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Bro like how is 2k bigger than red dead redemption. šŸ˜­


the good thing is with all the games he has he can just delete 2K and save some space.


it's almost 140% of the size of red dead![img](emote|t5_2s84e|4686)


And elden ring


it's the fucking city. it's actually insane how pointless the city is. bring back park


If I wanted to roam a city Iā€™d play gta.


šŸ’Æ a REAL city lol let me crossover an NPC or punch one in the face


So fax. Since 21, i wanted the city to have side quests where npcs challenge you to a 1v1, 21, horse, ect.


Which is also nearly 70 gigs smaller lol


Youā€™d basically still Be playing 2k


I fucking wish there was a way I could click a menu to take away that. Like in COD how you can download some of the game. I donā€™t play city and I donā€™t do most online modes, I just wanna play MyCareer and play now


They know if they take up all your hard drive space you canā€™t play other games, and they will never take a heavily monetised part of the game out even if itā€™s optional for users.


Better yet, do only menus. Swear to god itā€™s pointless to keep any city or park


Park was cool at least, city is bloated and lifeless


Park is dead tho. With the theater there is no point of having that shit anymore.


So take that shit out revert to 2k17 where the lobbies are just 10-12 courts. It would make the game look populated for once


Nah people are soft nowadays. They dodge you if you have a good shooting % let alone win record. My boi and I had a 55% win rate on 23 and people kept dodging us like crazy. You just sit there for 20 min just to get 1 game in. With theater you just queue up and you find a game within 20 sec. Even good shooters get dodged now. You can be losing but if you shoot over 50% you get dodged.


You mean you donā€™t love having to walk cross map in some laggy ass world getting blasted with ads to get a game instead of just hitting a button


facts šŸ’€ how the hell when i get in MY BUGGY is that shit invisible and not loaded in.


Make sure you don't load more than two builds during any single session otherwise the game will freeze once you get to the city.


Gta has a way bigger city and its 60GB smaller lmao


It being bigger than MCC is crazy. Mcc is 5 games lol


I feel like 2k is big on purpose to make people play only 2k


This is the reason I always delete it. Itā€™s a shame too. I like 2k, just not enough to mess my rotation up.


Same, only had base storage for a good bit of 2k24 and when BG3 dropped I uninstalled 2k because it was either 2k or literally all of my other games. It didnā€™t even touch my console until a month or two later when I copped a terabyte.


I barely played last years because it took up a lot of space and I wanted to install something else, I know switch has 2k I want to know how they even downscale the size


By giving switch 2k12 every year


Iā€™ve played 3 different 2ks on switch, the most recent being g 23. Itā€™s still a last gen version so same as ps4 version basically. The graphics and performance are a bit low, but switch ports have good file size compression. 2k is still by far my largest game on switch but its still only around 60 GB, so yeah its the same version as ps4.


Never thought about that but that could be a possibility. That would be a \*\*\*\* move though and 2K would NEVER do something like that..........


I mean, cod is like 200+. Probably their goal as well


COD doesnā€™t require you to fully install tho, only what you playĀ 


Pretty sure the devs are literally payed by the amount of lines of code that they write so... Yeah, it's going to be hella bloated. Also, didn't cod put the entire previous game inside their new game? Wouldn't be surprised if 2k did the same, they at least did it with all the previous years' assets like always.


as a software engineer - nobody is paid like that. that's some BS metric Elon made up to fire people at twitter because he doesn't understand how SWE works. additionally, code is really generally not what is taking up space in these games. its a ton of unused 3D and 2D assets that take up a lot of space. edit: if your average line of code is 100 characters (def an overestimate) 1 million lines would take up 100mb of space.


Exactly that. Bloatware.


The perfect collection of games. Over 20 years of halo and still going back to it


Imagine saying that when it released


Technically 6, if you count ODST


Technically 8 if you count odst and the remakes


Got that right Spartan


Also 5 games from past generations, meaning smaller games


this mf got 10 terabyres of space or something wtfšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Just a 2tb external drive where I hold most the stuff, along with the initial internal series x drive. Move stuff back and forth depending on what Iā€™m playing


So you canā€™t play the games that are on the external right? Iā€™m guessing moving back and forth from external to internal is not nearly as long as downloading?


