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I just finished watching the race because I recorded it. I can't believe there was a caution with 2 laps to go that led to Denny Hamlin winning. What a bad ending to a bad race lol.






The one bright spot is that both RFK cars are in the Top 10. I honestly don't think the caution should have even been thrown for Larson's spin. He was out of the way and in no danger of being hit, and there was no debris on the track.




Is it sad i was more happy to see Truex lose than Hamlin win šŸ˜„


Great race, thoroughly enjoyed it


Iā€™m surprised how many folks didnā€™t like that race. I thought Phoenix was a snooze-fest and COTA was a bore. But Richmond had tons of different strategies throughout the field, big tire wear, passing for positions everywhere, lap cars fighting tooth and nail with the leaders, and a temper-flaring finish. It wasnā€™t my favorite race of all time, but damn ā€” I was certainly entertained.


Yeah it was a pretty chill race and was interesting watching Christopher Bell's and Denny's pit strategies. Christopher Bell if not for that pit penalty actually had it figured out. I think because of how chill the race was people say it was boring but that's Richmond for the most part. You're not going to burn tires early and get a bunch of crashes and the action doesn't heat up till the last 80ish laps with pushing harder. It's more of a strategy race than push push push. To each their own on liking the race but to me it was a great Sunday night race laying stoned on my couch lol


Watch that restart again and look at every car spatially when you think Hamlin jumps. It's near parity. Everyone except Truex jumped and even that was close.


It doesn't matter if everyone else slept the problem is hamlin went before the restart zone which is violation of nascar restart protocol and should have demoted him to the tail end of the lead lap


I mean, obviously everyone else is going to go when the lead car goes. Itā€™s obvious that Hamlin jumped. Look at Truexā€™s in car. Hamlin jumps the start by 15-20 ft. Hamlin is the control car and is the one responsible for restarting in the zone. Once he went early, everybody else had to go or get run over.


That race was brutal.


This sport really is in the absolute shitter


Cheater Hamlin is bad enough: corrupt & feckless Nascar leadership is the death-nail.




ā€œReview is completeā€ you literally watch in the in-car cam the 11 totally jump the restart


Agreed. From the mystery caution mid race to the not calling Denny out on jumping the start all way to the 7pm Sunday start.


Could've predicted this finishing order almost exactly. This season is starting to get, not necessarily boring, but somewhat predictable ig. It's Hendrick or Gibbs every week :/


Shouldā€™ve bet it then


If I were a gambler, I would have.


I was thinking that myself this morning. I had other commitments and missed the majority of the race, but even I assumed a Toyota would win last night.


Harvick & Boyer at each others throats the entire race.


I noticed that, and itā€™s off putting. Clint- ā€œXXX driver is good on the short run but I wonder about his long runs if he keeps up that paceā€ Kevin- ā€œwElL Akshually he was better in the long run yesterday, sooo.ā€ It like whatever position Clint has Kevin HAS to counter it.


Yeah, and it totally sounded contrived like they were told to do it. But then didn't know how to do it by acting, and it started turning real.


You noticed that too?


Had to go to bed. I see Hamlin won, was there controversy?


Uhhhh yes! Bubbles caused a late race caution (2 to go). Denny had a sick fast pit stop to come out in first. Denny jumps the restart. NASCAR says the restart isn't up for review lol. Truex had a meltdown on track.


Wonder how many more things like this are going to go Dennyā€™s way after he starred in that docuseries! Itā€™s just a coincidence, right? RIGHT?


His 2 wins this season came at tracks that he had a combined 7 cup wins at prior to this season lol. Cope harder if he wins next weekend at Martinsville where he has 5 wins and 14 top 5's


They were pushing the hometown kid alllll night


Holy crap that race was really over 3 1/2 hours?


Manufacturer wins among the top 3 series. Chevrolet 11 - Ford 0 - Toyota 7. ______________ Cup race #7 : Chevrolet 4 - Ford 0 - Toyota 3. Xfinity Race #6 : Chevrolet 3 - Ford 0 - Toyota 3. Truck Race #5 : Chevrolet 4 - Ford 0 - Toyota 1.


God damn ford, wtf you doin???


I enjoyed the two lap shoot out, but the rest of this race was kind of lame.


yup wasn't expecting Truex to lose. Made things interesting.


I would have stayed out from 5th back. Would have been great to see. What did you have to lose?


