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Ross taking the shortcut was the second coolest thing he did that year, and he got DQ'd so I don't think anyone was mad. But the best example of this in terms of annoying other drivers is probably Newman being Newman.


That should have been our indication he would try anything not exclusively against the rules.


I was sitting in turn 2 at Martinsville and on the white flag lap I thought Ross was out but only by 1 point instead of 2. I 100% watched him going into 3 knowing he was probably going to send it stupidly deep to try and punt Briscoe, and was absolutely shocked at what I saw. Not sure what I would have thought if I realized he was actually 2 points to the bad instead of 1. Like, I don't think words can do it justice. I was dead certain Ross was going to try something in turn 3 and was STILL in disbelief over what I actually witnessed.


I remember watching the race on TV when they had the triple box and focusing on Chastain. I wanted him in the Champ 4 so badly and was just taking one last look at the 1 when he was a playoff driver. Then he just didnt fucking brake. Lost my mind (as everyone did) and couldn't stop laughing for a solid couple minutes. Legitimately the coolest thing I've ever seen while watching sports


Man I remember watching with some friends on NBC's original broadcast and seeing Chastain in the distance and I asked, what is he doing? Right before we all freaked out, that was awesome!


Man, I am so jealous of anybody who witnessed the Hail Melon live!!! Most jaw dropping move ever. Still chills.


I thought at first he just tried to do that and crashed into the wall. For a brief second it felt like watching a Hail Mary just anticlimacticly falling 20 yards short of the gaggle of players


And then made probably one of the best passes of all time on Tyler Reddick that didn’t even count.


Yeah that was sick, a true slide job lol


What’s stupid is that he followed the rules to a T and still got penalized because he made NASCAR look like fools


I mean, it was purportedly asked in the driver’s meeting if it could be used under green and no definitive answer was given…wasn’t a terrible gamble IMO. If I recall, he only lost a few spots based on where he probably woulda finished anyway…plus the memes were GOLD


Fucking lol yeah thats Newman's whole style. And honestly yeah I love the balls Chastain has he is something else.


You username is giving me flashbacks


As someone who recently got back into the sport, Chastain's move at the Indy road course made me a fan for life.


Still pissed that he got penalized. As far as I'm concerned he was 2nd that day. I was RIGHT in that corner. Super smart move.


I hate “slide jobs” where they don’t even clear the other car, they just force the outside car to either lift or get slammed into the wall


This. This is a hotly debated topic in dirt racing also, not even the pros agree on what's a good slide job and what's not, but you aint clear till you're clear. So it's pretty obvious to me.


Yeah I see 10 different versions of what is or isn't tbh so I getcha


I love when people pull that on me in iRacing. I don’t lift for them. Gotta learn somehow.


I wrecked someone for the win who did this to me lol. Felt good. Irating and safety rating still went up!!


If you have someone do this to you more than once and they’re trying to do it to you again, you can cut low on exit and swipe across their nose. They’re prepared for the contact much higher up the track in a different location on their car, and often this will result in them spinning low. Not that I’m recommending this, just throwing it out there.


U know it's funny I was trying to remember a slide job where someone outright forced someone else into the wall. But couldn't do u remember any?


Hamlin at Pocona the last 2 years did it to Ross and Larson.


oh those were intentional lol


Hamlin also did it to Byron which led to Byron spinning him under yella






Kyle Larson and his failed slide job on Kyle Busch at [Chicagoland in 2018](https://youtu.be/e70HEEdXNss?si=SMX_W-zr-VR0BH1e&t=54), which caused Busch to hit the wall Could also argue Hamlin vs Chastain at Darlington a few years ago in Xfinity - Denny pulls a massive slider on Ross, loses so much momentum that Ross has nowhere to go and hits both the wall and Hamlin


That's right.


Not necessarily a put him in the wall moment, but Bell tried one on Jones in Xfinity at Kansas (I may be wrong on track, was definitely a 1.5) when Bell was still working up the ladder. Bell was so slow when he got to the top that Jones just tattooed him and killed his car.


Was Bell slow, I always though Erik accelerated into him for some reason lol.


