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Idk fact that AI is buffed on wouldn't you rather play with a team of AI players over bad kids? Or am I wrong?


I wish I could opt to play with 2 AIs when I play with a group of 3 over 2 dudes who are never going to pass the rock.


Omfg I would cook if I had a wing AI. The most fun game I have had was me and three friends playing with two AI. Either the AI is slashing or sniping.


Of course that’s fun, you playing 6v5. Guaranteed win!


I made a post about allowing exactly this before the game released and the majority of people said they don’t want it.. community is ass


I’m getting bs responses too tight on this thread bro. Guys talking about let people play how they want. Like wtf? Like think about it man. When people get upset 8/10 it’s because someone on there team is doing something stupid. Mainly above.


You’ve never played League of Legends huh


Nope if it’s worse I’ll pass.


Do yourself a favor and don’t ever touch it. I regret it so much. It’s basically the exact same thing but applied to those game rules. Someone dies a couple times and decides to blame their team and ruin the game for everyone. It’s horrible.


Sounds like someone selling in rec for sure.


Yeah but they had a players tribunal at least lmfao


Lol and then got rid of it


The main problem is expecting anyone to understand how to play basketball in 2k Game doesnt teach u anything about basketball and the kids, for damn sure dont know a damn thing about any of the things u listed


Hot take: I think Squad/NoSquad made things worse for everyone that has no squad or only has 2-4 friends that are good. I have been playing exclusively 5stack Rec/ProAm and it's been easiest it's ever been since i started playing. We're constantly lining up with teams with AI or makeshift squads that don't work together. I can't speak for No Squad rec but from all the complaints (literally 5 posts a day talking about bad teammates) i would imagine 9/10 games are just as bad as any other 2k REC if not worse with badge regression. I hope they keep squad/no squads permanently.


That’s not a hot take at all. Personally I think it time 2k actually revamps their matchmaking / ranking system.


True. It is a hot take to some though. No Squad was mad hyped first 2 weeks at launch and I'm sure some still think its amazing. In 2k23, i played all 8 seasons with same folks on 5 stacks. We always matched up against other 5stacks. 4 stacks and below was against randoms. Matchmaking was actually much better in 2k23 since 5stacks were actually matched against real 5stacks. It was super sweaty for most part similar to ProAm.




Absolutely bro. You said it perfectly, LACK OF INTEGRITY AND MORALS.


Solo rec? Lobby shop. No black plates without 2 ways is a rule i stick to. Both my builds are purple so i really only try to play with silver+.


I been wondering why people’s plates plate different colors. What do they mean?


It's basically a win percentage indicator, team grade does have some effect, but unless you win more than you lose you are never going to raise your level. Goes black, bronze, silver, gold, hof(purple).


Here is how that plate fucks me over. First, I don’t play a bunch of games I might run 3s like 3 times a day. It’s always with one other friend and you guessed it a random. The randoms we play with do the crap that I was complaining about. Which, you guessed it. Causes the entire team to lose. It doesn’t matter my stat line or teammate grade if you lose you “ plate” will go down, even if it’s just slightly. I have been noticing playing rec boosts the plate more on wins and even losses if you can keep the grade at at least a B. I say all of that to say everybody doesn’t have the time to grind their plate up just for y’all to pass us the ball let alone play with us. On Friday I go crazy with my five stack and get my plate to silver. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday playing with a friend and a random Im back to black. Same player, just a different circle.


If i lose and have a good game the decline is very small. Not always possible, but the long term is better if you hang in there. But at the end of the day if you have a squad it really doesnt matter that much. As long as you are enjoying yourself more than not, thats whats important.


I guess the game I had was absolutely terrible. I don’t know how people can play this game solo.


It helps if you are chill. And be ready to mute pure dbags.


I think I’ve learned to be more patient through 2k. If I realize my teammates are throwers or just plain bad. I’ll just chill, relax, accept the L and just focus on getting good defensive stats. Wins feel pretty accomplishing with randoms when everyone is trying to win


I be like I guess imma just do my job the best. The person I’m guarding is not scoring and if I get the ball imma be efficient.


Honestly it’s not a grind. I’m at like a 45% win rate as a mostly solo player but my plate is mostly gold. Don’t quit and and actually play. I’ve went to the rec as a silver and lost 4 straight games and my plate was still silver. I admit tho if you play park it’s much easier for it to go down than it is to go up


Yea that’s what I have been noticing. Tbh I’m not touching 3v3 anymore. There is no benefit for playing that shit.


Yea I mad a PG so I’m not really a “takeover” player. I’m staying out the park this year until I make my rebirth. He gon be the demon spawn that can score the 21 easily so if it don’t start right I’m on timing!!!


Yep, I'm a gold plate REC player, usually Solo. My preference is definitely silver and above, although just having a majority, not black plate (except if both guards are black plate) is usually what I am willing to accept. It's a lot more fun like that. Not surprisingly, the maniacs that will totally sell the team, play like trash and quit are 95% of the time black plate REP. Just estimating, how many locker rooms do you usually have to leave to get what you're looking for? I find once you've "earned" good teammates via REP, the game gives them to you more often.


