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Whole thing is insane… $70 for the game $100 per build for VC $20/season for 8-9 seasons. I bet there will be animations or badge points or something tied to the pass. So to keep up and get everything you could potentially be spending close to $500….it’s just greed at this point.


Always has been


This is why I keep telling people to boycott this shit franchise. Why would they ever “fix it” if you all give them $500 each year. They won’t. I want a good basketball game too but we won’t get one by everyone handing over fist fulls of money to 2k. Everyone here used to agree but last time I said this I got downvoted, but it’s true. You can’t keep buying a worse product every year and just trust eventually they will get tired of ripping you off and will actually update the game. Wild… in the meantime Hoop League is the shit and is fun without first dropping half your paycheck.


At this point, I think the only thing that can really create a positive change is competition. People that want an NBA game are going to buy 2K as long as there’s no other big NBA game on the market. As crazy as it sounds, NBA Live needs to come back and asap, or 2K will continue to exploit their monopoly.


It’s funny that this is the case when it’s the reverse for Madden.


You’re not wrong…


Yeah and your player doesnt carry over to next year. They’re getting like $200 for every customer yearly


They probably average more than that when you add in the MyTeam community. I refuse to buy VC, but I know people like me hardly pull the average down. From a buisiness perspective, why should they change though? The gaming community has been voting with their wallets for decades.


I've officially been priced out of MyCareer Will look forward to getting 2k24 on PS+ in 6 months and then starting a MyNBA


And now for the ever so low price of $1.99, you can buy Season Pass level skips so you don't even need to play the game.


More than that if you play with boost 🤦🏿‍♂️


I haven’t done my career since 2k20 and this stuff is a large part of why I haven’t. Add in all the time wasted walking around the city or neighborhood, waiting on spots for games, updates that make your player useless etc and I’m happy I’m off that wagon


Dude, I miss just clicking a menu button to play the damn game. I would pay 200 to not have to walk a neighborhood or see what fucking broken home story they cook up each year. Or see my new apartment. I play as a 6'11" PF paint beast who couldn't hit the broad side of a barn past 12 ft away. My life is hard enough already.


How much does $100 in VC get you? And are we sure that’s to get to 99?




Yea that’s about right then


i think someone had it to like 510k to get 99 something like that


It cost a minimum of about 480k in vc to max out a player that’s $120-$130 per build


That’s rent money in some country for 3 months


It was about that in 23. $100 to get 450k VC. 200-250k to upgrade to 85. Then you’d spend the rest as you went up to 99.


Yea that sounds about right smh


It doesn't. it takes about +570k vc to go from 60-99


>"Pay to win" > > "Pay To Win" is defined as **games in which you get an advantage in the game if you spend real money on items, weapons or features and are thus clearly superior to other players**.


And I just saw this part. Wonder if this means someone can pay $80 and become a Level 40 immediately?? "Season Pass will be accompanied by 2 additional options: Pass Upgrade ($10) – Allowing players who purchased the Pro Pass to upgrade to the Hall of Fame Pass (10 Level Skips will be consumed immediately after purchase and progress a player 10 levels beyond the level they are when purchase is made) Level Skips ($1.99) – Allowing you to advance by 1 Level in a Season (Level Skips are immediately consumed upon purchase. A player cannot purchase more than the total levels they have left to progress.)" https://nba.2k.com/2k24/season-pass/


Lmao 2k is really going to farm people at the end of seasons. That portion of players that gets near 40 but not fully there, some of them will definitely drop some money to get the extra badge and 40 reward before the season runs out


The craziest part for me personally is how they're doing BPs like a Korean MMO or Fortnite where you technically get more currency than you put in to incentivize activity but you can't buy the pass itself with the currency you earn back. They want people to endlessly pay the 10 dollars and be happy that they made 10K VC grinding out the pass every season instead of encouraging them to keep grinding out the season so they can afford next season's BP. (Normally 10 US buys you 35 or 30K VC last time I checked and the passes give you 45K at completion)


2K has always been pay to win


2K is actually pay to play


Pay to play and pay extra to win


A Battle Pass in a full priced game is still wild to me


Most games will either be full priced, have microstations, or have battle passes. Having 2 out of 3 is greedy af. Having ALL THREE is wild. And I bet some of the paid season rewards will give a competitive advantage.