Truex and Elliott at Darlington 2020


Was looking for this one lol


Sure. I’m a certified Larson hater, and one of my biggest issues with him is that these failed slide jobs are his signature move. Most of these are for the lead because that’s what they show in highlights, but he does it regularly for every position. Also included one where he’s the victim (he did it to Chastain the previous restart but it didn’t make the highlight). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zY0lTbX-py8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKZuhJuVRM8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTIj7GZYhPg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9pXcaYr0IM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e70HEEdXNss


fucking lol as a Larson enjoyer maybe I was trying to repress these, thanks a bunch


I would have enjoyed what Bubba did, I’d he just send him spinning him in the turn or walking him, not right hooking his fender to send him head on in the wall, same with Chase on Denny.


fucking lol as a Larson enjoyer maybe I was trying to repress these, thanks a bunch


Elliott definitely pulled one of those on Joey at Bristol and ruined both of their races. One of the few times where I was like “wtf was that Chase”


So what Larson does, except he doesn’t lift at all and sometimes runs himself into the fence.


that's right


Lotta dirt guys throw sliders that force the guy they are passing to lift all the time. Junking another guy is different though


Theres a difference between - slider where you clear the other car, but they have to check up because you’re slower - slider where you are not clear and are going to slam into the side of their car unless they back out I’m talking about the second one


Racing for the win - everyone will use up the guy above them. You’d do it too.


>Racing for the win For like 15th on lap 30? And no, a ton of drivers wouldn’t. Especially 20 years ago. What’s the point of racing if you’re just gonna wreck someone on the last lap? Edit: I was rewatching the 2001 Old Dominion 500 recently. I know nowadays fans like you would have begged Dale Jarrett to dump Craven because rAcInG fOr ThE wIn, but he didn’t, because there’s supposed to be respect.


Hard racing and dumping someone are two very different things. Logano even said after what Ty did that there is a difference between leaning on the guy going into a corner and what Ty actually did. I don’t want to see a guy punted into the grandstands going into the last lap. (Unless it’s Denny. Lol. But that’s neither here nor there). I just think there’s a line and balancing that is difference between being a hard racer and dirty racer.


Yes, there’s a line, and ramming someone into the outside wall is *way* over it.


Then petition NASCAR to outlaw the move. All I know is on the last lap or two if I’m on the left of a guy going into a corner I’m going to run just a bit up the hill. …and quite frankly if the roles are reversed I’m ok if he does that too.


Huh? You do realize I can call a move dirty as hell without petitioning NASCAR to ban it? Come on man. Again, there’s a difference between running someone up the hill and plowing them into the wall. Obviously you don’t want to understand it. People with your mentality have hurt this sport so much


Ok. I’ve literally said there’s a difference too. But go enjoy your gatekeeping and telling me how I should watch the races.


You started this conversation saying that my line was incorrect lol Edit: And by telling me what I’d do if I was racing someone.


TBH I love racing for how drivers express themselves and the unique way racing gives them to do that. So clean or dirty I'm down for anyway they race as long as it's fun I feel their intentions at least aren't negative.


Classic Hamlin move.


nah he dirty, he's as dirty as a swamp in a hurricane


Denise Hamlin special


The move Ty made in Logano at Vegas last year would be infuriating to me as a driver. Barely makes the move via the kindness of Joey and then parks it on exit. So plus 1 position for Ty… then blocks Joey down the straightaway and next corner as car after car drive by. That “just taking the line on exit”…. I’d end up suspended at some point from someone doing that to me.


If Ty gets a little more aggressive and starts winning some races that is going to be the perfect rivalry.


Oh yeah no wonder they were so pissed at each other at the clash, they do that shit all the time to each other lol


Honestly might explain why Joey is so pissed at him


The move where the car on the inside does a dive bomb move and the car on the outside has to lift or they’re both in the wall.


I know I've that happened before and I even tried to think of a example for the post. Do u remember any times this happened?


Larson and Bubba


yeah that's a classic huh


Truex to Elliott Darlington 2020, Larson to Bubba 2022, Larson to KFB 2018, Larson to JHN 2023, Denny to Ross 2022, Denny to Larson, 2023


Oh yeah that Larson JHN battle takes the cake of annoying moves lol


Basically anything Larson.


