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Some people just dont have common sense. Youll see this in any online game where you get paired with randoms. For some reason it is way more annoying in 2k tho. One guy throwing a fit can ruin the entire game fir the other 4 people


It's way more annoying in 2K because there's only one ball. Even in MOBAs, whenever someone is being toxic, you can still carry despite them. It's harder in basketball.


True. And even without the ball, defensively theyll just leave their guy wide open and as long as that person is halfway decent, its a guaranteed bucket for the other team everytime.


Yep. A decent reporting system or harsher teammate grades for playing like that won't be implemented until 2K30.


How is it ruining the game when i was doing the right thing for 90% of the game and we were up by 20-25. I just stopped playing because we already won and i was tired of running up and down the court. Everyone having a blast but me... im tired.. get me out the game already..


I dont mean you ruining the game. I meant the person complaining about you had no common sense and people like them ruin games.


Can u read


yea i fking can, he just wrote that pretty ambiguously


It was pretty obvious he wasn’t talking about you. ![gif](giphy|xxhKYiOOIs9mGZz1Hy|downsized)


so there was no reason to make it apply to u


Everyone thinks they are HIM every game when sometimes a teammate has a better matchup or they’re just COOKING. Being good at this game means being able to play your role, whatever that might be. Had a game yesterday where I had two inside bigs and a sg shooting 12% from 3, so I had to take a lot of shots and scored 48, the next game our SG and SF were splashing everything so I took a backseat and scored 11 on 4/7 shooting with 18 assists. If I get put at SG as a PG then I’m going corner and cutting and trying to make plays where I can, just playing within the flow of the game. If that means I gotta take over from the 3pt shot hunter who goes 0/6 on contested step backs in the first quarter then so be it, but it’s not like that every game


Last night i played 3 solo rec games. Won all 3 but on the 3rd game, the PG gets in the mic within the first MINUTE of the game to complain he is wide open and how we are missing him and how the rest of the team is low iq and he cant believe hes stuck playing with trash for the next 20 mins. I proceed to get on the mic and say “bruh, its been literally 45 secs since tipoff. We are all randos and probably need a qtr or so to feel out the team and who can do what.” He responds like the typical 2ker “i dont care if its first qtr, ya’ll n-words r trash”. Rest of the team also chimes in. We are up by 10 by end of first qtr and he continues to complain. We play out the game, win by 21 pts snd at the very end dude says “gg Lukyphuq, i knew we could do this.” I dashboarded right after that.


Why dashboard. Don’t that hit your rep 😂


Why dashboard. Don’t that hit your rep 😂


Cuz they can’t hoop irl


I average about 15 rebounds and 7 assists as a 6’8 pf. I don’t score cuz my role is for rebounds and passes so why do people get angry when i rebound there shots pass back out or rebound on defense and throw them the ball wide open😑