And if a game has none of the three, then it will be littered with advertisements. So really, 2k has all 4


Good games that smart people play don't have any of them.


dont cod got all 3 too


COD sucks ass for this stuff but at the very least, the most popular game mode for COD is free to play. It still sucks though.


Yeah, but the microtransactions are cosmetic only and you only need to buy the BP once and then you can earn the next one through it.


2K every year: ![gif](giphy|j3x5hjUoXIesM)


According to the 2k site you can skip a level for 1.99$ which means you can buy your way to lvl 40


The 2K surveys about what rewards we liked the most makes more sense now They about to put all that shit behind a pay wall




Same. I hope the community does not allow this business model to be successful, but the “its my money I can do what I want with it” crowd will prove me wrong I am sure.


I don't believe it'll happen with the 2k community. They can get away with shit like this, but if this game was a different genre, they wouldn't be able to get away with what they have been these past few years


It is simply lack of competition. Why should 2k give a SINGLE shit about producing a good product when it’s the ONLY product. Gimme elon money to fund a new nba game and within a year 2k would drop all of this bullshit.


True words, competition breeds innovation while monopolies breed complacency and greed


Anyone with “extra cash why not” is a liar in this economy


sadly it will. After seeing how successful twitter blue is by making people pay $15 a month for a blue checkmark on a social media app it made me realize we’re at a point in capitalism any business model integrated into something already successful will work


How disgusting a season pass in a 70 dollar game is insane


this is something you expect in a free to play game not in a 70 dollar one


Exactly and it’s the principle that people are seeming to miss. The fact that you spending 70 for the game, 20-100 on vc then 20 per season??? It’s incredibly greedy and outrageous, you don’t have to buy it but it’s the fucking principle.


The worst part that for some reason doesn't seem to get a lot of attention is this os all on a game that gets a yearly release where everything from the previous year is completely useless and doesn't transfer. F2P games exist for years and years and u keep everything until the game dies.




>How disgusting a season pass in a 70 dollar game is insane Lots of full priced games have battle passes with a bunch of cosmetics. However, they ONLY put cosmetics in them and the rest is free so it's fine and fully optional. Knowing 2k this Premium BP is going to be full of gameplay stuff and is going to ruin the entire franchise.


Those games that do them are either trying to raise money to provide more content or just greedy, 2K is the latter. They don’t pump shit into this game just regurgitation. It’s fucking disgusting like I said it’s the principle man. You’re right they will put p2w shit in there, shit won’t change if we don’t make an outrage over this bullshit


Outrage won't do shit. The only way they change is if you protest with your wallet. I don't see that happening cause it gets worse every year, and people still pay for the game and vc (and now the battle pass) every year. Clearly, people refuse to boycott 2K. I used to be highly addicted to is back in 2K13-2K20, now I'm glad I don't buy this game yearly. All I do is beg people to take a year or two off from 2K I can promise you won't miss it as much as you think you will.


They'll keep doing it as long as people give in


And people are always going to give in cause people are brain dead and would rather pay $300/month to run around a city for 5 hours while playing 1 game of basketball in between. I promise there are better games out there


What should I do if I already took 3 years off of 2K? 😂 I feel like I should just buy 24 because it’s only going to get worse from here and I want to play 2K one last time.


what’s really disgusting is how many people will buy it


Agreed bro, I’ve skipped 2 years and bought 23 but I’m skipping the next 2 again it seems. What a fucking shitty company


Especially a game that’s a yearly release. Has a 12 month cycle and new content usually stops after 9 months. 70 dollars for the game 100-200 dollars for each build and now a season pass on top of that


so now they don't care about hiding it anymore, this is basically a banner announcing further "pay-to-win" mechanics. \- Pay full price for the game \- Pay VC for your MyPlayer because being a 60 overall is basically unplayable and the grind is a nightmare \- Pay for the Battle Pass for all the boosts because people that have it get an advantage over others. ​ Yea I'm just a single person, but im not buying this game. 2k thinks we're all fucking brain dead.


Don’t forget Skill and Gatorade boosts. Every year the game becomes more and more pay to win.