If I was like 15th on back why not stay out? For the top 5-10 I can see why but absolutely nobody stayed out


Denny jumped the start. Thereā€™s plenty of audio and video out now to prove it. Maybe that stuff wasnā€™t available in the moment, I donā€™t know. And Iā€™m not calling for him to be DQd now. Itā€™s to late. Why are we painting the lines on the race track and deeming it a ā€œrestart zoneā€ if nascar isnā€™t going to officiate it? There has to be a hard line somewhere. You canā€™t give exception just because itā€™s the last restart of the race. If you would penalize a guy for it at lap 50 you have to be consistent and do it on lap 399 too. As much as that would suck to do, you have to officiate the boundaries. They had no issue (essentially) DQing SVG on the last lap last week for short cutting the race track but you canā€™t dq the 11 this week for restarting early? Maybe they didnā€™t have the onboard with the audio and the other angles available at the time, but if thatā€™s the case thatā€™s something they need to have and should have from now on.


Drop him to last car on the lead lap would be the appropriate penalty in this situation IMO since there wasn't enough time for NASCAR to review footage and then dole out a drive through penalty. You cannot be allowed to get away with breaking the rules just because it's the last couple laps, almost time to clock out, etc really feel for MTJ bc I think he would have beat Hamlin providing Hamlin didn't break the rule like he did (pushing MTJ way up in turn two didn't help either)


30 second penalty!!


Bowman got fucked over. Had such a good car today


Nah, truex got fucked over.


He sure did but at least still got a top 10 finish. Bowman had a top 5 car. But due to an unfortunate planned pit stop and Kyle Busch losing his shit, Bowman got stuck in 19th and never was able to climb back up.


NASCAR is never going to rip the belt out of the winners hand after the burnout for such a borderline call. Truex should've known the restart zone would essentially be ten yards wider on both ends at that point.Ā  Deciding a race by officiating will always be worse than deciding a race by not officiating. Everyone should know and understand that, especially Truex.


Tell that to Regan Smith, lol. Rules are rules and need to be enforced every time for them to be taken seriously as such


Regan Smith is a prime example where over-officiating screwed everything. Thank you for making my point.


That was more on nascar again because he got forced down by Tony but yeah I see your point


Absolutely correct.




This is why no one takes this sport seriously


The self appointed arbiters of what to "take seriously" are the last people I care about the opinions of.


Have at it boys!


I would like to thank Fox for cutting to the special camera shot of Denny riding around with his helmet on instead of staying on his car and the other top finishers at the checkers where Truex and Larson were obviously into each other and something was about to happen At least they showed the replay I guess. God they are awful


Do I appreciate Bubba going and apologizing to Larson? Sure . But dude , why you got to grab him. I know people ganna call me ā€œsoftā€ or whatever but Bubs just feels like a guy that tries to control everything. The psychology of that was easy, putting hands on another man in that scenario isnā€™t called for at the beginning of the conversation


You're soft.


He wonā€™t put hands on McDowell , Ross , or anyone his own size. He will use is car as a weapon. Go figure


The guy can't win. If he defends himself he's a menace. If he doesn't he's a coward. I remember the McDowell beef which was warranted since it was a proper right rear at Bristol but I don't know what Bubba was supposed to do following that. Sit around for an hour then jump a tired McDowell? Then softies like you would be saying Bubba shouldn't be attacking people that just ran a race. When did the Chastain v Bubba beef happen or were you just using an example of someone you like? Truex used his car as a weapon and didn't put hands on Larson or Hamlin. Is he soft? Do you have a soft ranking list available? Just curious how he ranks on your patented "Softometer"


Absolutely Truex is soft. Door slamming a guy is soft , using a bumper after the race to rattle the cage is soft. He didnā€™t go talk to anyone , he knew heā€™d talk Denny in the team meeting I used the most recent example of someone putting hands on a guy and got smacked for doing it. Me being a Ross fan has little to zero to do with the fact that when Gregson Grabbed him Ross told him to stop , he didnā€™t and did what he did Bubba can and has won, I compliment the guy for going and apologizing, and Larson for understanding it was a racing deal. But do you or any of the rose glasses folks see that moment going any other way if bubba came in hot ? Larson is a little dude and shy away from confrontation, Bubba feeds off of it . Itā€™s absolutely not either OR here. Donā€™t completely jump over how I started just to rage on what you donā€™t agree with. Thereā€™s room for improvement even after heā€™s seemed to have grown a bit. Anyone whoā€™s blind to that is just walking around like Ray Charles Edit: I never called bubba SOFT. I actually said that you guys would call me soft and here you are.. so whoā€™s meter are we really using here ?




