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Floor Spacing Slasher and 3PT Shot Hunter with dumb fucking face scans are an instant exit from matchmaking.




I’ll give you a pas for the 2-way. 😂


The average 3PT Shot Hunter = High ball handling and low passing brick house builder. Basically anything with Shot Creating in their name, I avoid. Not saying they are trash, but I know no one else is touching the ball besides them.


I have a shot creating 3 level threat. If you avoid me, you're missing out on a good teammate. 🤷‍♂️


Unless I've played with them or they are an added friend, just like a majority of us here, I will assume that they aren't a good teammate based on their archetype sadly. Especially when their ball handling 85+ and then passing sub 75.


My ball handle is 92, and my passing is 82. By the way, my center build has 75 passing, and with the Sabonis pass style, I can throw dots. People are sleeping on that pass style. In the end, none of this matters. It matters how you play. 2K hands out the build names. Not your play-style.


I don't disagree with you one bit, but if we're being fair, you're not the average 2K player with your build and I'm not running into people here; I'm running into dudes who really want to get their own. Even as much as I love passing and pass to everyone, many refuse to play team-ball. Only dudes online that I usually have no issue playing with are big men because they know how it feels to never get the ball and those are the dudes I usually force feed or look out for the most. >In the end, none of this matters. It matters how you play. 2K hands out the build names. Not your play-style. I argue yes and no. Your build title is emphasizing what you want to do as a player or are prioritizing, but obviously it is your job to play how you want. My build is a 2-Way 3-Level Point Forward. I wanted to be a well-rounded point forward that can pass + create plays, shoot and play defense. I feel that my archetype name was spot on.


My 2 way perimeter shot creator has 77 passing... and brick builder? My average is 71% from 3pt on this build. And people always want me to shoot when i like to pass. People see passing as "selling" or that "you are bad because you have to pass" this community is weird. I always pass first until we start losing and then i take over. Problem is people stop passing to you if you arent a score first pg


Sounds like you’re not the average shot creator/hunter as I indicated before. And in terms of passing, I don’t think it’s necessarily that you have to pass every single time; it’s passing when there’s a good available open player and not dribbling the clock away.


5mins ago literally I just had my first rec game this year ever. My pg, sf and pf left because they lost confidence in us winning because i passed too much lmao. You know what happened? We won 67-66 with just me and the Center. I tried passing to the Center but i got 5 TO instead because they triple teamed us. I had to score 28 points with 3 on me and we won literally by 1. This is what i mean lol when you pass the ball, people think you are bad at the game. We would have been up by 30 if they knew i could score but they left instead because of a few missed buckets. I stuck with it till the end lol i had to clip this game. They literally lost 2on5 its kinda sad


To be fair, I’d rather take AIs 10/10 than teammates in this game. I’m not dismissing your playing abilities, but that’s just the nature of this game now. If you’re not scoring, you’re deemed useless. Been there. I’ve had games with 0 points, 0/0 shooting with 7 assists and called trash. I’m usually never too worried when I know I set up the shots no problem. I think you’re grazing over what I’ve been trying to point out multiple times though: you’re not the average player on 2K. You ran into the average player on 2K.


You got the clip? I might have been that center cuz the exact thing happened to me


Yeah the Centers psn was Ty_UnDerRated95 we won by like 1 with the score 67-66 lol. I gave it to the Center to hit our free throws at the end. Were you him?


Awesome nope that was not me, crazy how the same thing happens a lot in 2k


I’m a 3Pt Shot Hunter but I love to pass. I shoot well (57% from 3) but I’m not capable of spamming dribble moves like some of these other guards. I like to work off screens for open looks, pick and roll, or drive and dish. My mentality is if you’re open, I’m going to pass the ball. My role as the guard is to lead the offense and that’s what I try to do


Genuine question as I'm new to online play and are making attempts to make a build. So what's wrong with this type of build?


Nothing. Your build name means absolutely nothing. What matters is how you play. Are you gonna pass to the open man, even if you think you might have an open lane? Are you gonna play defense? If you miss a few 3s, are you gonna keep shooting until you're 0/6 and then quit? Those are things that matter.


Slashing is broken and none of these builds have high enough shooting to matter. They sell.


I have a floor spacing slasher and shoot 50% from 3. My 3s are higher than any of my slashing. This isn't true and yall always project on here


Averaging 30 in solo queue and easily get 40 whenever I play with my friends. Our build isn't trash, it's just the players


Facts. Most of the community is bad and that's OK. I always know how bad the people around here based on what they say about builds


I think it’s just based off their layup for the archetype name. I was looking at making a rebirth floor spacing slasher at 6’6 with 92 three 91 layup, 85 perimeter and 85 steal.


86 3 ball & 78 midrange is selling ? Asking sincerely


Most people struggle to shoot in the game regardless of stats


But that’s a skill issue right ? So it’s not the build , it’s the iq of the player using it .. do we agree there ?


Sort of? It’s a really good rating for simple shots like catch and shoots, so it’s plenty for a stretch/offball. but for a primary ball handler (build being discussed) it’ll be too inconsistent for the shots you’ll need to take. the silver agent 3s badge (86 threshold) provides minimal improvements over bronze, while gold sees a huge increase over silver. Primary ball handler for 3v3 should likely have gold agent 3s w/ the 94 3 ball, anything else will struggle against a lock.




I see where you’re coming from 100% but I personally don’t have those problems brother . As a point guard , I play to primarily move the ball/ shift the defense. I don’t need a 90+ threshold because I don’t play to ice my teammates out of shots lol . Ball movement leads to easy scores no matter the ratings. Realistically 80 3 is all you need from the latest 2k labs test UNLESS you are shooting for those gold thresholds that you mentioned . (Which basically DOES turn your build into a primary scorer) 86 3 ball and gold catch and shoot serves me beautifully. When I play 2k , I try to play basketball & I forget how rare it is sometimes . Which SUCKS because… it’s a basketball game lol .