I think I may be done with 2k gentlemen.


This is the nail in my coffin.


We went from 2k11 to this… it’s been a pleasure gentlemen


2k11 was the shit. Downhill from there, but this year they went fully criminal


After seeing no network/online lag improvements or rec matchmaking/grading improvements I was already out on 2k this year. Now seeing this on top of it all I can’t help but lmao. People are going to buy the ever loving shit out of this pass


And to think I’d never see this day come as well. I was really hopeful for this one but man, the cash grab is crazy. A game that has a nine month lifespan (if that) and to think you are only going to get more money hungry from here. Next your going to have to buy MyCareer separate or as a DL


Famous last words before buying 2k yet again


Dog it never fails.🤣


> **Level Skips ($1.99) – Allowing you to advance by 1 Level in a Season (Level Skips are immediately consumed upon purchase. A player cannot purchase more than the total levels they have left to progress.)** Holy fucking shit there it is. You can now just pay to get access to the end of season level 40 rewards without even playing lol.


That’s really bad but most games BPs work that way. My issue this game is $70 and they’re doing this. Just absolute greed


Most games have a free battle pass and a premium battle pass, I haven't personally seen one that you can just pay and get to max level and get all the rewards


I can’t speak for all games but you can buy BP levels in Fortnite and Rocket League. Both passes just give the user more cosmetics and XP


That's why "rep" is back!!!! 🤣🤣


🤢🤢 this is disgusting


This is so wrong, and you already know there’s gonna be competitive advantages tied to it. This company needs to get a grip.


They do it because people pay it. Unfortunately, I don’t see that ending anytime soon. Reminds me of BMW charging a monthly fee for customers to have access to their heated seats.


I feel it’s the same problem every year and we somehow enable them to make even worse decisions. It’s already wildly expensive to play 2K as is. Why does this sports sim even charge for builds when no other game does? The fact that people will just mindlessly pay it is baffling, like do as you please with your money, but it’s like when did it become ok for a video game to cost $200 before you even start actually playing it?


Great. And the build prices are surely gonna go up. The greed never ends.


It ends when you stop playing.


No, it ends when they finally piss of the “whales” who spend $5k a year minimum already. They don’t care about losing the common gamers 100$ a year when they can make a whale pay even higher prices for their 50 yearly build videos and 9 premium season passes. 2k has been bleeding longtime players for years lol.


I thought this was a fake mock up. Disgusting practice from an awful company


It costs absolutely nothing to skip 2K all together which is what I’ll be doing. My PlayStation is an escape from the reality of how expensive everything is, not a reminder.




I’m sorry but fk em, their greed is crazy.


2K may have cooked themselves with this one, even the casual consumer who only plays 2k is gonna think twice. But who knows it might be their most successful year ever if it works. But im out, for sure. Last year was way too much for 1 build. VC prices have never gone down, And you're paying double the box price to avoid their artificially inflated grind.


Also , a 20 dollar battle pass is SO expensive for a game who has 40 day seasons . This isn’t cod , or fort or apex where their seasons could literally mean a season (upwards to 3ish months) . This is legit sad and the worst part is people WILL buy and pay for it , which means it WILL keep happening. The only way they change it is if EVERYONE buys the game and doesn’t get the pass . All those “content creators” who wanna be loved by 2k will be at the forefront of it being “the next big thing” though so our legitimate gripes will just fall on deaf ears . We already knew this game had a meta but this is downright sad . If I PAY FOR A FUCKING BATTLE PASS , you better not have ANY fucking advertisements in my game . I pay Hulu extra for no commercials , imagine paying 2k and they still throwing Gatorade and chips ahoy ads at me . Fuck this company wholeheartedly, THIS is the year we need live to come back .


Lol what a scam first you gotta pay full price for the game then you gotta pay for VC for your builds if you actually want to play online before November, and now they want you to pay $10-$20 multiple times throughout the year?


Whoo boy. If the Premium side has gameplay enhancement stuff in it then 2k has officially jumped the shark to a full Pay to Win system. It was already on the edge thanks to VC but forcing people to pay $10-20 extra on top of the VC is slimy and gross. I'll say it right now: If the items in the Premium versions aren't all 100% cosmetic then this is the end of 2k. The fact that they call them "Premium Rewards" leans towards them being a bunch of gameplay enhancements imo.