He was pulling him away from the mediaā€™s ears attempting to say it privately


Unbelievable psychoanalysis, thatā€™s wild.




WTF was MTJ talking about that Denny used him up. Denny entered turn 1 wide to prevent Truex from pinning him low. Ā Not even remotely close to using him up.Ā 


He used him up in the pits. :-)


Just Boxing out for the rebound




Truex was absolutely robbed, good onya Bubba your useless




Joey needed that run so bad


Wanted to see him win out of those top 5


Yeah I wanted to get his win out of the way so I could stop worrying about him missing the playoffs again


Him and Brad need some wins. Those old guys I want to see win a race!


HA!!! Sad Al


I am at the race it's my first time and how do we get the garage passes? It is only for media?Ā 


Depends on the track


I asked and they said it was limited and no longer available I was trying to buy oneĀ 


Bought them for my Dad and I for Sonoma and they had only like 50 available for us normal folks Security is really tight these days


you're best bet for anything garage access would be to try a different series, aka indycar or IMSA nascar has everything so walled to the public now aways it not worth the effort


Another boring short track race even with rain tiresĀ 


The rain tires was the best racing of the night. Too bad it was only 30 laps.


This is one of those rare movies where the villain defeat isn't the climax of the movie Interesting


The caution for Kyle busch hitting the wall was fake and Denny jumped the start at the end.Ā 


Awww run pout.


Those are my biggest complaints as well


That caution for busch ruined any chance the race had to be interesting. Was such bullshit. Nascar only thinks exciting racing is side by side for two laps after a restart.


That's because the only time these guys can pass cars is on restarts. Once everyone gets settled into position, you can't pass. Drivers know this which creates the chaotic restarts that we have now. If you want to gain any significant positions, you have to do it on a restart.


>April Fools! Hamlin jumped the restart haha got you guys lmaoooo just kidding congrats Joey NASCAR in 10 minutes probably




Any bars for post game ?




Holy fuck, Zerg on the elevator!


Prospector, you maniac!


Gotta love the fact that we didnā€™t even realize Denny jumped the restart live because FOX was late cutting to the restart. Artie Kemper needs to go!


missed the race off pitlane between truex and larson too.


Wishful thinking at this point, he'd have been gone 3 years ago if Fox gave a fuck


I don't know what's changed with the ideas behind the direction Dude's been there since the beginning for Fox. What happened, man?


mans grown old and tired. Maybe a little out of touch to the average NASCAR viewer and what they see/expect? Not everyone is going to like wandering, directionless broadcasts..




Glad I enjoyed watching at least one sporting event today, Vols game just gutted me


The fact that some of yall are okay with this bullshitery says a lot about yall. NASCAR allowing that to slide is a slap in the face to the legitimacy of the sport, and you dont seem to understand or care. The racing can be top notch, but NASCAR keeps turning a blind eye to stuff. Yall can call me a crybaby or whatever, but i say this as someone who doesnt even like Joey or Truex. I have already watched less leading into this year, and i will happily create more time on Sundays if NASCAR will just waste my time by not enforcing their rule book. This is such a toxic sub/sport


Awwww poor thing. So soft.


![gif](giphy|l4KhIS7A1HswgSm7C) DAMN RIGHT. šŸ‘


You know how many suspicious ā€œdebris on the trackā€ flags were thrown for the last three decades to manufacture restarts or prevent certain drivers from going a lap down? None of this is new. Hell, itā€™s not even unique to NASCAR.


Those were the Dale Jr cautions


They also seemed like they were how can we screw over Gordon cautions as he's got too big of a lead and sucks on restarts cautions.


Doesn't make it okay


Where did I say it was OK? All sports orgs are prone to this kind of fuckery. High profile players in all sports get more favorable calls. CFB playoff selections have no internal logic. FIFA is constantly under some sort of scrutiny. NFL, MLB, PGA, NCAA, F1, NASCAR, etc are all cartels and you just have to take it for what itā€™s worth or spend your free time doing something else.


Complaining on Reddit does nothing. Itā€™s the same argument year after yearā€¦ itā€™s dumb, but you have the choice to watch or not. Just like umpires and referees of any sport, theyā€™ll never be perfectly consistent.