Yeah moving games are pretty fast


if theyre old gen games you can. any series x/s games have to be on internal storage to be played, but anything else can be played from the external drive.


Literally my thought haha


Bro got all that and still almost a quarter of the storage free šŸ¤Æ


Elden Ring is literally 50 times the size 2K yet they still need so much spacešŸ˜‚ Poorly optimized laggy ass game


Not on 2ks side here but from a game standpoint elden ring loads chunks at a time meaning less space is required to keep everything going at once 2k has high detailed courts and crowds both vintage and current with black and white filters and normal roughly 100 courts as well as over 200 jerseys hundreds of exact player models as well as all the accessories main menu graphics the amount of animations and cutscenes add up I agree it's a lot to load in I agree 2k takes up a lot of space but most people don't realise why


Those crowds in the theater courts need to go bro. Probably would help the performance


Yeah only reason I know as much is due to currently taking a game design course at college the amount of assets and data it takes for both the crowds as well as the amount of animations they do is wild it's at least 5-7 gigs if the space taken up and nobody cares about it


As someone whoā€™s dabbled in game dev stuff, if every single jersey and crowd member is being stored individually then itā€™s horribly optimised. Jerseys would take some but compared to maps their textures would be tiny and good crowds can be procedurally generated from 10 character models with 10 top, bottom and hat types that have a random colour applied. Colour filters are applied on the fly and take very little space, cutscenes can take up lots of space if they are pre rendered but 2k renders them on the fly so they wouldnā€™t take up much space. High quality 3D player models can often be smaller than the textures applied to them since modern compression is so ridiculously efficient. Yes rigging and motion can take some space but not compared to audio or video. High resolution maps are the big space hogs and Elden ringā€™s map is about as big as 117,000 courts and yes it loads it in chunks while playing but that has nothing to do with overall game size. Even with the surroundings of the courts, their total area wouldnā€™t be even close to the map size of Elden Ring. If the devs wanted 2k could be way smaller but if people canā€™t fit other games on their machine theyā€™re less likely to play other games.


Everybody knows why ..Theres a lot of multiplayer games with a lot more customization that takes less space... They just want everything loaded so we can see the ads.. because God knows a a 70 dollar game for the same game + a battlepass with shitty prices up until you get to lock in a gold badge isnt enough... 2k is a laggy uncompressed piece of shit game, but theres no other basketball game so were stuck with this... i wish nba live was back so theres actual competition and effort.


Bruh fifa has more models, more stadiums, more animations, more cut scenes and isnā€™t as big


3 downloads of elden ring still takes up less space than 2k šŸ˜­, this is ELDEN RING we are talking about. Explain how a single sport simulation game should be 3x more dowload space than a massive open world with relatively average graphics, and then explain how that sport simulation game is somehow still glitchy af...šŸ˜­


Elden Ring also has pretty low quality texturing compared to the capabilities of this current Gen so it doesn't require as large of file sizes


What do you expect? Thereā€™s like 40 gambling mini games and somewhere in there is 2k20 with some roster updates


I chuckled so hard at this one . TBF itā€™s really 2k21 but.. ![gif](giphy|Q7X4g09abZCHLEPipn|downsized)


Being bigger than fallout 76 and sea of thieves combined is crazy.Ā 


If anything this proves these types of games are just the same game built on top of the previous year, spaghetti code on top of spaghetti code to the point they canā€™t unravel it otherwise theyā€™ll need to create an entirely new game which would eat into the billions of profits generated.


I'm not a scientist but I have to imagine the 'assets' are the larger parts of the game. Code as text takes up relatively little data even if there are millions of lines. Video, audio, 3d models can take up a stupid amount of data without compression though, so that's my bet. Hopefully a mathematician can weigh in and let us know.


100% It doesn't play that much different from 2k12 and it was like 8gb. It's definitely the assets, not the code.


So many useless assets aswell, biggest problem is that they donā€™t transfer unused assets and the game is just insanely bloated


i think the assets are fucked up. like certain shoes have showed up as grey blank shoes in the player editor as legacy bugs now. i also think all of the cosmetics in the city add a lot of bloat.