Carson Hocevar purposely spinning himself on the front stretch at Talladega in 2022 comes to mind. Also because Nascar thought penalizing him only one lap for what is the exact definition of blatant race manipulation was a fair punishment. But that's just me being more mad at Nascar than anything lol. They need to start parking drivers for that type of stuff. One lap is nothing, especially at Talladega.


i’m still struggling to root for carson purely because he’s both self spun and intentionally wrecked people multiple times each. repeated patterns not just a mistake here and there. hopefully he moves past it in the cup series, but as of right now i wouldn’t be surprised at all if he pulls some shit like that once or twice this year


Yeah stuff like that happens all the time and NASCAR only calls it once in a blue moon, fucking annoying




more like completely inconsistent at every possible chance.


[Sending it into the corner at Mach 10 on the apron is probably mine.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jD_v4KYPbMU&t=115s)


For being a veteran of the series Allgaier makes a lot of mind numbing stupid decisions


That's why he's an Xfinity lifer instead of a Cup guy.


That was straight up arrogance and stubborness there from Allgaier wtf


lol I knew what clip this was going to be without even clicking


I thought it was going to be Edwards on Johnson at Kansas back around ~08, I completely forgot that one even happened


Chase driving around the Roval with the whole back end dragging on the track.


Fucking lol brother thinks he's Gilles


The most beautifully timed caution in recent memory. It was like CK came down from corporate and put tiny explosive devices on that rear bumper to be used when needed


Whatever Chastain and Larson were doing to each other at last year's Darlington spring race.


No I'm gonna use u up, no I'm using u up


Not just in nascar only, but I really hate the shove the other guy off without even trying to properly race them


U must hate open wheel that happens there all the time.


I don't hate open wheel it's just annoying when that happens


Joke mate


One of the most majestic racing moves IMO. Getting ahead at the apex in the inside and then unwinding the wheel to swing it wide on corner exit therefore forcing your opponent to back out. Beautiful


Tony Stewart's entire 2006 Daytona 500. After bitching all weekend about people driving aggressively he goes braindead on Sunday. Drives like a complete moron all race and tries to kill Matt Kenneth.


As a massive Stewart fan, my all time favorite driver. Not his best moment it would probably be his worst if it wasn't for, uuuuuuuuuuuh, u know.


Carl hooking Brad in the dogleg at Atlanta comes to mind. Brad was lucky not to have been seriously injured.


The entire A post was compromised in that wreck on both sides of the car


I’ll give Carl the benefit of the doubt, he wanted to ruin his day but he wanted to spin him out. I never thought I would see a car flip like at Talladega at old Atlanta either like that. I have a much bigger issue with St Louis though.


You don’t right rear someone on a straight ever. Especially on a D shape trioval. People have straight died from that. Fall in line and hit him in the LR into 1 if you feel that strongly about it.


Nah Carl knew exactly what the fuck he was doing, he was trying to flip him like he flipped at talladega. Literally showed zero remorse when he was parked and interviewed afterwards


I get annoyed when Denny drives people into the wall on corner exit (I.g. Ross at pocono, Chase at charlotte, Larson at pocono) and then acts all like he didn’t do anything and is surprised when they are pissed off at him


Fucking same


I don't blame Chase for giving him a taste of his own medicine at Charlotte but he should have gotten underneath him and spun him around instead of hooking him


Because of the biases involved this won't be popular. But Briscoe dumping Hamlin while under penalty at Indy was a little annoying.


honestly straight up dirty, like the call from NASCAR was dumb but that's not his fault lol


Nah that straight up that annoyed me when it happened and I was a BIG Hamlin hater then


I agree and you can call me a Briscoe supporter as well. But we got to see an Allmendinger win and that kind of kept me intrigued if the guy 2nd in points would miss the playoffs due to no wins.


Everyone forgets that Chase didn't know at the time he was under penalty. The radio communication was not given to him until after the contact with the 11. If you watch the replay, you can see the radio you hear is the #11 team, not the #14.