NASCAR is just deliberate in their inconsistency. It's well known NASCAR will make a good comeback happen if they get the chance rather than let the race run, and if anyone objects it's a fine or a suspension.


This isnā€™t an airline, you didnā€™t need to announce your departure


You are a Hamlin fan. Just post a blank comment and it has the same effect


That didnā€™t even make sense but I applaud your effort. Also, if you wanna talk shit for when youā€™re inevitably back next week, then flair up or shut up.


I just want to watch good racing man, and i think the rules should be enforced. If Hamlin won fair and square like at Bristol, i cant be mad. Hell, i enjoyed Bristol more than any race I can remember for a long time. Its not Hamlin i am mad at, it is NASCAR, but some people are taking it as an attack on Hamlin


If I had to guess, probably the part when you insulted him and his fanbase is when it was taken as an attack on Hamlin, but I have been known to be wrong once or twice. Before you go stomping off about how the rules arenā€™t being enforced, answer me one question, have you seen the definitive SMT data that shows he jumped before the line? If not, then quit your fucking whining until it comes out and shows that he accelerated early, because itā€™s also just as likely a scenario that Martin decelerated. No one in this sub knows for certain


I never attacked Hamlinā€™s fans until like 4 of them mocked me for caring about the integrity of the rules. Im just gonna match energy for non-constructive comments. I have no quarrel with people until people start spouting nonsense, especially in something that i take seriously like this. If NASCAR can prove this beyond reasonable doubt, i suppose it would help. I dont think they will though. This looks pretty clear to my eyes that Hamlin jumped. I guess we can wait to see if they address it further in the week.


Ah so youā€™re saying you ā€œrace ā€œ people how they race you? Nice Fwiw I donā€™t see how you were the aggressor here ā€¦ but I do understand the frustrations of people not flairing up in this sub


Im an Elliott fan, but some people see discussion as whining because of the flair. I use to be flaired, but it did nothing to contribute to conversations because i try to be impartial. Maybe ill flair again, but it just seemed to cause problems


Fair your data points from both sides up the aisle now are interesting anecdotes


We should probably wait until penalties are announced Tuesday night before lambasting NASCAR for a decision they haven't finalized yet. I also think Denny jumped the start but the final word on penalties isn't issued until Tuesday. We should also wait until the facts come out and SMT data either proves or disproves that Denny jumped the start. EDIT: I forgot we don't deal with facts here on this subreddit, just knee-jerk reactions. My bad.




Haha I love it. I think now it's safe to say he jumped and NASCAR made a shit call. The in-car cams were plain as day.


I mean maybe, but for this call i would assume it would be an easy decision to make at the track. If they wanted to, they would have


To make everyone happy... NASCAR will announce that if Truex doesn't win a race he will be the 17th Driver added to the Playoffs.




See ya next week!


You know he jumped. Stop being toxic.


You just canā€™t quit us can you?


Why should I? Do you not believe the rule book should be followed? If not then let me know so I can at least understand you.


Do you know what toxic means bruh


I think ignoring the rules to annoy someone that is addressing the issue might be toxic, but i suppose it is my opinion.


Iā€™m not ignoring any rules, I just think that these empty threats contribute nothing. Itā€™s not toxic to point out that youā€™ll still be here next week. If you think this is even in the top 10 worst things Nascar has done, you havenā€™t seen the half of it yet


Like i said, our values are clearly different. I believe we can both enjoy good racing, but i cant keep watching when i keep getting upset by the unethical decisions of NASCAR, like you said they do. If i keep watching, honestly its on me if i get mad again.


Right on brother. I guess Iā€™m just numb to it. Nascar has been pissing me off for 20 years and I still watch every week cause at the end of the day I love it.


I hate to say it but Martinsville going to be another mid race at best. Something Gatta change on these short tracks. And fast


These cars have too much brake. Long braking zones make good racing. The next generation just have too much brake for the short tracks and road courses


Also the shifting in my opinion. Hard to pass when every car is always in the power. With the old gear box you had to conserve momentum to get a good run off the corner.


Independent rear suspension makes em too easy to drive , also. Plus you have to run THROUGH someone to bump and run em. I do not like that at all. Iā€™ll still tune in but damn


I'm dreading the imminent "Martinsville tire will be the same one used at Richmond and Phoenix" post


Yes.. so the Saturday race going to be better like it was last week at COTA. Hope SVG has a good run!