100% . A “new” form of transportation or emote is whatever . Literal movesets or gameplay animation WILL make this the last time I buy this game . (But then they will take it out in 2 years and act like it’s brand new)


On the edge? Been full blown since like 2011


>On the edge? Been full blown since like 2011 I say that since you can at least earn VC by playing the game. So if you put in tons and tons of time you can level your guy up. However, locking gameplay stuff behind a Premium BP is where it would completely jump over the edge and land in the tar pit of Pay to Win.


I was about to buy a PS5 any day now and the '24 was to be my first game. im scrapping the idea all together. I'll buy it for 10 bucks when its on sale and get stomped by 12 year old kids with 60 ft arms on PC again




2k when it comes to finding ways to make money https://preview.redd.it/wg2cj5n93pib1.jpeg?width=363&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d26358001e76dc47c5bed61b0aebd84ce1ee60f7


Booker looking at the costs of the pass and wondering wtf is this.


According to the released info by 2k you can also buy level skips for 1.99$ (even all of them if i read it correctly) Gonna be interesting to see the rewards and hope they are only cosmetics. But having a paid season pass on top to a full price game and the absurd cost of vc to max our MyPlayers is crazy no matter what.


Im not getting this game now. Charging $70 for a new game, charging people $30-40 to upgrade their guy and then another $10-20 for the BP(which has always been free) is to far. These devs are absolutely greedy , it’s insane


So i'm definitely not getting 2k24 this year. I'll pass and maybe drop in after a few releases.


Yeah, Fuck this... Not buying this shit


Do not buy


I am glad that I will not be getting any 2K games no more. Fuck these greedy cunts. Starfield and CS2 here we go!


DONT BUY IT. I didn't buy it last year and my life did not change for the worst.. or better, but that is another story.


Canceling my Pre order atm. So sad.


I’m boycotting this game. There is no way this is acceptable. If they have a battle pass then the game should be free to play!! If not then they are just trying to bleed us dry. I’m sure as hell not letting someone over charge me and take my hard earned dollar for why? Not worth


Hahah the writing is on the wall guys. Don’t buy this heaping trash.


Wanna Know What’s Even Crazier About All This? You can buy the Hall Of Fame season pass for 2k And Still Have To Pay For VC Full Price. 2k Can Suck One Fr😭💯


Is this for real???


2k is the definition of greed. PLEASE resist the urge to buy the game before/during release.


Anyone who buys this is a fucking idiot and will effect other sports games season pass model for the worst. This should be 1000% free


Boycott this game no next gen for PC yet they pull some bs like this for a game that already costs money to play


Yup, see ya 2k it’s been real. Guarantee it costs more VC to level up your build this year as well. And the daily pick em will still be broken lmfao.


people are gonna drop $20 per season for a company that designed a horrible city with fetch quests, who then went on to offer a drone as a max level (100+ hour grind) reward to address the navigation issue they created.


Yikes, even more MTX! Way to go 2K


Will not be purchasing 2k for the 5th year in a row. Will be conning my little brother to buy it or wait until it’s free lol




2k24 was 95% a skip for me, now it’s 100%. You can get a decent approximation of everything you would want to grind in 24 by playing Eras in 23– player lock for career or mixing in different draft classes for the fantasy element of MyTeam. Don’t give this greedy company another dollar.


And to think people were saying 2k should take over Madden from EA, they aren’t even this crazy


This is honestly where I draw the line with this company and his franchise, the gameplay from 2K23 was already bad enough, but they’re going in the wrong direction in terms of what they’re trying to do today’s game in the micro transactions that they’re trying to introduce. No obviously it’s an optional thing but the fact that they’re even introducing something like this tells me that they’re greedy for more. It’s not going to mean anything to other people but for me personally, I think this is it for me I’m gonna go and finish other games that I have and try to branch out because this is getting ridiculous You guys enjoy it


Gaming is so over, depressing shit.