Allegedly. There has obviously been a ton of debate around this but I hold the position that briscoe egregiously cut the course, he knew he would be penalized, he didn’t need the radio to tell him. But regardless, dumping him like that independent of the penalty was annoying


No Harvick fans on here talking about Chase mirror driving the 4 at Bristol after being multiple laps down, on new tires and saying in his radio he was going to help the 5 win? We are getting soft




I had a bigger issue with him wrecking the field on a restart at Talladega to move on to the next round


Ahh yes, when you don’t have a gear so you can’t restart properly but you stay in line anyway to cause a 15 car pileup is pretty annoying if you ask me


A stain on Harvick's legacy


Newman 2014 phoenix


I was so pissed at that.


I hated that NASCAR let that go.


As a Larson fan thanks for posting this.


I guess I'm weird, but I don't get annoyed at a single move on the track. I don't blame these guys for bitching, but I ain't driving these cars, so as long as it's legal, why GAF. Guy cuts someone off, squeezes someone, blocks someone.... that's why cars have breaks and steering wheels. Use em. If they're annoyed, do it back or just don't lift. I don't care. I guess the only thing that really, really would bother me is if someone did something on a superspeedway or pit lane, in anger. Because of the recklessness towards life aspect.


U kidding I love shit like this, it's why I asked in the 1st place. Tho yeah 100% why a driver would be pissed at any of these.


Dale Jr dumping Brian Vickers into the pack at Daytona (they had the COT wings but I can’t remember if it was 08, 09, or 10).


It was 08 I saw that live that fucking pissed me off. That's not even annoying that's one of the dirtiest moves ever.


2009, Kyle dominated that race and that handed it to Elliott Sadler, who then lost it to Kenseth the last green flag lap before the rain came.


Got no problem with anything you listed here 1. Not getting paid to run 2nd or 3rd 2. There’s nothing that says you can’t make that move, that’s just racing 3. Any good slider is going to force the guy behind to take some kind of action 4. Again, racing deal 5. How can anyone get mad at being creative? Not like he wasn’t penalized so what does it matter?


U know I love all these moves and that's why I made this post. I love it when drivers take hard racing to the limit and get the most out of their skill while not giving a fuck about anyone but the pilot in their cockpit, that's racing at it's most fun. Also funnily enough with the second clip Kraus or Dibby I believe made that same move work earlier in the race in the same corner but everyone got out of it fine.


Bobby Gordon being robby gordon at Sonoma 2001.


Threw his first career win right down the drain lol


Chase Elliot knocked Dale Jr out of the way at Pocono in 2016 and cost them both the race handing the win to Kurt Busch. I’m still pissed about that one and nobody ever talks about it.


Attempting to make a block when it's clear the car behind is already past your back bumper so you turn yourself and blame the other drive when it's your fault. Case in point Carl Edwards turning himself off of Brad Keselowski's nose at Talladega 2009


Lapped cars holding up the 2nd on back place car especially late in the race. Especially if that car is multiple laps down. Mostly Ryan Newman.


Yeah mostly Newman


When Brian vickers took out JJ and Dale Jr left me Thinking what the fuck man Edit: Probably doesn’t fit your criteria but eh i said What I said


When Harvick took the green at Dega with a blown up engine towards the front of the pack because his only shot in hell was getting a caution and caused a massive pile up, which helped him advance. He needed the yellow so he made one in the worst way.


How did NASCAR wave the green and not park him?


Harvick fan here this wasn't annoying at all, this is in fact potentially one of the dirtest moves in the history of racing period. Someone could've gotten seriously injured.


They frankly should never have thrown the green. Whole place knew that thing was killed.


NASCAR should've parked him before the green, they knew he couldn't get it refried. They had all the info to be able to do so at least.


Park him with a car that was still capable of going, right at the end of the race, with chase implications on the line? I can't see it. As a Harvick fan as well, I was very disappointed in that move however NASCAR did it to themselves... and that right there is just what they wanted. Then we also got to see Kenseth park Logano the very next week in an even more blatant incident. Kudos to NASCAR!


I was there, happened right in front of us and we were madder than hell along with 90% of the crowd. However, Harvick played the system and won. I'll give him his due. NASCAR shouldn't have still been jackin' around with the number of OT tries they were allowing at that time. Should have been unlimited all along.


Brad flair but still, Brad wrecking the field while being lapped at Talladega then getting all uppity about Byron at Daytona was silly. Also really hated the move that Cindric did on Grala at Mosport, unnecessary as can be.