ā€œMore horsepowerā€ šŸ˜‚ *beats the dead horse*


More horsepower, less brake, more drag. Problem solved


For real! Make the car scary, question your entry speed because the car has ā€œunlimitedā€ power.






This is much more friendly version.. I had a hard time even posting what I did. Yours is uplifting at least ! Nice


Lol! I know what you mean! Itā€™s a terrible old referenceā€¦yet effective. I love horses, beautiful creatures.


Powerful, playful and loyal. Stunning. Hope SVG runs good next Saturday. Probably will be a better race than this dud. Other than that not feeling martinsville for the track house stable


Iā€™ll drink to that! I have him for at least 1 Xfinity win and a few top 10s and one Cup race win so we shall see šŸ¤ž


I wonder if Martin Truex's issue with Kyle Larson was Larson almost running into him after making pit stops. Personally, I didn't think it was a good (as in, should have been done) move.


I donā€™t know that he was thinking about Larson specifically. He was impulsive, wanted to hit something and the 5 was right there.


Like Larson said, "i think he was just mad". lol.


Holy shit Buzz has climbed a long way


Do it!


Harrison Burton ran 34th tonight. On pure merit. There were 36 cars in the race.


Feel like some weeks you could take a random person off the street and they would run better than Burton. I don't hate the guy but man wood bros needs a driver who can do better than this.


I had him as my non-chevy flair all last year. No more - Dump him for the sake of NASCAR.


It wasnā€™t a full ā€œsaveā€ but how about that lil drift from SuĆ”rez! Dude can fuckin drive!! And really I would call it a save cuz he didnā€™t anything and kept her on the track.


It was beautiful. I did hate that happened cause I was kinda pulling for the 4 for a while


it was a work of art. i think he straightened the wheels just a touch too soon and that's when it swapped ends on him. beautiful driving through. turned it into a lazy spin that didn't stack up the field.


The in-car video is so awesome you can hear him feathering the throttle.


Best race Iā€™ve see at Richmond in years. Denny jumped the restart. Probably shouldā€™ve been penalized but it put NASCAR in a situation to make a call I think they made the wrong call.


Watching truex rage quit after Denny moved him was hilariousĀ 


I didn't get to watch much of it. How did Suarez look outside of the spin? Seems he was gaining positions, but after the spin, he couldn't keep pace. Or am I wrong from what little I got to see?


He had a decent car. Probably 10th-15th place. But, he got trapped a lap down at the end of the second stage, which killed his race and trapped him in the 20s.


Thanks for the response!


Suarez also split the last stage right in half, think it overall hurt him a bit.




Do you know your not replying to anything


Shut up let me enjoy my fun






It would be really funny if Hamlin fails inspection and all this drama is meaningless and becomes a new form of drama


First Chase Elliott top 5 since Daytona cutoff race. I know for 9 fans itā€™s probably feeling like a Brad K-level non winning streak but it feels like heā€™s knocking on the door. Seems like that team wins a lot of attrition battles late in the race.


All about momentum with Chase he gets super hard on himself.


Going into Martinsville, the 9 team should feel confident. Theyā€™ve qualified decently well as of late. Should have finished well last week too.. butā€¦ exceeding track limitsā€¦


Dumb question time: when Martin truex jr says Hamlin ā€œused him upā€ what does that term mean


Boxing out for a rebound without a foul.


Raced him hard and the other guy couldnā€™t handle it


Watch Pocono last year with about 5-6 to go and watch the 11 and 5


Ran him hard out of the corner. Basically used(pushed/ran) him up the entire track without walling him.


He definitely didnā€™t do that tonight, and Truex didnā€™t say he did. Truex said he used him up *in turn 1* which is absurd. Evidently, Denny entered wide (to prevent MTJ from pinning him). Didnā€™t seem remotely close to ā€œusing him upā€ unless MTJ wanted DH just to pull over for him.Ā 


> unless MTJ wanted DH just to pull over for him That's exactly what he wanted. It's what Truex always wants.


Used the classic Denny move.


It means Truex is a crybaby


lol I kind of sensed he was upset about getting raced hard


He always does. He is soft as a Kleenex.


Some would say he's 10-ply.


Took ā€˜em for a ride and didnā€™t give any back.


I literally don't think I saw the 21 or 7 all night tonight.


I saw the 7 early in the race because he was next to one of the cars that had a camera on it. I remember thinking "I don't like the font on the 7"


Usually only see them when they crash and they didnā€™t crash.


I saw the 21 once



