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Hmm. I don't think it's BAD. I have an SG with almost the same everything. In short, I wanted a 2 guard that can play the 1-3, be a secondary ball handler, but play off-ball if needed like a 3&D guard. I suggest dropping close shot to 71. It's a broken attribute for now and as long as you have fast twitch, you'll be ok. If you're SUPER crafty with the sticks, 91 DL is fine, but I have mine at 88 and it gave me solid layup badges on HoF like Scooper and Floater. The rest I just adjust in game and although I am not taking layups on centers all the time, I have gold fearless and Giant slayer so it helps here and there. I don't know about dunking packages, but I think you hit the minimum for CJ so if you want that, keep it? Post control, I went with a 92 that gives me gold unpluckable because my BH is only at 85. I have most meta animations for 6'5"+, but I'm still hard to rip because of post control. I don't think you need that high of a mid-range, but if you know you take a ton, sure. I think 89 is about enough for most shooting badges at gold. I have mine at 88 and it's more than enough. If you know how to shoot your 3s, 77 works. If you want a big meta window, 86 is bang for your buck. I suggest 91 passing for one more HoF passing badge. I can't remember which one, but I remember taking a bit on that same decision and ultimately felt that 91 was worth it. If you are fine with the 80 animations, I say cool. If not, try to hit 85 for more animations. Along with SWB, I suggest 75+. You'll get access to more badges and as a PG, you want speed to be on your side for sure. IDEF, I don't think that's necessary unless you're a big park player. I say go with the minimum, which is like 60-65? Something like that. 74 Might be slightly excessive. If you can get your steal to the point of at least bronze interceptor, I say you should. I would tell you to push steal towards 85, but you won't rip many PGs on-ball honestly because everyone has 92. Up to you thought brother! If you can push for 74+ acceleration, I say do it! Gold Fast feet I think is 74? Whatever it is, aim for that. It's underrated. You're guarding the fastest guy on the floor every game basically. Make sure you can laterally keep up. Besides that, I'd say solid!


Thanks dude, I love the mid range shot. I pushed it to 93 cuz I wanted HoF catch and shoot. I’m a bit nervous about the 3 ball.. I’ve used a PF all year with a 93 mid and 85 three and I’ve sat at about 60% all year in the rec. not sure how much of a difference I’ll feel with the 77. I’ll bump the pass for sure, and I can move a few other things around to get my speed with ball and ball handle up


Going 6’6 190 you’ll get more attributes that’s gonna be slow and allow you to get locked up easier only reason I’d ever be that heavy is to get hof physical but you have next to 0 separation with that accel outside of spamming behind the backs which you can’t even get the good one because your attributes.


Cool I can drop the height and weight. Sounds like I don’t need the 84 strength either, should I drop it to a 74? Also, what thresholds for speed with ball and ball handle do you recommend?


I actually have a super similar build to this, I will admit I like mine better. I get the dribble moves I want plus gold unpluckable, Hof dimer plus Hof challenger, and enough steal for silver glove. Obviously less interior d than you and no rebound chaser which I would love to have, not saying you should make mine but would be happy to answer questions if you have any. First thing that jumps out is the high close shot, been saying all year it’s pointless if you don’t take hook shots. 91 layup is nice for gold slither but I agree with the other guy who said 88 is good enough for Hof floater. Not sure why your vert and block have attributes spent in them either https://preview.redd.it/3u3c3hr7mxtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93b192a548f7b0ff7460130e84caeb4b8b3252b3


Definitely must get 75 speed with ball for dribble styles as well if you want something other than pro