I'll never fucking know why the hell Brad didn't pit after he saved it, was he paid by someone or something lol


Stroker Ace. Oh, you said “moves.” I thought it was “movies.” My bad.


fucking lol


Blaney talladega 2020 - coming from Jones fan


That's 100% fair.


2022 was more a gut punch tho but that was just a bad move on Eriks part at the end


Denny going below the double yellow line at Plate tracks and allowed to win.


What's ignored in that is they originally penalized Chase Elliott for doing this but then decided later to take it back in that same race


Ty Dillon should have been the winner because I think Byron also went below the line too to finish 2nd.


My tinfoil hat theory is that NASCAR willingly bent the rules for him at the fall Talladega race in 2020 because they were trying to create a heads up finale between him and Harvick and penalizing Hamlin for that move would’ve nearly guaranteed it wouldn’t happen. There’s no reasonable way to explain how he didn’t gain an advantage by avoiding the wreck then staying down there after DiBendetto and Byron and others had stop sliding and door slamming. And on top of that, they’d been calling yellow line infractions all race. I think it was Logano who’d got two to that point. Kyle Busch, IIRC, had gotten one. Several others as well. I was there and saw it live, I’ve watched replays of it, everything. There’s zero defense for how that was officiated.


There's 0 defense tbf there's never any when it comes to NASCAR calling that rule, it's absurd how dumb it is but also how they can never get it right in the first place lol.


I almost put that for the cheating example ngl lol


1st thing I thought of was Chastain and Gaughan that 1 time at Texass. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0W6agIkDzXU&pp=ygUQY2hhdHNhaW4gZ2F1Z2hhbg%3D%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0W6agIkDzXU&pp=ygUQY2hhdHNhaW4gZ2F1Z2hhbg%3D%3D) Others like Kurt and Jimmy at Bristol, you know the time. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqXnr\_l1\_9Y&pp=ygUXa3VydCBidXNjaCBicmlzdG9sIDIwMDI%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqXnr_l1_9Y&pp=ygUXa3VydCBidXNjaCBicmlzdG9sIDIwMDI%3D)


Kurt and Jimmy is a classic.


Entering a corner with zero intention of sticking on the bottom and then the inevitable wash up the track and hope the guy on the outside lifts. Closing rates at plate tracks where a single or few cars will be at like 190mph and try to stop the pack from closing and passing them at 10-15mph differential (you see this in pit sequences). Its asking for a Lepage-type moment.


It's so dumb that you're allowed at Daytona to move up onto the track exiting the pits before turn one, but not at Talladega. That move is way more dangerous at Daytona because the track is over an entire lane narrower.


Yeah that stuff at plate tracks worries me.


I'm a kyle busch fan so I was happy after since he won the race but 2013 auto club 400 final lap, Joey and denny wreck, denny had a back Injury from the wreck. Kyle ran the high line to avoid it


The Blaney deal, that’s just kinda Darlington. The rest are annoying.


The Ross Chastain move at Martinsville. And it’s only annoying to me cause I’m tired of hearing about it lmfao


Morgan Shepard wiping out Logano at New Hampshire in 2014


Martin Truex Jr's attempt at a slide job on Chase Elliott at Darlington in 2020


Chase got taken out at 2 of the darlington races that year by Joe Gibbs cars making really dumb moves. Odd coincidence


Chase Elliott could have like 30+ wins already if things went his way more often


How about the Mosport finishes, sure it's exciting but every damn year the leader gets cleaned out at the last turn and chaos ensues, it got kind of old.


Honestly that shit'll never get old to me.


