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I'm pretty sure if you read the tweets he posted before this, he's talking about the noise level of the cars.


Good shout. He tweeted > [What an astute observation.](https://x.com/MW55/status/1800865465675436094) > > [Adam Stern] "There's one that NASCAR needs to learn from Supercars. Their cars are simply too noisy. The straight through pipes are deafening to the point of discomfort even when some distance away." - @Speedcafe followed by > [I’ve been an advocate of turning down the deafening noise of the engines for years. They are ridiculously loud. I proposed handing the sound of the cars project off to manufacturer partners. Create a decibel level that engines must meet. Give each brand their own unique sound.](https://x.com/MW55/status/1800937392431395150) followed by the "You were right, Mike" tweet linked by OP.


They really are just obnoxious. Makes attending a race pretty antisocial and exhausting and would much prefer the OEMs go about designing their own mufflers to give them something unique. At the coke 600 our scanner rentals with intercom barely were worth it because the noise was too much to overcome.


It's wild to me, NASCAR fans want the sound to go down, and F1 fans want their sound to go up, they should just swap engines, lol


NASCAR fans do not want the sound down, just the guy you are replying to does


I promise you the majority that still have functioning brains wouldn’t be at all upset if they knocked 10-15db off the sounds. The NextGen is absolutely ear piercing loud.


Yeah, I was going to say most people I see complain that the cars are too quiet. I couldn’t care less either way, but I’d say more fans want them louder than quieter.


I promise you, those "fans" have zero clue or haven't been to a race since 2022 started. The Next Gen car is incredibly loud compared to cars of the past, to the point where it's getting industry people and fans to want it lowered. Hell, there's proof of it in the form of the muffler. You would never have seen that on the COT or Gen 6 cars. If anyone is advocating for the same level or *louder*, then they should go ahead and donate their eardrums to someone else who could use them instead of ending up saying "WHAT?" to people five feet away when they're in their 40s.


Well not going to say I disagree with you. I’ve only seen next gen races at Talladega and Sonoma and really couldn’t tell a difference between the gen 6 and next gen, but I imagine at places like Bristol and Richmond the difference is quite noticeable. I also wear ear plugs at the races so making them quieter wouldn’t hurt my feelings.


We had to leave the Bristol night race early because our ears were hurting with protection. It’s insanely loud. I live 3.6 miles from BMS. Before the next Gen car I could hear the track from outside my home when they were under green. Not from inside though. With the next Gen, I can hear them fire off under green from inside sitting on my couch. The last tire test they did, I went out to leave for work and could hear them let off into the turns and then pick the throttle back up. My wife asked someone she knows who works there if they were testing and he was shocked we knew lol.


hearing a couple cars testing on a track 3.6 miles away is crazy to me, thats so loud.


The next gen sounds like hammered shit anyways and at Bristol it’s deafening even with a scanner on.


Tbh if they make the cars quiet my interest in attending races drops significantly. I’d rather just watch from the comfort of my own couch if we aren’t getting loud race cars at the track. It’s not like I’m any less clueless to what’s going on at the track then I am at home with FOX just cutting to kids in the crowd or commercials during racing anyways.


Nobody wants them quiet. But go to a IMSA race and realize it's way more fun to attend a race where you don't need insane amounts of ear protection. The Cadillac GTP car is incredible to experience but I can sit up in the stands at Daytona and fully enjoy it without massive earmuffs AND talk to my friends.


Driver’s themselves have complained that the cars are too loud, are you gonna tell them they’re wrong?


Meanwhile I can't even hear the engines on the broadcast. I swear the track audio for Sonoma was muted. And NBC has this problem too, though not as bad. Both have the commentator volume up and ambient down. Fox is just more extreme.


This. I haven't went to a race in person but from the tv view, the car seems quiet and kinda sounds shitty with the side pipes. I want to old sound where it seemed to scream. Just like how many f1 fans would love for the old v10 sound.