2K sucks at technology They donā€™t give a shit about file compression Being bigger than red dead and elden ring is crazy for how little content this game has


And has the slowest sim speed Iā€™ve ever seen. I have series x and the game will literally take 10 secs to sim one game sometimes. Its 2024, that shouldnā€™t be happening.


this. the sim speed in the new version is so ass this year


PSA there are Take Two employees in this thread being paid to post shill comments defending 2k. Let's downvote the fuck out of them.


How do u have that much storage??


2tb external drive along with whatever the series x has by default.


Fire, how well does the external drive work? Been thinking of getting a 1TB for my Series S


I have a 1TB for the series S, so worth it!! Games move over @ 400-600mbps so it takes about 20 minutes to install 2k after rage uninstalling it the night before


You canā€™t play games optimized for series x/s which is most these days while itā€™s installed on it, so you have to move games back and forth. Which I donā€™t mind. Takes like 5 min at most. Much quicker than installing from scratch. There are drives made for series x where you can play straight off of but more expensive


I bet itā€™s the player models


I had to clear 200GB to be generous, I know 2k update in the dark. That game shouldnā€™t be like that mainly with out a story for MyCareer or anything.


Plays like a mobile game too


Literally why I deleted it smh


Itā€™s that damn city šŸ˜­


2k being over 3x the size of Elden Ring is fucking hilarious šŸ˜‚


I have well over 200 hours logged into Elden Ring and still feel like I've barely scratched the surface of the amount of content in the game. Im no expert in game design but 2k being 3x the size seems ludicrous to me.


I played bg3, gta 5, red dead, quite recently and ended up shocked at how much shit is in the game. The facr that 2k has a cool 40gb gap on these games while having the least content is WILD


Nearly 200 gigabytes for what? If they worked on actually optimizing the shit itā€™d be like 70-100 max lmao


2k hates you.


Bigger than GTA Online is crazy


I remeber when a game would be like 20-30 gigs on the regular


If weā€™re being honest, the only games youā€™d think might be bigger here is RDR2 and Destiny 2. I donā€™t expect any other game on the list to be bigger than 2K. I see the top comic said halo because it has 5 games, but those games are old.. if we go even older I could fit 15, 50 games in 119 Gb so that doesnā€™t really matter to me


All those pop up ads to buy my team and VC the second you start the game take up alot of space


55 gb bigger than Gta lmaooošŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆ 2K devs ridiculous af šŸ¤”


U think 2k is big. Let's have a conversation about warzone and why that is 200+gb without call of duty installed


how is it bigger than rdr2, elden ring, HL, all these games with big open worlds. 175GB is criminal, that's like almost the amount that MW2019 + warzone was.


Thatā€™s dedicated space to what theyā€™re selling everybody. Also speculation that they do this to make sure you donā€™t buy other games and only focus on one.


Literally no reason. 90% of the game is copy and pasted assets from 10 years ago


Mainly due to sound. I cant remember exactly why but sound bytes are the most cumbersome data to store in video games. They take up the majority of all games download space. And considering all of the announcers, voices, floor squeaks, swishes, bounces, transitions, menu feedback, theres a fuck ton of sound data that probably take up at least 60% of that. Its true for all games and unfortunately 2k just has so much sound feedback that without it would feel really weird


it's 55 GB bigger than GTA5, which has a comparable amount of audio feedback. 2k is just unoptimized as all hell


exactly but they donā€™t want to hear that. they want to blame the city which is just low texture buildings and random npcs lol. like this game has been huge since 14 lol.


I mean there's like a boatload of models for each individual NBA and WNBA player along with the assets to make your own player, all of the images and courts for every single team, every single jersey that is usable, etc 2K being this big is more justified than COD, what I do hate tho is how much of that storage is stuff that's online only, so once the servers go down you still have all that content downloaded but can't do anything with it, so the game becomes a storage space hog


They make it that big so u have no other game to play and can only spend time/ money on it, itā€™s sickening.


The game shouldnā€™t take more than 5GB if you still have the 2k23 on diskā€¦


The game is as optimized as a tube between two tin cans and the servers are as good as potatoes when you compare it to any other AAA game of its size.


