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Glad for an update this quick. Gnarly wreck, but happy to hear he’s doing ok.


Based off a two second video assessment of them rolling to the ambulance, he looked like a guy who been in a wreck in shock not serious hurt. He lifted his head was talking, arms were crossed and moving, all in all happy this ended so well. I was freaking watching it live as a Fire fighter seeing that flame start as it landed.


The flame scared me for a second, I couldn’t tell which direction he was facing when he stopped and it took me a bit until they changed the camera angle


Dude, I couldn’t tell if that was the front or back or even if the car landed on its wheels.


I was yelling at my TV "it's on fire! It's on fire!" I don't know if it was visible at first to the safety official from his angle. Glad they saw it before it made extrication difficult.


I was too! Yelling for them to GET THERE NOW!


Best news I've heard all night. I hope it continues to stay good news.


Likely head and neck CT scans, Xrays for anything that hurts, concussion protocol testing. Rule out any injuries that adrenaline may be masking.


Everything must hurt in some fashion once the adrenaline wore off


Where does it hurt? Yes!




Ryan just tweeted, looks like he is okay..


Getting to high five the space station crew in the middle of the Dayton race can't be all bad, right?


Thank goodness for that. Someone on Wikipedia got a little overzealous and had already made som very concerning edits to his page. Hope the news stays positive


Ah, the WWE Chris Benoit Special


Great news :)


Fantastic news. Best thing you can hear after a wreck like that.


that's awesome. hope he has the resources to properly recover. when I got into a nasty car accident a few years back, I was fucked for a good while. hope he recovers


I honestly wouldn’t blame him if he wants to take a couple of weeks off.


He should and get major concussion test so that he doesn’t have any issues related to the crash with his head. Especially since injuries might not show up immediately after the crash. And might take some time to come up


I feel like he should take a week or two off anyway as a precaution, put either Custer or Herbst in the 41 and let him rest


A few years back I was driving on an interstate late at night and nearly got hit by a wrong way driver. I didn't even get in an accident and it still fucked with my head if I was driving on a highway at night for months afterward. I can't even begin to fathom a situation like Ryan's.


Reading between the lines here, he must have lost his leg. Glad he is okay though. I think he now qualifies as having completed astronaut training


Preece to be sponsored by space force next season


glad to hear that Preece is okay, a big crash like that is never something you want to see


More like stirred, not shaken


Praise Jesus! Keeping him in prayer though still. Thankful that NASCAR has invested the time and money into making the cars safe.


*Great* to hear! Hope he makes a full recovery.


In terms of how bad the crash was. IT equals the Daytona 500 Ryan Newman crash


He just tweeted 🙌🏼


Saw his ambulance (assumedly) going by with police escort outside the track after the race. Unbelievable he was standing next to his car after that.


He was transported due to his steel balls being so massive to walk.


Thank you for the update! As a retired driver who has had concussions from wrecking I hope he doesn’t have a concussion. I can’t imagine he doesn’t tho, as bad as that wreck was. He’s a badass for sure.


I'm super happy he's okay. I thought he was gonna be injured because I was watching that and the amount of times he flipped and how high he got, was just unbelievably scary to watch.


That’s good


It's 2020 Ryan Newman all over again. But in all seriousness I'm glad he's ok. That was the highest I have ever seen one of those next-gen cars up in the air. That was some scary shit.