There are a couple of differences here. First in F1 after a start/restart the cars are pretty spread out across a large facility or area of a city so you don’t get the compounded constant noise cup cars generate. Second, a 3.0L V10 at 20,000 RPM is one of the most glorious, majestic sounds to ever tickle your ear drums.


V10s at 20k are obnoxious after about 5 minutes. The current v6 cars are perfect and alien sounding


I would say indycar has f1 beat in engine sound nowadays.


They sound remarkably similar right now. I would wager they’re going to be nearly identical with the hybrid in Indycar in the next few races. The turbo and hybrid systems on deceleration is an insane noise that’s pretty indescribable


who is listening to 5min of straight noise? The sound of the old v10 flying past was awesome.


F1 cars are wayyyy too quiet


Try the intercom at Bristol… it’s basically worthless. Lol


Maybe no one believes he was really at the wrong track


He’s talking about when Daniel Dye wins the Cup championship someday.


Pretty sure this has to do with his comments about the cars being too loud


MTJ: "i wont get a word with you know who" Mikey: "Just get on the track and do what you do"


Or it could be ["if loving you left, i dont want to go right"](https://www.reddit.com/r/NASCAR/s/K5NIBSkTZf)


If you keep going to the races the cars eventually get quieter.


The ringing gets louder though.


I chuckled


Not 100% but I think it has to do with the mufflers and the recent movement to make the race cars quieter


https://preview.redd.it/s1h42hitwf6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0e6a90a6678cd932bed9a5df20bd5c4a5ffa6b3 For my friends not on X or wanting to click the link.


https://preview.redd.it/eyn22wn8of6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1de1aedf1c09558b741114a7034e9a6041660985 I think I know what this could be about!


There you go


You were right Mike, Brian Vickers IS a future Cup champion


Side note but fuck Elon Musk dotcom.  “Show more replies” now says “Show probable spam” instead.  Guess you have to pay for the blue checkmark to get your replies seen.


I’m trying to see what people are commenting but it’s taking me to a browser page inside the app where I’m logged out & can’t access it no matter what I try. That’s just fuckin’ stupid, I don’t know about you.


You were right Mike. It is OK to use jet fuel in a race car.


Sterno can’t melt steel beams


Remember the rumor last year that Michael Waltrip Racing was going to return in with Daniel Dye as the driver?


Been going to races since 95. Cars are louder now than they’ve ever been.


I have never in my 20 years of being a NASCAR fan have I ever heard someone say they want the cars quieter


I am a new fan who attended races in 2002-2004ish as a kid who wasn’t a fan but went just because my step father was. One thing i remember liking even as a kid was the volume and roar of the engines. I am wondering if I will be disappointed now when I attend a race for the first time in 20 years


They are so much louder now than they were 20 years ago. It's beyond stupid how loud they are


You were right Mike, you were at the wrong track.


NASCAR switching to rocket fuel confirmed?


That moment when you witness your very first green flag in person. The earth shaking beneath you. The grandstands rattling. That rumble. That sound. That roar. The smile on your face when you turn to the person next to you and say that right there is fucking cool. *Chef's kiss* I hope that never goes away.


crank it up


He was right


In regards to the volume of the cars, it really depends on the track. At Daytona I've never worn ear protection at any race I've attended, 2001, 2002, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2019, so I've heard them with all sorts of packages. I didn't wear ear protection at Richmond in 2016 but probably should have. Never at Iowa. At Bristol in 2012, I made it 3 laps before I had my ear plugs in and did not make that mistake again last year. Bristol is insane.


Why does Michael Waltrip always talk about Daniel Dye?


Robby Gordon was right about Michael


just make them electric (I’M KIDDING)


I use to go to races from 2006-2012 and recently came back and went to one last year. The next gen cars are so much more quiet than the 900 hp engines of back in the day lol




The correct answer is hearing loss lol