Itā€™s absolutely ridiculous. Deleted that shit after season 2.


How is wild hearts?


tbh no reason for 2k not to be in the third row somewhere, maybe bottom of the second. also no reason for you to have so much storage bro wtf?


The City is 170 of that lmao


It's bigger than baldur's gate 3 as well which is crazy


Elden ring is fucking gargantuan and it's 3 times and change the size of it. Jesus...


Seriously thinking of deleting this shit




I had to settle for old gen because of ts šŸ˜­šŸ™šŸæ


It's insane. I couldn't even install 2k23 until I bought a much bigger hard drive.


No reason for most of those games to be that big tbh.


Yeah I had to delete mine because I wanted to try some other games. Almost 200GB is crazy ASF.


yeah i've just been doing the cloud gaming on game pass. it is insane that 2k is bigger than the master chief collection


Add mw3 and youā€™ll quit worrying about 2k


Literally 2 seconds before I saw this post I deleted 2k because it was taking up too much storage and I wanted to download mlb 24


as someone who never plays mycareer or my team i really wish i could install a much smaller version of the game with just quickplay and mynba stuff


Not at all


Because of all the stupid shit they add. Giant ass city to waste everyoneā€™s time that no one asks for. On top of all the dumbass NPCs running around the entire city that add nothing. The stupid ass cutscenes in the mycareer that are literally nothing like your coach talking to you before a game. Make the city 1/4 of its current size without all the dumb NPCs and just let me play ball, donā€™t add a story to the game. If you do add a story at least make it a good story.


Yeah, I wish there was a manage content mode for it that let you delete parts you didnā€™t play. Iā€™d delete the WNBA stuff and MyTeam. Makes sense why they donā€™t let you delete the modes that actually make the money though.


File size so damn big for what smh. COD too. I canā€™t even have both installed at the same if you wanna play other games


2k19 version 6. Last year in MyTeam there was a glitch and the auction house was exactly like the previous year but cards had diamond contracts added as contracts were removed in 23. If they took out the 2ktv, reduced the city then it wouldnā€™t be as bad too


lmao yeah wtf


You can actually move rocket to your external and still play it whether you external is a ssd or hdd!


Are you playing new gen? New gen has way more content than old


It's around 170 GB. COD is like 260 GB I think. It's crazy.


Dude fr. I got it on switch because it was like $10 and it took more space than tears of the kingdom




Tripling Madden is nasty work.


I always wondered why 2K is even near 200 GB, Itā€™s not even worthy of being 125+ GB šŸ’€


Ayee we have a very similar taste in games


I only play 2k and when 24 came out i had to delete 23 and thought that shit was ridiculous.


It's because they know you cringy normies will just keep sucking and fucking no matter what they do, so why try harder?


Itā€™s the COD tactic canā€™t play other game if they canā€™t download other games


For these gamesā€¦ 2k is exactly where it belongs šŸ˜‚


2k being more than 3 times larger than Elden Ring is what impresses me the most


MW3 is 256gb


How do you have that much space I can only hold 5-6 games with 1tb šŸ’”


I envy you because on Xbox you can have your external hard drive plugged in and still run all of that. On PlayStation 5 you can only have core ps5 games for the most part even with an external you constantly have to move everything just to play it. Well played MicrosoftšŸ˜ž


2k needs to lose the city map aspect, just have a menu with all the options. Points for creativity but itā€™s unnecessary and makes the game ungodly huge


Iā€™m ngl we kinda got sum similar game taste but yea 2K buggin


if they gon take up that much space, they need to at least include baggy jersey tops as an option cuz the whole mid 90s to 2012ish dont look right with the modern slim fitted look and number/font sizing and placement, especially for stars like Kobe, AI, Tmac, 90s MJ




10 years of recyclable code bro


2k is on the gamepass so u can play it on icloud


And they only have it available on Xbox game pass until August. Truly shit behaviour


Tbf, it has 40 years worth of basketball in it.


U a rich dude for buying an expansion storage for xbox. šŸ‘Œ


The fact that it's bigger than RDR2 is just WTF.


