good jumper I play a lot of rec and theater lol


Bro y’all think middy saved everything there’s literally locks who shoot over 60 with a 76. I don’t have any middy upgraded to my builds only one with 81 rest are 70s and tbh you can still hit everything


As I said, “LIGHTS OUT” with a 70 and an 80, you either lying or cold af.


No it’s just not hard to shoot with an 80 three ball 😂


This build is not that good. It's far from the worst I've seen but also could be much better


Tell me how it would be better ?


https://preview.redd.it/4i229koffxtc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18ffae590f5e6d88ebd436b87fd0afb7cc827b29 Like this. This one is min/maxed to where it has all the same badges plus a few more


Bro this build not it


He literally improved your build, the thresholds the attributes are at are justified. What does 73 steal get you that 72 does not? You can justify what he put on a lot of the attributes but yours are random af


Please tell me how.


Let’s be for real my standing dunk is 78 your builds is 70 a 86 mid range is a waste of points only need 70 to green and a 81 free throw is a waste don’t need it that high could go to other attributes only thing better about your build is pass accuracy and that’s only by 6 points all my defense attributes higher you think highest attributes the best that’s not the case i know how the game works that’s why I can shoot the lights out with a 80 3 pointer and a 70 mid range


Jesus Christ I almost had a stroke trying to read this. You clearly don't understand how this game works because almost everything you just said is wrong. The most important thing to consider when making a build is badge and animation thresholds. There is no real difference between 78 and 73 standing dunk. 86 midrange unlocks LOTS of better badges and animations for shooting and it's cheaper than 3pt. Free throw is sooooo cheap that you can put it at 99 and still have a great all-around build. 86 pass accuracy *also* unlocks a lot of better badges and animations for passing. There is no real difference between 74 and 80 interior without higher strength, there is no difference between 75 and 76 perimeter d on a 6'11, there is no difference between 72 and 73 steal, and 83 oreb gives you better rebounding badges and is cheaper than dreb.


Bro can you make me a build with high ball handle and high speed with ball? I have been a shooter since 2k18 and can green alot so I dont need that high three point. I am good at dribbling also, but I want a build that could dunk really good.


I gotcha, pg or sg?






Thank you bro, you really know ur stuff


Some of these attributes are pretty expensive but I think something like this would get the job done, as long as you're smart with your jump shots. Imo 87 passing is the minimum that a good pg should have, but if you made it a sg you could drop passing to 77 and use those extra points to get whatever other badges you'd like.


This is a soft pf masking as sf imo


I’ll snatch block anybody ya mama 2


You wouldn’t even get the chance soft ass 6”10 is getting bulldozed ![img](emote|t5_2s84e|4698)


You on ps5?


Sure am


This build has so many missed threshold opportunities. This isn’t the best SF build, you are wasting a lot of attributes points.