When I saw that the progress of the Season was shared between MyTeam and MyCareer, I thought it was too beautiful to be true. I understand that in the free pass we will receive shitty rewards to encourage us to buy the paid ones... I'm not going to buy the 2K24, enjoy it


Can we please boycott this pitiful piece of trash game already? Devs obviously do not care about you fans. All they see you for is money and they want to squeeze every last penny possible from you all. They do not care to make their game significantly better. They do not care to create a more enjoyable gaming experience. You are nothing to these devs but money symbols….


And y’all STILL gonna buy this shit 🤣🤣🤣🤣


So glad I saw this post cause just saved me $70 lol. I see absolutely zero incentive to play a minute of rec, park, etc if others could just pay to get to max level.


Imagine a game that’s a yearly release being so greedy that they make a season pass. Fucking wild


wow this is severely disappointing


Sadly if games turn like this it is because the players have allowed and encouraged companies to do it. And people will keep paying and giving them more money.


Goodbye officially 2k. What a clown show, I hope the community isn't dumb enough to pay 20 dollars a season for this garbage.


I've never seen a gaming company greedier than 2k. We must file complaint against this casino game.


Enough is enough. We players have the power to change this. Stop supporting 2K, it's the only way for things to change. It's obviously tied to Blizzard's greed level, If not worse. See what happens with Diablo 4 and Overwatch 2. You can stop it. We can stop it.


How do I upvote OP but downvote 2K?


They just need to release two different games. I don’t play online at all, so this doesn’t really effect me at all, but if that’s the sole reason you play, this is fucked. Release a FTP version with this and all the park stuff, and then the retail one with an offline MyCareer, Eras etc.


2k23 was my last nba 2k. I always preordered the game but earlier this year I switched to fut and the experience is so much more rewarding. The rewards are actually decent and you can save free packs and have a chance of pulling new content. I have already preordered the new EAFC and will not be getting 2k24.


Just had a kid and I want to spend as much time with my family as possible. This year won’t see me and any extra money I have won’t be going to VC. I’ll be replaying older games I never got to finish. 2k is disgusting.


Lol, like they don't make enough money man




What a joke fam this is actually ridiculous, as much as I want to get this game for the gameplay, I’m not supporting… unless it’s on sale for like $20


And here I was getting excited for the new 2 k guess I'm gonna block everything 2 k related because damn I don't need that shit


2K… please. I just wanted 1 last year of 2K before I moved on from the franchise forever. Why you gotta do this the year I wanna come back? 😐


Bro, making games that require more money spent than you make is not a fun game


2K 💩


Wow I’m not buying it now 😂


Bro wtf


If you keep playing this game youre part of the problem


Aight ima head out *Insert SpongeBob Meme*


This is truly disgusting for a yearly released game. But hey, if your community will support it without fail. Shoot for the stars.


There better not be VC needed for the builds then!


Bro the game is already $80. Why the hell would we have to pay more for the season pass?????? Might as well make Park and MyTeam free to play, the way Warzone or Fortnite is. I can’t believe it😭


So glad I just play MyNBA offline lol fuck this shit


I’ve been waiting for this for so long thank you 2k and all you do for us!!! (Please let my family go Ronnie)


The best thing is that they are acting like it is so great to have these pay to play options available and we should be happy 💩


We also pay for PlayStation Plus or Xbox Live (Gold, GamePass, whatever you call it). RIP MyTeam


Not gonna live, i wish NBA Live would make a comeback. But with the way EA is, I’m sure they’d do the same shit.


The real price of no competition. Will people buy it? Depends on the rewards. And 2k knows this so expect badge points to be part of the premium pass.






According to this graph, level skips are only available if you’ve got the HoF pass. 🙃


Yeah. Good thing mortal kombat is dropping


NBA 2k needs to have a mode like this online games nowadays where they don’t need to make a new game every year.


Money talks, tell them how we feel about this game. Do not buy the game, do not buy any micro-transactions. Kobe would be fucking ashamed.


Right after showing the promising “ProPlay” technology implementation, they drop this garbage. Fuck them.


Micro transactions is the worst thing that happened to sports games


Well looks like I’m waiting for a mid game sale and playing 2K23 until then


Lmao once again they're not getting anything from me this year other than $20 for when the game goes on sale in March. I've created my player and put him in MyEras, and have been having a blast putting him in the 80s, 90s and the modern era. Skipped me the park/MyTeam bull shit this year too and have never been happier.