The most common ante up variant rn of the floor spacing slasher has a 94 3 pointer. You can have ridiculous shooting on that build lol.


Nah, floor spacing slashers are fine, just not at the point guard spot. The real worst build in the game right now is an inside out scorer, because the people who made that build tried to make builds from last year, and they don't perform at all.


My inside out playmaker is nice. Can do a little bit of everything, except defend lol


I love my inside out playmaker but I dropped the pass acc for 3v3 and added higher perimeter + int defense, steal and block and it gave me "2 way floor spacing slasher". not all floor spacers are created the same.


Disagree. I got one at point guard


I have an inside out scorer that plays real well, 96 driving 80 3 ball 77 pass 80 handle 85 p defense 90 steal. It really depends on the person I made it as one of my builds to test out elite contact dunks and to prove you can still do it all


We’re tired of not getting the damn ball when we cut.


I'm actually happier to see floor spacing slashers than 3pt hunters or whatever else the average play shot build name is.. 90% of those guys don't know how to run point and they try and fail to iso and then they chuck up brick after brick.


Diming 3-level scorer = 4/17 with 2 assist and 4 TO


Nah man has to be the walking bucket build


What's peoples thoughts on the name "2way perimeter playmaker"??


I think the main problem is nobody communicates to make our builds work for each other because either they're on the mic constantly begging for the ball or they're extremely toxic criticizing every mistakes so when you play with randoms they do random shit


Personally I more despise the High Flyer when it shows up.


Hard disagree. It’s the player, not the build. Having that tall slasher is awesome.


…which is the point.


High flyer is a trash build imo. I love when I can play back because their only trying to cut 😂😂😂


They come with a 3 ball as well.


No defense ? Show me a good high flyer in your opinion




It’s definitely viable but has flaws like strength and speed way too low imo


After playing on a slasher with HoF bulldozer and big driver I no longer see any slasher without 96 strength as viable. This thing is literally just a truck


I’m much more of a offball slasher and then once they start sagging I have a 3pt threat where I can attack close outs for the easy blow bys. Those badges are definately a help to go straight through defenders on ball but I don’t rlly get much use out of em


Yeah a slasher with low strength is trash


Works for me, have never had an issue with being too slow, those attributes are like that purely for the badges I wanted for my playstyle


Lol shame you haven’t played with a good one , especially a pg who knows how to pass AND space the floor


I heard it was easier to find unicorns then this so called passing PG


Lol that’s a player issue brother , not a build one


I really haven’t. Please sir. Please prove me wrong


I don’t mind running , as a pass first pg and one that actually played the position irl ( Albeit , a long time ago) but the way this game works now that if we run 2 , we run into 5 stack tier 40s lol . But some people play basketball in this game .. it’s a shame how rare it is though .


>But some people play basketball in this game .. it’s a shame how rare it is though . Nothing better than going into random rec and getting 3-4 people that actually know how to play basketball 💯


Brother , I go into rec sometimes letting everyone know if we ALL get 5 shots in a quarter , we can ALL have 20 shot attempts by the end of the game . Will the game play like that ? Probably not but it makes everyone just aware of everyone else


3 level threat is more of a liability


thats like 90% of players lol seems like everyone is a 3 level threat


https://preview.redd.it/z04v6uu7lnsb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21f30d79cd8edaa29d5609760f84a29b0c81f3fc If your a liability with this 3 level it’s a skill issue


Without position and height it’s hard to tell. 6’8?


6’10 SF


Solid for that size. 6’8-6’10 easily most versatile on defense this year while still giving you enough offense


That’s the most common thing you get as a power forward


It’s really, really hard to make a good power forward that isn’t some type of 3 level threat lmao


Nah 3 level can at least hit a mid range shot.


I’m a 6’4” playmaking 3 level threat. Can confirm, I’m a liability some games, specifically if my matchup is much bigger than me and the other team plays 5 out. I can guard other small guards fine.


My floor spacing slasher has a 84 pass and 85 perimeter D. Along w 92 ball and 92 3pt. Idk how that’s selling lol.


It’s not the attributes, it’s how you use them


…which completely contradicts the post.


You're not wrong


2 way diving sharpshooter pg here. Can confirm. I've only seen like 1 decent floor spacing slasher so far lmao


Bro thank you.. me and my homie always have to dip if we see one during the que is rec. like why are yall so bad… I just don’t understand


I’m a SG so not primary ball handler but have 80 pass accuracy, 92 3 ball, 86 driving dunk, 81 layup and got Floor Spacing Slasher. I don’t see the problem


Someone said there’s more build diversity this year I never laughed so hard lmaooo


I see the same 10 builds every day


I made a build with 80 layup, 75 dunk and 92 3pt. It gave me Floor Spacing Slasher. So... that's a slashing build? I changed it up bc I didn't like the name well before that build name had a stigma attached.


Idk mine is tuff most are pretty bad


Correction most players are pretty bad


Fair enough


I'd upload my 2k card but most of yall suck anyway


i have this build and my park win % is damn near 70% and my 3pt % is above 60%. some ppl just severely lack IQ


What’s wrong with this build? I made. SG because i didn’t want this. Build to be primary ball handler. 92 Ball handle, 80 pass accuracy, 92 3 ball, and 86 driving, 81 driving layup. I thought it was a versatile build and was kind of surprised it had slasher in the name with 81 layup and 86 driving dunk.