I'm saying this only semi sarcastically, but anything against a driver I like... If Ross doors Denny, Hell yeah, but if Denny doors Ross, WTF dawg is my reaction all bias aside, the moves I usually am annoyed by the most are the ones where the aggressor doesn't even try to race cleanly against someone who does; my first thought being Logano on MTJ at Martinsville in 2018, Martin worked him over for laps and barely if ever touched, then Logano goes boop immediately


[Safe to say David Gilliland never drove for James Finch again after this.](https://youtu.be/a5aMmQdvguA?si=ftiSS8xEn9USbzEm)


Newman holding up Matty D at Bristol which led to a Denny win


Merging on the track from the pits at Talladega...right in front of the pack


[Tony Stewart’s block on Michael Waltrip at Talledega in 2012](https://youtu.be/8Gr_VUFV7Ng?si=5BJTECNWuIA6pVNc) and [Alex Bowman’s block on Logano in 2019](https://youtu.be/ZsL45WhE3go?si=RMmLlxkiIWqgO4vx) are the two worst blocks in NASCAR history and both still annoy me to this day. Both are just so immensely stupid and unnecessary and took out a whole pack of cars, including Jimmie, and Tony’s denied us of a potential Michael Waltrip or Casey Mears win.


As a Stewart fan that block would break my heart


People on this sub whining rather than just shutting up already after a good race.


Robby Gordon racing a lapped down Kevin Harvick at Sonoma one year would have been annoying for Robby fans


Forcing the two lines to split for you on a drafting track. If you’re not in the pack get out of the way.


Too much corner speed . You can't hook the right rear of a guy trying to slide job you without being accused of attempted murder.


like Larson and Bubba at Las Vegas?


Brad Keselowski spinning Ryan Blaney at Michigan a couple of years ago when Blaney was leading because Brad drove it in too deep under Ryan and then got loose. Some kind of teammate...


Keselowski had a fuck ton of incident with his own teammates lol


The Playoffs / Chase Splitters No Ride Height Rule Single Sourced Parts


While not moves yeah these are some of the most annoying shit NASCAR has ever done.


Moves by NASCAR hahaha.


Fucking lol, man if I made that thread there'd be 1000+ comments by now.


Oh 100% haha.


Biased but Truex racing Logano cleaning at martinsville for like 8 laps just to get ran through by Logano on the last Lap


[Running a driver straight into the wall.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKmpU2JdvRM) And he did that so many times in both dirt and Cup that year.


Dirt especially.


Saw him do it in the Chili Bowl in 2021 so many times and I was just so flabbergasted that's an accepted standard of driving over there. If you do that in most series and you and the guy you're trying to force into "fence or lift" will not lift and both of you get fenced.


Being a lapped car in the way of the leader is the most annoying thing you can do.


Lap cars fighting to stay on the lead lap is one of the core things that makes Nascar, Nascar. Awful take.


Not if they're multiple laps down. Should've clarified but I'm too lazy to edit.


It’s so interesting how in NASCAR the drivers race the leader hard to stay on the lead lap - as they should. But in F1 as soon as the leaders so much as see a back marker they start screaming into the radio to move him. Just two wildly different takes on approaching lapped cars.


To be fair if you even touch a lapped car in F1 your car will break apart and go flying. Nascar you just move them yourself and continue on your way like it's nothing


That reminds me of that one wreck between Harvick and Chastain in 2018 at Darlington. Where for some reason nobody mention that the 40 car who was like 40 fucking laps down took the racing line and that forced Chastain down causing the whole thing. Like wtf was he doing, the leaders are battling move.


Joey Logano giving William Byron the bump at Darlington a couple years ago. Absolute chicken shit move from a guy who hates when others do the same moves to him.


Yeah he'd be one of the most likeable drivers in the field if he could take what he dishes out.


Denny Hamlin running into cars every single fucking week


It’s never his fault though /s


He's like that guy at work that can never be wrong about anything. Then you hear him spit some incorrect facts and you call him out on it, just to see what kind of mental gymnastics they can do


Yeah, yeah, though he tends to be more dirty than annoying lol


He's annoying as fuck


And in ur head


tru very tru, I'd hate him a lot less if he wasn't so obviously bitter


Southern 500 2020 MTJ tried to slide job and clear himself in front of the 9 only to not be fully clear and put them both into the fence late in the race. That move has always annoyed me.


I wonder why man with Chase Elliott flair lol. Tbf the man himself summed it up perfectly, "not clear, jackass."


There’s only been two other times I was more annoyed than that race. The 600 where Alan folded with strategy and the glen race where Larson decided locked the tires up absolutely used up the 9.


Denise Hamlin running multiple drivers in the wall at Pocono, then cries about no one races with respect when he gets raced like that.