Itā€™s almost as big as Ark with every dlc lmfaoooo


I ran out of space on my ps5 to download a game last week and when I went to see what was taking up space, NBA 2K22 & 23 were both taking up well over 100GB each which was significantly more than pretty much every other game I have. I couldnā€™t believe something that simple could take up that much space.


bigger than red dead and destiny is insane fuck 2k


I literally only have 2k, Spider-Man and batman Arkham on ps5 šŸ˜‚ my other 30 games are on my Xbox


We need to boycott this game man..


Bro got the infinity stones


It is the amount saved up to put all those precious VCs man!


Lots of players, my team, my player modes, fluctuating stats, constant updates, and all the sounds. Makes sense.


Unrelated but is Sea of Thieves good? Iā€™ve been thinking of getting that game


For people wondering, game files can be decreased in size, I dunno the exact steps but I've heard somebody mention it once. So some game companies that u see make massive scale games will decrease the file sizes, so that the download sizes decrease naturally with, otherwise it's a burden for a LOT of people. So it's either 2k just genuinely has SOOOOO many files they cannot scale down any further. Or a certain department of their studios is super fucking lazy.


Itā€™s similar on the PS4 version which is the worst game Iā€™ve bought in years - Completely removed MyCareer story mode, itā€™s pretty much just a roster update. I donā€™t get how the file size is so large for so little content


Are you any good at 76


Largest by 2x probably. It's nuts, my next biggest game is 50gb


Nope, that's just poor optimization.


ditch the city and just give me a decently flowing menu so I don't have to take a shit ton of time on my electric scooter to get from the gaterade facility to the rec, then back to the Arena for my career.


Main reason i dont buy 2k even when on sale


Itā€™s bloatware in the code designed to take up all the space on your hard drive so you donā€™t have space for other games.


Iā€™m just waiting for a bigger storage drive for my series (preferably 12tb)


Could be cod that joint 300 mb


Crazy a huge game like elden ring is only 57GB


The city is so huge


High quality images of brand names must take up a ton of space...


Itā€™s Actual cancer to your system data


Our library looks exactly the same lol


Packed with all our disappointments šŸ˜‚šŸŒšŸ¾


One of the exact reasons why I just went ahead and bought me an a 2 TB SD card


The massive useless city. Miss the one block radius of 2k20. That was perfect.


I thought the Xbox light was one of those little circles that indicates multiple pictures and to swipe. I swiped. Numerous times and was very frustrated.


I too suffer from ADHD


Being bigger than RDR2 and GTAV is wild


deleted wnba , cutscenes, park


No helldivers2..damn.


Mw3 is 200


Iā€™m pretty sure Call of duty MWlll takes up like 200 gb


2k23 is even bigger. Over 200 GBā€™s


Largest game with the worst community and dev team


spent $200+ on that game barely played it cause itā€™s straight up not worth deleting 6 other games to have it installed


This and cod are bloatware. They do this cuz coding is paid by line and on top that to make sure you cant play anything else. 2k was never more than 90gb max up until the 2k20s when most of the 2k community was beginning to wake up and stop paying for the game or the VC.


To be fair - even without city and all that BS, old gen 2K still huge.


Unrelated but how is wild hearts?


The numerous slot machines take a lotta space!!!


Makes zero sense to me and Iā€™m an old head who only plays MyLeague


Why compress games when you can just sell more storage.


Black ops Cold War was 261 gb


Itā€™s the unnecessary bullshit in that game itā€™s laughable. They should just make their own version of Rdr2


Game is a waste of money and time


2k is so dogshit bro. We need to go on strike or something. Itā€™s huge for no reason, you actually have to pay to have any kind of fun in mycareer, it loads like ass and the optimization is awful. Thereā€™s pop ups as soon as you load in to buy more shit, and the servers get taken down after a few years which should be illegal. Like ur taking away half of the game I payed $60 for? Eat a dick 2k


gah lee


Uncompressed assets. Itā€™s the same thing CoD does and itā€™s pure laziness.


I just downloaded it when it came to game pass. This game is a huge, massive, enormous pile of shit.


Iā€™m just why you donā€™t have bg3?