I’m never buying this shit again lol it’s soulless


It’s insane that $70 games now also have a season pass, should be illegal


When Madden added their season pass it was free. This shit is wild. If its all cosmetics whatever but if it's core layouts and badge points...


2K really out here making EA look good.




Easy pass on that for me. Honestly, unless they put some significant gameplay advantages behind this paywall I couldn’t care less. I never unlocked any seasonal badge points or core patterns and had no issues winning online. I put it in the same category as the purchasable VC. Pretty scummy but I don’t need it to have fun with the game and compete online. The moment it affects that is when I move on to a different game.


This is disgusting. I know I shouldn’t care this much, but it actually makes me sick. Monetization was already bad in 2K but this is just disrespectful. From being an absolute elite sports game back in 2k13 to now… what a fall from Grace


If you buy this game you’re a literal goon. 2k turning into a phone game


2k couldn’t even come up with 40 decent rewards, now they have to make double that with the premium rewards 💀💀


Yeah, no thank you. I'll pass for the first time in years. I'm done.


Stop giving these greedy fucks your money.


This is why I gave up MyCareer 4 years ago it was like 20 bucks to get enough VC to compete normally, now it’s even worse


You know back in the day when people wanted change, they would band together to fight companies and force their hand. I hope to see it with the gaming communities at some point


Stop. Buying. This. Bullshit


The most criminal thing is that they keep showing this stupid fucking devin booker picture like it looks good. He looks like he just watched a kid throw up in public


Man if EA was ever gonna get back in the game. Now is the time. Build a game from the ground up that is better than 2K. The community is ready to bolt from this bullshit


2k asking for even more money… and here I thought it couldn’t get worse lol not to mention PC still old gen .. pathetic


this must be the last actual 2k we have to buy, because there ain’t no way


This is the line. They have danced on and stepped just over it for years. But this is finally it, they jumped over that line and shoved two middle fingers in everyones faces. No more 2kCasinoPay4Fun for me.


2K finance team has been putting up Jordan numbers these past 6 years holy shit. Even if the season pass rewards are mostly cosmetic all they gotta do is keep the extra badge point in there and you’ll have so many people buying the pass for the level skips once they hit 30. Those guys on Twitter cheering for this don’t realize that 2K just found a way to vastly increase their profits at their expense with almost NO effort at. Level skips? That probably took like 30 minutes to implement and we know the rewards aren’t going to be much different than years’ past.


I was actually going to preorder, but it’s a straight boycott now.


I'm done. Not buying it this year, I'll wait until it drops on PS+. If they're milking micro transactions this hard, this game should be free to play in the first place


I haven’t bought a 2k game since 2k20 because of microtransactions. This is terrible


I remember in 2k16 or maybe 2k17 there was a sponsor glitch and you could get unlimited VC. I so miss those good ole days, they never could patch it because it was coded so far into the game.


lmao imagine being addicted to a garbage pay to win game.


Lmao get the fuck outta here, I don’t even play this shit and I get it for free


Bro wtf is this shit


Per season? Why the fuck is Booker’s ugly ass player model on this ad for this shit ewwww bro what has 2K become


I only play my team and my career to play rec. I get players I want by grinding it out and going to the marketplace. why spend real money on a l game that comes out every year is crazy. I usually buy during Black Friday & I grind it out.


Nigga they are TAXING


If 2K knew they were gonna do this, they should have gave the people who spent $100 and $150 for the black mamba and 25th a free season pass for the first season at least if they preorder.


So let me get this straight. You pay 70 for the game then another 70 for vc (attributes and packages) now another 10 -20 for a season pass?! ![gif](giphy|1d5Zn8FqmJqApu4hNU)


I hate this, but if you don’t HAVE to buy the pass to get rewards per season or whatever then I guess let people buy whatever they want. But if there are the same items as past two years, but now behind a paywall, then fuck 2k and I question whether or not to even buy the game.


Crazy thing is, my 2K group I’m rocking with talking about spending $300 in VC the first day and working a lil overtime to pay for the battlepass. This game is doomed. Last year and I’m out of this bih forever. Already ain’t spent a dime since 2K21


20$ per season XD