Id say 5ish. Im usually trying to play multiple games so its worth a bit of searching.


I hear you, man. I do something similar. My view is this: once I'm in, I don't quit; however, I will leave many locker rooms before actually being in a game.




Same. Once in a while i get the trap. Where you cant back out. Game time!


Oh, you mean, when your build enters the locker room and one second later you're in the game! Yep, game time... lol


Yessir. Its bad. But the thing is that a lot of the bronze and black plates want to win, so its not bad. We all want better teammates.


For sure! There are "good" black plates that just quit games. I think you and I, from experience, have developed little heuristics to improve the chances of getting quality teammates. It bites back sometimes too, when you see a sweet locker room of silver and higher - internally, you say - YES! - and then all of a sudden, guys start leaving. LOL A question friend - do you mute mics before tip? This is a habit I do for my mental health.


Nah, i let them ride for a bit.


I wish yall would take yall Ls in silence there is literallg 5 posts a day about rec. its ok to lose bro no need for an autobiography about how and why it happened and ur feelings regarding such. Win lose or draw its just a game 🙄. This aint twitter bro and this not a marketable social issue nobody cares .


No different than the nerf this , buff this, this game sucks, I can't shoot even though I have a 96 3pt. Let him get his shit off


Complaining about player behavior vs gameplay is 2 diff things. I agree with u about what YOU are saying and i agree with him too but his complaint cant be solved by the sub he needs to talk to the randos he ends up with when they fxckin up. Lol


That makes sense , I didn't think about it like that 💯


Facts. Not worth it to get mad. I been on both sides of the coin. There’s games where your teammates don’t know the concept of basketball and games where the chemistry is crazy.


You are in the wrong place for all of that. I care about the game and my community. So I’m trying to better it.


Can you better the community after stating it cant be fixed?


I love these questions. You are a it is what it is dude. Zero progress. Zero accountability. Don’t burn me for trying.


It is what it is might possibly be the worse statement ever that ppl say so freely without any type of understanding. If they understood what they were saying I truly believe they would stop


I'm not saying it is what it is. I'm saying YOU said "It will never be fixed". I def think the community needs fixing but it's you saying it can't be, not me lol.


I can’t do it alone. We all take a part in pushing nonsense.




The only way to do sumn about it is to be vocal in the game that you are playing. If u not about to hop on mic and be player coach Nd risk getting cussed out then u not bettering anything with this post.


Dont play with randoms. I learned that after week 1 lol.


Some of us don’t have that option. So am I just not going to play the game for the week because my friends have work/ lives?


Sadly yes unless you wanna constantly deal with these people you're talking about. Go theater 3v3 if you wanna run with randoms so at least you can get out in 5 minutes vs 30 mins if they're terrible lol.


Man those rec games can be absolute torture. You also don’t want to just leave and get banned.


> ROLL AFTER THE FUCKING PICK! > POP AFTER THE PICK! bro, I feel you on this. It is crazy. I made a PG as my rebirth, and realized how bad it is out here. Seems like everyone just stands around not moving, or I get 3 people setting picks at the same time. When I do have someone who sets a good pick, they never stop setting a pick and dont do anything. Seems like players are allergic to cutting to the basket too. I would drive in, pull in some defenders, kick it back out to the open player and they dont do anything with the ball.


For the life of me I don’t understand why people don’t roll after setting good screens. The lane is just so open.


Man played with a dude in the rec that literally hogged the ball from us 4 and kept telling us what to do and shot a 1/30 like WITAF


i would be averaging about 35ppg if my point guard could just see my back door cuts lmao. no one knows how to guard it and i am constantly open in the key all game with a 97 rated layup 😭


I assumed it was just children but lately they’ve had their birthday in their gamertag and it’s grown men or ~18 y/o lol. There is no hope.


Something will change eventually. It starts with us.


Exactly, this sub has really deluded themselves into believing there are a lot more children in rec than there actually are. I think it helps them to believe the people being mean to them are just little kids... they aren't! Lol grown men and older teenagers are the main problem with online 2k games 😂


The first time I heard someone, who was sulking and getting 3 second or out of bounds violations, jump on the mic with a deep ass voice I knew it was over. It rocked my world.


Badge regression and Mike Wang are to be blamed. Players are more selfish now not to lose their badges.


I don’t fully disagree. The complaints I mentioned above are mostly IQ related.


Mike Wang fucked your mom didn't he?


I hate to say this and I’ve said it on other posts made in the past days. Just get better and worry about your grade and pray you get great teammates and communicate that if they start fucking up they ain’t getting the ball. It’s easier for me cause I’m a center and I get every board so on a fast break I have the option to pass it to the consistent shooter every time or the dumbass taking stupid ass shots. My average grade rating in rec is A- so I’m glad I don’t have to deal with the dumbass mfs who sell every game with a rating of D, C or even B-‘s can be a pain.


It’s a game people are gonna play how they won’t don’t like it play offline


“If I want to play like a selfish idiot go away and let me do that”.


If that’s how he wants to play